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P. M. Butler    E. Nevo    A. Beiles    S. Simson 《Journal of Zoology》1993,229(2):191-216
This study compares and contrasts variations of enamel fold pattern on the crowns of the molars of subterranean mole rats ( Spalax ) belonging to two superspecies, S. ehrenbergi and S. leucodon , and involving about 20 chromosomal species, distributed parapatrically and ranging on different soil types. The sample studied involved 397 skulls, subdivided as follows: 280 of S. ehrenbergi from Israel, representing the four chromosomal species 2n = 52, 54, 58 and 60; 59 of S. ehrenbergi from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Turkey; 58 of S. leucodon from Turkey.
In making the comparisons it was necessary to take into account the marked changes of molar pattern that take place as a result of wear.
There is a reasonably good agreement between differences of molar pattern and genetic and immunological distances. The species in Israel and Egypt form a compact group, clearly differentiated from Turkish leucodon; ehrenbergi from Turkey and Syria are intermediate, in accordance with their geographical distribution.
In Israel, differences associated with soil type are at about the same level as differences between species. Local populations show a higher level of diversity, and in a number of cases neighbouring populations differed significantly, sometimes over very short distances. Population differences within species are generally associated with differences of soil and vegetation, indicating the influence of natural selection. There are also differences across species boundaries, implying a phylogenetic (heritage) effect. The nature of the adaptive link between molar pattern and soil is unknown: possible factors are contamination of the food by soil, and toughness of the food which necessitates changes of enamel fold length to improve grinding efficiency.  相似文献   

Patterns of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation were examined in 133 mole-rats constituting all four chromosomal species (2n = 52, 2n = 54, 2n = 58, and 2n = 60) of the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel, as well as the peripheral isolates of 2n = 60. In the main range of the complex, a total of 28 mtDNA haplotypes were found in 64 mole-rats, with most haplotypes being unique to either a single chromosomal species or population. mtDNA divergence increased from low to high diploid number in a north-to-south direction in Israel. Overall levels of mtDNA diversity were unexpectedly the highest in the 2n = 60, the youngest species of the complex. The mtDNA haplotypes can be separated into two major groups, 2n = 52-54 and 2n = 58-60, and a phylogenetic analysis for each group revealed evidence of a few haplotypes not sorted by diploid number. The overall patterns of mtDNA divergence seen within and among the four chromosomal species are consistent with the parapatric mode of speciation as suggested from previous studies of allozyme and DNA hybridization. In a separate data set the patterns of mtDNA variation were examined across the main geographic range and across peripheral semi-isolates and isolates of the 2n = 60 chromosomal species. Fifteen haplotypes were found in 69 mole-rats. High levels of mtDNA diversity characterized the main range, semi-isolated, and even some desert isolated populations. The peripheral isolates contain much mtDNA diversity, including novel haplotypes.   相似文献   

Chromosomal species of the mole rat, Spalax ehrenbergi, in Israel have been shown to display distinct adaptive strategies to increasing aridity. This adaptive radiation appeared to be associated with an increase in allozymic heterozygosity. In the present study, the developmental stability (DS) estimated by fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of dental traits was used to assess the suitability of habitat and the efficiency of adaptation to local environmental conditions among populations and chromosomal species. Although FA levels were highly heterogeneous among populations, they were not found to differ between species. DS of populations appeared, however, to be impaired at higher altitudes and in indurate soils. Since these environmental features were largely covariant, the effect of each one could not be precisely determined. Interestingly, while aridity is considered as the major selective force acting on populations southwards, DS was not altered under arid conditions, suggesting that mole rat populations were adapted to their local conditions of aridity. However, the cline of aridity is matched to several environmental and genetic clines among which are the increasing heterozygosity and recombination rate among species southwards. In studies of natural populations, the potential complementary effects of environmental and genetics on DS have to be considered and hamper the interpretation of habitat suitability expressed by DS in terms of adaptive strategies.  相似文献   

Summary Structural similarities between proteins with no amino acid sequence homology either indicate a phylogenetic relationship, or they are merely the expression of a physically preferred way of folding a polypeptide chain. It is shown that one can distinguish between these alternatives by evaluating the significance of the similarity. Such significances have been derived for comparison between chain folds containing-pleated sheets (Schulz and Schirmer, 1974; Richardson et al., 1976; Sternberg and Thornton, 1976). An extension of this method to comparisons between any two chain folds is outlined here.  相似文献   

