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Microbial biofilms in the human gastrointestinal tract   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The human gastrointestinal tract contains rich and diverse microbiotas along its length. However, while extensive studies have been made on lumenal bacterial communities in the gut, less work has been carried out on organisms growing in biofilms, where individual groups of bacteria exist in a multiplicity of different microhabitats and metabolic niches associated with the mucosa, the mucus layer and particulate surfaces in the gut lumen. Bacteria and yeasts also occur in biofilms attached to artificial surfaces and devices implanted in the host, such as in patients being fed via enteral tubes. Although we are just beginning to investigate the composition and metabolic activities of these structures, increasing evidence suggests that they are important to the host in both health and disease. There is mounting interest in mucosal biofilms in the colon, especially with respect to their role in inflammatory bowel disease. Because bacteria growing in biofilms are more resistant to antibiotics than unattached organisms, it is often difficult to modify the structure and composition of these communities, or to eradicate them from the body. However, recent work has shown that there is considerable potential to alter the species composition of mucosal biofilms in a beneficial way using synbiotics.  相似文献   

Microbial biofilms were first described in 1936 and subsequent research has unveiled their ubiquity and physiological distinction from free-living (planktonic) microorganisms. In light of their emerging significance this review examines the bacterial biofilms within the human gastrointestinal tract. Attention is paid to the nature of these mucosally- associated populations, focusing on the protected environment afforded by the continual secretion of mucus by host epithelial cells. It also examines the attributes possessed by various bacterial species that facilitate habitation of this microenvironment. Additionally, contrasts are drawn between planktonic bacteria of the lumen and sessile (biofilm) bacteria growing in close association with host cells and food particles. In particular the different fermentation profiles exhibited by these two fractions are discussed. The potential role of these communities in host health and disease, as well as the stabilisation of the lumenal population, is also considered. Reference is made to the state of mutualism that exists between these little understood populations and the host epithelia, thus highlighting their ecological significance in terms of gastrointestinal health.  相似文献   

Harris RM  Picton R  Singh S  Waring RH 《Life sciences》2000,67(17):2051-2057
Sulfate conjugation by sulfotransferase enzymes is an important pathway for the detoxication of xenobiotics and endogenous compounds. The large surface area of the gastrointestinal tract exposes the body to a range of potential toxins, and hence local metabolism is likely to be important. The ability of different regions of the gut to sulfate micromolar concentrations of simple phenols and catecholamines has been determined throughout the gut using 4-nitrophenol and dopamine as standard substrates. The pattern of sulfation of both compounds was similar, with activity highest in the small bowel >right colon >left colon >rectum >stomach >esophagus. High concentrations of sulfotransferases in the reservoir areas of the right and left colon indicate possible importance in detoxication by sulfation and also perhaps in activating mutagens in the same areas. Nutritional factors, such as a high-fat diet may, however, alter sulfotransferase activity.  相似文献   

: In order to study the role of prostaglandin in the regulation of the gastrointestinal functions, gene expression of prostaglandin receptors along the rat gastrointestinal tracts were investigated.

: Rats were used for the study. The combination of counterflow elutriation separation of mucosal cells and Northern blot analysis was used to detect the gene expression of prostaglandin receptors in gastrointestinal tracts.

: In small intestine and colon, prostaglandin E2 EP1 and EP3 receptor mRNAs were mainly localized in the deeper intestinal wall containing muscle layers. EP4 receptor gene expression, on the other hand, was detected in the intestinal mucosal layer.

In the stomach, EP1 mRNA was detected in gastric muscle layers, whereas EP3 and EN receptor gene expression was mainly present in the gastric mucosal layer containing epithelial cells. In gastric epithelial cells, parietal cells were found to have both EP3 and EP4 receptors. At lower concentrations, prostaglandin E2 inhibited gastric acid secretion by parietal cells probably through EP4 receptors. At higher concentrations, however, it stimulated it. On the other hand, mucous cells possessed only EP4 receptor mRNA.

