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Theory suggests that males that are larger than their competitors may have increased mating success, due to both greater competitive ability and increased attractiveness to females. We examined how male mating success varies with male size in the tessellated darter Etheostoma olmstedi. Previous work has shown that large males tend to move around and breed in vacant breeding sites, and consequently provide less care for their eggs, while smaller individuals can be allopaternal, caring for the eggs of other males as well as for their own. We studied female egg deposition in a natural breeding population using artificial breeding sites and in the laboratory, where female choice of spawning site was restricted to two breeding sites tended by two males of different sizes. In both the field and the laboratory, nests tended by larger males were more likely to receive new eggs. Additionally, the mean size of males associated with a nest was positively correlated with both the maximum coverage of eggs at the nest and the number of times new eggs were deposited. We discuss how the increased mating success of larger males, despite their decreased parental care, may help explain allopaternal care in this species [Current Zoology 56 (1): 1-5, 2010].  相似文献   

To inquire how male size interacts with alloparental behaviour and mating success in the tessellated darter Etheostoma olmstedi, males were given a choice of nests with or without eggs; subsequent nest occupancy, takeovers and egg deposits were monitored. Subordinate males readily occupied available nests with eggs but were often evicted by dominant males, suggesting that males of all sizes compete for the opportunity to provide allopaternal care in this species.  相似文献   

Synopsis Large male tessellated darters, Etheostoma olmstedi, defend flat-bottomed rocks, the undersides of which serve as spawning substrates. Because females attach eggs directly onto bare stone, a spawning bout necessarily decreases the surface area available for further breeding at a nest. In apparent response to the female preference of ovipositing on rocks with the most bare surface, fathers abandon nests with their attached offspring to search for rocks with more uncovered surface. Egg abandonment also results after roving fathers intercept and spawn with ripe females and remain at a different rock to care for a new clutch. In essence, large males appear to maximize the number of eggs they fertilize by sequentially monopolizing breeding patches that are temporarily most desirable to females. The costs to a father of abandoning his eggs appear to be low for two reasons: (1) non-territorial males, created by a scarcity of suitable rocks, readily occupy vacant nests, and clean and aerate the abandoned eggs; and (2) after water hardening, eggs are less vulnerable to cannibalism. The maintenance of eggs by nonparental males may be both incidental to scrubbing the ceiling for their own breeding and adaptive in that viable eggs stimulate females to spawn; neither would appear to involve parental investment costs. Thus, allopaternal care in the tessellated darter may have evolved because it is performed in the selfish pursuit of spawning opportunities while entailing little, if any, of the costs normally subsumed within parental investment.  相似文献   

We investigated the reproductive biology of Etheostoma chienense in the Bayou du Chien drainage of western Kentucky. Etheostoma chienense is similar in its ecology and reproductive biology to other members of the E. squamiceps complex. However, E. chienense is opportunistic in its choice of egg deposition substrates, as nests were found on a variety of natural and anthropogenic items. Due to an apparent lack of suitable spawning substrates, we added half-cylindrical ceramic tiles to several stretches of stream to increase potential nest productivity. Egg-clutches attached to artificial substrates were twice the size of egg clutches attached to naturally occurring materials. Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine nest rock size and mate choice preferences. Both the size of the male and of the nest rock appeared to be important parameters to spawning females. The life history information gathered here has significant management implications. Artificial spawning substrates should be placed in appropriate microhabitats (i.e., shallow, low-flow reaches in headwaters). Nest cavity vertical height should be about 3.0 cm and tiles should be spaced at least 0.5 m apart. We feel the use of surrogates (e.g., E. oophlyax) to investigate other types of spawning cover, and restoration of riparian buffer zones among other actions, would particularly benefit recovery efforts for this endangered species.  相似文献   

