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Bacterial conjugation is a mechanism for horizontal DNA transfer between bacteria which requires cell to cell contact, usually mediated by self-transmissible plasmids. A protein known as relaxase is responsible for the processing of DNA during bacterial conjugation. TrwC, the relaxase of conjugative plasmid R388, is also able to catalyze site-specific integration of the transferred DNA into a copy of its target, the origin of transfer (oriT), present in a recipient plasmid. This reaction confers TrwC a high biotechnological potential as a tool for genomic engineering.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have characterized this reaction by conjugal mobilization of a suicide plasmid to a recipient cell with an oriT-containing plasmid, selecting for the cointegrates. Proteins TrwA and IHF enhanced integration frequency. TrwC could also catalyze integration when it is expressed from the recipient cell. Both Y18 and Y26 catalytic tyrosil residues were essential to perform the reaction, while TrwC DNA helicase activity was dispensable. The target DNA could be reduced to 17 bp encompassing TrwC nicking and binding sites. Two human genomic sequences resembling the 17 bp segment were accepted as targets for TrwC-mediated site-specific integration. TrwC could also integrate the incoming DNA molecule into an oriT copy present in the recipient chromosome.


The results support a model for TrwC-mediated site-specific integration. This reaction may allow R388 to integrate into the genome of non-permissive hosts upon conjugative transfer. Also, the ability to act on target sequences present in the human genome underscores the biotechnological potential of conjugative relaxase TrwC as a site-specific integrase for genomic modification of human cells.  相似文献   

Protein TrwC is the conjugative relaxase responsible for DNA processing in plasmid R388 bacterial conjugation. TrwC has two catalytic tyrosines, Y18 and Y26, both able to carry out cleavage reactions using unmodified oligonucleotide substrates. Suicide substrates containing a 3'-S-phosphorothiolate linkage at the cleavage site displaced TrwC reaction towards covalent adducts and thereby enabled intermediate steps in relaxase reactions to be investigated. Two distinct covalent TrwC-oligonucleotide complexes could be separated from noncovalently bound protein by SDS-PAGE. As observed by mass spectrometry, one complex contained a single, cleaved oligonucleotide bound to Y18, whereas the other contained two cleaved oligonucleotides, bound to Y18 and Y26. Analysis of the cleavage reaction using suicide substrates and Y18F or Y26F mutants showed that efficient Y26 cleavage only occurs after Y18 cleavage. Strand-transfer reactions carried out with the isolated Y18-DNA complex allowed the assignment of specific roles to each tyrosine. Thus, only Y18 was used for initiation. Y26 was specifically used in the second transesterification that leads to strand transfer, thus catalyzing the termination reaction that occurs in the recipient cell.  相似文献   

