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De novo design of the hydrophobic core of ubiquitin.   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We have previously reported the development and evaluation of a computational program to assist in the design of hydrophobic cores of proteins. In an effort to investigate the role of core packing in protein structure, we have used this program, referred to as Repacking of Cores (ROC), to design several variants of the protein ubiquitin. Nine ubiquitin variants containing from three to eight hydrophobic core mutations were constructed, purified, and characterized in terms of their stability and their ability to adopt a uniquely folded native-like conformation. In general, designed ubiquitin variants are more stable than control variants in which the hydrophobic core was chosen randomly. However, in contrast to previous results with 434 cro, all designs are destabilized relative to the wild-type (WT) protein. This raises the possibility that beta-sheet structures have more stringent packing requirements than alpha-helical proteins. A more striking observation is that all variants, including random controls, adopt fairly well-defined conformations, regardless of their stability. This result supports conclusions from the cro studies that non-core residues contribute significantly to the conformational uniqueness of these proteins while core packing largely affects protein stability and has less impact on the nature or uniqueness of the fold. Concurrent with the above work, we used stability data on the nine ubiquitin variants to evaluate and improve the predictive ability of our core packing algorithm. Additional versions of the program were generated that differ in potential function parameters and sampling of side chain conformers. Reasonable correlations between experimental and predicted stabilities suggest the program will be useful in future studies to design variants with stabilities closer to that of the native protein. Taken together, the present study provides further clarification of the role of specific packing interactions in protein structure and stability, and demonstrates the benefit of using systematic computational methods to predict core packing arrangements for the design of proteins.  相似文献   

Extensive environment-dependent rearrangement of the helix-turn-helix DNA recognition region and adjacent L-tryptophan binding pocket is reported in the crystal structure of dimeric E. coli trp aporepressor with point mutation Leu75Phe. In one of two subunits, the eight residues immediately C-terminal to the mutation are shifted forward in helical register by three positions, and the five following residues form an extrahelical loop accommodating the register shift. In contrast, the second subunit has wildtype-like conformation, as do both subunits in an isomorphous wildtype control structure. Treated together as an ensemble pair, the distorted and wildtype-like conformations of the mutant apoprotein agree more fully than either conformation alone with previously reported NOE measurements, and account more completely for its diverse biochemical and biophysical properties. The register-shifted segment Ile79-Ala80-Thr81-Ile82-Thr83 is helical in both conformations despite low helical propensity, suggesting an important structural role for the steric constraints imposed by β-branched residues in helical conformation.  相似文献   

The jigsaw puzzle model postulates that the predominant factor relating primary sequence to three-dimensional fold lies in the stereospecific packing of interdigitating side-chains within densely packed protein interiors. An attempt has been made to check the validity of the model by means of a surface complementarity function. Out of a database of 100 highly resolved protein structures the contacts between buried hydrophobic residues (Leu, Ile, Val, Phe) and their neighbours have been categorized in terms of the extent of side-chain surface area involved in a contact (overlap) and their steric fit (Sm). The results show that the majority of contacts between a buried residue and its immediate neighbours (side-chains) are of high steric fit and in the case of extended overlap at least one of the angular parameters characterizing interresidue geometry to have pronounced deviation from a random distribution, estimated by chi(2). The calculations thus tend to support the "jigsaw puzzle" model in that 75-85% of the contacts involving hydrophobic residues are of high surface complementarity, which, coupled to high overlap, exercise fairly stringent constraints over the possible geometrical orientations between interacting residues. These constraints manifest in simple patterns in the distributions of orientational angles. Approximately 60-80% of the buried side-chain surface packs against neighbouring side-chains, the rest interacting with main-chain atoms. The latter partition of the surface maintains an equally high steric fit (relative to side-chain contacts) emphasizing a non-trivial though secondary role played by main-chain atoms in interior packing. The majority of this class of contacts, though of high complementarity, is of reduced overlap. All residues whether hydrophobic or polar/charged show similar surface complementarity measures upon burial, indicating comparable competence of all amino acids in packing effectively with their atomic environments. The specificity thus appears to be distributed over the entire network of contacts within proteins. The study concludes with a proposal to classify contacts as specific and non-specific (based on overlap and fit), with the former perhaps contributing more to the specificity between sequence and fold than the latter.  相似文献   