: Thus, it is suggested that prostaglandin E2 modulates gastrointestinal functions through at least three different prostaglandin receptors (EP1, EP3, and EP4), each of which has a distinct distribution in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Bombesin-like immunoreactivity in human gastrointestinal tract   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the present study the distribution and molecular characteristics of bombesin-like immunoreactivity (BLI) were studied in acid extracts of human gastrointestinal tract. The highest levels were found in the fundus, antrum, pylorus and pancreas with lower levels in the duodenum, jejunum, terminal ileum and colon. BLI was also detected in both the muscle and mucosal layers of the antrum and colon. Sephadex G-50 gel chromatography under acid dissociating conditions revealed two peaks of immunoreactivity, one in the position of synthetic porcine gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) and the second eluting with synthetic amphibian bombesin. Variations in the proportions of the two molecular forms were seen in different regions of the gut. In the stomach and pancreas greater than 70% of the BLI eluted with the GRP marker while in pylorus, jejunum and terminal ileum only 20% was present in this form. Reverse-phase ODS silica HPLC of the major antral BLI peak, utilising a methanol/trifluoroacetic acid gradient indicated that this peptide was similar to porcine GRP. We have therefore (1) demonstrated the presence and heterogeneity of bombesin-like immunoreactivity throughout the human gastrointestinal tract and (2) shown for the first time that a proportion of this BLI closely resembles porcine GRP.  相似文献   

Mechanical properties of the human gastrointestinal tract   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The tensile properties of the human esophagus, stomach, small and large bowel were examined on an Instron 1221 tensiometer. The values of maximal stress and destructive strain were the following: for esophagus-1.2 MPa and 140%, respectively, for stomach axial specimens-0.7 MPa and 190%, for stomach transversal specimens-0.5 MPa and 190%, for small bowel transversal specimens-0.9 MPa and 140% and for large bowel transversal specimens-0.9 MPa and 180%. Tests conducted on small and large bowel axial specimens permitted examination of the intestinal wall as a multi-layered structure. The mechanical properties of tested bowels in axial and transversal directions were qualitatively different. The submucosa and muscular layers condition the mechanical strength of bowel wall, while the serosa and mucosa showed no significant strength. Reproducible results were generated for cadaveric and surgically removed stomach and small intestine, which showed their mechanical properties similar under certain storage conditions. The data received could be used for monitoring of the mechanical properties of bowel wall layers under different conditions and for checking of bowel distension sequences.  相似文献   

Bioconversion of arachidonic acid in the human gastrointestinal tract   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The data presented demonstrate that the bioconversion of [14C]arachidonic acid in homogenates like these is very easily influenced by protein (enzyme) and substrate concentration as well as exogenous cofactors. This is not unexpected but variations will lead to artifactual differences. Neither quantitative nor qualitative differences could be detected between biopsies taken from healthy as compared to diseased individuals. No products other than PGE2, PGF2 alpha, TxB2, and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha (and metabolites thereof) could be demonstrated although special efforts were undertaken to determine whether there was any detectable lipoxygenase activity. Therefore it seems that future studies on the possible roles of prostaglandins in gastrointestinal physiology should be restricted to those compounds identified, primarily PGE2 and PGF2 alpha. The monotony in the pattern of products formed in homogenates from different tissues also suggests that in order to be able to detect possible differences between various conditions such studies should involve a minimum of tissue manipulation.  相似文献   

Dysregulation of intestinal epithelial cell performance is associated with an array of pathologies whose onset mechanisms are incompletely understood. While whole-genomics approaches have been valuable for studying the molecular basis of several intestinal diseases, a thorough analysis of gene expression along the healthy gastrointestinal tract is still lacking. The aim of this study was to map gene expression in gastrointestinal regions of healthy human adults and to implement a procedure for microarray data analysis that would allow its use as a reference when screening for pathological deviations. We analyzed the gene expression signature of antrum, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and transverse colon biopsies using a biostatistical method based on a multivariate and univariate approach to identify region-selective genes. One hundred sixty-six genes were found responsible for distinguishing the five regions considered. Nineteen had never been described in the GI tract, including a semaphorin probably implicated in pathogen invasion and six novel genes. Moreover, by crossing these genes with those retrieved from an existing data set of gene expression in the intestine of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease patients, we identified genes that might be biomarkers of Crohn’s and/or ulcerative colitis in ileum and/or colon. These include CLCA4 and SLC26A2, both implicated in ion transport. This study furnishes the first map of gene expression along the healthy human gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore, the approach implemented here, and validated by retrieving known gene profiles, allowed the identification of promising new leads in both healthy and disease states.  相似文献   

