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大头金蝇的飞行能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过飞行磨测定和扩散观察,研究大头金蝇Chrysomya megacephala(Fabricius)的飞行能力。结果表明:雌、雄虫的平均飞行距离、平均最大飞行速度、平均飞行时间间没有显著的差异。大头金蝇的平均飞行距离25℃时达最高,为4·4783km,之后随着温度的进一步增高而逐渐下降;平均飞行时间20℃时最大,为1·2262h;最大飞行速度25℃最大,为1·2210m/s。50%,60%,70%和80%相对湿度的平均飞行距离有显著差异,分别为5·7475,0·7913,0·3850和0·7575km;50%RH的平均飞行时间最长为2·7868h,平均最大飞行速度中80%RH最高,为2·0792m/s。在塑料大棚(长30m)释放大头金蝇呈扇形扩散,最快速度0·3m/s,从一端扩散到塑料大棚的另一端所需时间平均为(2·52±0·63)min,最长需要3·08min,表现出大头金蝇有较强的飞行能力。  相似文献   

张科  张钰  王臣  葛炎  初红军  张彦豹  张东  李凯 《生态学报》2023,43(14):5840-5849
黑腹胃蝇是新疆荒漠草原优势种马胃蝇,对放归至当地普氏野马构成了严重威胁。该蝇将卵产在牧草上并以此感染采食者——马科动物,其幼虫于宿主消化道营寄生生活,至三龄老熟幼虫随宿主粪便进入环境化蛹,成为当年新的疫源。于黑腹胃蝇幼虫两个发生峰期(4—5月和8月)对普氏野马核心区新鲜粪便和黑腹胃蝇幼虫点位进行了调查,采用最小凸多边形法(MCP)和固定核域法(FKE)计算粪便分布范围,并通过核密度分析(KDE)辨识幼虫聚集区域和特征。结果表明:(1)在黑腹胃蝇种群第一、第二峰期,野马采食草场拥有最多的胃蝇幼虫采集占比(57.25%、41.94%),其次是驴道、山坡、水源地区域;(2)最小凸多边形法(95%利用率)和固定核域法(95%利用率、0.006带宽值)均能较好估算野马粪便分布范围,第一峰期普氏野马粪便范围(60—70 km2)稍大于第二峰期(50—60 km2)。在所调查的八个水源地,两个发生高峰期均包含红柳、5号、6号3个水源地,并形成了以水源地为重要支撑点、依托毗邻草场交叉传播的连续、非均匀疫源地分布特点;(3)水源地附近草场具有更高的黑腹胃蝇幼虫...  相似文献   

香梨优斑螟 Euzophera pyriella Yang是新疆果树重要的蛀果蛀干害虫,严重制约着香梨产业的发展。本研究通过昆虫飞行磨系统测定了香梨优斑螟成虫的飞行能力,结果表明2~5日龄香梨优斑螟飞行能力较强,4日龄飞行能力最强;吊飞14 h,平均飞行距离14.37±1.35 km,平均飞行时间9.40±0.55 h,平均飞行速度1.59± 0.08 km/h 。雄成虫飞行距离显著远于雌成虫,但飞行时间和速度差异不显著。雌雄成虫取食补充营养后飞行能力均有提高,但飞行距离和速度差异不显著。不同交配状态的香梨优斑螟飞行能力测定结果显示,未交配成虫飞行速度和飞行距离均高于已交配成虫,但飞行时间差异不明显。研究结果可为深入阐明香梨优斑螟飞行生物学和扩散机制提供科学依据。  相似文献   

黄地老虎Agrotis segetum是一种重要的农业迁飞性害虫,研究飞行生物学对明确其迁飞机理有重要意义。本项研究利用昆虫飞行磨系统对黄地老虎的飞行能力进行了测定。对实验室种群飞行能力的测定结果表明:1日龄成虫的飞行能力最弱;3日龄飞行能力最强,其24 h平均飞行时间、平均飞行距离和平均飞行速率分别达到12.16±0.74 h、48.94±3.40 km和3.76±0.12 km/h。雌蛾与雄蛾间的各项飞行参数均无显著差异,但处女成虫平均飞行距离和平均飞行速率均显著高于已交配个体。对渤海湾野外迁飞种群飞行能力的测定显示,早季节北迁个体和晚季节回迁个体的平均飞行时间和平均飞行距离无显著差异,但皆显著低于实验室种群。黄地老虎具有较强的飞行能力,日龄和交配是影响其飞行能力的关键因素。  相似文献   