Feng H  Bai Y 《Proteins》2004,56(3):426-429
To test a hydrophobic core-directed protein design approach, we previously have used phage-display and proteolysis to select stably folded proteins from a library of mutants of apocytochrome b562. The consensus sequence of the selected mutants has hydrophilic residues at two of the three positions that are designed to form a hydrophobic core. To understand this unexpected result, we determined the high-resolution structure of one of the selected mutants using multi-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The structure shows that the two hydrophilic residues in the consensus sequence were on the surface of the structure. Instead, two of their neighboring hydrophobic residues reorganized their side-chain conformations and formed the hydrophobic core. This result suggests that the hydrophobic core-directed protein design by phage-display and proteolysis is a valid method in general but alternative hydrophobic packing needs to be considered in the initial design. The unexpected repacking of the hydrophobic residues also highlights the plastic nature of protein structures.  相似文献   

Conversion of the normal soluble form of prion protein, PrP (PrPC), to proteinase K-resistant form (PrPSc) is a common molecular etiology of prion diseases. Proteinase K-resistance is attributed to a drastic conformational change from α-helix to β-sheet and subsequent fibril formation. Compelling evidence suggests that membranes play a role in the conformational conversion of PrP. However, biophysical mechanisms underlying the conformational changes of PrP and membrane binding are still elusive. Recently, we demonstrated that the putative transmembrane domain (TMD; residues 111–135) of Syrian hamster PrP penetrates into the membrane upon the reduction of the conserved disulfide bond of PrP. To understand the mechanism underlying the membrane insertion of the TMD, here we explored changes in conformation and membrane binding abilities of PrP using wild type and cysteine-free mutant. We show that the reduction of the disulfide bond of PrP removes motional restriction of the TMD, which might, in turn, expose the TMD into solvent. The released TMD then penetrates into the membrane. We suggest that the disulfide bond regulates the membrane binding mode of PrP by controlling the motional freedom of the TMD.  相似文献   

A monomolecular native-like three-helix bundle has been designed in an iterative process, beginning with a peptide that noncooperatively assembled into an antiparallel three-helix bundle. Three versions of the protein were designed in which specific interactions were incrementally added. The hydrodynamic and spectroscopic properties of the proteins were examined by size exclusion chromatography, sedimentation equilibrium, fluorescence spectroscopy, and NMR. The thermodynamics of folding were evaluated by monitoring the thermal and guanidine-induced unfolding transitions using far UV circular dichroism spectroscopy. The attainment of a unique, native-like state was achieved through the introduction of: (1) helix capping interactions; (2) electrostatic interactions between partially exposed charged residues; (3) a diverse collection of apolar side chains within the hydrophobic core.  相似文献   

The folding thermodynamics and kinetics of the alpha-spectrin SH3 domain with a redesigned hydrophobic core have been studied. The introduction of five replacements, A11V, V23L, M25V, V44I and V58L, resulted in an increase of 16% in the overall volume of the side-chains forming the hydrophobic core but caused no remarkable changes to the positions of the backbone atoms. Judging by the scanning calorimetry data, the increased stability of the folded structure of the new SH3-variant is caused by entropic factors, since the changes in heat capacity and enthalpy upon the unfolding of the wild-type and mutant proteins were identical at 298 K. It appears that the design process resulted in an increase in burying both the hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces, which resulted in a compensatory effect upon the changes in heat capacity and enthalpy. Kinetic analysis shows that both the folding and unfolding rate constants are higher for the new variant, suggesting that its transition state becomes more stable compared to the folded and unfolded states. The phi(double dagger-U) values found for a number of side-chains are slightly lower than those of the wild-type protein, indicating that although the transition state ensemble (TSE) did not change overall, it has moved towards a more denatured conformation, in accordance with Hammond's postulate. Thus, the acceleration of the folding-unfolding reactions is caused mainly by an improvement in the specific and/or non-specific hydrophobic interactions within the TSE rather than by changes in the contact order. Experimental evidence showing that the TSE changes globally according to its hydrophobic content suggests that hydrophobicity may modulate the kinetic behaviour and also the folding pathway of a protein.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor function of the wild-type p53 protein is transdominantly inhibited by tumor-derived mutant p53 proteins. Such transdominant inhibition limits the prospects for gene therapy approaches that aim to introduce wild-type p53 into cancer cells. The molecular mechanism for transdominant inhibition involves sequestration of wild-type p53 subunits into inactive wild-type/mutant hetero-tetramers. Thus, p53 proteins, whose oligomerization specificity is altered so they cannot interact with tumor-derived mutant p53, would escape transdominant inhibition. Aided by the known three-dimensional structure of the p53 tetramerization domain and by trial and error we designed a novel domain with seven amino acid substitutions in the hydrophobic core. A full-length p53 protein bearing this novel domain formed homo-tetramers and had tumor suppressor function, but did not hetero-oligomerize with tumor-derived mutant p53 and resisted transdominant inhibition. Thus, hydrophobic core residues influence the oligomerization specificity of the p53 tetramerization domain.  相似文献   

