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The rudimentary atria, and the posterior sperm funnels and sperm ducts, which occur in some species of the Lumbriculidae, are discussed. It is shown that the posterior location of funnels and sperm ducts is the result of a forward shift of the atria, which refutes Stephenson's supposition that the Lumbriculidae is the most archaic family of the present-day Oligochaeta.  相似文献   

Lumbricillus lineatus selectively ingests masses of organic and inorganic interstitial particles from a sand-clay substratum in the upper littoral zone. Particle-masses are ingested, passed along the esophagus and into the anterior intestine where the pH becomes acid. A- and C-esterases, acid -galactosidase, acid phosphatase and -N-acetylglucosaminidase are present in the epithelium, while the rotating food masses are surrounded by a membrane of sulphated, acid glycoprotein. These enzymes, with the exception of acid phosphatase and the addition of aminopeptidase M, are also present in the epithelia of the mid and posterior intestinal regions where the pH is alkaline. The cells in the ventral wall of the mid intestinal region contain high concentrations of alkaline phosphatase, acid -galactosidase and -N-acetylglucosaminidase. The food consists of absorbed organics and bacteria with absorption and intracellular digestion occurring along the intestine, particularly in the mid ventral region.  相似文献   

Patrick Martin 《Hydrobiologia》1996,334(1-3):63-72
By their antiquity, history, rarity, great depth in many instances and the presence of highly diverse faunas with many endemics, ancient lakes constitute ecosystems of a special nature, clearly apart from the large majority of extant lakes. While the fauna of these lakes is becoming better and better known for various animals groups, the Oligochaeta are still poorly known. Tubificidae and Naididae are found in each ancient lake. On the other hand, some families are restricted to only one lake, such as Aeolosomatidae and Proppapidae in Lake Baikal or Eudrilidae and Ocnerodrilidae (megadriles) in Lake Tanganyika, but such a distribution is probably due to a lack of knowledge or sampling biases. All ancient lakes have an endemic oligochaete fauna except Lake Kinneret (Israël). The oldest, Lake Baikal (20–25 Ma), holds the most abundant and diverse oligochaete fauna, in which species flocks are even recognizable or suspected. In contrast, the oligochaete fauna of the slightly younger Lake Tanganyika is very scarce. This is partly due to an obvious lack of studies, as the oligochaete fauna of other great African lakes is virtually unknown, but this might be the result of an environment in these lakes less favourable to oligochaetes. Some factors likely to interact with speciation in oligochaetes are discussed but nothing can be concluded to date. A recent interest in African great lakes revealed a more diverse oligochaete fauna than previously assumed but a better study of this fauna is still badly needed.  相似文献   

Asexual propagation and reproductive strategies in aquatic Oligochaeta   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
A great variety of asexual reproductive modes are known among aquatic oligochaetes. The main types of these modes are shortly described. Based upon observations on natural populations, the possible genetical and ecological implications of asexual reproduction are discussed. The following points are emphasized: (1) The often expressed expectations of a strong predominance of one particularly adaptive genotype is not born out. (2) In most cases, a number of genetically distinct clones are present in each population, and they show a strong differential distribution in heterogeneous environments, indicating an effective exploitation of the available resources. (3) Most cases of asexual propagation are reproductive strategies of their own and not escape mechanisms. (4) The mechanisms underlying asexual propagation are complex and involve many aspects of the life history. The great variety of types among aquatic oligochaetes offer particularly useful models for the study of these problems.  相似文献   

Progress in cohort cultures of aquatic Oligochaeta   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1  
Our laboratory work on the life cycle of aquatic Oligochaeta has been extended to the tubificids Potamothrix hammoniensis and P. heuscheri, as well as to the lumbriculid Bichaeta sanguinea.Basically we measured the duration of the time required for the embryonic development inside the cocoons, at different temperatures. In addition, cohorts of these species were cultured and the time required to attain the sexual maturation and the cocoon laying stages were estimated.The results concerning these three species are consistent with the field observations, as far as their value as indicator species is concerned, and contribute to a further understanding of the role of biotic factors in determining the distribution and succession of some aquatic Oligochaeta.  相似文献   