TrwC is a bacterial protein involved in conjugative transfer of plasmid R388. It is transferred together with the DNA strand into the recipient bacterial cell, where it can integrate the conjugatively transferred DNA strand into its target sequence present in the recipient cell. Considering that bacterial conjugation can occur between bacteria and eukaryotic cells, this protein has great biotechnological potential as a site-specific integrase. We have searched for possible TrwC target sequences in the human genome. Recombination assays showed that TrwC efficiently catalyzes recombination between its natural target sequence and a discrete number of sequences, located in noncoding sites of the human genome, which resemble this target. We have determined the cellular localization of TrwC and derivatives in human cells by immunofluorescence and also by an indirect yeast-based assay to detect both nuclear import and export signals. The results indicate that the recombinase domain of TrwC (N600) has nuclear localization, but full-length TrwC locates in the cytoplasm, apparently due to the presence of a nuclear export signal in its C-terminal domain. The recombinase domain of TrwC can be transported to recipient cells by conjugation in the presence of the helicase domain of TrwC, but with very low efficiency. We mutagenized the trwC gene and selected for mutants with nuclear localization. We obtained one such mutant with a point A904T mutation and an extra peptide at its C terminus, which maintained its functionality in conjugation and recombination. This TrwC mutant could be useful for future TrwC-mediated site-specific integration assays in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Bacterial type IV secretion systems (T4SSs) are involved in processes such as bacterial conjugation and protein translocation to animal cells. In this work, we have switched the substrates of T4SSs involved in pathogenicity for DNA transfer. Plasmids containing part of the conjugative machinery of plasmid R388 were transferred by the T4SS of human facultative intracellular pathogen Bartonella henselae to both recipient bacteria and human vascular endothelial cells. About 2% of the human cells expressed a green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene from the plasmid. Plasmids of different sizes were transferred with similar efficiencies. B. henselae codes for two T4SSs: VirB/VirD4 and Trw. A ΔvirB mutant strain was transfer deficient, while a ΔtrwE mutant was only slightly impaired in DNA transfer. DNA transfer was in all cases dependent on protein TrwC of R388, the conjugative relaxase, implying that it occurs by a conjugation-like mechanism. A DNA helicase-deficient mutant of TrwC could not promote DNA transfer. In the absence of TrwB, the coupling protein of R388, DNA transfer efficiency dropped 1 log. The same low efficiency was obtained with a TrwB point mutation in the region involved in interaction with the T4SS. TrwB interacted with VirB10 in a bacterial two-hybrid assay, suggesting that it may act as the recruiter of the R388 substrate for the VirB/VirD4 T4SS. A TrwB ATPase mutant behaved as dominant negative, dropping DNA transfer efficiency to almost null levels. B. henselae bacteria recovered from infected human cells could transfer the mobilizable plasmid into recipient Escherichia coli under certain conditions, underscoring the versatility of T4SSs.  相似文献   

TrwC is a relaxase protein, which starts and finishes DNA processing during bacterial conjugation in plasmid R388. TrwC recognizes a specific sequence of DNA (25 nucleotides) in the donor cell: the nic-site. As a model example, a single transversion C24G in nic avoids DNA processing by TrwC. Using this simple model, our objective was to obtain a proof of principle that TrwC specificity can be changed. Several structures of DNA–TrwC complexes were used as reference to design a focused saturation mutagenesis library (NNK) randomizing amino acid Lys262, since its side chain seems to sterically hinder the recognition of the C24G nic mutation by wild-type TrwC. Using bacterial conjugation as an in vivo selection system, several TrwC variants were found that show changes in substrate specificity. These variants were also tested in a competitive assay to evaluate their conjugation efficiency.  相似文献   

Relaxases act as DNA selection sieves in conjugative plasmid transfer. Most plasmid relaxases belong to the HUH endonuclease family. TrwC, the relaxase of plasmid R388, is the prototype of the HUH relaxase family, which also includes TraI of plasmid F. In this article we demonstrate that TrwC processes its target nic-site by means of a highly secure double lock and key mechanism. It is controlled both by TrwC–DNA intermolecular interactions and by intramolecular DNA interactions between several nic nucleotides. The sequence specificity map of the interaction between TrwC and DNA was determined by systematic mutagenesis using degenerate oligonucleotide libraries. The specificity map reveals the minimal nic sequence requirements for R388-based conjugation. Some nic-site sequence variants were still able to form the U-turn shape at the nic-site necessary for TrwC processing, as observed by X-ray crystallography. Moreover, purified TrwC relaxase effectively cleaved ssDNA as well as dsDNA substrates containing these mutant sequences. Since TrwC is able to catalyze DNA integration in a nic-site-containing DNA molecule, characterization of nic-site functionally active sequence variants should improve the search quality of potential target sequences for relaxase-mediated integration in any target genome.  相似文献   

