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  1. It has been demonstrated previously that when Chlorella protothecoidesis grown in a medium rich in glucose and poor in nitrogen source(urea), chlorophyll-less cells with markedly degenerated plastids—called "glucose-bleached" cells—are produced eitherin the light or in darkness. When the glucose-bleached cellsare incubated in a medium enriched with the nitrogen sourcebut without added glucose, normal green cells with fully organizedchloroplasts are obtained in the light, and pale green cellswith partially organized chloroplasts in darkness. During theseprocesses of chloroplast development in the glucose-bleachedcells, there occurs, after a certain lag period, an active DNAformation followed by a more or less synchronous cellular division.In the present study the effects of light on the DNA formationand cellular division were investigated in the presence of CMUor under aeration of CO2-free air to exclude the interveninginfluence of photosynthetic process.
  2. It was revealed thatlight severely suppresses the DNA formationand cellular divisionof the glucose-bleached cells while enhancingremarkably theirgreening. The suppression was saturated atthe light intensityof about 1,000 lux. Blue light was mosteffective, being followedby green, yellow and red light inthe order of decreasing effectiveness.
  3. Further experiments unveiled that light exerts two apparentlyopposing effects on the DNA formation depending upon the timeof application during the incubation of algal cells. When thealgal cells were illuminated only during the lag period beforethe active DNA synthesis, there occurred an enhancement of theDNA synthesis occurring during the subsequent dark incubation.When, on the other hand, the cells were transferred to the lightfrom darkness at or after the start of the DNA synthesis, itcaused an almost complete abolition of the subsequent synthesisof DNA in the algal cells. No such effects of light were observedwith RNA and protein (total)
  4. These findings were discussedin relation to the process ofchlorophyll formation occurringconcurrently in the algal cells.
(Received August 10, 1967; )  相似文献   

  1. As previously demonstrated, normal cells of Chlorella protothecoidesare bleached with degeneration of chloroplasts when they areincubated, under aerobic conditions—either in the lightor in darkness—, in a glucose-containing medium withoutadded nitrogen source ("glucose-bleaching"). It was found inthe present study that under the atmosphere of N2, neither bleachingnor growth of algal cells occurs in the dark, while in the lighta significant growth of cells takes place with formation ofa certain amount of chlorophyll.
  2. Studies on the effects ofvarious inhibitors (ammonium ion,DNP, CMU, -hydroxysulphonates,arsenate, cyanide, azide, andantimycin A) under different conditionsshowed that oxidativephosphorylation is a necessary processfor the occurrence ofthe glucosebleaching as well as the assimilationof glucose(cellular growth). Under light-anaerobic conditionsin the presenceof glucose, assimilation of glucose (cellulargrowth) takesplace being supported by photophosphorylation,but no bleachingoccurs.
  3. When the algal cells in the courseof bleaching were transferredto the glucose-free mineral medium,the cell growth ceased immediatelybut the cell bleaching proceededfor several hours before itscessation. The respiratory activity,which was high in the glucose-containingmedium, became loweron transferring the algal cells into theglucose-free medium.The lowered level of respiration was maintained,for more than8 hr after the transfer of cells to the glucose-freemedium.
  4. When the cells in the course of bleaching were placed underthe atmosphere of N2, the cell bleaching ceased almost instantaneously.
  5. Based on these observations and other inhibition experiments,it was inferred that a certain intermediate(s) produced by theaerobic respiration of glucose is closely associated with theoccurrence of cell bleaching, and that an O2-requiring stepmay be involved in the process of chlorophyll degradation.
(Received September 9, 1965; )  相似文献   

