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For small mammals that are vulnerable to predation, the protection provided by physical structuring within the habitat is important in determining suitable nest or resting sites but little is known about how different aspects of structure affect use of the habitat more generally. We examined the effects of ground-level structure (open/complex), overhead cover (present/absent) and the distribution of protected nest sites and food (clumped together/scattered) on activity and use of space among house mice, Mus domesticus, in enclosures. Adult pairs were housed in eight habitat types differing in arrangement of nestboxes, bricks and cover sheets, and their location was monitored under infrared light every 0.5 s over 4 h during the dark period. The mice spent much more time within protected nest sites and were more restricted in use of different sites within habitats that had little ground-level structure and no overhead cover. Much wider use was made of structurally complex habitats. Complex ground-level structure had the greatest impact on emergence from protected nest sites and use of space, since mice preferred to stay close to, or on top of, walls and other objects when undisturbed. The influence of overhead cover on normal activity depended on the extent of ground-level structure and origin of the mice, but, when disturbed by an experimenter, mice sheltered under overhead cover or in enclosed nest sites. Preference between nest sites depended on accessibility from under overhead cover and proximity to enclosure walls. We found almost no sex differences in activity or use of space. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Predator odours and habitat structure are thought to influence the behaviour of small mammalian prey, which use them as cues to reduce risks of predation. We tested this general hypothesis for house mice, Mus domesticus, by manipulating fox odour density via addition of fox scats and habitat via patchy mowing of vegetation, for populations in 15 × 15-m field enclosures. Using giving-up densities (GUDs), the density of food remaining when an animal quits harvesting a patch, we measured foraging behaviours in response to these treatments. Mice consistently avoided open areas, leaving GUDs two to four times greater in these areas than in densely vegetated patches. However, mouse GUDs did not change in response to the addition of fox scats, even immediately after fresh scats were added. There was no interaction between fox odour and habitat use. We then tested whether habituation to fox odours had occurred, by comparing the individual responses to scats of eight mice born into enclosures with fox scats to those of eight mice born into scat-free enclosures and five wild mice. In smaller enclosures, GUDs of trays with scats did not differ from GUDs of trays without scats for any treatment. We conclude that exposure to high levels of fox odours did not alter the foraging behaviour of mice, but that mice did reduce foraging in areas where habitat was removed, perceiving predation risk to be greater in these areas than controls. We suggest further that studies using the ‘scat-at-trap’ technique, which have shown avoidance of predator odours by mice and other small mammals, may overestimate the general avoidance of predator odours by free-living prey, which must forage with a constant background of predator odours.  相似文献   

How much an animal invests in defending a territory depends, in part, on the quality, quantity and distribution of resources, but do animals target their investment in defence within the territory according to the location of different resources? We examined whether wild-caught male and female house mice increased aggression towards intruders of the same or opposite sex when in areas containing their food/water or nest site. Pairs of resident mice were established in enclosures consisting of two areas. In split enclosures, food and water were in one area and a nest site in the other, while in clumped enclosures all resources were in one area with no resources in the other. Residents of both sexes were quicker to attack intruders, and were more aggressive, in areas containing resources than in an area containing no resources. There was no difference in aggression between areas containing food/water, a nest site or both. The effect of resources on territorial defence was due largely to changes in aggression against intruders of the opposite sex. Residents, especially males, attacked intruders of their own sex more than those of the opposite sex. This bias was much stronger when no resources were present, owing to low aggression against opposite-sex intruders in the absence of resources. There were no differences in intruder aggression, and the relative size of the intruder (heavier or lighter than the resident) had no effect on resident aggression. Residents also spent less time out of their nest in clumped enclosures owing to low activity in the nonresource area.  相似文献   

R. Le Cohu 《Hydrobiologia》1982,87(2):97-111
Two enclosures without a bottom were placed in a shallow non-stratified pond. One of these enclosures (B) had a transparent plastic wall and was open at the top. The second enclosure (N) was painted in black and covered over. The vertical distribution and daily migration of Ceratium hirundinella, Trachelomonas spp., Gomphosphaeria naegeliana and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae were studied. Investigations were carried out during a 24 h period both in the pond and inside the two enclosures. Vertical migration was shown by the four algae, even within the water column N. Differences between the behaviour patterns of the different algae are described.

