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Abstract. 1. Protein is important for a foraging animal to consume, as it promotes growth and enhances survival, particularly in web‐building spiders, which need to invest considerable protein into web building and may trade‐off growth for web investment. 2. The influence of dietary protein uptake on growth and web investment was tested in the orb web spider Argiope keyserlingi, by feeding them flies reared on three different media: (1) high protein, (2) low protein, and (3) standard (control) media. There was a negative correlation between protein and energy content of the flies across treatments; flies reared on the high protein media had the highest protein, but lowest energy, while flies reared on the low protein media had the lowest protein but highest energy. 3. It was found that silk investment and web architecture in A. keyserlingi was not affected by diet. Growth and decoration building were both enhanced when spiders were fed a high protein diet. 4. It was concluded that protein intake, rather than energy, influenced both growth and decoration building because: (1) protein intake enhances growth in other animals, (2) protein is essential for silk synthesis, especially aciniform silk, and (3) protein is a limiting factor actively sought by foraging animals in natural environments.  相似文献   

An effective visual signal elicits a strong receiver response. The visual receptors of most insects are sensitive to ultraviolet (UV), blue and green light. The decorations of certain orb web spiders may be described as a type of visual signal, a sensory trap, as they exploit visual biases in insects. We filtered UV and blue light from the decorations of Argiope keyserlingi , under field conditions, using plastic sheets to test if the UV and blue light reflected affects the type of prey caught. We found that houseflies, blowflies, stingless bees, honeybees and vespid wasps were caught more frequently in webs with decorations than webs without, while ichneumonid wasps were caught less frequently. Blowflies, stingless bees, honeybees and vespid wasps were caught more often in unfiltered decorated webs. These insects also have receptor sensitivities in the blue and UV. We showed that exploiting visual sensory biases plays an integral role in attracting insects to orb web decorations. Whether UV light, blue light, or both, are the most important cue, however, requires further study.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 221–229.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict theory predicts an antagonistic coevolution, with each sex evolving adaptations and counter-adaptations to overcome a temporary dominance of the other sex over the control of paternity. Polyandry allows sexual selection to operate after mating has commenced, with male and female interests competing for control of fertilization. There are numerous examples of male control of paternity, but few studies have unambiguously revealed female control. Attributing variance in paternity to females is often difficult since male and female influences cannot be separated unambiguously. However, we show that polyandrous female orb-web spiders Argiope keserlingi (Arancidae) control the paternity of their offspring by adjusting the timing of sexual cannibalism. Our experiments reveal that females copulating with relatively smaller males delay sexual cannibalism, thereby prolonging the duration of copulation, and that these males consequently fertilize relatively more eggs.  相似文献   

The morphology of male genitalia often suggests functions besidessperm transfer that may have evolved under natural or sexualselection. In several species of sexually cannibalistic spiders,males damage their paired genitalia during mating, limitingthem to one copulation per pedipalp. Using a triple-mating experiment,we tested if genital damage in the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichiincreases male fitness either through facilitating his escapefrom an aggressive female or by obstructing the female's inseminationducts against future copulation attempts from other males. Wefound no survival advantage for males damaging their pedipalps;however, copulations into a previously used insemination ductwere significantly shorter when the previous male had left partsof his genitalia inside the insemination duct. Because copulationduration determines paternity in this species, our result suggeststhat male genital damage in A. bruennichi is sexually selected.By breaking off parts of their intromittent organs inside avirgin female, males can reduce sperm competition and therebyincrease their paternity success.  相似文献   

Monogynous mating systems (low male mating rates) occur in various taxa and have evolved several times independently in spiders. Monogyny is associated with remarkable male mating strategies and predicted to evolve under a male-biased sex ratio. While male reproductive strategies are well documented and male mating rates are easy to quantify, especially in sexually cannibalistic species, female reproductive strategies, the optimal female mating rate, and the factors that affect the evolution of female mating rates are still unclear. In this study, we examined natural female mating rates and tested the assumption of a male-biased sex ratio and female polyandry in a natural population of Argiope bruennichi in which we controlled female mating status prior to observations. We predicted variation in female mating frequencies as a result of spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the distribution of mature females and males. Females had a low average mating rate of 1.3 and the majority copulated only once. Polyandry did not entirely result from a male-biased sex-ratio but closely matched the rate of male bigamy. Male activity and the probability of polyandry correlated with factors affecting pheromone presence such as virgin females' density. We conclude that a strong sex ratio bias and high female mating rates are not necessary components of monogynous mating systems as long as males protect their paternity effectively and certain frequencies of bigyny stabilise the mating system.  相似文献   