  1. The "glucose-bleached" cells of Chlorella protothecoides, whichwere obtained by the method described previously, were transferredto a glucose-free medium containing basal mineral nutrientsalone in the dark, and after a certain period of time, the cellsuspension was supplied with urea and light to induce the greeningof cells. At different times before and after the provisionof urea and light, the inhibitors were applied to the cultureto test their effects upon the process of greening.
  2. Markedgreening of the glucose-bleached cells occurred aftera lagperiod in the control culture. 5-Fluorouracil inhibitedthecell greening strongly when it was applied at differenttimesbefore the provision of urea and light. When applied aftertheprovision of urea and light, the suppressive effect of 5-fluorouracilgradually decreased with the delay of its application. No inhibitiveeffect was observed when the uracil analogue was added laterthan the 12th hr after the provision of urea and light, thetime around which the chlorophyll formation started in the controlculture. On the other hand, the cell division was much morestrongly affected by 5-fluorouracil. Even when it was appliedat the 18th hr after the provision of urea and light, the celldivision was completely halted, indicating that the greeningand division of the glucose-bleached cells are separate processes.Different mechanisms of action of the uracil analogue towardsthese two processes were suggested.
  3. Dihydrostreptomycin showedits strongest suppressive effectwhen added at the beginningof the dark incubation of algalcells in the glucose-free medium,and with the delay of application,its effect was progressivelyreduced, even during the periodof the dark incubation. Thesuppression, however, was stillmarked when it was applied atthe 15th hr.
  4. Chloramphenicol was found to inhibit stronglythe chlorophyllformation and protein synthesis, but, to a muchlesser extent,RNA synthesis. Acridine orange suppressed thecell greeningand division at such a low concentration as 1.5µg/ml.
  5. Based on these observations it was concludedthat synthesesof nucleic acid and protein are essential processesfor thegreening of the glucose-bleached algal cells. Successiveeventsoccurring in the greening process were discussed.
(Received March 9, 1965; )  相似文献   

  1. By growing Chlorella protothecoides in a medium rich in glucoseand poor in nitrogen source (urea), entirely chlorophyll-lesscells, called "glucose-bleached’ cells, were obtained.These cells were found to have neither discernible plastid structuresnor photosynthetic activities. When these cells were incubatedin a nitrogenenriched mineral medium without added glucose,a remarkable formation of fully organized chloroplasts occurredin the light and only partially organized chloroplasts weredeveloped in darkness.
  2. In the dark-incubated algal cells asmall but appreciable amountof chlorophyll was formed, beingaccompanied by developmentof significant activities for thePMS- and FMN-catalyzed photophosphorylationsand the HILL reaction.The development of the capacity for performingphotosyntheticCO2-fixation, however, was negligible.
  3. During the processof "re-generation" of chloroplasts in thelight, there occurredactive formation of chlorophyll followedby development of allthe photic activities mentioned above.Chlorophyll formationas well as development of the photic activitiesproceeded firstin a manner of autocatalytic reaction and laterin the formof the first-order reaction. It was inferred thatthe light-absorbingagent which mediates the chlorophyll synthesisis chlorophyllitself.
  4. The activities for the PMS- and FMN-photophosphorylations,theHILL reaction and photosynthetic CO2-fixation were recognizedalready in the algal cells at an early stage of greening inthe light, in which the "discs" were developed but no completelamellar structure was observed. Further processes of increaseof these photosynthetic and related activities—as measuredat a high and a lower light intensities—were studied inrelation to the chlorophyll formation under continuous illuminationand under light-dark conditions. It was found that the PMS-photophosphorylationactivity was developed always in parallel with the chlorophyllformation under these different light conditions. Developmentof the activities for the other photic reactions, however, lagged,to different extents, behind the formation of chlorophyll inthe later phase of greening of algal cells under these conditions.
  5. Based on these results the modes of formation of the componentsinvolved in these photic reactions were surmised.
(Received September 15, 1965; )  相似文献   