J. R. Holomuzki 《Oecologia》1986,71(1):142-148
Summary Survivorship and growth of larval tiger salamanders, Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum, in the White Mountains of east-central Arizona were compared in six microhabitats using field enclosures during summers, 1983–85. Microhabitats were vegetated and nonvegetated shallows, surface, middle, and bottom horizontal layers of limnetic areas, and the vertical limnetic water column. Initial enclosure densities (0.025 larvae per 1) were identical among microhabitats. Three enclosures were placed in each microhabitat in two ponds. Larval survivorship and growth were usually greatest in vegetated shallows in lowest in middle and bottom limnetic enclosures, despite several population dieoffs. Lower fitness, as reflected in survivorship and growth, in these latter enclosures was correlated with lower food levels, temperatures, and oxygen concentrations in deeper limnetic areas. Relative fitness varied greatly between years while food levels, temperatures, and oxygen concentrations within microhabitats remained relatively constant indicating additional factors affected fitness. Disparities in fitness between microhabitats apparently affect habitat use patterns of larvae.  相似文献   

Microcosms permit controlled ecological experiments but theeffects of small enclosures on predators, prey, and their interactions,compromise their relevance to field populations. I examinedthe effects of Aurelia size on the utility of impermeable mesocosmsdeployed in highly stable water columns. Aurelia of all sizes(5-29 cm bell diameter) were observed adhered to walls. Individualslarger than 10 cm adhered to walls in disproportionately highnumbers, experienced a significant decline in mean size, andincurred physical damage at greater rates, than those less than10 cm. These results demonstrate that, at least for impermeablewalled mesocosms deployed in low turbulence environments, largerenclosures will not necessarily (i) ameliorate wall effectsfor animals of the size typically manipulated in microcosmsand (ii) make enclosures suitable for manipulating Aurelia largerthan those normally enclosed in microcosms. The mechanism proposedto explain adhesion suggests that enclosure walls alter thehydrodynamics of fluid flow around Aurelia, which may have implicationsfor estimating the predation impact of these animals since thehydrodynamics of feeding and swimming have co-evolved.  相似文献   

We conducted an experimental study to test the hypothesis that, at low female availability, males show intrasexual aggressive behaviour and home range owners are more aggressive than home range intruders. Using field dyadic arena test, we carried out 35 male–male trials in four 0.25 ha enclosures, two male-biased (experimental enclosures) and two unbiased (control enclosures). Dyadic encounters were conducted between unrelated and sexually mature males of similar weight and age which established home ranges in the same enclosure at the same trapping session. Each inter-male encounter was performed in the home range of one of the opponents between the home range owner and a home range intruder. When sex ratios were male-biased, inter-male amicable behaviour was absent and we found significant rates of inter-male aggressiveness, being home range owners much more aggressive than intruders. In the unbiased enclosures, inter-male encounters resulted mainly in noninteractive or amicable interactions. We found that inter-male aggression varied in relation to female availability being more evident in home range owners.  相似文献   

Enclosed populations of pine mice were studied over a 28-month period and compared with populations in surrounding natural areas. The enclosed populations reached densities far greater than any observed in surrounding natural areas. It is suggested that the restriction placed on dispersal by the enclosure walls and the addition of food in the form of trap bait could have allowed the enclosed populations to reach higher densities than normally observed at SRP.  相似文献   