The ability to consistently distinguish real protein structures from computationally generated model decoys is not yet a solved problem. One route to distinguish real protein structures from decoys is to delineate the important physical features that specify a real protein. For example, it has long been appreciated that the hydrophobic cores of proteins contribute significantly to their stability. We used two sources to obtain datasets of decoys to compare with real protein structures: submissions to the biennial Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction competition, in which researchers attempt to predict the structure of a protein only knowing its amino acid sequence, and also decoys generated by 3DRobot, which have user‐specified global root‐mean‐squared deviations from experimentally determined structures. Our analysis revealed that both sets of decoys possess cores that do not recapitulate the key features that define real protein cores. In particular, the model structures appear more densely packed (because of energetically unfavorable atomic overlaps), contain too few residues in the core, and have improper distributions of hydrophobic residues throughout the structure. Based on these observations, we developed a feed‐forward neural network, which incorporates key physical features of protein cores, to predict how well a computational model recapitulates the real protein structure without knowledge of the structure of the target sequence. By identifying the important features of protein structure, our method is able to rank decoy structures with similar accuracy to that obtained by state‐of‐the‐art methods that incorporate many additional features. The small number of physical features makes our model interpretable, emphasizing the importance of protein packing and hydrophobicity in protein structure prediction.  相似文献   

We report the computational redesign of the protein-binding interface of calmodulin (CaM), a small, ubiquitous Ca(2+)-binding protein that is known to bind to and regulate a variety of functionally and structurally diverse proteins. The CaM binding interface was optimized to improve binding specificity towards one of its natural targets, smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase (smMLCK). The optimization was performed using optimization of rotamers by iterative techniques (ORBIT), a protein design program that utilizes a physically based force-field and the Dead-End Elimination theorem to compute sequences that are optimal for a given protein scaffold. Starting from the structure of the CaM-smMLCK complex, the program considered 10(22) amino acid residue sequences to obtain the lowest-energy CaM sequence. The resulting eightfold mutant, CaM_8, was constructed and tested for binding to a set of seven CaM target peptides. CaM_8 displayed high binding affinity to the smMLCK peptide (1.3nM), similar to that of the wild-type protein (1.8nM). The affinity of CaM_8 to six other target peptides was reduced, as intended, by 1.5-fold to 86-fold. Hence, CaM_8 exhibited increased binding specificity, preferring the smMLCK peptide to the other targets. Studies of this type may increase our understanding of the origins of binding specificity in protein-ligand complexes and may provide valuable information that can be used in the design of novel protein receptors and/or ligands.  相似文献   

