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Structural and serologic studies on murine A/J monoclonal anti-arsonate antibodies resulted in the identification of a second idiotype family (Id36-60) in addition to the predominant idiotype family (IdCR). Id36-60, unlike IdCR, is a dominant idiotype in the BALB/c strain but is a "minor" idiotype in the A/J strain. The complete heavy and light chain variable region (VH and VL) amino acid sequences of a representative Id36-60 hybridoma protein from both the A/J and BALB/c strains have been determined. There are only four amino acid sequence differences between the VH of antibody 36-60 (A/J) and antibody 1210.7 (BALB/c). Two of these differences arise from single nucleotide changes in which the A/J and BALB/c Id36-60 VH germline gene sequences differ. The two other differences are the result of somatic mutation in hybridoma protein 36-60. In addition, Id36-60 heavy chains employ the same D and JH3 segments in both strains. The entire Vk2 VL of 36-60 and 1210.7 differ by only two amino acids, suggesting that like the heavy chains, they are derived from highly homologous VL genes. The same Jk segment is used in both antibodies. A comparison of the amino acid sequence data from Id36-60-bearing hybridomas suggests that a heavy chain amino acid difference accounts for the diminished arsonate binding by the 1210.7 hybridoma protein. Because the 1210.7 heavy chain is the unmutated product of the BALB/c VH gene, somatic mutation in VH may be required to enhance Ars affinity in this system.  相似文献   

 A comparison between related species would allow us to study the evolutionary changes in complex gene families. To investigate the evolution of immunoglobulin VH gene families in lower vertebrates, we compared cDNA VH clones from two related teleost fish species, Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), which are separated from their common ancestor by 12–20 million years (MY). The results showed that randomly isolated charr VH genes could be closely grouped to known VH genes of rainbow trout, suggesting that the VH family structure is stable during 12–20 MY and that the total number of VH families changes only gradually over a longer period. This finding also led us to define eight VH gene families of Arctic charr, designated Salalp VH I, VH II, and so on. The presence of species-specific amino acids suggests that non-reciprocal genetic exchanges (e.g., gene duplication) play an important role in shaping the evolution of the V gene family. Received: 23 July 1997 / Revised: 6 October 1997  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of the coding as well as the flanking regions of 11 A/J J558 heavy chain variable region (VH) gene segments are presented. Among these J558 VH segments was the unrearranged germline VH gene segment recruited in the predominant A strain-specific anti-arsonate response. Three other VH gene segments that are greater than 92% related to the p-azophenylarsenate (Ars) A VH gene segment were also isolated. Detailed analysis of the nucleotide sequences of these as well as the remaining seven J558 VH gene segments reveal that the J558 VH gene family is composed of distinct, but related, J558 VH subfamilies. Deletion mapping analyses were used to position the Ars A VH gene segment proximally with respect to the DH-JH clusters within the J558 VH gene family and distally with respect to its own J558 subfamily. The documentation of J558 VH subfamilies is discussed in the context of J558 VH family evolution and diversification.  相似文献   

We have examined usage of variable region gene families of the immunoglobulin heavy chain (VH gene family) in spleens of MRL/MpJ-1pr/lpr (MRL/lpr), (NZB x NZW)F1, and BXSB mice by Northern analysis using various VH probes, including the VHPAR gene which we cloned and identified as a gene encoding the heavy-chain variable region of antipoly(ADP-ribose) antibody. The amount of VHS107 family mRNA was almost constant for the same amount of splenic crude RNA in autoimmune-prone and normal mice, while concentrations of other family mRNAs were elevated in autoimmune-prone mice. For example, per splenic RNA the VHPAR family was expressed in MRL/lpr mice 10 times more than in their normal counterpart, MRL/MpJ-+/+ (MRL/+) mice. These results indicate the bias of VH gene usage in autoimmune-prone mice. Expression of the VHS107 family was depressed from an early life stage of MRL/lpr and male BXSB mice. Furthermore, the expression of IL-4 and IL-5 were quantitatively compared, as B cell differentiation factor was thought to be produced by abnormally proliferative T cells in lymph nodes of MRL/lpr mice. We could not, however, observe overproduction of IL-4 and IL-5 mRNA in the lymph nodes.  相似文献   

