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The protozoan intestinal parasite Entamoeba histolytica remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. E. histolytica causes two major clinical syndromes, amebic colitis and amebic liver abscess. Recent advances in the development of in vitro and in vivo models of disease, new genetic approaches, the identification of key E. histolytica virulence factors, and the recognition of crucial elements of the host response to infection have led to significant insights into the pathogenesis of amebic infection. E. histolytica virulence factors include 1) a surface galactose binding lectin that mediates E. histolytica binding to host cells and may contribute to amebic resistance to complement, 2) amebapores, small peptides capable of lysing cells, which may play a role in killing intestinal epithelial cells, hepatocytes, and host defense cells, and 3) a family of secreted cysteine proteinases that play a key role in E. histolytica tissue invasion, evasion of host defenses, and parasite induction of gut inflammation. Amebae can both lyse host cells and induce their suicide through programmed cell death. The host response is also an important factor in the outcome of infection, and neutrophils may play a key role in contributing to the tissue damage seen in amebiasis and in controlling amebic infection.  相似文献   

Interaction of Shigella flexneri with epithelial cells includes contact of bacteria with the cell surface and release of Ipa proteins through a specialized type III secreton. A complex signaling process involving activation of small GTPases of the Rho family and c-src causes major rearrangements of the subcortical cytoskeleton, thereby allowing bacterial entry by macropinocytosis. After entry, shigellae escape to the cell cytoplasm and initiate intracytoplasmic movement through polar nucleation and assembly of actin filaments caused by bacterial surface protein IcsA, which binds and activates neuronal Wiskoff-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP), thus inducing actin nucleation in an Arp 2/3-dependent mechanism. Actin-driven motility promotes efficient colonization of the host cell cytoplasm and rapid cell-to-cell spread via protrusions that are engulfed by adjacent cells in a cadherin-dependent process. Bacterial invasion turns infected cells to strongly proinflammatory cells through sustained activation of nuclear factor-kappaB. A major consequence is interleukin (IL)-8 production, which attracts polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs). On transmigration, PMNs disrupt the permeability of this epithelium and promote its invasion by shigellae. At the early stage of infection, M cells of the follicle-associated epithelium allow bacterial translocation. Subsequent apoptotic killing of macrophages in a caspase 1-dependent process causes the release of IL-1beta and IL-18, which accounts for the initial steps of inflammation.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin (CT) produced by Vibrio cholerae is the virulence factor responsible for the massive secretory diarrhea seen in Asiatic cholera. To cause disease, CT enters the intestinal epithelial cell as a stably folded protein by co-opting a lipid-based membrane receptor, ganglioside G(M1). G(M1) sorts the toxin into lipid rafts and a retrograde trafficking pathway to the endoplasmic reticulum, where the toxin unfolds and transfers its enzymatic subunit to the cytosol, probably by dislocation through the translocon sec61p. The molecular determinants that drive entry of CT into this pathway are encoded entirely within the structure of the protein toxin itself.  相似文献   

Subcloned lines of the WB strain of Giardia lamblia contain polymorphic ribosomal RNA (rRNA) encoding chromosomes (Le Blancq et al., Nucl. Acids Res. 1991, 19, 4405-4412). We show that in a continuously propagated culture of G.lamblia trophozoites the proportion of trophozoites with rearranged rRNA encoding chromosomes gradually increases, consistent with the high mutation rate of about 1% per cell per division cycle. This conclusion is based on the finding in one experiment that after about 8 division cycles 20% of the population consisted of independent mutants, while after approximately 100 division cycles 87.5% of the population were independent mutants. In a second experiment, approximately 38% and 71.5% of the trophozoites were independent mutants after approximately 9 and approximately 100 division cycles, respectively. The data show that the genome of the WB strain of G.lamblia has a highly recombinogenic phenotype. Extensive karyotype heterogeneity has also been observed among recently isolated G.lamblia strains obtained from a defined geographic area (Korman et al., J. Clin. Invest. 1992, 89, 1725-1733) suggesting that a high mutation rate might also occur in vivo.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia infection of the human small intestine is a common protozoan cause of diarrheal disease worldwide. Although infection is luminal and generally self-limiting, and secretory Abs are thought to be important in host defense, other defense mechanisms probably affect the duration of infection and the severity of symptoms. Because intestinal epithelial cells produce NO, and its stable end products, nitrite and nitrate, are detectable mainly on the apical side, we tested the hypothesis that NO production may constitute a host defense against G. lamblia. Several NO donors, but not their control compounds, inhibited giardial growth without affecting viability, suggesting that NO is cytostatic rather than cytotoxic for G. lamblia. NO donors also inhibited giardial differentiation induced by modeling crucial environmental factors, i. e., encystation induced by bile and alkaline pH, and excystation in response to gastric pH followed by alkaline pH and protease. Despite the potent antigiardial activity of NO, G. lamblia is not simply a passive target for host-produced NO, but has strategies to evade this potential host defense. Thus, in models of human intestinal epithelium, G. lamblia inhibited epithelial NO production by consuming arginine, the crucial substrate used by epithelial NO synthase to form NO. These studies define NO and arginine as central components in a novel cross-talk between a luminal pathogen and host intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

