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We present detailed species accounts for fifty-nine(59) species of amphibians and reptiles(17 frogs, 14 skinks, 3 agamids, 6 gekkonid lizards, 2 varanids, and 17 snakes) from Pantabangan-Carranglan Watershed, which lies within the Caraballo Mountain Range, whose biota is poorly-known. This was also the first extensive survey of herpetofauna within the watershed. Together with data from previous literature reviews, our records bring the total number of species of amphibians and reptiles for the Caraballo Mountain Range to 66. Forty-two(42) species from the area were Philippine endemics, with 25 species recorded only from Luzon faunal region. Seven species of herpetofauna are associated with unresolved taxonomic issues(new species and species complexes needing taxonomic partitioning, e.g. splitting of species groups). Two species recorded from the area were rarely represented in museum collections. Major distributional and elevational range extensions were recorded for several species. Comparison with Luzon's other mountain ranges showed that the Caraballo Mountain Range is similar, in terms of species composition, to the northern Sierra Madre and Cordillera Mountain Ranges. The result of this survey showed the Caraballo Mountain Range and its mountains as a possible new center of herpetofaunal diversity and endemicity within Luzon. The importance of the Caraballo Mountain Range as an important biogeographic link merits further study.  相似文献   

Despite its proximity to other well studied islands, Cebu has received little attention from herpetologists, most likely because of early deforestation and the perception very little natural habitat remains for amphibians and reptiles. In this study, we present a preliminary assessment of island's herpetofauna, focusing our field work on Cebu's last remaining forest fragments and synthesizing all available historical museum distribution data. We surveyed amphibians and reptile populations using standardized methods to allow for comparisons between sites and assess sufficiency of sampling effort. Fieldwork resulted in a total of 27 species recorded from five study sites, complementing the 58 species previously known from the island. Together, our data and historical museum records increase the known number of Cebu's resident species to 13 amphibians(frogs) and 63 reptiles(lizards, snakes, turtle, crocodile). We recorded the continued persistence Cebu's rare and endemic lizard(Brachymeles cebuensis) and secretive snakes such as Malayotyphlops hypogius, and Ramphotyhlops cumingii, which persist despite Cebu's long history of widespread and continuous habitat degradation. Most species encountered, including common and widespread taxa, appeared to persist at low population abundances. To facilitate the immediate recovery of the remaining forest fragments, and resident herpetofauna, conservation effort must be sustained. However, prior to any conservation interventions, ecological baselines must be established to inform the process of recovery.  相似文献   

大金山岛位于杭州湾东北角,是上海市最高和最大的基岩岛.该岛人为干扰较少,保留着上海地区珍贵的动植物资源原始本底.2017年5月至2018年10月,在两栖爬行动物的繁殖季节对大金山岛进行了6次全面调查.结果显示,大金山岛是上海市爬行动物多样性最丰富的地区.  相似文献   

广西涠洲岛鸟类自然保护区的两栖爬行动物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年5~6月对广西涠洲岛鸟类自然保护区的两栖爬行动物进行调查,共记录到两栖类7种,爬行类16种,隶属于3目11科.与18年前的调查结果对比,生境的变化使岛上两栖爬行动物的分布范围和多度发生一些改变.2008年初的冰冻灾害使涠洲岛的两栖爬行类损失较大.涠洲岛与邻近大陆的两栖爬行动物物种相似,无特有种.  相似文献   

深圳湾湿地两栖爬行动物及其保护   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
深圳湾湿地共有两栖动物8种,隶属于1目4科,有爬行动物23种,隶属于3目(亚目)20科.分析了深圳湾湿地两栖爬行动物的区系特点、种群数量变化和现状,在此基础上提出了保护两栖爬行动物的建议和对策.  相似文献   