  1. It has been demonstrated that when the cells of Chlorella protothecoidesare grown mixotrophically under illumination in a medium richin nitrogen source (urea) and poor in glucose, the normal greencells are obtained, while in a medium rich in glucose and poorin the nitrogen source, entirely chlorophyll-less cells withprofoundly degenerated plastids ("glucose-bleached" cells) areproduced, irrespective of whether in the light or in darkness.The "glucose-bleached" cells turn green with regeneration offully organized chloroplasts when incubated in a nitrogen-enrichedmedium in the light ("light-greening"), while in the dark theybecome pale green with formation of only partially organizedchloroplasts ("dark-greening"). When, on the other hand, thegreen cells are transferred into a medium enriched with glucose,they are bleached fairly rapidly with degeneration of chloro-plastsin the light as well as in darkness ("bleaching"). Using 35Sas a tracer, investigations were made on the changes of contentsof the algal cells in sulfolipid and other sulfur compoundsduring the processes of the greening and bleaching.
  2. By determiningthe radioactivities of chromatographically separatedsulfur-containingcompounds of the uniformly 35S-labeled green("G") and "glucose-bleached"("W") cells, it was found thatthe concentration of a speciesof sulfolipid (discovered byBENSON et al.) as well as thoseof glutathione, sulfotriosesand most of the other sulfur-containingcompounds were at least5 times higher in the "G" cells thanin the "W" cells, whilesulfoquinovosyl glycerol was presentin approximately equalamounts in the two types of cells.
  3. Phospholipidcontents and compositions in the two types of algalcells werefound to be practically identical.
  4. The sulfolipid contentof algal cells increased and decreasedalmost in parallel withthe processes of greening and bleaching,respectively.
  5. Studyingthe mode of incorporation of radiosulfate into varioussulfurcompounds of algal cells during the processes of "light-anddark-greening" and "bleaching" (lasting about 70 hr), itwasfound that active 35S-incorporation into sulfolipid occurredthroughout the process of "light-greening," while in the "dark-greening"and "bleaching" the active incorporation abruptly ceased afterthe initial 24 hr period of experiments. It was suggested thatthe biosynthesis of the sulfolipid is closely related to theformation of photosynthetic apparatus in chloroplast.
  6. Whenthe 35S-labeled green cells were bleached in a medium containingno radiosulfate, the 35S-sulfolipid and most of other 35S-sulfurcompounds decreased markedly but the 35S-sulfoquinovosyl glycerolincreased considerably. It was inferred that the deacylationof the sulfolipid, a surfactant lipid, with formation of watersoluble sulfoquinovosyl glycerol may be a cardinal event ofbleaching process, causing a disintegration of the intact architechtureof photosynthetic apparatus.
  7. Based on these observations itwas concluded that the sulfolipidis an integral component ofphotosynthetic structure.
1This work was partly reported at the Symposium on Biochemistryof Lipids, sponsored by the Agricultural Chemical Society ofJapan, Sapporo, July, 1964.  相似文献   

  1. Investigations were made on the modes of synthesis of differentspecies of RNA which appear during the greening (chloroplastregeneration) of the "glucose-bleached" cells of Chlorella protothecoidescontaining profoundly degenerated plastids.
  2. RNAs were extractedfrom the algal cells which had been labelledwith 32P for 1hr before harvesting at different stages of thegreening inthe light and in darkness, and subjected to columnchromatographywith methylated albumin-coated kieselguhr. Itwas found that,during the greening process, the elution profilesof RNAs, interms of the optical density at 260 mµ and32P-radioactivity,changed profoundly.
  3. Based on these and other results, it wasconcluded that duringan early phase of the chloroplast regenerationin the glucosebleachedalgal cells, there occurs an active formationof both ribosomalRNAs (rRNAs) and the RNAs corresponding tosoluble RNA (sRNA),the formation coming, however, later toa standstill when thesynthesis of chlorophyll has proceededto a certain level. Thequantity ratio of sRNA to rRNA was foundto be constant (30:70)at different stages of the greening (bothin the light and indarkness), with a few exceptions. The synthesisof the chloroplastribosomal RNA is markedly accelerated bylight, and its maximumrate is observed sometime later thanthat of the non-chloroplast("cytoplasmic") ribosomal RNA. Itwas suggested that there areat least two different sites ofsynthesis of ribosomal RNAs,one in the plastid and the otheroutside of it (most probablyin the nucleus).
1A part of this work was reported at the Symposium on Cell Differentiationsponsored by the Institute of Applied Microbiology, Universityof Tokyo, in November 1965. 2 Present address: Institute for Plant Virus Research, Ministryof Agriculture and Forestry, Aoba-cho, Chiba.  相似文献   

