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Recurrent event data arise in longitudinal follow‐up studies, where each subject may experience the same type of events repeatedly. The work in this article is motivated by the data from a study of repeated peritonitis for patients on peritoneal dialysis. Due to the aspects of medicine and cost, the peritonitis cases were classified into two types: Gram‐positive and non‐Gram‐positive peritonitis. Further, since the death and hemodialysis therapy preclude the occurrence of recurrent events, we face multivariate recurrent event data with a dependent terminal event. We propose a flexible marginal model, which has three characteristics: first, we assume marginal proportional hazard and proportional rates models for terminal event time and recurrent event processes, respectively; second, the inter‐recurrences dependence and the correlation between the multivariate recurrent event processes and terminal event time are modeled through three multiplicative frailties corresponding to the specified marginal models; third, the rate model with frailties for recurrent events is specified only on the time before the terminal event. We propose a two‐stage estimation procedure for estimating unknown parameters. We also establish the consistency of the two‐stage estimator. Simulation studies show that the proposed approach is appropriate for practical use. The methodology is applied to the peritonitis cohort data that motivated this study.  相似文献   

Multivariate recurrent event data are usually encountered in many clinical and longitudinal studies in which each study subject may experience multiple recurrent events. For the analysis of such data, most existing approaches have been proposed under the assumption that the censoring times are noninformative, which may not be true especially when the observation of recurrent events is terminated by a failure event. In this article, we consider regression analysis of multivariate recurrent event data with both time‐dependent and time‐independent covariates where the censoring times and the recurrent event process are allowed to be correlated via a frailty. The proposed joint model is flexible where both the distributions of censoring and frailty variables are left unspecified. We propose a pairwise pseudolikelihood approach and an estimating equation‐based approach for estimating coefficients of time‐dependent and time‐independent covariates, respectively. The large sample properties of the proposed estimates are established, while the finite‐sample properties are demonstrated by simulation studies. The proposed methods are applied to the analysis of a set of bivariate recurrent event data from a study of platelet transfusion reactions.  相似文献   

Cook RJ  Wei W  Yi GY 《Biometrics》2005,61(3):692-701
We derive semiparametric methods for estimating and testing treatment effects when censored recurrent event data are available over multiple periods. These methods are based on estimating functions motivated by a working "mixed-Poisson" assumption under which conditioning can eliminate subject-specific random effects. Robust pseudoscore test statistics are obtained via "sandwich" variance estimation. The relative efficiency of conditional versus marginal analyses is assessed analytically under a mixed time-homogeneous Poisson model. The robustness and empirical power of the semiparametric approach are assessed through simulation. Adaptations to handle recurrent events arising in crossover trials are described and these methods are applied to data from a two-period crossover trial of patients with bronchial asthma.  相似文献   

Guan Y  Yan J  Sinha R 《Biometrics》2011,67(3):711-718
This article is concerned with variance estimation for statistics that are computed from single recurrent event processes. Such statistics are important in diagnosis for each individual recurrent event process. The proposed method only assumes a semiparametric form for the first-order structure of the processes but not for the second-order (i.e., dependence) structure. The new variance estimator is shown to be consistent for the target parameter under very mild conditions. The estimator can be used in many applications in semiparametric rate regression analysis of recurrent event data such as outlier detection, residual diagnosis, as well as robust regression. A simulation study and application to two real data examples are used to demonstrate the use of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Recurrent events could be stopped by a terminal event, which commonly occurs in biomedical and clinical studies. In this situation, dependent censoring is encountered because of potential dependence between these two event processes, leading to invalid inference if analyzing recurrent events alone. The joint frailty model is one of the widely used approaches to jointly model these two processes by sharing the same frailty term. One important assumption is that recurrent and terminal event processes are conditionally independent given the subject‐level frailty; however, this could be violated when the dependency may also depend on time‐varying covariates across recurrences. Furthermore, marginal correlation between two event processes based on traditional frailty modeling has no closed form solution for estimation with vague interpretation. In order to fill these gaps, we propose a novel joint frailty‐copula approach to model recurrent events and a terminal event with relaxed assumptions. Metropolis–Hastings within the Gibbs Sampler algorithm is used for parameter estimation. Extensive simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the efficiency, robustness, and predictive performance of our proposal. The simulation results show that compared with the joint frailty model, the bias and mean squared error of the proposal is smaller when the conditional independence assumption is violated. Finally, we apply our method into a real example extracted from the MarketScan database to study the association between recurrent strokes and mortality.  相似文献   

Semiparametric analysis of correlated recurrent and terminal events   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In clinical and observational studies, recurrent event data (e.g., hospitalization) with a terminal event (e.g., death) are often encountered. In many instances, the terminal event is strongly correlated with the recurrent event process. In this article, we propose a semiparametric method to jointly model the recurrent and terminal event processes. The dependence is modeled by a shared gamma frailty that is included in both the recurrent event rate and terminal event hazard function. Marginal models are used to estimate the regression effects on the terminal and recurrent event processes, and a Poisson model is used to estimate the dispersion of the frailty variable. A sandwich estimator is used to achieve additional robustness. An analysis of hospitalization data for patients in the peritoneal dialysis study is presented to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