The rainbow darter Etheostoma caeruleum is a small fish in the perch family (Percidae) that is adapted to fast‐flowing streams in eastern North America. It is relatively sensitive to habitat degradation and is widely used as a sentinel of stream condition. To provide a complementary tool for assessing the integrity of stream ecosystems, 16 highly polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite markers were identified for these darters. Between four and 16 loci were found to be useful in five congeneric species. These markers will be useful for characterizing population genetic structure and diversity of rainbow darters and related fishes.  相似文献   

Synopsis A field study was undertaken to describe the territorial behaviour of male johnny darters (Etheostoma nigrum) over the reproductive cycle. While defending eggs, males performed fewer Lateral Displays and lost fewer encounters with conspecific males than in the pre-egg phase. As the reproductive cycle progressed males were less responsive to females and performed relatively fewer courtship and more aggressive displays. Nesting males apparently shifted from a sexual to a parental phase shortly after acquiring eggs.Frequency of response, responsiveness (number of responses/number of intrusions x 100) and maximum distance of response (MDR) of male johnny darters were highest early in the reproductive cycle and decreased over the egg-guarding phase. The patterns of territorial defence exhibited by male johnny darters over the reproductive cycle were similar to those of other species of fish with paternal care.  相似文献   

The endangered vermilion darter (Etheostoma chermocki) is endemic to the Black Warrior River system in the Mobile Basin in Alabama. Restoration and conservation of this species require an understanding of its population genetic structure, which can be characterized using microsatellite DNA. Nine microsatellite loci were developed; eight loci were polymorphic. Although observed heterozygosity was lower than expected heterozygosity in most polymorphic loci, only one locus showed significant deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. These nine markers were tested in an additional 24 species of Etheostoma and appear to have sufficient allelic variation to be useful in studies of population genetic structure.  相似文献   

Synopsis The spawning and nesting behavior ofEtheostoma (Boleosoma) perlongum was investigated in the field and laboratory. Sexual dimorphism is highly developed in such features as genital papillae, first dorsal and paired fins, and nuptial coloration. A reproductive migration from mid-lake to shore occurs in the spring: males precede females to select nest sites under submerged sticks and other debris. The male excavates a depression beneath the submerged object. Gonad analysis indicates a single spawning season extending from March through June. Nests were found from late April to mid-June and were guarded by a single male for periods of 13 to 36 days. Males initiate courtship by lateral display, lead the female to the nest site and show the nest by inverting. The female responds by tail up, tail wag and circle; males also tail wag and circle. Spawning pairs invert, usually in unison, and orient head to head or, less often, head to tail. The female deposits eggs while holding her body in a weak S or J shape with the caudal peduncle held away from the spawning substrate while vibrating.  相似文献   

In order to investigate a potential hybrid zone between the candy darter, Etheostoma osburni, and variegate darter, Etheostoma variatum, and examine population variation within E. osburni, a suite of primers for 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed. The average number of alleles per locus was 5.5 in E. osburni and 7.6 in E. variatum, and the average observed heterozygosities were 62.5% and 71.4%, respectively. There were no deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and no observed linkage disequilibrium after Bonferroni correction. The utility of these primers was also tested in 11 species of darters representing all four genera of darters. Success of cross-species amplification was largely consistent with phylogenetic relationships of darters.  相似文献   

In this study, female preferences and behavioural isolation were estimated in a pair of allopatric sister species, Etheostoma duryi and Etheostoma flavum. Dichotomous mate preference trials were conducted to determine whether females prefer to associate with conspecific over heterospecific males and free‐spawning assays were conducted to determine whether those preferences translated into behavioural isolation. Dichotomous mate choice trials revealed asymmetric female preference, as female E. flavum preferred conspecific males, whereas female E. duryi showed no preference. Free‐spawning assays indicated that behavioural isolation remains incomplete between E. duryi and E. flavum (IB = 0·19). In addition to female mating preferences, male behaviour also appeared to influence mating outcomes as male E. flavum consistently courted conspecific females more often in free‐spawning assays whereas male E. duryi did not. The data therefore suggest that despite marked divergence in male nuptial colour, divergence in female preferences between these species may not be sufficient to maintain species boundaries upon secondary contact. These results contrast with similar work in a sympatric darter species pair and may be explained by considering the contributions of reinforcement and differences in colour pattern as well as colour value.  相似文献   