Diversity of the human gastrointestinal tract microbiota revisited   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Since the early days of microbiology, more than a century ago, representatives of over 400 different microbial species have been isolated and fully characterized from human gastrointestinal samples. However, during the past decade molecular ecological studies based on ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequences have revealed that cultivation has been able only to access a small fraction of the microbial diversity within the gastrointestinal tract. The increasing number of deposited rRNA sequences calls for the setting up a curated database that allows handling of the excessive degree of redundancy that threatens the usability of public databases. The integration of data from cultivation-based studies and molecular inventories of small subunit (SSU) rRNA diversity, presented here for the first time, provides a systematic framework of the microbial diversity in the human gastrointestinal tract of more than 1000 different species-level phylogenetic types (phylotypes). Such knowledge is essential for the design of high-throughput approaches such as phylogenetic DNA microarrays for the comprehensive analysis of gastrointestinal tract microbiota at multiple levels of taxonomic resolution. Development of such approaches is likely to be pivotal to generating novel insights in microbiota functionality in health and disease.  相似文献   

Soluble SULTs (sulfotransferases) are important in the regulation of messenger molecules and the elimination of xenobiotics. However, sulfo-conjugation of various substrates can also lead to the formation of reactive metabolites that may induce cancer and cause other damage. The aim of the present study was to identify the SULT forms expressed in the human gastrointestinal tract, especially the colon and rectum (common sites for cancer), and to determine their cellular localization. Normal colonic or rectal tissue, resected with tumours, was obtained from 39 subjects. For comparison, we additionally studied one to four samples from stomach, jejunum, ileum, cecum and liver. SULTs were detected by immunoblotting, immunohistochemistry and measurement of enzyme activities. SULT1A1, 1A3 and 1B1 were found in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract, often exceeding levels in liver (where these forms were present at high, undetectable and low levels respectively). They were predominantly localized in differentiated enterocytes. SULT1E1 and 2A1 were only detected in liver, jejunum, ileum and cecum. SULT1C1 was readily found in stomach, but was negligible elsewhere. SULT1A2 was present at low levels in individual samples. The remaining forms were not detected with the limitation that only high levels could be recognized with the antisera used. In conclusion, SULTs are abundant in the gastrointestinal tract of man. We suspect that they are involved in the presystemic elimination of bioactive food-borne components, including aglycones released by gut microbiota, as well as the bioactivation of some procarcinogens.  相似文献   

Recent advances in human protozoan parasites of the gastrointestinal tract   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An attempt was made in this report to present an update on the recent development on intestinal protozoan infections in humans. Except for a few historical references the review covers the period from 1980 to the time of writing, mid-1985. The emphasis was on the more important parasites and an effort made to cover the latest developments in their biology, epidemiology and pathogenesis. During preparation of this paper I was impressed with the plethora of papers published on some parasites and the paucity of reports on others. There are an increasing number of papers on Cryptosporidium sp. and the interest in the organisms should continue. Furthermore, it will be of interest to follow the association between Blastocystis hominis and disease. These are essentially new protozoan parasites of man, and one wonders how many more intestinal protozoan parasitosis are still waiting to be found. Like the Cryptosporidium sp., it may be a matter of finding the right diagnostic technique to detect the unknown organism.Giardiasis continues to be a cause of diarrhea among various groups especially campers who are drinking untreated water and G. lamblia as well as E. histolytica are being found more frequently in homosexuals with and without AIDS. The ability to predict virulence in strains of E. histolytica by enzyme patterns is intriguing but some skeptics still prefer the older test for virulence by cecal scoring in animals. New animal models are being evaluated and new techniques applied to the study of pathogenic protozoa. In the future the use of new biotechnological methods will most certainly lead to a better understanding of intestinal protozoa as well as of other parasitic organisms.  相似文献   