The Oligochaeta are more exposed to disturbance under conditions of intense water movement than other invertebrates, particularly when the substrate is unstable. Furthermore, low mobility of bottom water, which can lead to excessive accumulation of organic matter in sediments, and to the formation of sapropel, can also be limiting to the distribution of oligochaetes. Organic contamination in conditions of low water dynamics can result in the absence of Oligochaeta through oxygen depletion. Dynamic water movement can stimulate the mass development of Oligochaeta in organically polluted areas.  相似文献   

Distribution and ecology of Middle Atlantic Bight Oligochaeta   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Distribution and ecology of continental shelf oligochaetes are poorly understood. From 1975 through 1977 baseline ecological studies were conducted in the Middle Atlantic Bight prior to oil exploration activities. A total of 38 species in three oligochaete families were collected. Of this total one family and 29 of the species were undescribed at the time of collection. The most abundant and widely distributed species were Limnodriloides monothecus, L. medioporus, Bathydrilus longus, Phallodrilus biprostatus, and Tubificoides diazi. No single species dominated the oligochaete fauna. All the oligochaete species responded to changes in physical parameters over the shelf similarly to the total macrofauna. Seasonal trends within the oligochaetes were not found. Species that preferred coarser sand sediments were all small interstitial forms. The finer sand and eurytopic species were all burrowers. Zoogeographically the Middle Atlantic Bight oligochaetes were predominantly temperate (16 species) with some southern species (8). Seven species were broadly distributed from the Caribbean to Massachusetts or around the world. Seven species were only known from the area studied.Contribution No. 1397 of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science.  相似文献   

H. R. Baker 《Hydrobiologia》1984,115(1):191-196
The specific and generic diversities of the marine Tubificidae (Annelida, Oligochaeta) of the NE Pacific are compared to those of the NE and NW Atlantic as well as to those of Heron Island, Australia. Diversity in the NE Pacific is relatively high when compared to that of the NE Atlantic. The Tubificidae of the NW Atlantic (limited to the eastern coast of the USA) show two distinct zoogeographic regions: Florida to Cape Hatteras; Cape Hatteras to Massachusetts. Diversity, both in terms of the number of species and number of genera, is approximately the same in these two regions, and is similar to that of both the NE Pacific and Heron Island. Evidence suggests that the widespread marine species, in particular Tubificoides pseudogaster, have a range of morphotypes across their distributions. The apparent wide distributions of these species may be due to a taxonomy unable to resolve the differences between the morphotypes. The tubificid oligochaete fauna of the NE Atlantic appears impoverished compared to the other regions examined. The NE Pacific, NW Atlantic, and Heron Island regions are not dominated by one group of species while the NE Atlantic fauna is dominated by Tubificoides benedeni and Clitellio arenarius.  相似文献   

Data on the life-cycle of a population of Branchiura sowerbyi Beddard in a water-lily tank at the Botanical Garden in Padua are reported. The breeding period is from April to July, after which the reproductive system is partially resorbed (August–September) and reformed later in the autumn. The karyology of the species was also studied, and revealed 38 mitotic chromosomes in the gonia, and 19 bivalents in the primary spermatocytes and in the primary oocytes.  相似文献   

Twenty-six species of aquatic oligochaetes are reported from Texas, including 18 Naididae, seven Tubificidae, and one Glossoscolecidae. Illustrations are provided for ten species recorded for the first time from the state: Chaetogaster cristallinus, Nais elinguis, Nais pardalis, Pristina acuminata, Pristina sima, Stylaria lacustris, Aulodrilus limnobius, Ilyodrilus templetoni, Limnodrilus claparedianus, and Sparganophilus tamesis. Species accounts include presently known distributions in Texas and ecological and morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