甘蓝夜蛾Mamestra brassicae Linnaeus飞行能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】测定日龄、性别、交配等因素对农业迁飞性害虫甘蓝夜蛾Mamestra brassicae Linnaeus飞行能力的影响,为其迁飞行为研究和异地测报提供理论依据。【方法】在气温为(24±1)℃、相对湿度为75%±5%的实验室环境下,利用飞行磨系统对甘蓝夜蛾实验室种群1~5日龄未交配个体、已交配的3日龄个体以及野外迁飞种群分别进行连续24 h吊飞测试,记录其累计飞行时间、累计飞行距离、平均飞行速率等参数。【结果】甘蓝夜蛾实验室种群的飞行能力随日龄增长而变化,初羽化时即具有较强的飞行能力,2~3日龄达到峰值,4~5日龄的飞行能力显著下降;雌性甘蓝夜蛾的飞行能力强于雄性甘蓝夜蛾;交配的甘蓝夜蛾平均飞行速率显著小于处女甘蓝夜蛾,但二者的平均飞行时间和飞行距离均无显著差异。此外,渤海湾迁飞种群中晚季节南迁种群的飞行能力显著强于早季节北迁种群和过渡种群。【结论】日龄和交配状态是影响甘蓝夜蛾飞行能力的关键因素。  相似文献   

通过利用昆虫飞行磨对室内饲养的禾缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus)在不同温度(8℃一30℃)条件下飞行能力的测试结果。试验结果表明,禾缢管蚜的飞行距离和飞行时间在12℃~20℃时较大,平均飞行距离为6.614~8.219 km,平均飞行时间为5.074~7.003 h。在15℃时,单个个体的最大飞行距离和最长飞行时间分别达到26.231 km和21.153h:在8℃~10℃条件下禾缢管蚜较难起飞,即使起飞后飞行时间和距离均很短。在 23℃以上禾缢管蚜的飞行时间和距离逐渐缩短,30℃时禾缢管蚜起飞后很快就停止飞行。飞行速度随温度增高而加快,平均飞行速度在8℃时为o.781km/h,在30℃时达1.605km/h。  相似文献   

温度和湿度对麦长管蚜飞行能力的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用计算机控制的微小昆虫飞行磨系统测定了温度、湿度对麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae飞行能力的影响。结果表明,适于飞行的温度为12~22℃,湿度为60%~80%。在温度8℃以下或25℃以上,其飞行能力明显降低。在温度18℃时,麦长管蚜的平均飞行时间、飞行距离最大分别为3.101 h、3.676 km。在相对湿度40%、60%和80%时,飞行时间分别为1.573 h、2.272 h和3.032 h,飞行距离与湿度的关系与飞行时间相似。飞行速度随温度的增高而加快,在相对湿度60%左右时,麦长管蚜的平均飞行速度较快。在20℃,相对湿度80%条件下,单个个体的最大飞行时间、最大飞行距离和最大飞行速度可达14.32 h、22.51 km和1.57 km/ h,表现出麦长管蚜具有较强的飞行能力。  相似文献   

本文利用昆虫飞行磨研究了温度和湿度变化对赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneum(Herbst)雌、雄成虫飞行能力的影响;分别测定了23℃、26℃、29℃、32℃和35℃等5个温度,45%、65%和85%等3个湿度条件下,赤拟谷盗雌、雄成虫的飞行距离、时间和速度等反应昆虫飞行能力的参数。单次飞行距离、单次飞行时间、单次飞行速度、24 h累计飞行距离及时间分析结果表明,环境温度和湿度对赤拟谷盗雌、雄成虫的飞行能力有不同程度的影响,环境温湿度过高或过低均不利于赤拟谷盗雌、雄成虫飞行;温度为32℃时,赤拟谷盗雌成虫的单次飞行距离、飞行时间、飞行速度、24 h累计飞行距离和飞行时间分别为0.925 m、9.616 s、0.023 m/s、0.979 km和2.886 h;雄成虫的单次飞行距离、飞行时间、飞行速度、24 h累计飞行距离和飞行时间分别为0.638 m、6.035 s、0.014 m/s、0.674 km和3.175 h。在相对湿度45%、65%和85%时,雌成虫的单次飞行时间分别为6.998 s、9.616 s和6.431 s;雄成虫的单次飞行时间分别为3.163 s、6.035 s和0.208 s。飞行速度与相对湿度的关系与飞行时间相似。从飞行能力参数来看,雌虫的飞行能力优于雄虫。  相似文献   

电镜观察的结果表明,小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon Rottem。的飞行肌具有十分发达的肌原纤维与线粒体;肌原纤维的收缩率较小,说明肌纤维对翅的高频振荡有很强的适应能力;在吊飞状态下,翅振频率高达100—120赫兹,飞速为7,500米/小时,一次能持续飞行10多小时。飞行时的呼吸率较静息时增加100倍左右,胸温升高5—9℃,每小时消耗脂肪5毫克。起飞的临界温度为8℃,其飞速随温度升高而提高。  相似文献   