The Philippines is listed as one of the world's megadiverse countries despite its small size. Conversely,it is also on the list of global biodiversity conservation hotspots. With the threat of extinction at an alltime high, better understanding of the archipelago's biodiversity will provide invalua ble baseline information for proper conservation efforts. Here we provide an updated checklist on the herpetological biodiversity of Camiguin Sur, Misamis Oriental,Mindanao, Philippines. Field surveys and specimen collection from the municipality of Mambajao resulted in a total of 28 species(13 anurans, 11 lizards, and four snakes) – all well represented by voucher specimens.Our data provides seven additional species records,updating the island's total amphibian and reptile species count to 57, with about half Philippine-endemic.Included in the new records are three invasive alien species of amphibians: The Cane Toad Rhinella marina,the Greenhouse Frog Eleutherodactylus planirostris, and the Asiatic Painted Narrowmouth Toad Kaloula pulchra.  相似文献   

The Uses of Anaerobiosis by Amphibians and Reptiles   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Amphibians and reptiles rely upon anaerobic glycolysis to supporttheir energetic requirements under a variety of circumstances.Although adult frogs derive most of the energy for muscle contractionduring intense, short-term locomotion from glycolysis, anurantadpoles have a very low rate of lactate formation during 30sec of burst swimming; instead, they rely largely on the useof phosphocreatine stores. Among squamate reptiles, the rateof lactate formation during vigorous exercise is largely relatedto the duration of activity and to body temperature. Recentstudies have shown that fossorial, limbless reptiles do notdiffer from surface-dwelling, quadrupedal species in the rateof glycolysis during intense activity. The energetics of locomotiondiffers significantly between swimming and running turtles;thus the site of activity influences the role of anaerobiosisin movement. Lactate levels increase in some frogs during callingand nest building and in some reptiles during prey capture andingestion. However, voluntary locomotion and diving by reptilesare rarelyaccompanied by an increase in lactate levels. Freshwaterturtles rely heavily on glycolysis during aquatic hibernation.Thus, it can be concluded that amphibians and reptiles derivea significant proportion of their energetic requirements fromanaerobic metabolism only under selected circumstances whenthe benefits outweigh the costs associated with the accumulationof lactate.  相似文献   

两栖爬行动物的分子系统发生   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
周开亚 《动物学研究》2001,22(5):397-405
介绍了两栖爬行动物分子系统发生研究中选用的分子信息的种类及已发表的蛙类,蟾蜍类,龟类,蜥蜴类和蛇类等的分子系统学研究,这些研究中使用的DNA信息主要为mtDNA序列,也使用了一些核DNA序列。其研究的内容涉及目间,科间等高级阶元的系统发生关系,以及属间,种间以及亚种或种群间的系统发生关系。  相似文献   

The middle ear regions of reptiles and amphibians frequentlyare grouped into morphological types on the basis of structuralresemblances. The arrays of animals resulting from such a groupinghave a fair degree of taxonomic continuity. The types in mostinstances include a "central" pattern, presumed to be primitive,and modifications that are considered to have been derived fromthe "central" type by evolutionary processes. Some understandingof phylogeny, thus, is a necessary precursor to the formationof the groups. This raises problems when, as is often the case,the groups based on ear structures are used as a basis for phylogeneticinterpretations. Among reptiles the theropsid-sauropsid caseis the best known. The principal morphological types are described and discussed.The middle ear, as a sound-transmitting apparatus and in itsassociations with the masticatory apparatus, is highly susceptibleto adaptive modifications. Some morphological types, such asthose in archosaurs and labyrinthodonts, are quite stable. Othersshow marked evolutionary diversity. The middle ear structures,hence, appear quite useful as phylogenetic indicators withinmorphological types but less so when relationships between typesare considered.  相似文献   

Elisabeth Schober 《Ethnos》2018,83(3):473-488

This paper examines the dynamics behind recent land and water appropriations in Subic Bay (Philippines). The communities adjacent to the former US Naval Base Subic Bay have undergone major transformations since the US military left in 1992. Through the establishment of a Freeport Zone, the area has become a hub for foreign direct investors seeking to profit from the Philippines’ low labour costs. Today, the most important investor in Subic is a South Korean conglomerate that has built one of the largest shipyards in the world in the area. The shipyard, providing labour to tens of thousands of workers, has also led to the dislocation of hundreds of subsistence fishers. With their old fishing grounds lost due to increasing pollution and newly established water boundaries, these villagers find that both the land and water they depend upon are increasingly becoming a scarce good.  相似文献   