On the basis of material collected along the Ligurian, Tyrrhenian, Ionic and Adriatic coasts of Italy, a tentative list of 26 species (18 tubificids, 8 enchytraeids) of marine Oligochaeta is presented. Most of the species are new to science, and it can therefore be concluded that there is a very high diversity of oligochaetes in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

The application of principal component analysis to two types of habitat (the benthos of macrophytes and of central river bed) enabled us to single out some of the factors that affect the dynamics and the structure of the oligochaete population and its various reactions to environmental conditions. As regards macrophytes, the distribution of the variables on the basis of the first component is correlated, to a certain extent, with a seasonal factor without any significant differences among sites. The largest population is most closely correlated with the summer months. In fact, we found that the Naididae and Tubificidae species generally develop in larger numbers at higher temperatures. For the Tubificidae, we could detect a precise seasonal cycle. In the central river bed habitat, the first component was correlated with the river discharge, which determines the granulometric characteristics of the sediment; we noticed a correlation among the sites that have the same characteristics, regardless of sampling site or date. The species which correlate most closely among themselves are the Tubificidae Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Tubifex tubifex, L. udekemianus and L. profundicola, which are very characteristic of environments that contain abundant organic matter. The second component is correlated with temperature, and hence with the availability of oxygen, which determines the presence and the abundance of more sensitive species.  相似文献   

Liang Yanling 《Hydrobiologia》1987,155(1):195-198
The aquatic oligochaetes in mainstream of the Changjiang River have not been studied previously. Since 1983, benthic samples have been collected mainly from mid-upper reach of the river. Altogether 19 species belonging to 4 families of the Oligochaeta were found. Among them, Nais inflata is the commonest species throughout the river, whereas Nais sp., Arcteonais lomondi, Limnodrilus silvani, Rhyacodrilus riabuschinskii and Telmatodrilus sp. ae recorded from China for the first time.Quantitatively, the aquatic oligochaetes constitute the majority of zoobenthos in the mainstream. In 1984, the standing crop of the Tubificidae was 231–343 ind·m-2 in density and 0.73–0.97 g·m-2 (wet weight) in biomass, and that of the Naididae was 21–4982 ind·m-2 and 0.003–1.75 g·m-2 (wet weight) respectively.  相似文献   

The Enchytraeidae are essentially terrestrial oligochaetes but many species have marked aquatic tendencies. Over two thirds of recorded Irish species were found in soils which were submerged or frequently flooded and 35% showed a distinct preference for these conditions. Relatively few species were living in soils subject to drought. Red blood was present in 28 species, all but one from soils with more than 55% water. Cognettia sphagnetorum and C. glandulosa developed red blood in very wet conditions. In a survey of Irish wetlands, samples were taken from bog, heath, marsh, fen, margins of lakes and rivers, and saltmarsh. The influence of various environmental parameters was determined using ordination techniques. Magnesium and pH were found to be the most important factors. A high level of magnesium distinguished coastal sites and pH 5.2 separated two clusters representing acid peat and marsh-fen-aquatic sites. Groups of indicator species characterized each of the three clusters. The ecological distribution of the indicator species is described, and their usefulness in classifying enchytraeid communities is discussed.  相似文献   