  1. Previous work has demonstrated that when cells of Chlorellaprotothecoides are grown mixotrophically under illuminationin a medium rich in nitrogen source (urea) and poor in glucose,normal green cells are obtained, while in a medium rich in glucoseand poor in the nitrogen source, strongly bleached cells containingapparently no discernible chloroplast structures — called"glucose-bleached" cells — are produced either in thelight or in darkness. When the green cells are incubated ina glucose-enriched mineral medium without added nitrogen source,they are fairly rapidly bleached with concomitant degenerationof chloroplast structures (" bleaching "). When, on the otherhand, the "glucose-bleached" cells are transferred in a nitrogen-enrichedmedium without added glucose under illumination, they turn greenwith regeneration of chloroplasts (" greening "). In the presentstudy changes in contents of carbohydrate and fatty acid inalgal cells were followed during these processes of "bleaching"and "greening.".
  2. During the process of "bleaching", the quantityof glucose existingin the insoluble carbohydrate fraction ofalgal cells increasedrapidly and markedly. A considerable increasewas also observedin the contents of cells in oleic, linoleicand palmitic acids.It was noted, however, that linolenic aciddecreased in quantityduring the most active phase of cell bleaching.
  3. During the process of "greening", the glucose in the insolublecarbohydrate fraction rapidly decreased, suggesting that itis utilized, as carbon and energy sources, for the chloroplastregeneration. Linolenic acid was found to be synthesized inparallel with formation of chlorophyll. A peculiar pattern ofchange in contents was observed with oleic and palmitic acids,which was interpreted as being related with the process of cellulardivision occurring incidentally during the process of greening.
(Received September 24, 1966; )  相似文献   

  1. The formation of phycobilin pigments in a blue-green alga Tolypothrixtenuis was investigated with special reference to the effectsof preillumination with colored lights.
  2. It was discoveredthat the algal cells are capable of formingphycobilin pigmentsin the dark, if they have been previouslyilluminated for severalhours in the presence of CO2.
  3. The color of light applied inthe later period of preillumination(chromatic illumination)was found to affect the ratio of phycoerythrinto phycocyaninformed in the subsequent dark period. A greenlight acceleratesthe dark-formation of phycoerythrin, a redlight that of phycocyanin,and the two lights counteractingwith each other in their effects.
  4. These directive effects of the "chromatic illumination" canbe accomplished within a very short period, for instance, in3 minutes if it is preceded by sufficient "preillumination"with an incandescent or day light fluorescent light. The reactionsoccurring during the period of chromatic illumination does notrequire the presence of CO2 and the aerobic condition.
  5. Thealga can be grown heterotrophically when supplied with casaminoacids and glucose. Under such a condition the alga forms phycocyanintogether with chlorophyll and carotenoids, but not phycoerythrin.
  6. On the basis of the results obtained, a tentative scheme forthe biosynthesis of phycobilin pigments in the alga was proposed,assuming the light-induced formation of unknown precursors whichare converted into phycocyanin and phycoerythrin in the subsequentdark period.
(Received July 4, 1960; )  相似文献   

The "glucose-bleached" cells of Chlorella protothecoides, whoseplastids were profoundly degenerated containing no trace ofchlorophyll, were obtained by the method previously reported.Transferring the cells to the condition of re-generation ofchloroplasts (greening)—incubation in the light in a glucose-lessand nitrogen-rich medium—the effect of mitomycin C onthe recovery process was investigated. It was found that theantibiotic suppressed completely the cell division without affectingthe re-generation of chloroplasts. De novo formation of RNAand protein which has been observed to occur during the recoveryprocess was not affected by the antibiotic to any significantextent. It thus became clear that the re-generation of chloroplasts,accompanied by the formation of chlorophyll, RNA and protein,occurring under the said condition is not a phenomenon causedby the formation of new "normal" cells from previously degeneratedcells. As was expected, the antibiotic suppressed strongly theDNA synthesis, indicating that the new formation of DNA is nota necessary condition for the re-generation of chloroplastsin "glucose-bleached" algal cells. (Received March 1, 1965; )  相似文献   

Light-induced formation of chlorophyll in "etiolated" cellsof Chlorella protothecoides was studied under various experimentalconditions, (i) Two different types of enhancing effect of lightwere demonstrated: a "long-term" effect lasting for many hoursafter a relatively short illumination of etiolated cells anda "short-term" effect disappearing in a few hours after illumination,(ii) Addition of ALA caused enhancement of chlorophyll synthesisin etiolated cells in darkness as well as in light; the ALA-enhancedrate of dark chlorophyll synthesis, however, was much lowerthan the rate in light without added ALA. ALA was replaceablewith succinic acid plus glycine in light, but not in the dark,for enhancement of chlorophyll formation, (iii) Adding glucose,fructose, galactose, glycerol or acetate—at concentrationsmuch lower than those previously shown to induce "bleaching"of green algal cells-caused a more or less marked suppressionof light-induced greening in etiolated cells, (iv) Added glucosealmost instantaneously and completely stopped chlorophyll synthesisin light as well as in darkness either with or without addedALA. On the basis of these and other results, a tentative schemeis presented for the enhancing effects of light and the suppressiveeffects of glucose on chlorophyll formation in algal cells. (Received April 1, 1970; )  相似文献   