Bag-type enclosures (75 m3) with bottom sheets and tube-type enclosures (105 m3) open to the bottom sediment were stocked with exotic whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus maraena) to study their predation effects on the plankton community. The fish fed mainly on adult chironomids during the period of their emergence (earlier part of the experimental period). Thereafter, the food preference was shifted to larvae of chironomids and crustacean zooplankters. The predation effects on the plankton community were not evident in the bag-type enclosures where zooplankton densities were consistently low. The fish reduced the crustacean populations composed ofBosmina fatalis, B. longirostris andCyclops vicinus in the tube-type enclosures where the prey density was high (above ca. 50 individuals 1−1). The results suggested that the intensity of predation depended on the prey density. Rotifers increased in the fish enclosure, probably becauseCoregonus reduced the predation pressure byCyclops vicinus on rotifers and allowed the latter to increase. In the fish enclosures, no marked changes in species composition were observed. Zooplankton predated by the fish seemed to be distributed near the walls of the enclosures. Problems of enclosure experiments for examining the effects of fish predation on pelagic zooplankton communities are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined variation in growth and habitat use of individually PIT‐tagged brown trout Salmo trutta in three stream enclosures, each divided into a fine substrate, deep pool habitat and a coarse substrate, shallow habitat. Habitat use and movements of individual fish were monitored continually by placing PIT detectors between habitats. All fish were measured and weighed biweekly over a three month period. There was no significant relationship between habitat use and initial body size, nor was there a consistent relationship between habitat use and densities of benthic macroinvertebrates or abundance of drifting invertebrates in the two habitats. Most habitat changes occurred at night, with activity peaks just prior to sunrise and after sunset. Trout used pools more at night than during the day. Within any given day, diurnal and nocturnal habitat use of individual fish varied little, with variation greater at night than during the day. Partial habitat segregation by sex was observed; only males used pools extensively during daytime, whereas males and females used riffles.
Growth rate was positively related to use of pools during daytime but not at night. Growth rate was also affected by enclosure, with growth rates being highest in the most downstream enclosure, which had the deepest pool (mean of 42 cm) and lowest in the most upstream enclosure, which had the shallowest pool (mean of 28 cm). A complete exchange of trout between the most upstream and downstream enclosure indicated that the enclosure effect was due to physical differences and not to individual fish differences between enclosures. The effect appears to have been caused by differences in depth as daytime use of pools was correlated with the area of the pool ≥35 cm deep, and production of trout biomass per enclosure was directly related to mean pool depth. Our results suggest that there is a relationship between habitat use and growth of individuals that is independent of body size, but that this relationship is influenced by sex of the fish and by the physical characteristics of the environment. Further, the data indicate that short‐term behavioral decisions on habitat use by brown trout have a potential effect on longer‐term individual fitness through growth rates.  相似文献   

Based on the hypothesis that, in Akodon azarae, polygyny operates through female defence, we studied inter-male aggression in order to test the following predictions: during the breeding period (1) resident males are more aggressive than intruder males in the presence of females (FP), and (2) aggressive behaviour is independent of male condition (resident or intruder) in the absence of females (FA). To test our predictions, we used the resident male behavioural response towards an intruder male in relation to FP or FA. We conducted 30 encounters in FP and 27 in FA in 0.79-m2 round enclosures placed in the Espinal Reservation. Our results support the prediction that, in FP, the intensity of aggressive behaviour exhibited by males varied in relation to resident or intruder condition. Resident males showed high levels of aggression towards intruders, and intruders exhibited the greatest values of submissive behaviours with residents. In FA, the intensity of aggressive behaviour did not vary in relation to resident or intruder condition. Both resident and intruder males exhibited low aggressive behaviour and inter-male encounters resulted mainly in non interactive behaviours. Our results support the hypothesis that, in A. azarae, the polygynous mating system operates through female defence.  相似文献   

Habitat structure can impede visibility and movement, resulting in lower resource monopolization and aggression. Consequently, dominant individuals may prefer open habitats to maximize resource gain, or complex habitats to minimize predation risk. We explored the role of dominance on foraging, aggression and habitat choice using convict cichlids (Amatitlania nigrofasciata) in a two‐patch ideal free distribution experiment. Groups of six fish of four distinct sizes first competed for shrimp in one‐patch trials in both an open and complex habitat; half the groups experienced each habitat type first. Following these one‐patch trials, each group then chose between habitat types in a two‐patch trial while competing for food. Finally, each fish underwent an individual behavioural assessment using a battery of “personality” tests to determine if behaviour when alone accurately reflected behaviour within a social context. In the one‐patch trials, dominant fish showed similar food consumption between habitats, but chased more in the complex habitat. In the two‐patch choice trials, dominants preferred and defended the complex habitat, forming an ideal despotic distribution with more than half the fish and competitive weight in the open habitat. Within the groups, individual fish differed in foraging and chasing, with repeatabilities of 0.45 and 0.23 across all treatments. Although a higher foraging rate during the individual assessment predicted foraging rate and use of the complex habitat during the group trials, aggression and boldness tests were not reflective of group behaviour. Across groups, heavier dominants and those with higher foraging rate in the open habitat used the open habitat more, suggesting that both risk and energetic state affect habitat preference in dominant convict cichlids.  相似文献   