Mouse monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) against human tumour antigens are currently used in therapy, but up to 50% of the patients receiving treatment form anti-Mab antibodies thus reducing the efficiency of the treatment. One attempt to minimize the immunogenicity of the mouse Mabs is to "humanize" them by replacing the constant part of the molecule with the human equivalent by genetic engineering. However, this does not reduce the immunogenicity of the variable part of the antibody. Some variable regions may be expected to be less antigenic than others. We therefore compared consensus sequences for the 11 mouse VH families with the human VH sequences published so far. Theoretical antigenicity predictions (hydrophilicity, flexibility, surface accessibility and relative antigenicity) were made and two families; VH I(J558) and VH XI (CP5 B5-3) were predicted to be immunogenic by all four methods. One family, VH X (MRL-DNA4), was not predicted to be immunogenic by any of the four methods. The residues predicted to form antigenic epitopes in the two families VH II (Q52) and VH III (36-60) are predicted not to be exposed on the surface of the antibody molecule and may therefore not be immunogenic.  相似文献   

The heavy (H) chains of anti-phosphocholine (PC) antibodies from C57BL/6J and CBA/J were sequenced through the N-terminal 36 residues and compared with previously published sequences of A/J anti-PC antibody and BALB/c PC-binding myeloma proteins T15, M603, and M511. Each of these antibody preparations contained molecules having light (L) chains and idiotypic determinants of T15, M511, and M603 indicating the presence of at least three different anti-PC antibodies in each pool. The structures of the C57BL/6J and CBA/J H chains each revealed a single sequence from positions 1 to 36 (which includes the first complementarity determining region (CDR), and they were identical. The first CDR was identical to that previously found for BALB/c and A/J indicating that this portion of these antibody molecules is highly conserved throughout inbred mice and is probably critical to PC-binding. A surprising finding was that both C57NL/6 and CBA sequence differed from the BALB/c and A/J sequences at two positions, residue 14 and 16. Since each of these strains differs at the allotype locus, the data indicates that the evolution of allotypy in mice occurred after variable region diversity for the particular genes.  相似文献   

Hodgkin's disease (HD) is a lymphoid neoplasm characterized by a low frequency of malignant giant tumor cells, known as Hodgkin's and Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells. Sequence analysis of the immunoglobulin heavy chain hypervariable region (IgH V) genes of HRS cells revealed multiple nucleotide substitutions, indicating somatic mutations, and suggested that HRS cells originate from germinal center B cells or their progeny. We previously reported that CD99-antisense transfected B cell lines led to the generation of cells with a HRS phenotype. Because it is considered that HRS cells in HD carry somatic mutations of the IgH genes, we assume that somatic mutation may take place in the IgH genes of HRS-like cells which do not express CD99. Here we report that CD99 downregulated BJAB cell line has several mutations in IgH V genes. The frequency of mutation was 5.2 x 10(-4) mut.bp(-1) out of total sequenced cell clones. On the contrary, control vector transfected BJAB cell line or CD99 downregulated IM9 cell line did not show any mutations on single strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) and sequence analysis. We expect that the analysis of the mutation pattern of the CD99-deficient BJAB cell line might be the basis for the understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanism that regulate somatic mutation and B cell selection.  相似文献   

Summary Disc formation of rod photoreceptor cells in developing BALB/c mice retinas was studied by rapid freeze, freeze-substitution, freeze-etching, immunocytochemistry, and myosin S-1 decoration methods. Freeze-substituted photoreceptor cells contained variously shaped vesicles in the apical swelling of the connecting cilium or the base of the outer segment during postnatal development. Rapid freezing successfully arrested pinocytosis; the fusion of small vesicles to give large ones, and the compression of certain vesicles (0.3–0.6 m) appears to lead gradually to the formation of the so-called discs. We therefore propose that membranous discs are formed by the fusion of small pinocytotic vesicles and their subsequent compression. Discs formed in this way were partially stacked, but were ordered at random during the early developmental stages. During development, a partial stack of discs was progressively rearranged to a regular form as seen in mature outer segments. Cytoskeletal actin was expected to be involved in the disc formation; it was demonstrated in the distal axoneme of the connecting cilium during development and showed no change in its distribution. However, the polarity of the actin filaments, as revealed by myosin S-1 decoration in early developmental stages, was much more variable than in the adult. Barbed ends of actin filaments were associated with the plasma membrane or the membrane of vesicles. We also found actin filaments coiled up helically on ciliary microtubules.  相似文献   