1. As previously demonstrated, entirely chlorophyll-less cellsof Chlorella protothecoides are obtained when the alga is grownin a medium rich in glucose and poor in nitrogen source (urea).These cells, which are referred to as "glucose-bleached" cells,have neither discernible chloroplast structures nor photosyntheticactivity. When the "glucose-bleached" cells are incubated, inthe light, in a nitrogen-enriched mineral medium without addedglucose, they turn green, after an induction period, with regenerationof chloroplasts and development of the capacity for performingnormal photosynthesis. In the present study, changes in respiratoryactivity of algal cells during the process of greening (chloroplastregeneration) were followed, and the effects of various inhibitorsof respiration and photosynthesis on the greening process wereexamined. 2. The glucose-bleached cells showed a very low activity ofrespiration, and the activity increased markedly during an earlyphase of chloroplast regeneration, showing, however, a decreaseduring the subsequent phase of greening. 3. Some antimetabolites which inhibited the cell respiration,were found to suppress also the greening of cells. 2,4-Dinitrophenoland azide, potent inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation, acceleratedconsiderably both the respiration and greening of algal cells.CMU inhibited completely photosynthesis of the greening cells,but suppressed only slightly the greening process. 4. Based on these results it was concluded that the primaryrole of respiration in the chloroplast regeneration in the glucose-bleachedcells is to produce oxidized carbon compounds (and perhaps reducedforms of NAD and NADP) for various biosynthetic reactions. Itwas further suggested that ATP may be supplied for the chloroplastregeneration by a certain means different from the oxidativephosphorylation or photophosphorylation. The activities of photosyntheticphosphorylation and CO2-fixation developing in the greeningcells do not appear to play any essential role in the chloroplastregeneration. (Received December 27, 1965; )  相似文献   

When Chlorella protothecoides is grown mixotrophically in thelight in a medium rich in glucose and poor in nitrogen source(urea), one obtains the cells that are entirely devoid of chlorophylland containing only little RNA and protein. When these cells—referredto as "glucose-bleached" cells—are further grown in thelight with provision of nitrogen source, but without glucose,sequential syntheses of RNA, protein and chlorophyll take place.If the glucose-bleached cells are incubated in the dark underthe same nutritional condition, RNA, protein and chlorophyllare also successively formed in relatively small amounts. Thecells obtained under such a condition are, in many respects,similar to the cells that are obtained when the alga is grownin the dark in a medium poor in glucose and rich in the nitrogensource. These cells, which are called the "etiolated cells",are faintly green in color and contain larger amounts of RNAand protein compared with the chlorophyll-less glucose-bleachedcells. The glucose-bleached cells and the etiolated cells showapproximately the same content of DNA per cell. When the etiolatedcells are incubated in the light with provision of nitrogensource, but without glucose, they become green with active synthesisof chlorophyll and additional syntheses of RNA and protein. Based on these results and those to be reported later, it wasconcluded that the greening of the glucose-bleached cells involvesa light-independent phase followed by a light-requiring phasewhich entails the greening of cells and full organization ofchloroplasts, and that the latter process is essentially thesame as that taking place when the etiolated cells are incubatedin the light with provision of nitrogen source in the absenceof glucose. (Received September 5, 1964; )  相似文献   

  1. Using intact cells of Chlorella, the effects of CO2 on thelevelsof oxidized and reduced forms of DPN and TPN in the lightandin the dark were investigated.
  2. It was found that the light-inducedchanges of the DPNH-levelwere not affected by the presenceor absence of CO2. On theother hand, the light-induced increaseof TPNH was suppressedin the presence of CO2 and the levelof TPNH which was raisedon illumination in the absence of CO2was lowered by the provisionof CO2.
  3. On the basis of thesefindings, it was concluded that TPNH,but not DPNH, is participating,in some way, in the mechanismof photosynthesis.
  4. Discussionswere made on the difference in the sites of participationofTPNH and of the photogenic reducing agent (R) in the pathofcarbon in photosynthesis.
(Received February 28, 1960; )  相似文献   

