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Considering the purported bias of interviews to elicit "official accounts"--conveying conventional teachings from health promotion--and limited insights individuals may have into their own health behaviors, the challenges of relating health as talk (directed at researchers) to health as enacted are examined. Focusing on one family from a study of dual-earner middle-class Los Angeles families, I propose and apply four analytic lenses to a conjoint analysis of ethnographic interviews and videorecordings of family life to examine the parental claim that their family is a "healthy family." Findings indicate that parental accounts enable deeper insights into health as entrenched in everyday life, here revealing the centrality of a relational view of health as "family well-being" (vs. individual health) extending into the social world. Discussion considers debates over the extent to which "discursive consciousness" in interview settings illuminates health-relevant practices in everyday life contexts.  相似文献   

The provision of healthcare in rural African communities is a highly complex and largely unsolved problem. Two main difficulties are the identification of individuals that are most likely affected by disease and the prediction of responses to health interventions. Social networks have been shown to capture health outcomes in a variety of contexts. Yet, it is an open question as to what extent social network analysis can identify and distinguish among households that are most likely to report poor health and those most likely to respond to positive behavioural influences. We use data from seven highly remote, post-conflict villages in Liberia and compare two prominent network measures: in-degree and betweenness. We define in-degree as the frequency in which members from one household are named by another household as a friends. Betweenness is defined as the proportion of shortest friendship paths between any two households in a network that traverses a particular household. We find that in-degree explains the number of ill family members, whereas betweenness explains engagement in preventative health. In-degree and betweenness independently explained self-reported health and behaviour, respectively. Further, we find that betweenness predicts susceptibility to, instead of influence over, good health behaviours. The results suggest that targeting households based on network measures rather than health status may be effective for promoting the uptake of health interventions in rural poor villages.  相似文献   

Health-promoting schools have been regarded as an important initiative in promoting child and adolescent health in school settings using the whole-school approach. Quantitative research has proved its effectiveness in various school-based programmes. However, few qualitative studies have been conducted to investigate the strategies used by health promoters to implement such initiatives. In this study, the researchers conducted a systematic review and narrative synthesis of the qualitative literature to identify important enablers assisting the implementation of health-promoting schools from the perspectives of health promoters. Five enablers have been identified from the review: (a) Following a framework/guideline to implement health-promoting schools; (b) Obtaining committed support and contributions from the school staff, school board management, government authorities, health agencies and other stakeholders; (c) Adopting a multidisciplinary, collaborative approach to implementing HPS; (d) Establishing professional networks and relationships; and (e) Continuing training and education in school health promotion. This highlights the importance of developing school health policies that meet local health needs, and socio-cultural characteristics that can foster mutual understanding between the health and education sectors so as to foster health promotion in children and adolescents.  相似文献   

Researchers have speculated that negative life events are more common in troubled neighborhoods, amplifying adverse effects on health. Using a clustered representative sample of Chicago residents (2001–03; n = 3,105) from the Chicago Community Adult Health Survey, we provide the first documentation that negative life events are highly geographically clustered compared to health outcomes. Associations between neighborhood context and negative life events were also found to vary by event type. We then demonstrate the power of a contextualized approach by testing path models in which life events mediate the relation between neighborhood characteristics and health outcomes, including self-rated health, anxiety, and depression. The indirect paths between neighborhood conditions and health through negative life event exposure are highly significant and large compared to the direct paths from neighborhood conditions to health. Our results indicate that neighborhood conditions can have acute as well as chronic effects on health, and that negative life events are a powerful mechanism by which context may influence health.  相似文献   

Suicide as a public health problem is generally underestimated. Deaths from suicide annually outnumber those from cancer of the respiratory system or of other common sites; more than twice as many die by suicide as from most communicable diseases combined. Most suicides are motivated by concern over ill health or domestic difficulties.A program tried in Yolo County to follow up persons who have attempted suicide indicates that a more systematic and widespread effort in this direction might be of value to the public health. It is recommended that attempts at suicide be considered a reportable disease for a one-year period and that a statewide program for following the patients be put into effect to provide rehabilitation as well as symptomatic treatment. Efforts by local health departments and private physicians are also worth while in reducing attempts at suicide.  相似文献   