Synopsis Fantail darters,Etheostoma flabellare, have larger eggs with greater yolk volume than johnny darters,E. nigrum, and have a longer embryo period. This longer embryo period is associated with accelerated finfold differentiation, producing a larger, better formed individual at the onset of exogenous feeding. Developmental differences among these two species and the rainbow darter,Etheostoma caeruleum, primarily in timing of ontogenetic events, are described in detail. These differences in timing are considered largely early developmental phenomena as they affect embryos, larvae, and aievins but apparently not juveniles or adults. Demographic aspects of early life history were assessed using data from studies of Ontario streams. Differences in early survival among species appear to play an important role in recruitment of mature females, but cannot be attributed to parental care or egg size differences.  相似文献   

In crustacean species with precopulatory mate-guarding, sexual size dimorphism has most often been regarded as the consequence of a large male advantage in contest competition for access to females. However, large body size in males may also be favoured indirectly through scramble competition. This might partly be the case if the actual target of selection is a morphological character, closely correlated with body size, involved in the detection of receptive females. We studied sexual selection on body size and antennae length in natural populations of Asellus aquaticus, an isopod species with precopulatory mate guarding. In this species, males are larger than females and male pairing success is positively related to body size. However, males also have longer antennae, relative to body size, than females, suggesting that this character may also be favoured by sexual selection. We used multivariate analysis of selection to assess the relative influences of body size and antennae length in five different populations in the field. Selection gradients indicated that, overall, body size was a better predictor of male pairing success than antennae length, although some variation was observed between sites. We then manipulated male antennae length in a series of experiments conducted in the lab, and compared the pairing ability of males with short or long antennae. Males with short antennae were less likely to detect, orient to, and to pair with a receptive female compared with males with long antennae. We discuss the implications of our results for studies of male body size and sexual dimorphism in relation to sexual selection in crustaceans.  相似文献   

In crustacean species with precopulatory mate-guarding, sexual size dimorphism has most often been regarded as the consequence of a large male advantage in contest competition for access to females. However, large body size in males may also be favoured indirectly through scramble competition. This might partly be the case if the actual target of selection is a morphological character, closely correlated with body size, involved in the detection of receptive females. We studied sexual selection on body size and antennae length in natural populations of Asellus aquaticus, an isopod species with precopulatory mate guarding. In this species, males are larger than females and male pairing success is positively related to body size. However, males also have longer antennae, relative to body size, than females, suggesting that this character may also be favoured by sexual selection. We used multivariate analysis of selection to assess the relative influences of body size and antennae length in five different populations in the field. Selection gradients indicated that overall body size was a better predictor of male pairing success than antennae length, although some variation was observed between sites. We then manipulated male antennae length in a series of experiments conducted in the laboratory, and compared the pairing ability of males with short or long antennae. Males with short antennae were less likely to detect, orient to and to pair with a receptive female compared to males with long antennae. We discuss the implications of our results for studies of male body size and sexual dimorphism in relation to sexual selection in crustaceans.  相似文献   

Synopsis Etheostoma swaini, the gulf darter, was collected from the Black Creek drainage in southern Mississippi (February 1978 – April 1979). The gulf darter generally inhabits small- to moderate-size creeks and occurs over a sand or sandy mud bottom, often in association with aquatic vegetation or a layer of organic debris. Larval dipterans were the most important food items, both numerically and volumetrically. Chironomids were found in 71–100% of the stomachs in all except the unusual March 16 collection. The length frequency distribution and the scale annuli analysis indicated there were three year-classes present in the population at any one time. Fifty-one percent of the specimens taken were less than 12 months old. During the mid-February to late March spawning season gulf darters were most often collected over clean gravel or gravelsand substrates. Laboratory observations suggest that the female burrows into the gravel where the demersal, adhesive eggs are deposited. Female gulf darters significantly outnumbered males at a ratio of 59:41.  相似文献   