Human platelets possess active lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase which convert arachidonic acid to (12S)-12-hydroperoxy-5,8,10,14-eicosatetraenoic acid (12-HPETE) plus (12S)-12-hydroxy-5,8,10,14-eicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE) and thromboxane B2 plus 12-hydroxy-5,8,10-heptadecatrienoic acid (HHT), respectively. When platelet homogenates were incubated with arachidonate, there was a rapid consumption of platelet tocopherol. Time course analysis revealed that within 0.5 min, over half of arachidonate and tocopherol were metabolized. Mass formation of 12-HPETE and 12-HETE or thromboxane B2 and HHT exceeded that of the mass of tocopherol oxidized. Preincubation with the lipoxygenase inhibitor 5,8,11,14-eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA) completely abolished this arachidonate-induced tocopherol oxidation whereas cyclooxygenase inhibitors (indomethacin and aspirin) further potentiated tocopherol oxidation, indicating that this oxidation is closely linked with platelet 12-lipoxygenase activity. Incubation with lipoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid showed that only 12-HPETE caused a rapid tocopherol oxidation which was followed by a gradual tocopherol regeneration. By using nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), a lipoxygenase inhibitor which is also a strong reductant, over 60% of the arachidonate-induced oxidized tocopherol was regenerated. Tocopherol regeneration declined with increasing oxidation time induced by arachidonate, and after 30-60 min virtually no regeneration could be observed, suggesting that the precursor molecule was unstable. We postulate that the precursor molecule is the tocopheroxyl radical. In the presence of ETYA, a lipoxygenase inhibitor without antioxidant properties, either ascorbate or GSH provided significant tocopherol regeneration. Kinetic studies showed that tocopherol regeneration after the addition of ascorbate was essentially completed by 1 min. By contrast, GSH addition caused a steady increase in tocopherol which peaked after 10 min of its addition. To determine whether this rapid regeneration is chemical or enzymic, regeneration was studied in the presence of chloroform and methanol. Comparison of various reductants in this denaturing condition for enzymes showed that ascorbate and NDGA afforded significant regeneration whereas GSH was ineffective, indicating that there are distinct enzymic and non-enzymic mechanisms for tocopherol regeneration. This study provides direct evidence from mass analysis that tocopherol can be regenerated in human cell homogenates. This finding implies that maintenance of membrane tocopherol status may be an essential function of ascorbate and GSH which operate in concert to ensure maximum membrane protection against oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (EC was measured in intestinal mucosa of the human gastrointestinal tract. Activity was highest in gastric mucosa (18.2 pmol per mg per min) and there was a constant low level in the small bowel and colon (approximately 10 pmol per mg per min). Phosphorylation/dephosphorylation modulation of intestinal reductase activity was demonstrated in normal mucosa. Expressed jejunal reductase activity was significantly higher in celiac sprue mucosa and mucosa from defunctionalized intestine of jejunoileal bypass patients. Enzyme activity also increased during 24-hr mucosal organ culture in the absence of exogenous cholesterol. Addition to the culture medium of pure cholesterol or 25-hydroxycholesterol dissolved in a small volume of ethanol suppressed the culture-induced increase to 86 +/- 3% and 69 +/- 5% of paired controls, respectively. This evidence suggests that a moderate degree of feedback regulation of intestinal cholesterol synthesis by luminal sterol occurs in man. Mucosal HMG-CoA reductase activity was also measured in patients with hyperlipoproteinemia. Patients with either predominant hypercholesterolemia or predominant hypertriglyceridemia lipid profiles had "normal" expressed reductase activity, but feedback regulation by free cholesterol could not be demonstrated in either group under these conditions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIM: Several studies have described that oxytocin exerts stimulatory or inhibitory effects on gut functions. Recently, mRNA for oxytocin and its receptor was found throughout the entire human gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The aim of this study was to examine the cellular localization and distribution of the corresponding proteins. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Full-thickness biopsies from 24 patients, covering the entire GI tract, were collected during operations at the Department of Surgery in Malm? and Lund. The biopsies were taken from non_affected margins. The biopsies were fixed by immersion, rinsed in buffered sucrose, and kept frozen at 70 degrees C. Indirect immunofluorescence with primary antibodies to oxytocin and its receptor was used. RESULTS: Oxytocin was expressed in nerve cell bodies and nerve fibres in the myenteric and submucous ganglia all along the GI tract. Immunoreactive nerve cell bodies in myenteric ganglia predominated in the proximal (antrum and duodenum) and distal gut, while those in the submucous ganglia were more numerous in the ileum and colon. The oxytocin receptor was not detectable by two different antibodies in any tissue in the GI tract. CONCLUSION: Oxytocin is expressed in the myenteric and submucous ganglia and nerve fibres along the entire human GI tract. The role for oxytocin in the physiology and pathophysiology of the bowel remains to be settled.  相似文献   