  1. Chlorella ellipsoidea was grown synchronously using variouspossible techniques and the mode of nuclear division in eachcase was followed by staining the nuclei according to FEULGEN.
  2. A satisfactory synchrony in respect to nuclear and cellulardivision was obtained by starting the culture from a homogeneouspopulation of young and small cells and by discontinuing theillumination at the stage which was called the L3-stage. Thestarting young cells were invariably mononuclear and the L3-cellswere either dinuclear or tetranuclear. When the L3 were incubatedin the dark, they ripened further, and after passing througha tetranuclear stage (referred to as the L4) divided into fourmononuclear daughter cells which have been called the Dn-cells.The most clear-cut and repetitive synchronous culture was obtainedwhen the culture (in the light) was started from the Dn-cellsand the illumination was discontinued at the L3-stage untilthe fully ripened cells divided into four each of Dn-cells.
  3. An apparently "synchronous" culture was also obtained by themethod of programmed light-and-dark regimen, in which a randomculture is subjected to a regular alternation of light and darkperiods of adequate durations. In this case, however, the cellsat different stages of culture showed irregular nuclear patterns,and the average "division number" of mother cells was not constant,being subject to change between 4.0 and 4.9.
(Received May 25, 1961; )  相似文献   

  1. Based on the microscopic observations, two stages, "giant cellstage" and the subsequent "palmelloid body stage", were distinguishedin the process of formation of giant Chlorella induced by theaddition of sugars. The "giant cell" is much larger in sizethan the control cell, but the other morphological featuresare the same as those of the latter. The "palmelloid body" isa form composed of many conjoined autospores.
  2. When a highconcentration of glucose was maintained in the medium,gigantismwas also maintained. Under this condition, the algashows acyclic transformation between "giant cell" and "palmelloidbody"without returning to the small single cells.
  3. Large amountsof carbohydrate composed of hexose were foundto be accumulatedin the giant algal cells, and it was inferredthat this carbohydrateaccumulation causes greater enlargementof cell volume as comparedwith control cells.
  4. Uronic acids, which were found to be absentin the control cells,were formed and lost in the cells culturedin the glucose mediumin parallel with the appearance and disappearanceof gigantism.
  5. Pectic substances, from which uronic acids areconsidered tobe derived during the extraction procedure, werefound to bepresent only in giant Chlorella.
  6. The conjoinedautospores in giant Chlorella (at the palmelloidbody stage)were separated to some extent by the addition ofEDTA, and theresulting cells were similar to control Chlorellacells.
  7. Basedon these results it was inferred that inductive formationofthe pectic substances is causally related with the appearanceof "palmelloid body".
1 Present address: Department of Chemistry, College of GeneralEducation, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka.  相似文献   

By growing Chlorella protothecoides under certain nutritionaland light conditions the following three different types ofalgal cells were obtained: (i) normal "green" cells grown ina medium rich in a nitrogen source (urea) and poor in glucoseunder illumination, (ii) "etiolated" cells cultivated in thesame medium in darkness, and (iii) "glucose-bleached" cellsgrown, in the light or in darkness, in a medium rich in glucoseand poor in the nitrogen source. The "glucose-bleached" cellscontain profoundly degenerated plastids, and the "etiolated"cells have only partially organized plastids. From these algalcells RNA was extracted by the cold phenol method, and fractionatedby MAK column chromatography and sucrose density gradient centrifugation,making use of 32P-labelled E. coli RNA as the internal marker.It was found that in comparison with the green cells that arerich in chloroplast ribosomal RNA as well as in nonchloroplastic("cytoplasmic") ribosomal RNA, the etiolated cells possess acomparable amount of "cytoplasmic" rRNA but a significantlylesser amount of chloroplast rRNA. Both types of rRNA existat extremely low levels in the glucose-bleached cells. During the process of bleaching (chloroplast degeneration) ofthe green cells induced by the addition of a high concentrationof glucose, marked changes were observed in the patterns offractionation of RNA as followed by the above procedures. Itwas disclosed that the chloroplast rRNA is rapidly degradedduring an early phase of the bleaching process, while the quantityof "cytoplasmic" rRNA remained almost unaltered. 1Part of this work was reported at the Symposium on Cell Differentiationsponsored by the Institute of Applied Microbiology, Universityof Tokyo, in November 1965, and at the Symposium on Biogenesisof Subcellular Particles, the 7th Internatl. Congress of Biochemistry,Tokyo, 1967. 2Present address: Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universityof Hokkaido, Sapporo.  相似文献   