Oxygen demand and long term changes of profundal zoobenthos   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The paper attempts to combine the low oxygen content of the hypolimnion during stratification and the oxygen uptake of zoobenthos. Data of declining oxygen content in the hypolimnion and critical limits of respiration are combined for Chironomus anthracinus, Potamothrix hammoniensis and three species of Pisidium, P. casertanum, P. subtruncatum and P. henslowanum. The respiratory adaptation to low oxygen content influences both growth and population dynamics of the different species. The results have important bearing on eutrophication of the Lake Esrom ecosystem and temperate eutrophic lakes in general as well as the composition of profundal zoobenthos and its population dynamics.Publication No. 389 from Freshwater-Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships between five subfamilies of Tubificidae and ten other families of microdrile oligochaetes were estimated by a Wanger parsimony analysis using PAUP (Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony, by D. L. Swofford). As the apomorph character state is ambiguous for some characters, different assumptions of directionality as well as deletions of some characters are tested in a number of analyses. A general pattern is evident from the study; (1) the majority of the aquatic families are members of a large monophyletic group (the order Tubificida in a somewhat restricted sense) defined by the shared possession of atria (generally with well developed external prostate glands), but the family Tubificidae is paraphyletic within this group; (2) the Enchytraeidae appear to form a second group (the Enchytraeida) together with the exclusively marine Capilloventridae and Randiellidae, all three families characterized by the anterior location of the spermathecae; (3) the Haplotaxidae are a plesiomorph family, which stands out as a branch of its own and constitutes the ancestral part of a group comprising also all the megadriles (the Haplotaxida). However, monophyly of the Haplotaxida is likely only if the haplotaxid octogonadial condition is assumed to be derived from the tetragonadial condition characterizing most microdriles, a situation not envisaged by previous authors. The implications of the parsimony method are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A comparative study of naidid subfamilies shows that a combination of ordination, Jaccard/Average Linkage cluster analysis and Wagner parsimony provides a useful basis for a rational phylogeny but that this does not differ markedly from the original proposed by Sperber nearly four decades ago. Hennig rules, modified by Wiley, permit a preliminary phylogeny and classification of the Annelida to be made by hand. An error in earlier versions suggested that the Dorydrilidae lacked prostate glands, and this is corrected.  相似文献   

Preliminary report on the Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta) of West Florida   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A wide range of habitats, both terrestrial and marine littoral, were sampled in an area between Pensacola and Tallahassee. Enchytraeids were present in all moist or wet soils and in marine habitats enriched by organic matter but were absent or rare in very dry soils, saturated or flooded substrates and clean intertidal sand. Between 70 and 75 species were distinguished of which 50–55 are new to North America and about 25 are probably new to science. The genera represented are the same as those occurring in Western Europe but their relative importance differs and there are some tropical elements. The number of species occurring in terrestrial sites was greater than recorded in similar surveys in southwestern France and Ireland (approximately the same-sized area, number of sites and size of sample), but the number of species per sample was lower than in either of the other countries. It is concluded that species distribution in western Florida is very patchy. Possible reasons for this patchiness are discussed.  相似文献   

A two year fortnightly collection of data from the 27 m station in the Oresund on the tubificid species Tubificoides amplivasatus was analyzed for population trends and life stages. Recruitment patterns from year to year were consistent in timing but very irratic in magnitude, being similar to patterns seen in other estuarine and marine annelids. Sexually mature T. amplivasatus were found throughout the study period, but mature mated specimens were more abundant during late summer and autumn. It is estimated that from 120 to 150 days is spent, by this species, in the cocoon and individuals may reach maturity in less than one year. There was some indication of individuals with regressed genital organs indicating that they may live longer than one year. At the 27 m station T. amplivasatus is part of a complex and well developed benthic community. Temporal variation in this species was highly correlated to that of other major taxa (bivalves, ophiuroids).  相似文献   

Spermatozoal ultrastructure of nine oligochaete families has been examined for congruence with phylogenetic and taxonomic systems for the Oligochaeta based on general morphology, particularly the holomorphological hennigian analysis of Jamieson (1978a, 1980, 1983). Estimation of congruence has been made following phenetic and cladistic (phylogenetic) analysis. Correspondence, in phenograms and phylograms, of sperm types with taxonomic and phylogenetic groupings previously recognized is generally good. Departure from this rule in the similarity of the phreodrilid sperm to that of the Lumbricina suggests a corresponding alteration of fertilization biology in the phreodrilids. The results indicate that the Haplotaxidae lie at the base of the opisthopores though they do not unequivocally contraindicate acceptance of a Haplotaxis like form as a stem form of the Haplotaxida (opisthopores and Haplotaxidae) and Tubificida. An even more basal position for prosopores, now represented by the Lumbriculida, cannot yet be dismissed.  相似文献   

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