Costs of inbreeding can lead to total reproductive failure and inbreeding avoidance is, therefore, common. In classical sex roles with no paternal care, the selective pressure to avoid inbreeding is mostly on the female, which carries the higher costs. In some orb-web spiders, this situation is very different because females are polyandrous and males are monogynous or at most bigynous. Additionally, females of many entelegyne orb weavers are thought to bias paternity post-copulatorily towards a desired mate. This increases the selective pressure on males to adjust their investment in a mating with regard to the compatibility to a female.Here, we examine whether genetic relatedness influences mating behaviour in the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichi. We mated either a sibling or a non-sibling male to a female in single copulation trials and compared copulation duration, cannibalism rate and female fecundity.Our experiment revealed that males prolonged their copulation duration and were cannibalized more frequently when mating with a non-sibling female. Males mating with a sibling female were more likely to escape cannibalism by copulating briefly, thus presumably increasing their chances of re-mating with a more compatible female. This suggests that males can adaptively adjust their investment relating to the compatibility of a female.  相似文献   

Abstract Environmental conditions such as light level, background contrast and temperature might influence a spider's prey capture success and risk of predation. Thus it may often be advantageous for spiders to adjust web‐building behaviour in response to variation in these environmental conditions. This hypothesis was examined in a study of the construction of webs and web decorations (conspicuous strands of silk at the hub of the web) of the orb‐web spider Argiope keyserlingi. Web decorations are thought to have one or more separate functions. They may attract prey, deter predators or advertise the web to oncoming birds, thus preventing web damage. In this series of experiments, relationships between weather parameters and the construction of webs and web decorations were considered. In complementary laboratory experiments, A. keyserlingi spiders were exposed to two different light levels (700 and 90 lx), background contrasts (black and white) and temperature conditions (20 and 26°C). Of the available weather parameters, only temperature was significantly related to web decorating behaviour but not to web size. In the laboratory, temperature also influenced web‐decorating behaviour, and spiders in dim light (700 lx) constructed larger webs and longer decorations. Background contrast did not significantly alter web size or web decorations. These data suggest that when prey availability is reduced at low temperatures, spiders may use web decorations to attract prey to the web. Similarly, in dim light, spiders may build more and larger decorations to increase the visual signal to approaching prey or to advertise the web to oncoming birds.  相似文献   

Species abundance in local communities is determined by bottom-up and top-down processes, which can act directly and indirectly on the focal species. Studies examining these effects simultaneously are rare. Here we explore the direct top-down and direct and indirect bottom-up forces regulating the abundance and predation success of an intermediate predator, the web-building spider Argiope bruennichi (Araneae: Araneidae). We manipulated plant diversity (2, 6, 12 or 20 sown species) in 9 wildflower strips in a region of intensive farmland. To identify the major factors regulating the distribution and abundance of A. bruennichi, we quantified three characteristics of vegetation (species diversity, composition and vegetation structure) as well as the spider's prey community and natural enemies. The distribution and abundance of A. bruennichi was regulated by combined bottom-up and top-down processes as well as by direct and indirect interactions between trophic levels. Four main factors were identified: (1) the strong direct effect of vegetation structure, (2) the positive effect of plant species diversity, which affected spider abundance directly and indirectly through increased densities and size of flower-visiting prey species, (3) the positive or negative direct effects of different plant species, and (4) the strongly negative direct effect of predacious hornets. The advantage of taking a global approach to understand the regulation of species abundance is highlighted first by the quantification of the relative importance of factors, with a surprisingly strong effect of hornet predators, and second by the discovery of a direct effect of plant diversity, which raises intriguing questions about habitat selection by this spider.  相似文献   