Type IV secretion system (T4SS) substrates are recruited through a translocation signal that is poorly defined for conjugative relaxases. The relaxase TrwC of plasmid R388 is translocated by its cognate conjugative T4SS, and it can also be translocated by the VirB/D4 T4SS of Bartonella henselae, causing DNA transfer to human cells. In this work, we constructed a series of TrwC variants and assayed them for DNA transfer to bacteria and human cells to compare recruitment requirements by both T4SSs. Comparison with other reported relaxase translocation signals allowed us to determine two putative translocation sequence (TS) motifs, TS1 and TS2. Mutations affecting TS1 drastically affected conjugation frequencies, while mutations affecting either motif had only a mild effect on DNA transfer rates through the VirB/D4 T4SS of B. henselae. These results indicate that a single substrate can be recruited by two different T4SSs through different signals. The C terminus affected DNA transfer rates through both T4SSs tested, but no specific sequence requirement was detected. The addition of a Bartonella intracellular delivery (BID) domain, the translocation signal for the Bartonella VirB/D4 T4SS, increased DNA transfer up to 4% of infected human cells, providing an excellent tool for DNA delivery to specific cell types. We show that the R388 coupling protein TrwB is also required for this high-efficiency TrwC-BID translocation. Other elements apart from the coupling protein may also be involved in substrate recognition by T4SSs.  相似文献   

Relaxosomes are specific nucleoprotein structures involved in DNA-processing reactions during bacterial conjugation. In this work, we present evidence indicating that plasmid R388 relaxosomes are composed of origin of transfer (oriT) DNA plus three proteins TrwC relaxase, TrwA nic-cleavage accessory protein and integration host factor (IHF), which acts as a regulatory protein. Protein IHF bound to two sites (ihfA and ihfB) in R388 oriT, as shown by gel retardation and DNase I footprinting analysis. IHF binding in vitro was found to inhibit nic-cleavage, but not TrwC binding to supercoiled DNA. However, no differences in the frequency of R388 conjugation were found between IHF- and IHF+ donor strains. In contrast, examination of plasmid DNA obtained from IHF- strains revealed that R388 was obtained mostly in relaxed form from these strains, whereas it was mostly supercoiled in IHF+ strains. Thus, IHF could have an inhibitory role in the nic-cleavage reaction in vivo. It can be speculated that triggering of conjugative DNA processing during R388 conjugation can be mediated by IHF release from oriT.  相似文献   

Protein TrwC is the relaxase-helicase responsible for the initiation and termination reactions of DNA processing during plasmid R388 conjugation. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to change to phenylalanine each of a set of four conserved tyrosyl residues in the sequence of the N-terminal relaxation domain of the protein. Simultaneous mutation of both Y18 and Y26 was required to abolish in vitro cleavage and strand-transfer reactions catalyzed by protein TrwC on oligonucleotides containing the nic site. Thus, both Y18 and Y26 could be involved independently in the formation of oligonucleotide-protein covalent complexes that constitute presumed intermediates of these reactions. This hypothesis was confirmed by the observation of Y18 and Y26-specific peptide-oligonucleotide adducts after protease digestion of TrwC and mutant derivatives. Finally mutation Y18F, but not mutation Y26F, abolished nic-cleavage of a supercoiled DNA containing the R388 origin of transfer (oriT). These data allowed the construction of a model for conjugative DNA processing in which Y18 specifically catalyzes the initial cleavage reaction, while Y26 is used for the second strand-transfer reaction, which terminates conjugation. The model suggests a control mechanism that can be effective at each conjugative replication cycle.  相似文献   

Integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs), also known as conjugative transposons, are mobile genetic elements that can transfer from one bacterial cell to another by conjugation. ICEBs1 is integrated into the trnS-leu2 gene of Bacillus subtilis and is regulated by the SOS response and the RapI-PhrI cell-cell peptide signaling system. When B. subtilis senses DNA damage or high concentrations of potential mating partners that lack the element, ICEBs1 excises from the chromosome and can transfer to recipients. Bacterial conjugation usually requires a DNA relaxase that nicks an origin of transfer (oriT) on the conjugative element and initiates the 5'-to-3' transfer of one strand of the element into recipient cells. The ICEBs1 ydcR (nicK) gene product is homologous to the pT181 family of plasmid DNA relaxases. We found that transfer of ICEBs1 requires nicK and identified a cis-acting oriT that is also required for transfer. Expression of nicK leads to nicking of ICEBs1 between a GC-rich inverted repeat in oriT, and NicK was the only ICEBs1 gene product needed for nicking. NicK likely mediates conjugation of ICEBs1 by nicking at oriT and facilitating the translocation of a single strand of ICEBs1 DNA through a transmembrane conjugation pore.  相似文献   