Five altitudinal pteridophyte zones are established along the northeastern altitudinal slopes of Mt. Banahaw de Lucban, Quezon, Luzon Is., Philippines using cluster- and ordination analyses, namely: Zone 1, Cyathea contaminans – Dicranopteris–Nephrolepis–Diplazium patches at 700–800 m a.s.l.; Zone 2, Sphaerostephanos hirsutus var. hirsutus – Selaginella delicatula patches at 750–900 m a.s.l.; Zone 3, Cyathea philippinensis – Selaginella patches at 900–1200 m a.s.l.; Zone 4, Cyathea philippinensis – Cyathea callosa–Asplenium cymbifolium–Selaginella cumingiana patches at 1200–1550 m a.s.l. and; Zone 5 which is further divided into Sub-zone 5A, Cyathea callosa – Cyathea loheri-Hymenophyllaceae patches at 1550–1800 m a.s.l. and Sub-zone 5B, Cyathea loheriCephalomanes apiifolia patches at 1800–1875 m a.s.l. These pteridophyte zones coincide with the woody species zones of Mt. Banahaw de Lucban but differ significantly with the altitudinal fern zones of Mt. Makiling. Stepwise multiple regression analysis reveals that altitude exhibits a linear relationship with pteridophyte species distribution. Altitude and soil pH influence 65% of the variation in principal component 1 [PC1 = 0.0839 + 0.0010(altitude) − 0.2072(soil pH); r = 0.8058] and 27% of the variation in principal component 2 [PC2 = 2.0453 − 0.0005(altitude) − 0.2560(soil pH); r = 0.5206]. Thirty-three (33) species are preferential to specific microenvironments along the altitudinal gradient, making them effective altitudinal zone markers and biodiversity conservation indicators for the forest ecosystem of Mt. Banahaw de Lucban.  相似文献   

广州白云山风景区两栖爬行动物调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

广东梧桐山国家级风景名胜区两栖爬行动物多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012年对广东梧桐山国家级风景名胜区内的两栖爬行动物进行本底普查,共记录两栖动物2目7科18种,包括中国特有种5种,国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物1种,CITES公约附录Ⅱ1种,IUCN濒危物种红色名录列为易危(VU)1种、近危(NT)1种。爬行动物共记录3目(含亚目)11科35种,其中,中国特有种5种,受保护和受胁物种6种,国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物1种——蟒蛇Python molurus。区系分析结果显示,梧桐山国家级风景名胜区内的两栖爬行动物具有明显的南亚热带区系的过渡特征。另外,调查发现掌突蟾属1种、湍蛙属1种分别与已知同属物种存在分化,颈槽蛇属有1新种。  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of amphibians and reptiles in the field and under semi-natural conditions and the underlying mechanisms, including the ways of entrainment to environmental cues and the oscillators driving the rhythms, have been reviewed. Studies on the behavioral rhythms in the field are meager in both amphibians and reptiles. In anuran amphibians, Xenopus adults showed more robust nocturnal locomotor activity than did tadpoles. This indicates the ecological significance of the differences in activity pattern shown by amphibians at different life stages, because differences between adults and young in the same environment may serve to isolate partially the young from the adults' cannibalism. In reptiles, free-running rhythms are more robust and continue for a longer time compared to amphibians. In both amphibians and reptiles, multi-photoreceptors are involved in photo-entrainment of circadian rhythms. The eyes, pineal complex and deep brain comprise a multi-oscillator system as well as a multi-photoreceptor system.  相似文献   

We provide the first report on the herpetological biodiversity (amphibians and reptiles) of the northern Sierra Madre Mountain Range (Cagayan and Isabela provinces), northeast Luzon Island, Philippines. New data from extensive previously unpublished surveys in the Municipalities of Gonzaga, Gattaran, Lasam, Santa Ana, and Baggao (Cagayan Province), as well as fieldwork in the Municipalities of Cabagan, San Mariano, and Palanan (Isabela Province), combined with all available historical museum records, suggest this region is quite diverse. Our new data indicate that at least 101 species are present (29 amphibians, 30 lizards, 35 snakes, two freshwater turtles, three marine turtles, and two crocodilians) and now represented with well-documented records and/or voucher specimens, confirmed in institutional biodiversity repositories. A high percentage of Philippine endemic species constitute the local fauna (approximately 70%). The results of this and other recent studies signify that the herpetological diversity of the northern Philippines is far more diverse than previously imagined. Thirty-eight percent of our recorded species are associated with unresolved taxonomic issues (suspected new species or species complexes in need of taxonomic partitioning). This suggests that despite past and present efforts to comprehensively characterize the fauna, the herpetological biodiversity of the northern Philippines is still substantially underestimated and warranting of further study.  相似文献   