Abstract Orb web spiders face a dilemma: forage in open habitats and risk predation or forage in closed habitats to minimize risk but at reduced foraging profitability. We tested whether Argiope keyserlingi opts for safer habitats at the expense of foraging success by (i) determining habitat selection indices in open and closed habitats; (ii) marking and releasing individual juvenile, subadult and adults over two 4‐week periods to determine if life‐history stage influences habitat selection; and (iii) determining the biotic and abiotic environmental parameters that relate to A. keyserlingi abundance. We found that A. keyserlingi selected closed habitats. Sedge and anthropogenic structures were selected and trees were avoided. Juveniles were never found in open habitats, most likely because of high postdispersal mortality. Subadults and adults may shift from closed to open habitats while juveniles never shifted habitat. Foliage density, plant height, potential prey abundance, and mantid and bird abundance were correlated with A. keyserlingi abundance, with only bird abundance explaining habitat selection. We measured web capture area, spiral distance (distance between spiral threads) and the number of decoration arms (0, 1, 2, 3 or 4) in the field and did laboratory experiments to test the influence of (i) space and vegetation; (ii) prey abundance; and (iii) web damage, on web architecture. Argiope keyserlingi webs exhibited geometric plasticity by having larger prey capture areas and spiral distances in open habitats. Decoration design did not differ between habitats however. Variation in space availability, air temperature, prey abundance and web damage explained the variations in web architecture. Potential prey size and diversity differed between habitats but prey abundance did not. As large prey may be important for spider survivorship, foraging success appears to be compromised by occupying closed habitats.  相似文献   

F. Vollrath  A. Houston 《Oecologia》1986,70(2):305-308
Summary The tenacity of the orb spider Nephila clavipes to a web site was studied in the laboratory. No differences were found between the giving-up-times and the site tenacity of spiders reared in the laboratory or those caught in the field, nor between spiders raised under a poor or a richt diet. The animals left sites at random and seemed to ignore experiences gained at previous sites.  相似文献   

The prey capture behaviour of the orb-web spider Argiope keyserlingi Karsch was examined experimentally by subjecting spiders to two different feeding regimes (food deprived and food satiated) and three types of prey: Drosophila, blowflies (Lucilia cuprina) and bees (Apis mellifera). The attack behaviour of the spiders was influenced by both their foraging history and the type of prey. Food deprived spiders attacked Drosophila and bees more frequently than food satiated spiders, and food satiated spiders travelled more slowly to any of the prey types than food deprived spiders. Furthermore, Drosophila were never wrapped in silk but only grasped with the chelicerae, whereas both blowflies and bees were always wrapped. This provides experimental confirmation that feeding history affects the decision of orb-web spiders to accept or reject any given prey.  相似文献   

Aging is often associated with reduced behavioral performance such as decreased locomotion or food consumption, related to a deterioration in physiological functions. In orb-web spiders, webs are used to capture prey and aging can affect web-building behavior and web structure. Here, we investigated the effect of aging on prey capture in the orb-web spider Zygiella x-notata. The ability of adult females to capture flies was examined at different ages. The rate of prey capture did not change with age, but older spiders took more time to subdue and capture the prey. Alterations which appeared in web structure with age (increase in the number of anomalies affecting radii and capture spiral) affected prey capture behavior. Furthermore, the analysis of individual performance (carried out on 17 spiders at two different ages) showed that older females spent more time handling the prey and finding it in the web. Our results suggest that, in the laboratory, age does not affect prey capture rates but it influences prey capture behavior by affecting web structure or/and spider motor functions.  相似文献   

A consequence of multiple mating by females can be that the sperm of two or more males directly compete for the fertilisation of ova inside the female reproductive tract. Selection through sperm-competition favours males that protect their sperm against that of rivals and strategically allocate their sperm, e.g., according to the mating status of the female and the morphology of the spermatheca. In the majority of spiders, we encounter the otherwise unusual situation that females possess two independent insemination ducts, both ending in their own sperm storage organ, the spermatheca. Males have paired mating organs, but generally can only fill one spermatheca at a time. We investigated whether males of the African golden orb-web spider Nephila madagascariensis can prevent rival males from mating into the same spermatheca and whether the mating status of the female and/or the spermatheca causes differences in male mating behaviour. There was no significant difference in the duration of copulations into unused spermathecae of virgin and mated females. We found that copulations into previously inseminated spermathecae were generally possible, but shorter than copulations into the unused side of mated females or with virgins. Thus, male N. madagascariensis may have an advantage when they mate with virgins, but cannot prevent future males from mating. However, in rare instances, parts of the male genitals can completely obstruct a female genital opening.  相似文献   