One important step in the life cycle of the pathogenic protozoan Giardia lamblia is the transformation of the proliferative form, the trophozoite, into the non-proliferative cyst. This process, known as encystation, can be triggered in vitro. Morphological analysis showed that during trophozoite-cyst transformation, major changes take place: modification of the protozoan shape, internalization of the flagella, fragmentation of the adhesive disk, and appearance of encystation vesicles (ESVs), which later on fuse with the plasma membrane forming the cell wall. Sites of attachment of these vesicles to the inner portion of the protozoan plasma membrane were observed 6 h after the beginning of the encystation process. These sites were only visible when we used high-resolution scanning electron microscopy to study Giardia surface. In order to analyze the involvement of protein kinases and phosphatases on the encystation process, inhibitors of these enzymes were added to the culture medium, and their effect on the differentiation process was determined using light, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy. Significant inhibition was observed with LY294002, an inhibitor of PI3 kinase; genistein, an inhibitor of tyrosine kinase; and staurosporine, at concentrations, which inhibit protein kinase C. Okadaic acid, an inhibitor or protein phosphatase, and wortmannin, an inhibitor of PI3K, did not interfere with the encystation process. However, they induced the appearance of large and pleomorphic forms where several nuclei and disorganization of the peripheral vesicles were observed.  相似文献   

1. Calcium uptake by washed trophozoites of Giardia lamblia was dependent on inorganic orthophosphate and stimulated by glucose. Uptake was both rapid and substantial: 224 +/- 73 nmoles Ca2+/mg protein/min. 2. Known inhibitors of Ca2+ uptake in mammalian cells also impeded Ca2+ influx into G. lamblia. 3. The inhibitor studies indicated that Ca2+ transport in G. lamblia was an active process. Energy for such a process could be provided by the action of ATPases. 4. Two types of ATPases were found in the parasite; one, a membrane-associated enzyme activated by Ca2+; the other, a soluble, cytosolic enzyme activated by Mg2+. 5. These enzymes differed not only in their intracellular distribution and divalent cation requirements, but also in their sensitivity to calmodulin antagonists. The particulate enzyme was sensitive to these inhibitors whereas the soluble ATPase was not. 6. Our data indicate that Ca2+ transport in G. lamblia is mediated by a membrane-bound, calmodulin-regulated, Ca2+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Dynamins are universally conserved large guanosine triphosphatases, which function as mechanoenzymes in membrane scission. The primitive protozoan Giardia lamblia has a single dynamin-related protein (GlDRP) with an unusual domain structure. Giardia lacks a Golgi apparatus but generates transient Golgi-like delay compartments dubbed encystation-specific vesicles (ESVs), which serve to accumulate and mature cyst wall proteins during differentiation to infectious cyst forms. Here, we analyze the function of GlDRP during growth and encystation and demonstrate that it relocalizes from peripheral endosomal-lysosomal compartments to nascent ESVs. We show that GlDRP is necessary for secretion of the cyst wall material and ESV homeostasis. Expression of a dominant-negative GlDRP variant does not interfere with ESV formation but blocks cyst formation completely prior to regulated exocytosis. GlDRP colocalizes with clathrin at the cell periphery and is necessary for endocytosis of surface proteins to endosomal-lysosomal organelles in trophozoites. Electron microscopy and live cell imaging reveal gross morphological changes as well as functional impairment of the endocytic system in cells expressing the dominant-negative GlDRP. Thus, giardial DRP plays a key role in two distinct trafficking pathways and in organelle homeostasis, both essential functions for the proliferation of the parasite in the gut and its transmission to a new host.  相似文献   