Immunoreactive somatostatin (IRS) was measured in acid extracts of human gastrointestinal tissue. The highest levels were found in the duodenum, pancreas, jejunum and stomach with lower levels in the ileum and colon. In the antrum, pylorus, duodenum and pancreas the main peak of IRS (1.6K IRS) coeluted with synthetic somatostatin-14 on both gel filtration chromatography and HPLC. In the body of stomach, jejunum, ileum and colon, a large peak coeluting with synthetic somatostatin-28 (3.5K IRS) on both chromatographic systems was also identified, while minor peaks of IRS assigned molecular weights of 6000 (6K) and greater than 15 000 (15K) were seen in some extracts. The total IRS content and pattern of molecular forms were similar in tissues obtained from adults at surgery or rapid post mortem, and in tissue taken from human fetuses after prostaglandin termination of pregnancy. When tissues were divided into mucosal and muscle layers, greater than 90% of the IRS was in the mucosa with less than 10% in the muscle layer. In the muscle layer the IRS was almost entirely the 1.6K form in all tissues. Immunohistochemical studies showed the IRS in the mucosa to be localised in endocrine-type cells, while in the muscle layer the IRS is present in nerve fibres and neurones of the myenteric plexus. It is suggested that (1) different mechanisms may control the biosynthesis of somatostatin-14 and somatostatin-28 in mucosal cells in different parts of the gut, (2) different biosynthetic controls may operate in endocrine-like and neuronal cells in the same region of the gut.  相似文献   

The gestational time of appearance and distribution of immunoreactive glicentin was compared to that of immunoreactive glucagon in the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine pancreas of human fetuses, aged between 5 and 24 weeks, by an indirect immunoperoxidase method. With the glicentin antiserum No. R 64, the first immunoreactive cells were detected at the 10th week of gestation in the oxyntic mucosa and proximal small intestine, at the 8th week in the ileum and at the 12th week in the colon. In the endocrine pancreas, the first immunoreactive cells were observed as early as 8 weeks within the walls of the primitive pancreatic ductules. At a more advanced stage of development (12 weeks), they were found interspersed among the islet cell clusters and still later (16 weeks) inside the recognizable islets of Langerhans. With the glucagon antiserum No. GB 5667, no immunoreactive cells were demonstrated in the gastrointestinal tract whatever the age of the fetuses. In the endocrine pancreas, the first immunoreactive cells were observed at the 8th week of gestation in the pancreatic parenchyma. The distribution of glucagon-containing cells in the pancreas was similar to that of glicentin immunoreactivity throughout ontogenesis. In the pancreatic islets of one 18-week-old human fetus, the study of consecutive semithin sections treated by both antisera showed that the same cells were labelled. The significance of these findings concerning the role of glicentin as a glucagon precursor is discussed.  相似文献   

A method for the direct extraction and routine analysis of the vitamin E metabolites gamma- and alpha-carboxyethyl hydroxychroman (gamma- and alpha-CEHC) from human urine has been developed. A relatively small sample volume (5 ml) can be used and, after enzymatic hydrolysis of the conjugated forms and acidification, the metabolites are extracted with diethyl ether. Recovery of alpha- and gamma-CEHC was compared to that of trolox, used as an internal standard, added to 24-h urine collections from vitamin E-unsupplemented volunteers. Various solvent conditions were initially tested; acidification and ether extraction gave the highest recovery. It was found that after addition and extraction from urine, trolox, alpha- and gamma-CEHC are recovered to a similar extent, hence trolox is viable as an internal standard. The samples were analyzed by both GC and HPLC with electrochemical detection (ECD). HPLC-ECD was found to give higher selectivity and higher sensitivity compared to GC or HPLC with UV detection at 290 nm. The HPLC-ECD detection limit was 10 fmol, linearity (r(2) > 0.98) was achieved in the range of 40 to 200 fmol, which was found to be optimal for 24-h urines from unsupplemented subjects. Inter-sample variability was typically 2-5%. This greater sensitivity and selectivity means that vitamin E metabolites can be analyzed even in unsupplemented subjects. It is also possible to measure unconjugated forms of the metabolites. Typically these were found to represent approximately 10% of the total alpha- and gamma-CEHC. This method can be used routinely for the determination of vitamin E metabolites in urine. The new extraction and detection methods described are relatively quick, less laborious, and more cost-effective than previously available methods.  相似文献   

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