Bacteria commonly exchange genetic information by the horizontal transfer of conjugative plasmids. In gram-negative conjugation, a relaxase enzyme is absolutely required to prepare plasmid DNA for transit into the recipient via a type IV secretion system. Here we report a mutagenesis of the F plasmid relaxase gene traI using in-frame, 31-codon insertions. Phenotypic analysis of our mutant library revealed that several mutant proteins are functional in conjugation, highlighting regions of TraI that can tolerate insertions of a moderate size. We also demonstrate that wild-type TraI, when overexpressed, plays a dominant-negative regulatory role in conjugation, repressing plasmid transfer frequencies approximately 100-fold. Mutant TraI proteins with insertions in a region of approximately 400 residues between the consensus relaxase and helicase sequences did not cause conjugative repression. These unrestrictive TraI variants have normal relaxase activity in vivo, and several have wild-type conjugative functions when expressed at normal levels. We postulate that TraI negatively regulates conjugation by interacting with and sequestering some component of the conjugative apparatus. Our data indicate that the domain responsible for conjugative repression resides in the central region of TraI between the protein's catalytic domains.  相似文献   

Integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs, also known as conjugative transposons) are mobile elements that are found integrated in a host genome and can excise and transfer to recipient cells via conjugation. ICEs and conjugative plasmids are found in many bacteria and are important agents of horizontal gene transfer and microbial evolution. Conjugative elements are capable of self-transfer and also capable of mobilizing other DNA elements that are not able to self-transfer. Plasmids that can be mobilized by conjugative elements are generally thought to contain an origin of transfer (oriT), from which mobilization initiates, and to encode a mobilization protein (Mob, a relaxase) that nicks a site in oriT and covalently attaches to the DNA to be transferred. Plasmids that do not have both an oriT and a cognate mob are thought to be nonmobilizable. We found that Bacillus subtilis carrying the integrative and conjugative element ICEBs1 can transfer three different plasmids to recipient bacteria at high frequencies. Strikingly, these plasmids do not have dedicated mobilization-oriT functions. Plasmid mobilization required conjugation proteins of ICEBs1, including the putative coupling protein. In contrast, plasmid mobilization did not require the ICEBs1 conjugative relaxase or cotransfer of ICEBs1, indicating that the putative coupling protein likely interacts with the plasmid replicative relaxase and directly targets the plasmid DNA to the ICEBs1 conjugation apparatus. These results blur the current categorization of mobilizable and nonmobilizable plasmids and indicate that conjugative elements play a role in horizontal gene transfer even more significant than previously recognized.  相似文献   

The ectopic expression of antibody fragments inside mammalian cells (intrabodies) is a challenging approach for probing and modulating target activities. We previously described the shuttling activity of intracellularly expressed Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase conferred by the single-chain Fv (scFv) fragment 13R4 equipped with nuclear import/export signals. Here, by appending to scFvs the proteolytic PEST signal sequence (a protein region rich in proline, glutamic acid, serine and threonine) of mouse ornithine decarboxylase, we tested whether short-lived or destabilized intrabodies could affect the steady-state level of target by redirecting it to the proteasomes. In the absence of antigen, the half-life of the modified scFv 13R4, relative to untagged molecules, was considerably reduced in vivo. However, after coexpression with either cytoplasmic or nuclear antigen, the destabilized 13R4 fragments were readily maintained in the cell and strictly colocalized with beta-galactosidase. Analysis of destabilized site-directed mutants, that were as soluble as 13R4 in the intracellular context, demonstrated that binding to antigen was essential for survival under these conditions. This unique property allowed specific detection of beta-galactosidase, even when expressed at low level in stably transformed cells, and permitted isolation by flow cytometry from a transfected cell mixture of those living cells specifically labeled with bound intrabody. Altogether, we show that PEST-tagged intrabodies of sufficient affinity and solubility are powerful tools for imaging the presence and likely the dynamics of protein antigens that are resistant to proteasomal degradation in animal cells.  相似文献   