A partial nucleotide sequence of the mRNA encoding a major part of elongation factor 1 alpha (EF1 alpha) from a mitochondria-lacking protozoan, Giardia lamblia, was reported, and the phylogenetic relationship among lower eukaryotes was inferred by the maximum- likelihood and maximum-parsimony methods of protein phylogeny. Both the methods consistently demonstrated that, G. lamblia among the four protozoan species being analyzed, is the earliest offshoot of the eukaryotic tree. Although the Giardia EF1 alpha gene showed an extremely high G+C content as compared with those of other protozoa, it was concentrated only at the third codon positions, resulting in no remarkable differences of amino acid frequencies vis-a-vis those of other species. This clearly suggests (a) that the amino acid frequencies of conservative proteins are free from the drastic bias of genome G+C content, which is a serious problem in the widely used tree of ribosomal RNA, and (b) that protein phylogeny gives a robust estimation for the early divergences in the evolution of eukaryotes.   相似文献   

The unique evolutionary position of the genus Giardia recently came to light when Mitch Sogin and colleagues showed it to be the earliest diverging lineage in the eukaryotic line of descent by ribosomal RNA analysis. Similar in significance, the acquisition of a cytoskeleton was a pivotal occurrence in evolution. With an endoskeleton came an internal support structure for cells as well as the means to regulate dynamic phenomena such as muscle contraction, mitotic movement of chromosomes, ciliar and flagellar beating, and cell migration. Debra Peattie has been exploring genes that express proteins of the Giardia cytoskeleton, and from this work she presents predictions of their structure and some thoughts about their function.  相似文献   

R D Adam 《Nucleic acids research》1992,20(12):3057-3061
Giardia lamblia trophozoites contain at least five sets of chromosomes that have been categorized by chromosome-specific probes. Pulsed field separations of G. lamblia chromosomes also demonstrated minor bands in some isolates which stained less intensely with ethidium than the major chromosomal bands. Two of the minor bands of the E11 clone of the ISR isolate, MBa and MBb, were similar to each other and to chromosomal band I by hybridization to total chromosomal DNA and by hybridization of specific probes. In order to determine the extent of this similarity, I have developed a panel of probes for many of the Pacl restriction fragments and have shown that most of the Pacl and Notl fragments found in MBa are also present in MBb. The differences are found in both telomeric regions. At one end, MBb contains a 300 kb region not found in MBa. At the other end of MBb is a 160 kb region containing the rDNA repeats which is bounded on one end by the telomeric repeat and on the other by sites for multiple enzymes that do not digest the rDNA repeats. The corresponding region of MBa is 23 kb in size. The size difference is consistent with the eightfold greater number of rDNA repeats in MBb than MBa and suggests that 30% of the size difference is accounted for by different numbers of copies of the rDNA repeat. MBa of another ISR clone (ISR G5) is 150 kb larger in size than MBa of ISR E11. The data suggest that MBa and MBb are homologous chromosomes of different sizes and that a portion of the size difference is accounted for by different copy numbers of the rDNA repeat.  相似文献   

The knowledge of humoral and cellular factors retained in tissues affected by ineffective lymph transport is necessary to comprehend the pathological mechanisms of the evolving changes in the extremity. In this article, we report our observations on changes in the protein composition of lymph in obstructive lymphedema. We have documented that the protein concentrations in lymph tissue fluid of the extremities remain within normal limits in lymphedema of stages I through III. Normal lymph protein values in lymphedema indicate that the homeostatic mechanism of protein transport remains intact as long as there are no major structural changes in the tissues that imply loss of tissue space compliance. A "high protein" edema means "high protein volume" edema that does not affect the Starling's equilibrium. The levels of cytokines were found to be elevated in lymphedema lymph when compared with controls. There were major differences in cytokine levels among patients, evidently higher than those among the control subjects. The high levels of cytokines might be attributed to their local production by infiltrating immune cells. The serum levels remain low, and the lymph-to-serum ratio was above 1 in all the cases investigated. These findings reflect the intensity of the chronic inflammation that prevails in tissues with lymph stasis, not detectable by measuring the levels of lymph immunoglobulins and complement. Moreover, our studies have documented the presence of apoptotic DNA in the lymph of patients with obstructive lymphedema. There were greater quantities of 400-kb apoptotic and smaller DNA fragments in the lymph from lymphedematous limbs than in the controls. The level of fragmented DNA may be another parameter that reflects cellular changes in tissues with lymph stasis. Taken together, measuring levels of lymph proteins provides insight into the evolving processes in the limb tissues.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the ability of the zooplankton grazer Daphnia pulicaria to reduce populations of Giardia lamblia cysts and Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in surface waters. The potential for D. pulicaria to act as a biological filter of C. parvum and G. lamblia was tested under three grazing pressures (one, two, or four D. pulicaria grazers per 66 ml). (Oo)cysts (1 x 10(4) per 66 ml) were added to each grazing bottle along with the algal food Selenastrum capricornutum (6.6 x 10(4) cells per 66 ml) to stimulate normal grazing. Bottles were rotated (2 rpm) to prevent settling of (oo)cysts and algae for 24 h (a light:dark cycle of 16 h:8 h) at 20 degrees C. The impact of D. pulicaria grazing on (oo)cysts was assessed by (i) (oo)cyst clearance rates, (ii) (oo)cyst viability, (iii) (oo)cyst excystation, and (iv) oocyst infectivity in cell culture. Two D. pulicaria grazers significantly decreased the total number of C. parvum oocysts by 52% and G. lamblia cysts by 44%. Furthermore, two D. pulicaria grazers significantly decreased C. parvum excystation and infectivity by 5% and 87%, respectively. Two D. pulicaria grazers significantly decreased the viability of G. lamblia cysts by 52%, but analysis of G. lamblia excystation was confounded by observed mechanical disruption of the cysts after grazing. No mechanical disruption of the C. parvum oocysts was observed, presumably due to their smaller size. The data provide strong evidence that zooplankton grazers have the potential to substantially decrease the population of infectious C. parvum and G. lamblia in freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