Synopsis The early development of rainbow darter, Etheostoma caeruleum, was examined from an ecological perspective. Steps and thresholds of ontogeny to completion of body squammation are defined, and related to environmental factors. Rainbow darter eggs are about 2 mm diameter, considerably larger than those of related logperch (Percina caprodes). The embryonic vitelline respiratory plexus is much more extensive. The pelagic interval characteristic of logperch and ancestral percids is eliminated and onset of exogenous feeding is delayed. The larger larvae of the rainbow darter can begin feeding directly on aquatic insects, and complete their life cycle in streams. Therefore, shifts in the timing of important thresholds (e.g. exogenous feeding) are ecologically important. Furthermore, early maturation and/or delayed bone and scale formation may be responsible for reductions in the lateralis system and scalation in this and other darter species.  相似文献   

The greenside darter, Etheostoma blennioides (Teleostomi: Percidae), is a wide-ranging polytypic taxon that occurs throughout eastern North America. A previous morphological study recognized four subspecies (blennioides, newmanii, gutselli, and pholidotum), several morphological races, and three zones of morphological intergradation. We generated complete cytochrome b (1140bp) sequence data for 51 individuals from across the range of the greenside darter inclusive of all of the currently recognized taxa to assess genetic variation and taxonomic boundaries. Both maximum parsimony and mixed model Bayesian analyses resulted in two strongly supported deeply divergent clades including (1) a Tennessee River drainage clade, and (2) an Ohio River and Great Lakes basins, Interior Highlands, and Atlantic slope clade. Etheostoma blennius, a closely related congener, nested within the Tennessee River clade of E. blennioides, rendering the complex paraphyletic. Test of alternative topologies failed to support the current taxonomic designations. The inclusion of nuclear sequence data from intron 1 of the S7 ribosomal protein (523bp) from a subset of the populations was included to independently test whether the currently recognized taxa conform to distinct evolutionary lineages and also to clarify potential issues associated with ancestral hybridization. Although the nuclear data was less variable than the mitochondrial data, the monophyly of several of the subspecies could not be rejected.  相似文献   

Synopsis Riffle dwelling fantail darters (Etheostoma flabellare) selected lower temperatures in winter (19.3°C) compared to pool dwelling johnny darters (E. nigrum; 22.0°C. A similar trend was evident in summer tests (fantail darters, 20.3°C; johnny darters, 22.9°C). Summer tested animals selected higher temperatures than winter tested animals maintained at the same acclimation temperature and photoperiod. When tested together in the same gradient, both species appeared not to thermoregulate, but tended to avoid each other. Critical thermal maxima (CTMax) did not differ between seasons for either species (fantail darters, 31.1°C winter, 31.3°C summer; johnny darters, 30.9°C winter, 30.5°C summer). Differences in the thermal responses of these darters correlated with differences in their respective habitats.  相似文献   

Elaborate, sexually dimorphic traits are widely thought to evolve under sexual selection through female preference, male–male competition, or both. The orangethroat darter (Etheostoma spectabile) is a sexually dichromatic fish in which females exhibit no preferences for male size or coloration. We tested whether these traits affect individual reproductive success in E. spectabile when multiple males are allowed to freely compete for a female. The quality and quantity of male coloration were associated with greater success in maintaining access to the female and in spawning as the primary male (first male to participate). On the other hand, sneaking behavior showed little correlation with coloration. Male breeding coloration in E. spectabile may therefore demonstrate how intrasexual competition can be a predominant factor underlying the evolution of male ornaments.  相似文献   

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