Relaxases are DNA strand transferases that catalyze the initial and final stages of DNA processing during conjugative cell-to-cell DNA transfer. Upon binding to the origin of transfer (oriT) DNA, relaxase TrwC melts the double helix. The three-dimensional structure of the relaxase domain of TrwC in complex with its cognate DNA at oriT shows a fold built on a two-layer alpha/beta sandwich, with a deep narrow cleft that houses the active site. The DNA includes one arm of an extruded cruciform, an essential feature for specific recognition. This arm is firmly embraced by the protein through a beta-ribbon positioned in the DNA major groove and a loop occupying the minor groove. It is followed by a single-stranded DNA segment that enters the active site, after a sharp U-turn forming a hydrophobic cage that traps the N-terminal methionine. Structural analysis combined with site-directed mutagenesis defines the architecture of the active site.  相似文献   

In preparation for transfer conjugative type IV secretion systems (T4SS) produce a nucleoprotein adduct containing a relaxase enzyme covalently linked to the 5' end of single-stranded plasmid DNA. The bound relaxase is expected to present features necessary for selective recognition by the type IV coupling protein (T4CP), which controls substrate entry to the envelope spanning secretion machinery. We prove that the IncF plasmid R1 relaxase TraI is translocated to the recipient cells. Using a Cre recombinase assay (CRAfT) we mapped two internally positioned translocation signals (TS) on F-like TraI proteins that independently mediate efficient recognition and secretion. Tertiary structure predictions for the TS matched best helicase RecD2 from Deinococcus radiodurans. The TS is widely conserved in MOB(F) and MOB(Q) families of relaxases. Structure/function relationships within the TS were identified by mutation. A key residue in specific recognition by T4CP TraD was revealed by a fidelity switch phenotype for an F to plasmid R1 exchange L626H mutation. Finally, we show that physical linkage of the relaxase catalytic domain to a TraI TS is necessary for efficient conjugative transfer.  相似文献   

TrwB is the conjugative coupling protein of plasmid R388. TrwBDeltaN70 contains the soluble domain of TrwB. It was constructed by deletion of trwB sequences containing TrwB N-proximal transmembrane segments. Purified TrwBDeltaN70 protein bound tightly the fluorescent ATP analogue TNP-ATP (K(s) = 8.7 microM) but did not show measurable ATPase or GTPase activity. A single ATP binding site was found per TrwB monomer. An intact ATP-binding site was essential for R388 conjugation, since a TrwB mutant with a single amino acid alteration in the ATP-binding signature (K136T) was transfer-deficient. TrwBDeltaN70 also bound DNA nonspecifically. DNA binding enhanced TrwC nic cleavage, providing the first evidence that directly links TrwB with conjugative DNA processing. Since DNA bound by TrwBDeltaN70 also showed increased negative superhelicity (as shown by increased sensitivity to topoisomerase I), nic cleavage enhancement was assumed to be a consequence of the increased single-stranded nature of DNA around nic. The mutant protein TrwB(K136T)DeltaN70 was indistinguishable from TrwBDeltaN70 with respect to the above properties, indicating that TrwB ATP binding activity is not required for them. The reported properties of TrwB suggest potential functions for conjugative coupling proteins, both as triggers of conjugative DNA processing and as motors in the transport process.  相似文献   

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