The kinetics of conformation change as determinant of Rubisco's specificity   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The molecular basis of Rubisco's specificity is investigated in terms of the structure and kinetics of the enzyme. We propose that the rates of the conformational changes (closing/opening) of the binding niche exert a crucial influence on apparent binding rates and the enzyme's specificity. An extended reaction scheme for binding and conformational kinetics is presented and expressed in a mathematical model. The closed conformation, known from X-ray structures, is assumed to be necessary for binding of the gaseous substrates (carbon dioxide and oxygen) and for catalysis. Opening the niche interrupts catalysis and enables a fast exchange of those molecules between the internal cavity and the surrounding solvent. Our model predicts that specificity of Rubisco for CO2 increases with the rate by which the niche opens. This is due to the fact that binding of the carbon dioxide is faster than oxygen binding, which is hampered by spin inversion. The apparent rate of carbon dioxide binding correlates with the repetition rate of the conformational change, and the rate of oxygen binding with the probability of the closed state. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Thermostable villin headpiece protein (HP67) consists of the N‐terminal subdomain (residues 10–41) and the autonomously folding C‐terminal subdomain (residues 42–76) which pack against each other to form a structure with a unified hydrophobic core. The X‐ray structures of the isolated C‐terminal subdomain (HP36) and its counterpart in HP67 are very similar for the hydrophobic core residues. However, fine rearrangements of the free energy landscape are expected to occur because of the interactions between the two subdomains. We detect and characterize these changes by comparing the µs‐ms time scale dynamics of the methyl‐bearing side chains in isolated HP36 and in HP67. Specifically, we probe three hydrophobic side chains at the interface of the two subdomains (L42, V50, and L75) as well as at two residues far from the interface (L61 and L69). Solid‐state deuteron NMR techniques are combined with computational modeling for the detailed characterization of motional modes in terms of their kinetic and thermodynamic parameters. The effect of interdomain interactions on side chain dynamics is seen for all residues but L75. Thus, changes in dynamics because of subdomain interactions are not confined to the site of perturbation. One of the main results is a two‐ to threefold increase in the value of the activation energies for the rotameric mode of motions in HP67 compared with HP36. Detailed analysis of configurational entropies and heat capacities complement the kinetic view of the degree of the disorder in the folded state.  相似文献   

We present an improved version of RosettaHoles, a methodology for quantitative and visual characterization of protein core packing. RosettaHoles2 features a packing measure more rapidly computable, accurate and physically transparent, as well as a new validation score intended for structures submitted to the Protein Data Bank. The differential packing measure is parameterized to maximize the gap between computationally generated and experimentally determined X‐ray structures, and can be used in refinement of protein structure models. The parameters of the model provide insight into components missing in current force fields, and the validation score gives an upper bound on the X‐ray resolution of Protein Data Bank structures; a crystal structure should have a validation score as good as or better than its resolution.  相似文献   

Adjacent N11L and L12N mutations in the antiparallel beta-ribbon of Arc repressor result in dramatic changes in local structure in which each beta-strand is replaced by a right-handed helix. The full solution structure of this "switch" Arc mutant shows that irregular 3(10) helices compose the new secondary structure. This structural metamorphosis conserves the number of main-chain and side-chain to main-chain hydrogen bonds and the number of fully buried core residues. Apart from a slight widening of the interhelical angle between alpha-helices A and B and changes in side-chain conformation of a few core residues in Arc, no large-scale structural adjustments in the remainder of the protein are necessary to accommodate the ribbon-to-helix change. Nevertheless, some changes in hydrogen-exchange rates are observed, even in regions that have very similar structures in the two proteins. The surface of switch Arc is packed poorly compared to wild-type, leading to approximately 1000A(2) of additional solvent-accessible surface area, and the N termini of the 3(10) helices make unfavorable head-to-head electrostatic interactions. These structural features account for the positive m value and salt dependence of the ribbon-to-helix transition in Arc-N11L, a variant that can adopt either the mutant or wild-type structures. The tertiary fold is capped in different ways in switch and wild-type Arc, showing how stepwise evolutionary transformations can arise through small changes in amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

Omega (omega)-loop A, residues 18-32 in wild-type yeast iso-1-cytochrome c, has been deleted and replaced with loop sequences from three other cytochromes c and one from esterase. Yeast expressing a partial loop deletion do not contain perceptible amounts of holoprotein as measured by low-temperature spectroscopy and cannot grow on nonfermentable media. Strains expressing loop replacement mutations accumulate holoprotein in vivo, but the protein function varies depending on the sequence and length of the replacement loop; in vivo expression levels do not correlate with their thermal denaturation temperatures. In vitro spectroscopic studies of the loop replacement proteins indicate that all fold into a native-like cytochrome c conformation, but are less stable than the wild-type protein. Decreases in thermal stability are caused by perturbation of loop C backbone in one case and a slight reorganization of the protein hydrophobic core in another case, rather than rearrangement of the loop A backbone. A single-site mutation in one of the replacement mutants designed to relieve inefficient hydrophobic core packing caused by the new loop recovers some, but not all, of the lost stability.  相似文献   

