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Studies investigating the effect of rate of temperature change on thermal thresholds have used a variety of different methods and threshold combinations, and many display incomplete reporting of statistical analyses. It has been suggested that C- and A &#105 -fibre mediated thresholds differ in their reaction to different rates of temperature change. Ten healthy female volunteers (aged 18-26 years; mean 21 &#45 S.D. 2.53) undertook cold sensation (CS), warm sensation (WS), cold pain (CP) and heat pain (HP) threshold determinations on the thenar eminence of the dominant hand. Rates of temperature change of 0.5, 1, 2.5 and 4°C/s were used, with a modified method of limits. Adaptation temperature was 32°C and thermode size 3cm &#50 3cm. Results showed a significant increase in WS, HP and CP thresholds with increased rates of temperature change (all p < 0.001), but no significant change for CS ( p = 0.653). These results suggest that thresholds with a C-fibre component (WS, HP and CP) and those that are A &#105 -fibre mediated (CS) behave differently. A traditional explanation of measurement artefact alone is insufficient in rationalizing these results, with additional factors potentially involved. Slow rates of temperature change were shown to reduce mean intra-individual differences in recorded threshold values, and also to abolish ceiling effects with HP threshold determinations. Clinically, therefore, using slow rates of temperature change with method of limits has a range of benefits over and above simply minimizing measurement artefact.  相似文献   

Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST) of thermal perception thresholds assesses small afferent nerve function. QST has also been widely used to investigate the effects of interventions on the perception of activity within these nerve fibres, often over brief time periods. The natural variation in perception thresholds over brief time periods has not been determined, however, complicating accurate identification of induced changes. The present study therefore investigated changes in thermal perception threshold values within a 1-h period. Twenty-four healthy women volunteers aged 18-28 years (mean 20.6, SD 2.8) undertook cold sensation (CS), warm sensation (WS), cold pain (CP), and hot pain (HP) perception threshold measurements on the thenar eminence of the dominant hand during six 8-min experimental cycles. The order of stimulus presentation was randomized within pre-selected criteria. An adaptation temperature of 32 degrees C, a rate of temperature change of 0.5 degrees C/s, a 3 cm x 3 cm thermode, and a method of limits algorithm were used. Separate two-way ANOVAs with repeated measures showed statistically significant changes over time for WS, CS, and HP (p < 0.05), but not for CP (p = 0.232). The results indicate that WS, CS, and HP perception thresholds change significantly with repeated testing over a 1-h period. These results should be carefully considered when assessing the importance of observed changes in thermal perception thresholds. In research trials exclusion of a control group would be a fundamental flaw.  相似文献   

We propose certain general conditions that we believe are reasonable for any pattern recognition algorithm. We find that these conditions give rise to paradoxical identification. The algorithms are incapable of distinguishing composite patterns and must be able to distinguish patterns at an atomistic level.  相似文献   


1. 1. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the non-linearity of the human physiological and psychological responses to step change of air temperature by impulse response analysis using Discrete Fourier Transformation.

2. 2. Experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of thermal transients on human responses.

3. 3. Experimental conditions were as follows: lowering air temperature from 30 to 20°C and raising air temperature from 20 to 30°C.

4. 4. The responses of local skin temperature on lowering air temperature from 30 to 20°C are not necessarily opposite to the responses found on raising air temperature from 20 to 30°C.

5. 5. From impulse response analysis using Discrete Fourier Transformation, skin temperature responses to the opposite air temperature change do not necessarily coincide with each other whenever the same temperature stimulus is occurred.

Author Keywords: Air temperature; step change; impulse response; skin temperature; thermal sensation  相似文献   

Climate change leads to increasing temperature and more extreme hot and drought events. Ecosystem capability to cope with climate warming depends on vegetation's adjusting pace with temperature change. How environmental stresses impair such a vegetation pace has not been carefully investigated. Here we show that dryness substantially dampens vegetation pace in warm regions to adjust the optimal temperature of gross primary production (GPP) ( T opt GPP ) in response to change in temperature over space and time. T opt GPP spatially converges to an increase of 1.01°C (95% CI: 0.97, 1.05) per 1°C increase in the yearly maximum temperature (Tmax) across humid or cold sites worldwide (37oS–79oN) but only 0.59°C (95% CI: 0.46, 0.74) per 1°C increase in Tmax across dry and warm sites. T opt GPP temporally changes by 0.81°C (95% CI: 0.75, 0.87) per 1°C interannual variation in Tmax at humid or cold sites and 0.42°C (95% CI: 0.17, 0.66) at dry and warm sites. Regardless of the water limitation, the maximum GPP (GPPmax) similarly increases by 0.23 g C m−2 day−1 per 1°C increase in T opt GPP in either humid or dry areas. Our results indicate that the future climate warming likely stimulates vegetation productivity more substantially in humid than water-limited regions.  相似文献   