Suicide as a public health problem is generally underestimated. Deaths from suicide annually outnumber those from cancer of the respiratory system or of other common sites; more than twice as many die by suicide as from most communicable diseases combined. Most suicides are motivated by concern over ill health or domestic difficulties.A program tried in Yolo County to follow up persons who have attempted suicide indicates that a more systematic and widespread effort in this direction might be of value to the public health.It is recommended that attempts at suicide be considered a reportable disease for a one-year period and that a statewide program for following the patients be put into effect to provide rehabilitation as well as symptomatic treatment. Efforts by local health departments and private physicians are also worth while in reducing attempts at suicide.  相似文献   

Recognizing that GLBTI individuals are often barred from visiting their partners in hospitals or from acting as health care surrogates for incapacitated partners, President Obama directed the Department of Health and Human Services to address these issues. In response, the department amended its rules to prohibit hospitals from restricting, limiting, or denying visitation privileges on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation. But the changes do not affect the designation of a health care surrogate, a matter largely governed by state law. Therefore, subject to state law, same-sex partners can still be legally barred from making health care decisions for their incapacitated partners, and it remains essential that they execute advance directives and appoint one another as their health care proxies.  相似文献   

We present here the beginnings of public health politics in Meiji Japan (1868-1912). Due to a two century isolation of Japan, public health concepts developed in the West from the end of the 18th century were foreign in premodern Japan. Due to its isolation, Japan was also relatively preserved from some acute infectious diseases such as cholera. In this paper, we investigate the role of cholera epidemics in the emergence of public health concepts in the peculiar context of Meiji Japan. We show that chronic diseases such as tuberculosis and leprosy were neglected for a long time and that the Meiji government set priority on acute infectious diseases that were considered as long as they disturbed public order. Nevertheless, some physicians and government officials considered issues of welfare and poverty. We also review some emerging concepts of social medicine. We try to show that in Japan as well as in western nations public health politics were not exempt of contradictions and paradoxes and a permanent tension existed between coercitive policies and conceptions of welfare and rights to health.  相似文献   

We present here the beginnings of public health politics in Meiji Japan (1868-1912). Due to a two century isolation of Japan, public health concepts developed in the West from the end of the 18th century were foreign in premodern Japan. Due to its isolation, Japan was also relatively preserved from some acute infectious diseases such as cholera. In this paper, we investigate the role of cholera epidemics in the emergence of public health concepts in the peculiar context of Meiji Japan. We show that chronic diseases such as tuberculosis and leprosy were neglected for a long time and that the Meiji government set priority on acute infectious diseases that were considered as long as they disturbed public order. Nevertheless, some physicians and government officials considered issues of welfare and poverty. We also review some emerging concepts of social medicine. We try to show, that in Japan as well as in Western nations, public health politics were not exempt of contradictions and paradoxes and a permanent tension existed between coercitive policies and conceptions of welfare and rights to health.  相似文献   

Maya mobile medical providers in highland Guatemala and the goods and services that they offer from "soapboxes" on street corners, local markets, and on buses exemplify an important yet underinvestigated domain of localized health care, one that I refer to as the "other" public health. This medical and linguistic examination of traveling medical salespeople calls for a reconsideration (on a global scale) of what has come to be understood as "public health," arguing that "othered," local forms of public health that are often overlooked by anthropologists as "nontraditional" and delegitimized by bio-medicine as nonscientific merit serious consideration and investigation. This ethnography of marginalized forms of public health offers global insights into emerging heterodoxical forms of public health care that contest bio-medical authority and challenge our preexisting definitions of what counts as "access," wellness seeking, and even health care itself.  相似文献   



Studies on political ideology and health have found associations between individual ideology and health as well as between ecological measures of political ideology and health. Individual ideology and aggregate measures such as political regimes, however, were never examined simultaneously.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using adjusted logistic multilevel models to analyze data on individuals from 29 European countries and Israel, we found that individual ideology and political regime are independently associated with self-rated health. Individuals with rightwing ideologies report better health than leftwing individuals. Respondents from Eastern Europe and former Soviet republics report poorer health than individuals from social democratic, liberal, Christian conservative, and former Mediterranean dictatorship countries. In contrast to individual ideology and political regimes, country level aggregations of individual ideology are not related to reporting poor health.