In recent years, it has been shown that animals can localize the geometric center of an area by reference to the shape of the environment. We trained a group of mice (experimental group) to search for a pellet hidden under sand in the center of a square-shaped dry maze. Three weeks later, they were tested in a triangular enclosure half the size of the training area and a circular enclosure double the size of the training area to see transfer to these enclosures. We compared their searching behavior with that of subjects that had received no training. The results show that the experimental group searched the geometric center of each enclosure in both transfer tests, while the untrained control group walked along the walls. This indicates that the experimental group localized the center not by reference to the absolute distance from the corners but by equal distances from all walls (geometric center).  相似文献   

This study investigated the importance of competition with brown trout Salmo trutta as a driver of the morphological and behavioural divergence of two morphs of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus. The morphs originated from two lakes differing in absence or presence of the competitor. The bioenergetics and behaviour of S. alpinus were quantified in replicate experimental enclosures (mean volume: 150 m(3) ) stocked with 15 S. alpinus of one morph or the other and in the absence or presence of nine S. trutta. The presence of S. trutta decreased growth rate, affected food consumption and increased activity costs in S. alpinus, but provided little support for the hypothesis that competition with S. trutta is a major driver of the divergence of the two S. alpinus morphs. Both morphs responded similarly in terms of mean growth and consumption rates per enclosure, but the association between individual morphology and growth rate reversed between allopatric and sympatric enclosures. While the activity patterns of the two morphs were unaffected by the presence of S. trutta, their swimming speed and activity rate differed. Since the profound differences in the structure of the physical habitat of the source lakes provided a more likely explanation for the difference observed among these two morphs than interspecific competition, it is hypothesized that physical habitat may sometimes be a significant driving force of the phenotypic divergence.  相似文献   

Divergence of dispersal regimens has been suggested to be the selective basis for the evolutionary differentiation of agonistic phenotypes found in natural populations of house mice. Dispersal propensity may, therefore, be expected to exhibit heritable variation in wild house mice, ultimately related to motivational differences causing observable differences in agonistic behaviour. To test for heritable components in dispersal propensity in wild house mice, father–offspring regressions of dispersal latencies from residential social groups were determined in standardized seminatural social settings. To evaluate potential motivational causes of phenotypic variation in dispersal behaviour, all test animals (fathers, sons, and daughters) were scored prior to the dispersal experiment in a standardized behavioural test, at 60 d of age. Activities were monitored in a 1 m2 square test arena during 10‐min observation periods. Test arenas exhibited four equidistant openings leading to cages containing fresh, own, sibling, or foreign bedding material. The apparatus allowed for scoring anxiety, exploratory activity, and kin preference. Subsequently, test animals were exposed to a resident population in a semi‐natural enclosure providing a dispersal opportunity. Father–son regressions of dispersal latencies were significantly positive, but no significant relationship was found for daughters. Dispersal latency decreased with increasing exploratory activity scores in males, but increased in females. Anxiety as well as kin preferences did not affect dispersal propensity. Hence sex‐linked, motivational components reflect heritable social behaviour variation in male house mice that may ultimately be caused by diverging dispersal regimens.  相似文献   

Personality traits in animals are often measured using standardised behavioural tests for activity, boldness/shyness, sociability, aggression and exploration. These tests are quick and convenient, as well as easy to repeat. As the interest in studying the impact of animal personality on ecological and evolutionary consequences has been growing rapidly, there is increasing focus on cross‐validating measurements taken during these tests with behaviours shown under natural situations. In our experiment, we aimed to study the relationship between standardised measurements for activity, exploration and anxiety‐like behaviour measured in Open Field, Novel Object and Elevated Plus Maze tests with exploration and colonisation in semi‐natural conditions. We carried out a semi‐natural enclosure experiment in parallel with standardised behavioural tests, creating a scenario similar to an invasion or dispersal event. We compared behaviours in standardised tests and in enclosures for animals of two populations of wild house mice (Mus musculus domesticus). Several behavioural variables taken during the standardised tests, such as distance moved and time spent with novel object, were negatively correlated with space‐use in the enclosure while being highly positively correlated among each other. Based on their relationship with space use, we refer to behavioural measurements from standardised tests as activity/exploration. The time spent near the walls in an open field, probably reflecting anxiety, was not correlated to any other variable or the behaviour in the enclosure. In addition, we found differences in activity/exploration behaviour between the two populations in the standardised tests, but not during the colonisation of the novel environment. These results emphasise that researchers have to be careful when trying to extrapolate behaviour shown in standardised laboratory test setups to more natural, ecologically relevant situations. This has to be taken into account in distantly related species but even when studying the wild relative of laboratory rodents, for which these standardised tests have originally been developed.  相似文献   