Shared frailty models for recurrent events and a terminal event   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liu L  Wolfe RA  Huang X 《Biometrics》2004,60(3):747-756
There has been an increasing interest in the analysis of recurrent event data (Cook and Lawless, 2002, Statistical Methods in Medical Research 11, 141-166). In many situations, a terminating event such as death can happen during the follow-up period to preclude further occurrence of the recurrent events. Furthermore, the death time may be dependent on the recurrent event history. In this article we consider frailty proportional hazards models for the recurrent and terminal event processes. The dependence is modeled by conditioning on a shared frailty that is included in both hazard functions. Covariate effects can be taken into account in the model as well. Maximum likelihood estimation and inference are carried out through a Monte Carlo EM algorithm with Metropolis-Hastings sampler in the E-step. An analysis of hospitalization and death data for waitlisted dialysis patients is presented to illustrate the proposed methods. Methods to check the validity of the proposed model are also demonstrated. This model avoids the difficulties encountered in alternative approaches which attempt to specify a dependent joint distribution with marginal proportional hazards and yields an estimate of the degree of dependence.  相似文献   

Individuals may experience more than one type of recurrent event and a terminal event during the life course of a disease. Follow‐up may be interrupted for several reasons, including the end of a study, or patients lost to follow‐up, which are noninformative censoring events. Death could also stop the follow‐up, hence, it is considered as a dependent terminal event. We propose a multivariate frailty model that jointly analyzes two types of recurrent events with a dependent terminal event. Two estimation methods are proposed: a semiparametrical approach using penalized likelihood estimation where baseline hazard functions are approximated by M‐splines, and another one with piecewise constant baseline hazard functions. Finally, we derived martingale residuals to check the goodness‐of‐fit. We illustrate our proposals with a real dataset on breast cancer. The main objective was to model the dependency between the two types of recurrent events (locoregional and metastatic) and the terminal event (death) after a breast cancer.  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study where the recurrence of an event and a terminal event such as death are observed, a certain portion of the subjects may experience no event during a long follow-up period; this often denoted as the cure group which is assumed to be the risk-free from both recurrent events and death. However, this assumption ignores the possibility of death, which subjects in the cure group may experience. In the present study, such misspecification is investigated with the addition of a death hazard model to the cure group. We propose a joint model using a frailty effect, which reflects the association between a recurrent event and death. For the estimation, an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm was developed and PROC NLMIXED in SAS was incorporated under a piecewise constant baseline. Simulation studies were performed to check the performance of the suggested method. The proposed method was applied to leukemia patients experiencing both infection and death after bone marrow transplant.  相似文献   

Guan Y 《Biometrics》2011,67(3):730-739
A typical recurrent event dataset consists of an often large number of recurrent event processes, each of which contains multiple event times observed from an individual during a follow-up period. Such data have become increasingly available in medical and epidemiological studies. In this article, we introduce novel procedures to conduct second-order analysis for a flexible class of semiparametric recurrent event processes. Such an analysis can provide useful information regarding the dependence structure within each recurrent event process. Specifically, we will use the proposed procedures to test whether the individual recurrent event processes are all Poisson processes and to suggest sensible alternative models for them if they are not. We apply these procedures to a well-known recurrent event dataset on chronic granulomatous disease and an epidemiological dataset on meningococcal disease cases in Merseyside, United Kingdom to illustrate their practical value.  相似文献   

In many medical studies, markers are contingent on recurrent events and the cumulative markers are usually of interest. However, the recurrent event process is often interrupted by a dependent terminal event, such as death. In this article, we propose a joint modeling approach for analyzing marker data with informative recurrent and terminal events. This approach introduces a shared frailty to specify the explicit dependence structure among the markers, the recurrent, and terminal events. Estimation procedures are developed for the model parameters and the degree of dependence, and a prediction of the covariate‐specific cumulative markers is provided. The finite sample performance of the proposed estimators is examined through simulation studies. An application to a medical cost study of chronic heart failure patients from the University of Virginia Health System is illustrated.  相似文献   

Wang CN  Little R  Nan B  Harlow SD 《Biometrics》2011,67(4):1573-1582
We propose a regression-based hot-deck multiple imputation method for gaps of missing data in longitudinal studies, where subjects experience a recurrent event process and a terminal event. Examples are repeated asthma episodes and death, or menstrual periods and menopause, as in our motivating application. Research interest concerns the onset time of a marker event, defined by the recurrent event process, or the duration from this marker event to the final event. Gaps in the recorded event history make it difficult to determine the onset time of the marker event, and hence, the duration from onset to the final event. Simple approaches such as jumping gap times or dropping cases with gaps have obvious limitations. We propose a procedure for imputing information in the gaps by substituting information in the gap from a matched individual with a completely recorded history in the corresponding interval. Predictive mean matching is used to incorporate information on longitudinal characteristics of the repeated process and the final event time. Multiple imputation is used to propagate imputation uncertainty. The procedure is applied to an important data set for assessing the timing and duration of the menopausal transition. The performance of the proposed method is assessed by a simulation study.  相似文献   