Total body water (TBW) and water turnover rate (WTR) were measured in 24 subterranean mole rats comprising four populations, each belonging to a different chromosomal species of the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel. The four species range in different climates: humid-cool (2n = 52); semiarid-cool (2n = 54); humid-warm (2n = 58) and arid-warm (2n = 60). TBW, as a percentage of body weight, measured by tritiated water (HTO), was 72.4%±4–7 in 2n = 52, significantly ( P < 005) higher than the similar estimates 61.7%± 7.2, and 59.4%± 5–3, for 2n = 60 and 58, respectively. A comparison of HTO space, as a percentage of TBW, closely approximated TBW, ranging from 97% to 108%. WTR was high, 218.1 and 230.9 ml/kg0-75/day in the mesic populations of 2n = 58 and 52, respectively. By contrast, WTR estimates were significantly lower , ( P < 0.001), 150.2 and 148.9 ml/kg0-75/day in the xeric populations of 2n = 54 and 60, respectively. The biological half-life time, T1/2, was similar and faster, 32.7 and 27.9 hours in the mesic populations of 2n = 52 and 58, as compared with slower, 47.9 and 40.8 hours in the xeric populations of 2n = 54 and 60, respectively. Urine osmolarity in the most xeric northern Negev steppic population of 2n = 60 (737 ± 45 mmol/kg) was significantly ( P < 0.001) higher than in the other species.
We conclude that adaptive radiation in the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies involves speciation in semiarid (2n = 54) and arid (2n = 60) climates by physiological adaptations of kidney water conservation, along with multiple morphological, physiological and behavioural syndromes of climatic adaptations to increasing aridity (Nevo, 1986).  相似文献   

The major initial mechanism of speciation in subterranean blind mole rats, Spalacidae, is chromosomal, primarily through Robertsonian rearrangements. Here we highlight another scenario of chromosomal rearrangement leading to ecological speciation and adaptive radiation apparently initiated by pericentric inversions and genie divergence to different ecologies in mole rats in Jordan. We analysed karyotype, allozyme, size and ecological diversity across the range of mole rats in Jordan from mesic Irbid in the north to xeric Wadi Musa (Petra region) in the south, a transect of 250 km. We examined mole rats for chromosome ( N =71), size ( N =76), and allozyme ( N =67) diversities, encoded by 32 loci, in 12 populations of the Spalax ehrenbetgi superspecies in Jordan. By a combination of chromosome morphology, genetic distance, body size and ecogeography, we identified four new putative biological species. All species (except two animals in Madaba) share 2 n = 60 but vary in chromosome morphology, caused by pericentric inversions and/or centromeric shifts. The 'north Moav' species is karyotypically polymorphic for 2 n (2 n = 60; including locally also two animals with 2 n = 62). The distribution of the four species is associated with ecogeographical different domains and climatic diversity. Genetic diversity indices were low, but like chromosome arms (NFa) were positively correlated with aridity stress. Discriminant analysis correctly classified 91% of the individuals into the four species utilizing combinatorially chromosome, allozyme and size diversities. It is hypothesized that mole rat evolution underground is intimately associated with climatic diversity stress above ground.  相似文献   

Inferring evolutionary relationships among recently diverged lineages is necessary to understand how isolating barriers produce independent lineages. Here, we investigate the phylogenetic relationships between three incompletely isolated and closely related mushroom‐feeding Drosophila species. These species form the Drosophila subquinaria species complex and consist of one Eurasian species (D. transversa) and two widespread North American species (D. subquinaria and D. recens) that are sympatric in central Canada. Although patterns of pre‐ and post‐mating isolation among these species are well characterized, previous work on their phylogenetic relationships is limited and conflicting. In this study, we generated a multi‐locus data set of 29 loci from across the genome sequenced in a population sample from each species, and then, we inferred species relationships and patterns of introgression. We find strong statistical support that D. subquinaria is paraphyletic, showing that samples from the geographic region sympatric with D. recens are most closely related to D. recens, whereas samples from the geographic region allopatric with D. recens are most closely related to D. transversa. We present several lines of evidence that both incomplete lineage sorting and gene flow are causing phylogenetic discordance. We suggest that ongoing gene flow primarily from D. recens into D. subquinaria in the sympatric part of their ranges causes phylogenetic uncertainty in the evolutionary history of these species. Our results highlight how population genetic data can be used to disentangle the sources of phylogenetic discordance among closely related species.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial control region was sequenced for 60 individuals representing different populations for each of the four species of the subterranean mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel: Spalax galili (2n = 52), S. golani (2n = 54), S. carmeli (2n = 58), and S. judaei (2n = 60). The control region of all species and populations is very similar both in length (979 to 983 bp) and in base composition. As in agreement with previous surveys on mitochondrial control regions on mammals, the mole rat control region can be divided into a central domain and two flanking domains, ETAS (extended termination associated sequences) and CSB (conserved sequence blocks). Along with the common conserved blocks found in these domains (ETAS1, ETAS2, CSB1, CSB2, and CSB3), we have also detected in all individuals an ETAS1-like and a CSB1-like element, both in the ETAS domain. The most conserved region was the central domain, followed by the CSB and ETAS domains, showing important differences in the four species analyzed. Phylogenetic analysis supported the existence of two clades. One clade contained individuals belonging to Spalax galili (2n = 52) and S. golani (2n = 54), separated in two different branches depending on the species. The other clade contained individuals belonging to S. carmeli (2n = 58) and S. judaei (2n = 60) mixed together, suggesting a more recent event of speciation. Within species we have observed a southward trend of increasing variability. These results have been explained as a consequence of the adaptation of the species to ecological factors such as aridity and temperature stresses.  相似文献   