Gasterophilus nigricornis (Loew) (Diptera: Oestridae) is one of the most damaging obligate parasites of equids in Kalamaili, Xinjiang, China. The main olfactory organs of this stomach bot fly are paired antennae that bear microscopic sensillar structures. The external morphology of the antennal funiculus and sensilla of male G. nigricornis were studied using stereopic microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. A cross-sectional view of the funiculus shows it to be triangular, with an anterodorsal surface, a dorsolateral margin and a posteroventral surface. Almost the entire surface of the funiculus is densely covered with microtrichiae. Small patches lacking these microtrichiae appear as depressions or pits in the surface of the funiculus. Six distinct types of sensilla are recorded, including one trichoid, three basiconic, one auriculate and one clavate sensilla. Trichoid sensilla are the most abundant, followed by the basiconic, auriculate and clavate types in descending order. Only auriculate sensilla are found in pits on the funiculus. Distributions of different sensilla types located on the antennal funiculus are provided. These results are compared with equivalent findings in several other fly species. In addition, the possible functions of the various sensilla types are discussed.  相似文献   

A morphological study of the midgut and salivary glands of second and third instars of Gasterophilus intestinalis (De Geer) (Diptera: Oestridae) was conducted by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The midgut is anteriorly delimited by a proventriculus, without caeca, and is composed of posterior foregut and anterior midgut tissue from which a double‐layered peritrophic matrix is produced. The midgut can be divided into anterior, median and posterior regions on the basis of the structural and physiological variations of the columnar cells which occur along its length. Two other types of cell were identified: regenerative cells scattered throughout the columnar cells, and, more rarely, endocrine cells of two structural types (closed and open). Different secretion mechanisms (merocrine, apocrine and microapocrine) occur along the midgut epithelium. Abundant microorganisms are observed in the endoperitrophic space of the anterior midgut. The origin and nature of these microorganisms remain unknown. No structural differences are observed between the second and third instar midguts. The salivary glands of G. intestinalis second and third instars consist of a pair of elongated tubular structures connected to efferent ducts which unite to form a single deferent duct linked dorsally to the pharynx. Several intermediate cells, without cuticle, make the junction with the salivary gland epithelium layer. Cytological characteristics of the gland epithelial cells demonstrate high cellular activity and some structural variations are noticed between the two larval stages.  相似文献   

Flight mills are commonly used to assess the relative flight performance of migratory insects, but uncertainties about the rate of energy expenditure on the mill mean that absolute estimates of flight endurance are not usually attempted. In this paper we describe how we measured the power delivered to a lightweight flight mill by tethered Cicadulina storeyi China leafhoppers (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), and compared this to estimates of the power they use to maintain free flight. Our results showed that the leafhoppers were generating more than 0.90 W of mechanical power when on the mill, and that they probably have 3–4 W available for free flight. We conclude that whilst flying on the mill, the insects were generating at least 20–30% of the mechanical power needed for free flight, and that this percentage may have been significantly higher.  相似文献   

Teneral Glossina morsitans centralis Machado, G.austeni Newstead, G.palpalis palpalis Robineau-Desvoidy, G.p.gambiensis Vanderplank, G.fuscipes fuscipes Newstead, G.tachinoides Westwood and G.brevipalpis Newstead, from laboratory-bred colonies, were fed at the same time on the flanks of ten goats infected with Trypanosoma congolense Broden isolated in Tanzania or in Nigeria. The seven tsetse species were infected over the range 0.3-49.2%. Survival of both T.congolense isolates was best in G.m.centralis, poorest in G.austeni and the four palpalis group tsetse, with G.brevipalpis intermediate. It is suggested that there are differences in the gut of different laboratory-bred cultures of Glossina Westwood species and subspecies such that T.congolense parasites can survive better in the gut of some than in others and undergo cyclical development to metacyclics in the hypopharynx.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The butterfly Melitaea cinxia uses two host plant species in the Åland Islands of south-west Finland. Survey data show that host plant use is spatially variable and that the two species are not used (fed on by M . cinxia larvae) in proportion to their abundances. The pattern of host plant use by M . cinxia has been attributed in part to plant distribution and spatial variation of butterfly oviposition preference.
2. The additional roles that may be played by spatial variation in host plant quality and larval physiology (performance ability) were investigated. Seven years of field survey data and a series of laboratory experiments were used to demonstrate that neither of these variables contributed measurably to the observed pattern of host plant use.
3. Specifically, while there was great variation among individuals in both the performance ability of caterpillars and host plant suitability, the two plant species appeared equally suitable, there was no within-species geographic variation in plant suitability, and there was no evidence for adaptation of caterpillars to the locally used host plants.  相似文献   