This study shows that although both individual political ideology and contextual political regime are independently associated with individuals'' self-rated health, individual political ideology appears to be more strongly associated with self-rated health than political regime.  相似文献   

We examine the extent to which self-reported health measures suffer from income-related reporting heterogeneity and then characterize how this reporting heterogeneity affects the estimation of income-related health inequality. We run a comprehensive set of tests of reporting heterogeneity using several self-reported health measures and several clinical measures of health from the National Health and Nutritional Examination Surveys. We propose the use of a multidimensional measure using clinical indicators of health in the context of measuring income-related health inequality, and we examine the extent of income-related health inequality, as measured by the concentration index, using both self-reported measures of health and the multidimensional clinical measure. Our results confirm the existence of significant, positive, income-related reporting heterogeneity and also suggest that higher income individuals react more strongly to a change in clinical health measures. Using self-assessed health suggests that income-related health inequality is about three times larger than when using more objective, self-reported health measures and ten times larger than when using the multidimensional clinical measure of health.  相似文献   

Although the women's health research agenda has been largely defined by Western biomedicine and public health, anthropology has much to offer in terms of defining and understanding women's health from the perspective of women themselves. Through the in-depth qualitative tradition of ethnography, anthropologists have documented women's health concerns around the globe, producing a large and constantly expanding literature that is rich and provocative. This article summarizes a dozen major messages about women's health that emerge from the ethnographic literature, now consisting of more than 150 volumes. These volumes are listed in the article, and some primary examples are described as representative of anthropology's contribution to knowledge production in women's health.  相似文献   

This literature review analyzes studies from the US, Canada, the UK, and Europe from inception to April 1, 2021 and focuses on treatment designs, health outcomes, demographic categories and data issues. Study designs are classified as treatment-effect-on-the-treated (7 studies), intent-to-treat (37), and what may be called possible-effects-on-anyone (10). Treatment-effects-on-the-treated designs are best for addressing the longstanding question: does income affect health or vice versa? I argue that they are also better for estimating the overall effect of minimum wages on health. Health outcomes are grouped into seven broad categories, such as overall physiological health and behavior, and 33 narrow categories, such as self-rated health and smoking. Demographic categories include gender, race/ethnicity, and age. The preponderance of evidence suggests that studies relying on the treatment-effect-on-the-treated and possible-effects-on-anyone designs find minimum wages improve health; there is no preponderance of evidence for overall health within intent-to-treat designs. With respect to specific health outcomes and demographic categories, there is no preponderance of evidence, except for improving infant and child health. One data issue concerns whether either intent-to-treat or possible-effects-on-everyone studies are reliable given that likely more than 70 % of people in their samples earn substantially above minimum wages thereby favoring the null hypothesis. Treatment-effect-on-the-treated designs are likely the best designs, and findings are largely consistent in showing that minimum wages improve some measures of health, for example, financial anxiety.  相似文献   

Guttman N  Salmon CT 《Bioethics》2004,18(6):531-552
Public health communication campaigns have been credited with helping raise awareness of risk from chronic illness and new infectious diseases and with helping promote the adoption of recommended treatment regimens. Yet many aspects of public health communication interventions have escaped the scrutiny of ethical discussions. With the transference of successful commercial marketing communication tactics to the realm of public health, consideration of ethical issues becomes an essential component in the development and application of public health strategies. Ethical issues in public health communication are explored as they relate to eight topics: 'targeting' and 'tailoring' public health messages to particular population segments; obtaining the equivalence of informed consent; the use of persuasive communication tactics; messages on responsibility and culpability; messages that apply to harm reduction; and three types of unintended adverse effects associated with public health communication activities that may label and stigmatise, expand social gaps, and promote health as a value. We suggest that an ethical analysis should be applied to each phase of the public health communication process in order to identify ethical dilemmas that may appear subtle, yet reflect important concerns regarding potential effects of public health communication interventions on individuals and society as a whole.  相似文献   