The presence of freshwater hydra in the Hawaiian Islands, over 3,700 km from the nearest continental margin, provokes the question of how these animals could reach the islands. We examined three islands for hydra and found two species (the brown hydra, Hydra vulgaris Pallas 1766, and green hydra, H. viridissima Pallas 1766) present at multiple locations on Oahu and Kauai, and at a single site on Hawaii. Phylogenetic analysis based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS1 and ITS2) regions of ribosomal DNA indicates that all collected strains of brown hydra were closely related to each other—consistent with a single introduced origin. The analysis also shows that all sampled Hawaiian brown hydra fall within a specific clade of H. vulgaris. This clade is sister to a North American clade and nested within a deeper North/Central America clade. The clade with all the Hawaiian brown hydra includes also individuals from Southern California, suggesting a Californian origin for the brown Hawaiian hydra. Hawaiian hydra were probably transported to the islands by man.  相似文献   

石斑鱼因其种类繁多、分布广泛及缺乏显著的形体特征,使其系统分类的研究颇为困难。为探讨中国近海石斑鱼类的系统进化关系,通过PCR扩增获得了石斑鱼亚科(Epinephelinae)6属30个种类的线粒体16SrDNA基因片段序列。采用多个生物软件对序列变异和碱基组成进行分析,计算了Kimura2parameter遗传距离、转换/颠换比等遗传信息指数,并结合GenBank石斑鱼属的同源序列,以多纹长尾(Pronotogrammusmultifasciatus)和皮氏叫姑鱼(Johniusbelengerii)为外群构建NJ、MP和ML系统树。根据所得分子依据并结合形态学特征,推论如下:1)在本研究的30种石斑鱼中,鳃棘鲈属(Plectropomus)最先分化,并呈明显单系性;九棘鲈属(Cephalopholis)是一个单系群,并且较石斑鱼属(Epinephelus)原始;侧牙鲈属(Variola)的进化地位介于鳃棘鲈属与九棘鲈属之间;2)宽额鲈(Promicropslanceolatus)可以归入石斑鱼属,而驼背鲈(Cromileptesaltivelis)也与石斑鱼属有很近的亲缘关系,甚至可能是石斑鱼属内的特化类群;3)石斑鱼属内部存在两个平行进化的姐妹分支,分支内部的种类组成与地理分布无关,暗示了石斑鱼属早期的分化模式。  相似文献   

DNA sequences from a portion of the mitochondrial COI gene were used to clarify phylogenetic relationships among Japanese species in the genus Cercopithifilaria. Sequences were determined from seven Japanese species, five (C. shohoi, C. multicauda, C. minuta, C. tumidicervicata and C. bulboidea) from the serow (Capricornis crispus F. Bovidae) and two (C. longa and C. crassa) from the sika deer (Cervus nippon nippon F. Cervidae). No base substitutions were observed between C. bulboidea and C. longa, suggesting that recent host switching of a lineage of C. bulboidea between bovid and cervid hosts gave rise to C. longa. In phylogenetic trees inferred using a variety of methods, the morphologically ancestral type, C. bulboidea, appeared as a derived species. C. multicauda was found to be basal in the analyses. It seems therefore that C. multicauda is the most primitive out of the seven species.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the Drosophila sulfurigaster species-complex, which belongs to the D. nasuta subgroup, were investigated on the basis of chromosomal constitution and morphology. D. pulaua is thought to be the most ancestral species, from which D. s. sulfurigaster and D. s. bilimbata derived in one branch and D. s. albostrigata and D. s. neonasuta in another branch.  相似文献   