Large observational databases derived from disease registries and retrospective cohort studies have proven very useful for the study of health services utilization. However, the use of large databases may introduce computational difficulties, particularly when the event of interest is recurrent. In such settings, grouping the recurrent event data into prespecified intervals leads to a flexible event rate model and a data reduction that remedies the computational issues. We propose a possibly stratified marginal proportional rates model with a piecewise-constant baseline event rate for recurrent event data. Both the absence and the presence of a terminal event are considered. Large-sample distributions are derived for the proposed estimators. Simulation studies are conducted under various data configurations, including settings in which the model is misspecified. Guidelines for interval selection are provided and assessed using numerical studies. We then show that the proposed procedures can be carried out using standard statistical software (e.g., SAS, R). An application based on national hospitalization data for end-stage renal disease patients is provided.  相似文献   

Anderson MJ 《Biometrics》2006,62(1):245-253
Summary The traditional likelihood‐based test for differences in multivariate dispersions is known to be sensitive to nonnormality. It is also impossible to use when the number of variables exceeds the number of observations. Many biological and ecological data sets have many variables, are highly skewed, and are zero‐inflated. The traditional test and even some more robust alternatives are also unreasonable in many contexts where measures of dispersion based on a non‐Euclidean dissimilarity would be more appropriate. Distance‐based tests of homogeneity of multivariate dispersions, which can be based on any dissimilarity measure of choice, are proposed here. They rely on the rotational invariance of either the multivariate centroid or the spatial median to obtain measures of spread using principal coordinate axes. The tests are straightforward multivariate extensions of Levene's test, with P‐values obtained either using the traditional F‐distribution or using permutation of either least‐squares or LAD residuals. Examples illustrate the utility of the approach, including the analysis of stabilizing selection in sparrows, biodiversity of New Zealand fish assemblages, and the response of Indonesian reef corals to an El Niño. Monte Carlo simulations from the real data sets show that the distance‐based tests are robust and powerful for relevant alternative hypotheses of real differences in spread.  相似文献   

Nonparametric analysis of recurrent events and death   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ghosh D  Lin DY 《Biometrics》2000,56(2):554-562
This article is concerned with the analysis of recurrent events in the presence of a terminal event such as death. We consider the mean frequency function, defined as the marginal mean of the cumulative number of recurrent events over time. A simple nonparametric estimator for this quantity is presented. It is shown that the estimator, properly normalized, converges weakly to a zero-mean Gaussian process with an easily estimable covariance function. Nonparametric statistics for comparing two mean frequency functions and for combining data on recurrent events and death are also developed. The asymptotic null distributions of these statistics, together with consistent variance estimators, are derived. The small-sample properties of the proposed estimators and test statistics are examined through simulation studies. An application to a cancer clinical trial is provided.  相似文献   

In cardiovascular disease studies, a large number of risk factors are measured but it often remains unknown whether all of them are relevant variables and whether the impact of these variables is changing with time or remains constant. In addition, more than one kind of cardiovascular disease events can be observed in the same patient and events of different types are possibly correlated. It is expected that different kinds of events are associated with different covariates and the forms of covariate effects also vary between event types. To tackle these problems, we proposed a multistate modeling framework for the joint analysis of multitype recurrent events and terminal event. Model structure selection is performed to identify covariates with time-varying coefficients, time-independent coefficients, and null effects. This helps in understanding the disease process as it can detect relevant covariates and identify the temporal dynamics of the covariate effects. It also provides a more parsimonious model to achieve better risk prediction. The performance of the proposed model and selection method is evaluated in numerical studies and illustrated on a real dataset from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study.  相似文献   

Huang X  Cormier JN  Pisters PW 《Biometrics》2006,62(3):901-909
In the treatment of cancer, patients commonly receive a variety of sequential treatments. The initial treatments administered following diagnosis can vary, as well as subsequent salvage regimens given after disease recurrence. This article considers the situation where neither initial treatments nor salvage treatments are randomized. Assuming there are no unmeasured confounders, we estimate the joint causal effects on survival of initial and salvage treatments, that is, the effects of two-stage treatment sequences. For each individual treatment sequence, we estimate the survival distribution function and the mean restricted survival time. Different treatment sequences are then compared using these estimates and their corresponding covariances. Simulation studies were conducted to evaluate the performance of the methods, including their sensitivity to the violation of the assumption of no unmeasured confounders. The methods are illustrated by a retrospective study of patients with soft tissue sarcoma, which motivated this research.  相似文献   

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