A study of 17 elderly men and 13 young adults of similar body build and wearing equivalent clothing insulation (0.8 clo) showed that when given control over their environment the elderly preferred the same mean comfort temperature (22-23 degrees C) but manipulated ambient temperature much less precisely than the young. Slow adjustment of ambient temperature was related to some cases to a higher temperature-discrimination threshold. These findings suggest that both physiological and behavioural changes contribute to the increased vulnerability of old people in cold conditions.  相似文献   

D. Scott  M. Poynter 《Hydrobiologia》1991,222(2):147-151
The significance of temperature in determining the northernmost limit of trout in New Zealand is discussed, and the river temperature records available suggest that high winter temperatures, rather than high summer temperatures are involved. The predicted climate changes consequent on increased concentrations of atmospheric gases, are used to predict changes in trout distribution. A 1.5 °C increase is likely to result in a contraction of the distribution of brown trout in northern areas, but the effects elsewhere on brown trout would be limited. A 3 °C increase is likely to eliminate both species from borthern latitudes, while heat stress could alter distributions of both species throughout the country. The possibilities of genetic responses to the changes are discussed.  相似文献   

As climate regimes shift in many ecosystems worldwide, evolution may be a critical process allowing persistence in rapidly changing environments. Organisms regularly interact with other species, yet whether climate-mediated evolution can occur in the context of species interactions is not well understood. We tested whether a species interaction could modify evolutionary responses to temperature. We demonstrate that predation pressure by Dipteran larvae (Chaoborus americanus) modified the evolutionary response of a freshwater crustacean (Daphnia pulex) to its thermal environment over approximately seven generations in laboratory conditions. Daphnia kept at 21°C evolved higher population growth rates than those kept at 18°C, but only in those populations that were also reared with predators. Furthermore, predator-mediated selection resulted in the evolution of elevated Daphnia thermal plasticity. This laboratory natural selection experiment demonstrates that biotic interactions can modify evolutionary adaptation to temperature. Understanding the interplay between multiple selective forces can improve predictions of ecological and evolutionary responses of organisms to rapid environmental change.  相似文献   


1. 1.|Circadian changes in heat production (M), heat loss (H), core temperature (Tc) and feeding activity (FA) of ad-lib fed rats were observed by direct and indirect calorimetry.

2. 2.|M, H and Tc showed a clear nocturnal increase associated with several discrete increases.

3. 3.|Whereas the slope of M vs Tc relation did not change appreciably within a day, the slope of H vs Tc or thermal conductance vs Tc relation tended to decrease at night, implying that the correlation between heat loss and body temperature is also a function of time of day in rats.

Author Keywords: Heat loss vs core temperature; thermal conductance; circadian rhythm; direct and indirect calorimetry  相似文献   

Understanding how net ecosystem exchange (NEE) changes with temperature is central to the debate on climate change‐carbon cycle feedbacks, but still remains unclear. Here, we used eddy covariance measurements of NEE from 20 FLUXNET sites (203 site‐years of data) in mid‐ and high‐latitude forests to investigate the temperature response of NEE. Years were divided into two half thermal years (increasing temperature in spring and decreasing temperature in autumn) using the maximum daily mean temperature. We observed a parabolic‐like pattern of NEE in response to temperature change in both the spring and autumn half thermal years. However, at similar temperatures, NEE was considerably depressed during the decreasing temperature season as compared with the increasing temperature season, inducing a counter‐clockwise hysteresis pattern in the NEE–temperature relation at most sites. The magnitude of this hysteresis was attributable mostly (68%) to gross primary production (GPP) differences but little (8%) to ecosystem respiration (ER) differences between the two half thermal years. The main environmental factors contributing to the hysteresis responses of NEE and GPP were daily accumulated radiation. Soil water content (SWC) also contributed to the hysteresis response of GPP but only at some sites. Shorter day length, lower light intensity, lower SWC and reduced photosynthetic capacity may all have contributed to the depressed GPP and net carbon uptake during the decreasing temperature seasons. The resultant hysteresis loop is an important indicator of the existence of limiting factors. As such, the role of radiation, LAI and SWC should be considered when modeling the dynamics of carbon cycling in response to temperature change.  相似文献   

Unicellular organisms possess a wide variety of molecular mechanisms for altering the lipid composition (and thereby the physical properties) of their membranes in response to changes in environmental temperature. These are discussed with a view to establish which of the mechanisms are of more importance to bacteria, algae, and protozoa in coping with extremes of temperature.  相似文献   

The relevance of laboratory experiments in predicting effects of climate change has been questioned, especially in Antarctica where sea temperatures are remarkably stable. Laboratory studies of Southern Ocean marine animal capacities to survive increasing temperature mainly utilize rapid temperature elevations, 100 ×–10 000 × faster than sea temperature is predicted to rise. However, due to small‐scale temperature fluctuations these studies may be crucial for understanding colonization patterns and predicting survival particularly through interactions between thermal tolerance and migration. The colonization of disjunct shelves around Antarctica by larvae or adult drift requires crossing or exposure to, rapid temperature changes of up to 2–4 °C over days to weeks. Analyses of responses to warming at varying rates of temperature change in the laboratory allow better predictions of the potential species have for colonizing disjunct shelf areas (such as the Scotia Arc). Inhabiting greater diversities of localities increases the geographic and thermal range species experience. We suggest a strong link between short‐term temperature tolerance, environmental range and prospects for surviving changing environments.  相似文献   