Morphological identification of edible mushrooms can sometimes prove troublesome, because phenotypic variation in fungi can be affected by substrate and environmental factors. One of the most important problems for mushroom breeders is the lack of a systematic consensus tool to distinguish different species, which are sometimes morphologically identical. Basidiomycetes as one of the largest groups of edible mushrooms have become more important in recent times for their medicinal and nutritional properties. Partial rDNA sequences, including the Internal Transcribed Spacer I-5.8SrDNA-Internal Transcribed Spacer II, were used in this study for molecular identification and assessment of phylogenetic relationships between selected edible species of the Basidiomycetes. Phylogenetic trees showed five distinct clades; each clade belonging to a separate family group. The first clade included all the species belonging to the Pleurotaceae (Pleurotus spp.) family; similarly, the second, third, fourth, and fifth clades consist of species from the Agaricaceae (Agaricus sp.), Lyophllaceae (Hypsigygus sp.), Marasmiaceae (Lentinula edodes sp.) and Physalacriaceae (Flammulina velutipes sp.) families, respectively. Moreover, different species of each family were clearly placed in a distinct sub-cluster and a total of 13 species were taken for analysis. Species differentiation was re-confirmed by AMOVA analysis (among the populations: 99.67%; within: 0.33%), nucleotide divergence, haplotyping and P value. Polymorphism occurred throughout the ITS regions due to insertion-deletion and point mutations, and can be clearly differentiated within the families as well as genera. Moreover, this study proves that the sequence of the ITS region is a superior molecular DNA barcode for taxonomic identification of Basidiomycetes.  相似文献   

By analyzing the allelic frequencies at the D1S80 locus in 43 human populations, we show that the locus is polymorphic globally and that it can be used to discriminate between major racial groups and subpopulations through phylogenetic analysis. Although the use of informative multiple loci generally provides more accurate phylogenetic relationships, in instances where time and/or target DNA availability is limited, D1S80 could provide useful data to discriminate between human groups. Also, knowledge of which loci independently provide accurate phylogenetic relationships, such as the D1S80, can be used to design more accurate multi-locus combinations. In addition, allele frequencies at the locus are reported, for the first time, for Bahamian individuals of African origin and for Chimila, Bari, and Navajo (Cañoncito Valley) native Americans. Allelic data was obtained using standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques. In the four new populations, 65 genotypes and 20 segregating alleles were observed. All populations conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expectations except the Chimila.  相似文献   

Knowles LL  Klimov PB 《Parasitology》2011,138(13):1750-1759
With the increased availability of multilocus sequence data, the lack of concordance of gene trees estimated for independent loci has focused attention on both the biological processes producing the discord and the methodologies used to estimate phylogenetic relationships. What has emerged is a suite of new analytical tools for phylogenetic inference--species tree approaches. In contrast to traditional phylogenetic methods that are stymied by the idiosyncrasies of gene trees, approaches for estimating species trees explicitly take into account the cause of discord among loci and, in the process, provides a direct estimate of phylogenetic history (i.e. the history of species divergence, not divergence of specific loci). We illustrate the utility of species tree estimates with an analysis of a diverse group of feather mites, the pinnatus species group (genus Proctophyllodes). Discord among four sequenced nuclear loci is consistent with theoretical expectations, given the short time separating speciation events (as evident by short internodes relative to terminal branch lengths in the trees). Nevertheless, many of the relationships are well resolved in a Bayesian estimate of the species tree; the analysis also highlights ambiguous aspects of the phylogeny that require additional loci. The broad utility of species tree approaches is discussed, and specifically, their application to groups with high speciation rates--a history of diversification with particular prevalence in host/parasite systems where species interactions can drive rapid diversification.  相似文献   

G. Heth  E. Frankenberg    H. Pratt    E. Nevo 《Journal of Zoology》1991,224(4):633-638
Patterns of seismic communication and somatosensory responses were studied in four chromosomal species (2n= 52, 54, 58, 60) of blind subterranean mole-rats, belonging to the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel. The patterns involved head thumping signals and surface-recorded cerebral potentials evoked by vibrational signals. The patterns correspond to the differences in territory size and population density which characterize the four species. It is suggested that this correspondence is related to the adaptive significance of the seismic communication.  相似文献   

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