Marine ecosystem is a complex nonlinear system. However, ecosystem health assessment conventionally builds on a linear superposition of changes in ecosystem components and probably fails to evaluate nonlinear interactions among various components. To better reflect the intrinsic interactions and their impacts on ecosystem health, an ecosystem coordination index, defined as the matching level of ecosystem structure/services, is proposed and incorporated into the ecosystem health index for a systematic diagnosis in the Pearl River Estuary, China. The analysis results show that the ecosystem health index over the last three decades decreased from 0.91 to 0.50, indicating deteriorating from healthy to unhealthy status. The health index is 3–16% lower than that calculated using the common method without considering ecosystem coordination. Ecosystem health degradation in the Pearl River Estuary manifested as significant decreases in structure/services and somewhat mismatching among them. Overall, the introduction of coordination in ecosystem health assessment could improve the understanding of the mechanism of marine ecosystem change and facilitate effective restoration of ecosystem health.  相似文献   

This essay explores the connections between health and illness, and the processes of salutogenesis, pathogenesis, and homeostasis. Written from an understanding of human embodiment and the consequences this has for our experiences of health and disease, this essay moves towards a positive definition of health, as an on-going outcome from the processes of a life lived well. "Well" here is measured in terms of wealth, relationships, coherence, fitness, and adaptability. Mencken's criticism that "Hygiene is the corruption of medicine by morality" is answered; the search for health is, in part, a moral as well as a biological enterprise. Both generative processes and remedial measures contribute to health. The patients in my consulting room usually need remedial medicine, but they would also like to flourish as human beings. Doctors should be able to provide a balance of measures towards this end.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between health conditions in childhood (ages 4–11), and health and socioeconomic outcomes in adulthood (ages 21–33). This study takes advantage of a new linkage between the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) and administrative tax data from the T1 Family File (T1FF) from Statistics Canada. The NLSCY includes rich longitudinal information on child development, while the T1FF includes administrative tax information on each child in adulthood (e.g., income, social assistance). The primary measures of child health relate to the diagnosis of a chronic condition, affecting the child’s physical or mental/developmental health. The results suggest that mental/developmental health conditions in childhood more negatively influence adult health and socioeconomic conditions, compared to physical health conditions. Interaction models reveal modest heterogenous effects; for example, there is some evidence of a cushioning effect from higher household income in childhood, as well as an exacerbating negative effect from lower birth weight for mental/developmental health conditions. Using a covariate decomposition approach to explore underlying pathways, the results reveal that associations between health in early life and outcomes in adulthood are partially explained by differences in cognitive skills (i.e., mathematics test scores) in adolescence (ages 16–17). Results may encourage policy investments to mitigate the occurrence of health conditions in childhood and to ensure timely access to educational supports and health services for children with chronic conditions.  相似文献   



To date, few studies address disparities in older populations specifically using frailty as one of the health outcomes and examining the relative contributions of individual and environmental factors to health outcomes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using a data set from a health survey of 4,000 people aged 65 years and over living in all regions of Hong Kong, we examined regional variations in self-rated health, frailty, and four-year mortality, and analyzed the relative contributions of lifestyle, socioeconomic status, and geographical location of residence to these outcomes using path analysis. We hypothesize that lifestyle, socioeconomic status, and regional characteristics directly and indirectly through interactions contribute to self-rated physical and psychological health, frailty, and four-year mortality.District variations directly affect self-rated physical health, and also exert an effect through socioeconomic position as well as lifestyle factors. Socioeconomic position in turn directly affects self-rated physical health, as well as indirectly through lifestyle factors. A similar pattern of interaction is observed for self-rated mental health, frailty, and mortality, although there are differences in different lifestyle factors and district associations. Lifestyle factors also directly affect physical and mental components of health, frailty, and mortality. The magnitude of direct district effect is comparable to those of lifestyle and socioeconomic position.


We conclude that district variations in health outcomes exist in the Hong Kong elderly population, and these variations result directly from district factors, and are also indirectly mediated through socioeconomic position as well as lifestyle. Provision and accessibility to health services are unlikely to play a significant role. Future studies on these district factors would be important in reducing health disparities in the older population.  相似文献   

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