At this time, it can be said that the available data obtainedfrom amphibians and reptiles as regards the endocrine pancreasis consistent with the much more extensive data known for themetabolic effects of insuilin and glucagon in mammals. Thereremain, however, many unexplored facets of the specific responsesof the pancreas and the target tissues in lower animals.  相似文献   

Rhabdias odilebaini n. sp. is described on the basis of specimens found in the lungs of 2 species of agamid lizards: the Philippine flying lizard Draco spilopterus and the marbled bloodsucker Bronchocela marmorata . Specimens were collected in Aurora Province, Luzon Island, Philippines. The new species of Rhabdias is characterized by presence of 4 submedian lips, inconspicuous lateral lips, rounded cross-shaped oral opening, and tail end bent dorsally. This species is morphologically distinct from other Rhabdias spp. that parasitize reptilian and amphibian hosts, including 3 other species known to parasitize lizards of the Agamidae.  相似文献   

Madagascar has become a model region for testing hypotheses of species diversification and biogeography, and many studies have focused on its diverse and highly endemic herpetofauna. Here we combine species distribution models of a near-complete set of species of reptiles and amphibians known from the island with body size data and a tabulation of herpetofaunal communities from field surveys, compiled up to 2008. Though taxonomic revisions and novel distributional records arose since compilation, we are confident that the data are appropriate for inferring and comparing biogeographic patterns among these groups of organisms. We observed species richness of both amphibians and reptiles was highest in the humid rainforest biome of eastern Madagascar, but reptiles also show areas of high richness in the dry and subarid western biomes. In several amphibian subclades, especially within the Mantellidae, species richness peaks in the central eastern geographic regions while in reptiles different subclades differ distinctly in their richness centers. A high proportion of clades and subclades of both amphibians and reptiles have a peak of local endemism in the topographically and bioclimatically diverse northern geographic regions. This northern area is roughly delimited by a diagonal spanning from 15.5°S on the east coast to ca. 15.0°S on the west coast. Amphibian diversity is highest at altitudes between 800–1200 m above sea-level whereas reptiles have their highest richness at low elevations, probably reflecting the comparatively large number of species specialized to the extended low-elevation areas in the dry and subarid biomes. We found that the range sizes of both amphibians and reptiles strongly correlated with body size, and differences between the two groups are explained by the larger body sizes of reptiles. However, snakes have larger range sizes than lizards which cannot be readily explained by their larger body sizes alone. Range filling, i.e., the amount of suitable habitat occupied by a species, is less expressed in amphibians than in reptiles, possibly reflecting their lower dispersal capacity. Taxonomic composition of communities assessed by field surveys is largely explained by bioclimatic regions, with communities from the dry and especially subarid biomes distinctly differing from humid and subhumid biomes.  相似文献   

山东泰山两栖爬行动物物种多样性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈彬  刘春  戴鑫 《四川动物》2005,24(3):393-395
泰山地区有两栖爬行动物18种,其中两栖动物1目3科3属6种,爬行动物2月4科7属12种。  相似文献   

The length‐weight relationships or LWR (W = aLb) of 18 of the 21 fish species caught in 2007–2008 from the Candaba wetland in central Luzon, Philippines are reported. These species belong to 14 families and the LWR of six species are first documented in this paper. Cyprinids comprised the greatest number of species. The high significance of the LWR parameters indicate that fish weight may be predicted from length, at least within the range of the fish lengths recorded. This first reference to the LWR of fishes from the Candaba wetland provides baseline data for the conservation management of fish biota in this threatened ecological resource.  相似文献   

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