A critical step in the folding pathway of globular proteins is the formation of a tightly packed hydrophobic core. Several mutational studies have addressed the question of whether tight packing interactions are present during the rate-limiting step of folding. In some of these investigations, substituted side chains have been assumed to form native-like interactions in the transition state when the folding rates of mutant proteins correlate with their native-state stabilities. Alternatively, it has been argued that side chains participate in nonspecific hydrophobic collapse when the folding rates of mutant proteins correlate with side-chain hydrophobicity. In a reanalysis of published data, we have found that folding rates often correlate similarly well, or poorly, with both native-state stability and side-chain hydrophobicity, and it is therefore not possible to select an appropriate transition state model based on these one-parameter correlations. We show that this ambiguity can be resolved using a two-parameter model in which side chain burial and the formation of all other native-like interactions can occur asynchronously. Notably, the model agrees well with experimental data, even for positions where the one-parameter correlations are poor. We find that many side chains experience a previously unrecognized type of transition state environment in which specific, native-like interactions are formed, but hydrophobic burial dominates. Implications of these results to the design and analysis of protein folding studies are discussed.  相似文献   

New determinants of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris carboxypeptidase T (CPT) substrate specificity--structural calcium ions and Leu254 residue--were found by means of steady-state kinetics and site-directed mutagenesis. The removal of calcium ions shifted the selectivity profile of hydrolysis of tripeptide substrates with C-terminal Leu, Glu, and Arg from 64/1.7/1 to 162/1.3/1. Substitution of the hydrophobic Leu254 in CPT for polar Asn did not change hydrolysis efficiency of substrates with C-terminal Leu and Arg, but resulted in more than 28-fold decrease in activity towards the substrate with C-terminal Glu. It is shown that the His68 residue is not a structural determinant of CPT specificity.  相似文献   

Immunogenic endotoxin associated protein from a rough strain of Salmonella   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract A multimolecular complex of polypeptides found associated with the lipopolysaccharide endotoxin in Salmonella , reffered to as endotoxin-associated protein (EP), has been extracted from a rough strain of Salmonella typhimurium which does not synthesize 0 antigens. Since standard methods of extraction applicable to smooth strains of Salmonella were not successful for this rough strain, two modified procedures were developed. The resulting products were similar to smooth EP in terms of their biochemical, physical and mitogenic properties. When the immunogenicity of the rough EP was characterized by a protection assay in mice challenged with virulent Salmonella , it was found that the rough EP preparations were protective; however, they were not as active as the EP from a smooth strain of S. typhimurium .  相似文献   

Computational protein design relies on several approximations, including the use of fixed backbones and rotamers, to reduce protein design to a computationally tractable problem. However, allowing backbone and off‐rotamer flexibility leads to more accurate designs and greater conformational diversity. Exhaustive sampling of this additional conformational space is challenging, and often impossible. Here, we report a computational method that utilizes a preselected library of native interactions to direct backbone flexibility to accommodate placement of these functional contacts. Using these native interaction modules, termed motifs, improves the likelihood that the interaction can be realized, provided that suitable backbone perturbations can be identified. Furthermore, it allows a directed search of the conformational space, reducing the sampling needed to find low energy conformations. We implemented the motif‐based design algorithm in Rosetta, and tested the efficacy of this method by redesigning the substrate specificity of methionine aminopeptidase. In summary, native enzymes have evolved to catalyze a wide range of chemical reactions with extraordinary specificity. Computational enzyme design seeks to generate novel chemical activities by altering the target substrates of these existing enzymes. We have implemented a novel approach to redesign the specificity of an enzyme and demonstrated its effectiveness on a model system.  相似文献   

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