1. The availability of complex habitats such as macrophytes may be vital in determining the outcomes of interactions between introduced predators and native prey. Introduced brown trout (Salmo trutta) have impacted numerous small native freshwater fishes in the southern hemisphere, but the potential role of complex habitats in determining the direct outcomes of brown trout – native fish interactions has not been experimentally evaluated. 2. An in‐lake enclosure experiment was used to evaluate the importance of structurally complex habitats in affecting the direct impacts of brown trout on a threatened galaxiid fish. Five Galaxias auratus and a single brown trout were added to enclosures containing one of three different habitat types (artificial macrophytes, rocks and bare silt substrate). The experiment also had control enclosures without brown trout. Habitat‐dependence of predation risk was assessed by analysis of G. auratus losses to predation, and stomach contents of remaining fish were analysed to determine if brown trout directly affect the feeding of G. auratus and whether this is also habitat‐dependent. 3. Predation risk of G. auratus differed significantly between habitat types, with the highest mortality in enclosures with only bare silt substrate and the lowest in enclosures containing artificial macrophytes. This result highlights the importance of availability of complex habitats for trout – native fish interactions and suggests that increasing habitat degradation and loss in fresh waters may exacerbate the direct impacts of introduced predators. 4. Stomach contents analyses were restricted to fish in enclosures with artificial macrophytes and rocks, as most fish were consumed in enclosures with brown trout and only bare silt substrate. These analyses suggest that brown trout do not directly affect the feeding of G. auratus in complex habitats, but it is still unknown whether its feeding is reduced if complex habitats are unavailable.  相似文献   

Cylindrical polyethylene enclosures 3 m in length and 1 m in diameter reaching from the surface to the bottom were constructed in an acid (pH=3.1) lake on a coal surface mine in southern Illinois. Wheat straw was added to the enclosures to test the effects of dissimilatory sulfate reduction on water chemistry. Added straw increased sulfide concentrations, raised pH to 6.5, reduced O2 and increased acid neutralizing capacity of the enclosed water columns when compared with a control enclosure and with the open lake. Generation of acid neutralizing capacity exceeded the standing stock of sulfide indicating that sulfide was removed either by precipitation of FeS or outgassing of H2S. The pH and acid neutralizing capacity within the enclosures eventually returned to the level of the surrounding lake because of water exchange around the enclosure walls. Our results show that additions of organic matter to acid surface mine lakes result in the generation of acid neutralizing capacity.  相似文献   

Translocation to areas free of exotic predators, habitat degradation, or disease may be the most viable restoration option for many endangered species. We report on a successful translocation of the critically endangered St. Croix ground lizard, Ameiva polops, extirpated from St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, Caribbean, by predation from introduced mongooses (Herpestes auropunctatus). We translocated 57 adult A. polops from Green Cay to Buck Island in May 2008. We placed 4 females and 3 males each in eight, 100 m2, enclosures on Buck Island for 71 days, then the enclosures were opened. During the enclosure period, 20 individuals were identified and 32 others were seen. The average number sighted per survey was only 5.28 (range = 2–10). One hatchling was sighted in an enclosure, indicating a translocated female successfully nested. Body condition of the translocated individuals increased significantly by the end of the enclosure period. Population monitoring surveys at 61 sites across Buck Island showed that 5 years after the initial translocation in June 2013, the new population had grown to an estimated 1,473 individuals and occupied 58.9% of the island. We attribute eradication of mongoose, life history of the species, large propagule size, condition of habitat, soft‐release, use of adults, interagency collaboration, and systematic assessment as primary factors that facilitated this successful translocation. Our findings provide meaningful insights on factors that enhance the potential for successful translocations, and point to new strategies aimed at restoring populations of endangered reptiles in their native ranges.  相似文献   

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