  1. When applying the adsorption theory to the selectivity coefficient,K and Mg uptakes by cells in a K-Mg replacement series of mediaare not regulated only by a common mechanism, under the assumptionthat b values, which indicate the affinities between the ionand the adsorptive surface, do not change.
  2. Regulation of Kand Mg uptakes by a common multiphasic mechanismin the cellsis possible when the selectivity coefficient bK/bMgvaries inverselywith the MK/MMg ratio in the external medium.
  3. K and Mg uptakesare not regulated only by their respectivesingle specific mechanisms.
  4. Another possibility is regulation of K and Mg uptakes bothbycommon and specific mechanisms. The common mechanism maybemultiphasic.
(Received December 2, 1975; )  相似文献   

  1. Reduction of nitrate, nitrite and hydroxylamine by intact cellsof Anabaena cylindrica was investigated with special referenceto the stimulating effect of light on these processes.
  2. Itwas found that in light and under anaerobic condition thesecompounds are reduced to ammonia, with the production of extraoxygen. The stoichiometry of the reactions under these conditionscan be represented as follows: HNO2+H2O=NH2+2O2 HNO2+H2O=NH2+1O2 NH2OH+H2O=NH2+O2+H2O
  3. Reduction of nitrite and hydroxylaminewas markedly suppressedby CMU in the light but not in the dark.KCN inhibited reductionto the same extent both in the lightand in the dark. Reductionin the light was much less sensitiveto the uncoupling agent,DNP, than was that in the dark.
  4. Atlow light intensities, CO2– was suppressed by 20–30per cent by the simultaneous provision of nitrite, but the nitritereduction was not affected at all by CO2. At high light intensities,reduction of nitrate and nitrite was considerably acceleratedby CO2
  5. On the basis of these findings, a possible mechanismfor thelight stimulation of the reactions in question was brieflydiscussed.
(Received August 22, 1962; )  相似文献   

  1. The addition of salts to the suspending medium induces a decreasein the yield of chlorophyll a fluorescence in normal and DCMU-poisonedintact algal cells of Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Potassium and sodiumacetate cause a pronounced lowering of the fluorescence at relativelylow concentrations (0.01–0.1 M). MgCl2 and KCl cause asimilar lowering of fluorescence but at much higher concentrations(0.1–0.4 M). In contrast to sodium acetate, ammonium acetatedoes not cause any significant change in the fluorescence transient.
  2. Unlike the case in isolated chloroplasts, MgCl2 decreasestheratio of short wavelength (mainly system 2) to long wavelength(mainly system 1) emission bands in both DCMU poisoned and normalcells. Since these salt-induced changes do not appear to berelated to the redox reactions of photosynthesis, the saltsmight have caused a decrease in the mutual distance betweenthe two photosystems by changing the microstructure of the chloroplastsin vivo thereby facilitating the spillover of excitation energyfrom strongly fluorescent system 2 to weakly fluorescent system1.
  3. The light induced turbidity changes in intact algal cells,asmeasured by the increase in optical density at 540 nm, isreducedin the presence of these salts. However, MgCl2 producesthegreatest reduction while Na acetate the least, even thoughbothof these salts (at the concentrations used) cause largesuppressionof the fluorescence transient. Moreover, the lightinduced turbiditychanges were, essentially irreversible.
  4. Ashigh concentrations of salts increase the osmotic potentialof the bathing medium, it seems that the osmotic changes aswell as the ionic changes in the intact algal cells are responsiblefor the fluorescence quenching and changes in the mode of excitationtransfer observed in this study. In the case of low concentrationsof salts (e.g., 0.1 M Na or K acetate) the effects are predominantlyionic, and in the case of very high concentrations of MgCl2(0.4 M), the osmotic effects play a much larger role.
(Received July 30, 1973; )  相似文献   

Regreening of glucose-bleached cells of Chlorella protothecoidesis stimulated by light. Spectral effectiveness in the processshowed maxima around 370, 440 and 480 nm, suggesting a flavoproteinas primary photoreceptor. Action spectra of ALA synthesis provedto be similar to those of chlorophyll formation, indicatingthat light stimulation of greening in this alga is regulatedat the first step of chlorophyll biosynthesis. 1 Present address: Institute of Applied Microbiology, Universityof Tokyo, Tokyo 113, Japan. (Received March 27, 1978; )  相似文献   

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