Axenically grown Giardia lamblia trophozoites treated with low concentrations of the benzimidazole carbamates albendazole and mebendazole detach from glass culture tubes and lose viability. Scanning electron microscopic observations revealed that these drugs produce grotesque modifications of the cell shape of the parasite and disassembly of the adhesive disc. Transmission electron microscopy showed several stages of the fragmentation of adhesive discs with dispersion of microtubules and microribbons in the cytoplasm. Flagella appeared undamaged. In drug-treated trophozoites electron-dense precipitates were selectively deposited on microtubules and microribbons. The results indicate that the antigiardial effect of benzimidazoles is the result of binding to microtubules and subsequent alterations of the cytoskeleton. The electron microscopic observations also suggest that the drugs may bind to microribbon components of the adhesive disc, possibly giardin proteins.  相似文献   

T D Edlind  C Sharetzsky  M E Cha 《Gene》1990,96(2):289-293
The cytoplasmic ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from the intestinal protozoan, Giardia lamblia, is unusually short; the large subunit (LS) and small subunit RNA and the 5.8S RNA are only 70-80% of the length found in typical protozoa, and are even smaller than most of their prokaryotic counterparts. Flanking regulatory DNA and processed rRNA sequences are similarly compact in size. To shed light on the origins and implications of this 'minimal' rRNA, the nucleotide sequence encoding the 5.8S RNA and domain I of LS RNA was determined. Secondary structure analysis revealed that an evolutionarily variable internal hairpin is partially 'deleted' in G. lamblia 5.8S RNA; the 3'-terminal pairing with LS RNA is conserved. Previously characterized eukaryotic 'expansion' regions are extensively shortened within the LS RNA; in one case, a hairpin is precisely 'deleted'. The short sequences flanking the mature 5.8S RNA that are removed by RNA processing (ITS1 and ITS2) are C-rich; our analysis suggests that the sequence GCGCCCC, in a hairpin configuration, may function as the processing signal.  相似文献   

The ESCRT pathway functions at different subcellular membranes to induce their negative curvature, and it has been largely characterized in model eukaryotes belonging to Opisthokonta. But searches of the genomes of many nonopisthokonts belonging to various supergroups indicate that some of them may harbour fewer ESCRT components. Of the genomes explored thus far, one of the most minimal set of ESCRT components was identified in the human pathogen Giardia lamblia, which belongs to Excavata. Here we report that an ESCRT-mediated pathway most likely operates at the peripheral vesicles, which are located at the cell periphery and the bare zone of this protist. Functional comparison of all the identified putative giardial ESCRT components, with the corresponding well-characterized orthologues from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, indicated that only some of the ESCRT components could functionally substitute for the corresponding yeast proteins. While GlVps25, GlVps2, and all three paralogues of GlVps4, tested positive in functional complementation assays, GlVps22, GlVps20, and GlVps24 did not. Binary interactions of either GlVps22 or GlVps25, with other ESCRT-II components from Giardia or yeast indicate that the giardial Vps36 orthologue is either completely missing or highly diverged. Interactions within the giardial ESCRT-III components also differ from those in yeast; while GlVps46a interacts preferentially with Vps24 compared to Vps2, GlVps46b, like the yeast orthologue, interacts with both.  相似文献   

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