Individuals of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae were collected from wheat and cocksfoot stands around Hampshire, UK, during March and April 1994. Eight wheat and eight cocksfoot aphid clones were chosen on the basis of readily distinguishable RAPD-PCR fingerprint profiles. The performances (weight, fecundity and survival) of successive generations of each of these clones were then carefully monitored in the laboratory as new generations of aphids were transferred either to winter wheat or to cocksfoot in planned sequences. Even those clones that were originally caught on the same host showed significant variability in performance. Clones generally performed better on their host of origin than they did on the alternate host, and they performed less well on the alternate host compared to the clones that had originated there. A comparison of the performance of third generation aphids with first generation aphids showed that the experience of the mother in the second generation often influences the subsequent performance of their offspring. As the sequence of host transfers had more effect on the performance of wheat clones than cocksfoot clones, it is likely that wheat clones are more specialised, such that wheat is a satisfactory host for cocksfoot clones but not vice versa. The study provides evidence of genetic variation in performance on host and evidence for clonal adaptation to particular host species. This adaptation may well be a major cause of the observed consistent genetic differentiability of populations of S. avenae found on wheat and roadside grasses in early spring in southern England.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Studies were conducted in Zimbabwe of the responses of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood and Glossina pallidipes Austen to various host odours using either arrangements of electrocuting nets or visual observations. Tsetse flying upwind in a plume of carbon dioxide, acetone and octenol turned downwind upon flying into a plume of acetone or octenol, but did not turn upon flying into a plume of carbon dioxide. They also turned in response to a transient decline in odour concentration. Tsetse landed on the ground in the vicinity of a source of natural odour or artificial odour containing carbon dioxide but not at sources of acetone or octenol only. The proportion of female G.pallidipes caught at a source of natural odour (37%) was significantly different from that caught at a source of synthetic odour (17%). Resting tsetse stimulated by natural odour took off sooner than non-stimulated flies and had a strong upwind bias in the direction of take off. Tsetse stimulated with artificial odour did not take off sooner than non-stimulated flies. It is suggested that there is an unidentified components) of ox odour that activates resting tsetse.  相似文献   

杨帆  翟保平 《生态学报》2016,36(7):1881-1889
利用计算机控制的飞行磨系统测定了温度对稻纵卷叶螟飞行以及再迁飞能力的影响。结果表明,在未交配条件下,20—29℃范围内成虫均能进行正常的飞行活动,且雌、雄个体的飞行能力没有显著差异。26℃条件下成虫的飞行时间最长、飞行速度最快、飞行距离最远,种群的再迁飞比例最高,再迁飞次数最多(平均2.42次,最多5次);其它3个温度下大多数个体仅能完成一次连续飞行,无法进行再次飞行。虽然20、23℃和29℃下成虫的平均再迁飞次数(分别为0.53、0.81和0.75次)、再迁飞比例没有显著差异,但对飞行行为产生不同的影响。低温显著降低了成虫的飞行速度;而高温下成虫飞行后的死亡率大大增加,表现为29℃下个体的存活率明显低于其它温度。  相似文献   

The distal mouthhooks of Gasterophilus intestinalis (DeGeer) (Diptera: Gasterophilidae) and G. nasalis (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Gasterophilidae) larvae were studied with scanning electron microscopy to determine the morphology of a previously unknown sensory array. The design of the 3rd stage G. intestinalis sensory array was used as the model for comparison to the 2nd stage of this species and the 2nd and 3rd stadia of G. nasalis. Some components forming the sensory array of the 3rd stage G. intestinalis mouthhook were found in 3rd stage G. nasalis. A major difference between these species was the replacement of shallow pits with sensilla-laden troughs in G. nasalis. Second-stage G. intestinalis has a distal mouthhook that varies considerably from the model type, lacking shallow pits and associated peg-like sensilla. By contrast, the sensory array of the 2nd stage G. nasalis larva is the most elaborate yet encountered, with extensive sensilla and troughs. The existence of other types of sensilla on the mouthhook is proposed, as well as a sensory role for the unsculptured surface. Possible uses of the sensory array by the parasite are discussed.  相似文献   

The wild crucifers,Rorippa indica andLepidium virginicum, are known to serve as host plants for the diamondback moth (DBM),Plutella xylostella, but they are less suitable than the preferred cultivated cruciferous plant, cabbage, in terms of adult body size and fecundity. The life history traits and flight activity of DBM adults grown on various host plants were investigated. The adults thus reared on each host plant were divided into three size groups (small, medium and large). In general, female adults grown on the wild crucifers were less fecund and lived longer than those reared on cabbage. Flight activity was higher in adults grown on wild crucifers than in those reared on cabbage. Male adults flew longer than females. Fecundity, longevity, flight activity and morphometrical characters of adults were positively correlated with pupal weight in individuals reared on the same host plant. A negative relationship was found between fecundity and flight activity in females of the same size group, but a positive one was observed in females reared on the same host plant.  相似文献   

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