We present the complete sequence of Cμ immunoglobulin constant region gene of mouse with 5′ flanking and 3′ untranslated regions. The gene consists of four exons coding for protein domains which are separated by three introns. Intensive study of the homology relationship of DNA sequences within the Cμ gene and Cγ2b gene leads us to believe that the shifting of existing splice sites along with creation of new ones plays a significant role in evolution, driving the reversible reaction exon ? intron.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers U04227-U04232  相似文献   

Das S  Nozawa M  Klein J  Nei M 《Immunogenetics》2008,60(1):47-55
Immunoglobulin heavy chains are polypeptides encoded by four genes: variable (IGHV), joining (IGHJ), diversity (IGHD), and constant (IGHC) region genes. The number of IGHV genes varies from species to species. To understand the evolution of the IGHV multigene family, we identified and analyzed the IGHV sequences from 16 vertebrate species. The results show that the numbers of functional and nonfunctional IGHV genes among different species are positively correlated. The number of IGHV genes is relatively stable in teleosts, but the intragenomic sequence variation is generally higher in teleosts than in tetrapods. The IGHV genes in tetrapods can be classified into three phylogenetic clans (I, II, and III). The clan III and/or II genes are relatively abundant, whereas clan I genes exist in small numbers or are absent in most species. The genomic organization of clan I, II, and III IGHV genes varies considerably among species, but the entire IGHV locus seems to be conserved in the subtelomeric or near-centromeric region of chromosome. The presence or absence of specific IGHV clan members and the lineage-specific expansion and contraction of IGHV genes indicate that the IGHV locus continues to evolve in a species-specific manner. Our results suggest that the evolution of IGHV multigene family is more complex than previously thought and that several factors may act synergistically for the development of antibody repertoire. Electronic supplementary materials The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Analyses of Ig V(H)DJ(H) rearrangements expressed by B-CLL cells have provided insights into the antigen receptor repertoire of B-CLL cells and the maturation stages of B-lymphocytes that give rise to this disease. However, less information is available about the L chain V gene segments utilized by B-CLL cells and to what extent their characteristics resemble those of the H chain. We analyzed the V(L) and J(L) gene segments of 206 B-CLL patients, paying particular attention to frequency of use and association, mutation status, and LCDR3 characteristics. Approximately 40% of B-CLL cases express V(L) genes that differ significantly from their germline counterparts. Certain genes were virtually always mutated and others virtually never. In addition, preferential pairing of specific V(L) and J(L) segments was found. These findings are reminiscent of the expressed VH repertoire in B-CLL. However unlike the V(H) repertoire, V(L) gene use was not significantly different than that of normal B-lymphocytes. In addition, Vkappa genes that lie more upstream on the germline locus were less frequently mutated than those at the 3' end of the locus; this was not the case for Vlambda genes and is not for V(H) genes. These similarities and differences between the IgH and IgL V gene repertoires expressed in B-CLL suggest some novel features while also reinforcing concepts derived from studies of the IgH repertoire.  相似文献   

The heavy chain variable region (VH) marker J606-GAC, which is expressed on a subset of mouse heavy chain variable region group III antibodies, is expressed at similar frequencies on antibodies with mu, gamma 3, gamma 1, gamma 2, and alpha heavy chains. We have previously shown the J606-GAC determinant to be present on all anti-inulin and on the majority of anti-group-A-carbohydrate (GAC) antibodies examined. The responses to these two antigens are designated thymus-independent type 2 (TI-2) and thymus-dependent type 2 (TD-2), respectively, and have been shown previously to be largely restricted to the mu and gamma 3 heavy chain classes. TI-2 and TD-2 antigens are distinguished from other antigens such as T-independent type 1 (TI-1) and other thymus-dependent (TD) antigens, in part because they are virtually not immunogenic in CBA/N mice which express the x-linked immunodefiency (xid) allele. Surprisingly, we found no difference in the percentage of J606-GAC determinant-bearing plasma cells in the spleens of xid vs normal mice.  相似文献   

A previous study [Mole et al. (1971) Biochem. J. 124, 301-318] showed several differences in sequence between the variable (V) regions of rabbit immunoglobulin Aa1 and Aa3 heavy chains. The inheritance of one such difference has been followed in a family of 38 rabbits by a radioautographic peptide-'map' technique and is shown to segregate in a Mendelian fashion. This clearly demonstrates the presence of a genetic marker in the rabbit heavy-chain V region, although the finding that Aa2 and Aa3 heavy chains have identity of sequence in the region studied obscures the relationship of this genetic marker to the a locus.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number M75875.  相似文献   

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