Fluctuating temperatures are a predominant feature of the natural environment but their effects on ectotherm physiology are not well-understood. The warm periods of fluctuating thermal regimes (FTRs) provide opportunities for repair leading to increased survival, but there are also indications of negative effects of warm exposure. In this study, we examined respiration and oxidative stress in adult Alphitobius diaperinus exposed to FTRs and to constant low temperatures. We hypothesized that cold exposure will cause oxidative stress and that FTRs would reduce the amount of chill injuries, via activation of the antioxidant system. We measured V˙CO2, activities of super oxide dismutase (SOD), amounts of total (GSHt) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) during cold and warm periods of FTRs. Increased severity of cold exposure caused a decrease in the glutathione pool. SOD levels increased during the recovery period in the more severe FTR. The antioxidant response was sufficient to counter the reactive oxygen species production, as the GSH:GSSG ratio increased. We conclude that cold stress causes oxidative damage in these beetles, and that a warm recovery period activates the antioxidant system allowing repair of cold-induced damage, leading to the increased survival previously noted in beetles exposed to fluctuating versus constant temperatures.  相似文献   

Temperature is known to influence xenobiotic retention in fish. The effect of acute and acclimatory temperature change upon Rhodamine 123 (Rho123) permeability through an in vitro catfish multi-segment (3) everted sac intestinal wall model was examined in a 9 cell matrix of acclimation and assay temperatures (10, 20 and 30 degrees C). Changes in Rho123 permeability were examined in context with membrane fluidity, xenobiotic solubility and intestinal morphology. When assayed at the acclimation temperature greater Rho123 permeability was noted at warmer acclimation temperatures for the proximal and middle intestinal segments, while the distal segment exhibited little change and apparent compensation across temperatures. Rho123 permeability was increased as assay temperatures were elevated above the acclimation temperature for most comparisons. Cold acclimation significantly increased total intestinal length (43.2%) and proximal intestine weights while total body weights did not differ. Brush border membranes (BBM) increased fluidity with increased assay temperatures, however, composite anisotropy lines were not significantly different between acclimation treatments. In an additive manner, the membrane probe DPH exhibited increased solubility in BBM with increases in acclimation and assay temperatures. Compositely, these results suggest that acclimation and acute temperature change may differentially influence xenobiotic permeability among intestinal segments with interacting mechanisms.  相似文献   

为了揭示树干自然温度梯度的变化规律及其对树干液流速率测算结果的影响,于2007年5月至10月利用改进的SF-L型热扩散式树液流测定装置,对北京低山区生长的油松和侧柏的树干自然温度梯度、加热温差和气象、土壤水分因子进行了连日同步监测。结果表明:(1)树干自然温度梯度对加热针温差的影响,侧柏大于油松。(2)树干自然温度梯度对液流速率计算结果的影响具有显著的统计意义(P0.01),平均误差大于30%,误差峰值出现在太阳高度角较小的时候。(3)影响树干自然温度梯度最重要的环境因子是光照强度,其次是空气温度。上述结果说明,树干自然温度梯度对热扩散法测定的液流速率的影响不可忽视,研究树木耗水机制时应予以充分考虑。光照强度和空气温度是影响树干自然温度梯度最重要的两个因子,但其影响机制仍需进一步研究。  相似文献   

Larval Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus, spawned off North Carolina (U.S.A.) during the winter, undergo cross-shelf transport from the western Gulf Stream edge to coastal bays and estuaries. Variation in water flow direction with depth provides larvae the opportunity to enhance shoreward transport, if they can regulate their depth behaviourally. Temperature, which normally decreases with depth on the continental shelf, is one possible cue for depth regulation. Laboratory-reared larval menhaden of two different ages were exposed to varying relative rates of temperature increases and decreases, which were presented from both above and below the larvae. Temperature decreases from below caused an ascent response in both young and old larvae, but neither responded to this cue from above. The minimum (threshold) relative rates of decrease for initiating ascents were similar (7.9 × 10?2, 10.7 × 10?2° C min?1) for both age larvae as were the minimum absolute amounts of decrease that must occur before a response (0.1, 0.05°C). Young larvae did not respond to a temperature increase, while old larvae ascended regardless of whether the increase was presented from above or below. Threshold relative rates of increase were 8.59 × 10?2°C min?1 from below and 14.79 × 10?2° C min?1 from above. The threshold rates and range of larval speeds during vertical movements were used to calculate vertical temperature gradients that could be perceived. These values were compared to measured gradients in areas inhabited by menhaden larvae. On the continental shelf, detectable temperature gradients appear common for temperature decreases that would occur upon descending and temperature increases upon ascending. However, it is uncommon for larvae to encounter temperature increases upon descending that would initiate an ascent response. These results support the hypothesis that menhaden larvae are capable of using temperature gradients for depth regulation.  相似文献   

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