Although the basic taxonomic characteristics usually remain unchanged, some spinning apparatuses undergo consistent adaptive variations. As the presence of additional protuberances known as nubbins and tartipores have caused disagreements regarding some Araneidae spiders, more detailed definitions on the cuticular structures have recently been proposed. Reflecting this definition, microstructural organization of silk spinning apparatuses in the orb web spider Argiope bruennichi were reconsidered using field emission scanning electron microscopy. Among the seven kinds of functional spigots in females, it was revealed that two types (major ampullates and pyrifoms) are located on anterior spinnerets and another five types are distributed on median (minor ampullates, tubuliforms and aciniforms) or posterior (tubuliforms, flagelliforms, aggregates and aciniforms) spinnerets, respectively. In addition to functional spigots, cuticular remnants of the nubbins and the tartipores were found on the spinning fields, but the number of tartipores on each spinneret varied among individuals based on maturity. Nevertheless, three kinds of cuticular protuberances of ampullate silk glands were clearly visible at both the anterior and median spinnerets.  相似文献   

When mortality is high, animals run a risk if they wait to accumulate resources for improved reproduction so they may trade-off the time of reproduction with number and size of offspring. Animals may attempt to improve food acquisition by relocation, even in 'sit and wait' predators. We examine these factors in an isolated population of an orb-web spider Zygiella x-notata . The population was monitored for 200 days from first egg laying until all adults had died. Large females produced their first clutch earlier than did small females and there was a positive correlation between female size and the number and size of eggs produced. Many females, presumably without eggs, abandoned their web site and relocated their web position. This is presumed because female Zygiella typically guard their eggs. In total, c . 25% of females reproduced but those that relocated were less likely to do so, and if they did, they produced the clutch at a later date than those that remained. When the date of lay was controlled there was no effect of relocation on egg number but relocated females produced smaller eggs. The data are consistent with the idea that females in resource-poor sites are more likely to relocate. Relocation seems to be a gamble to find a more productive site but one that achieves only a late clutch of small eggs and few achieve that.  相似文献   

Monandry, in which a female has only one mating partner during the reproductive period, is established when a female spontaneously refrains from re-mating, or when a partner male interferes with the attempts of a female to mate again. In the latter case, however, females often have countermeasures against males, which may explain why polyandry is ubiquitous. Here, I demonstrate that the genital appendage, or scape, of the female orb-web spider (Cyclosa argenteoalba) is injured after her first mating, possibly by her first male partner. This female genital mutilation (FGM) permanently precludes copulation, and females appear to have no countermeasures. FGM is considered to confer a strong advantage to males in sexual conflicts over the number of female matings, and it may widely occur in spiders.  相似文献   

悦目金蛛卵袋的结构与组成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用SEM和氨基酸自动分析仪对悦目金蛛(Argiope amoena)卵袋的结构、纤维组成和覆盖层的氨基酸组成进行了观察研究.结果表明悦目金蛛卵袋呈封闭的倒三角形,是由多种丝腺纺出的丝纤维形成的多个覆盖层构成的,从外向内分别为:金黄色大壶状腺框架丝,灰绿色、浅棕色、白色外覆盖层和棕色内覆盖层,其中外覆盖层是由6根大直径(约4.8-6.8 μm) 柱状腺丝纤维和一些小直径(约0.26-0.76 μm)纤维混合成的基本纤维束单元所折叠成的片层丝被构成的,小直径丝纤维的数量从灰绿色丝被(外)到白色丝被(内)逐渐增加,而内覆盖层仅仅是由6根大直径(约5.20 μm)柱状腺丝纤维构成的基本纤维束单元折叠而成.卵袋外覆盖层丝(白色绒状纤维除外)的甘氨酸、丙氨酸和丝氨酸等氨基酸的百分含量分别介于卵袋内覆盖层丝和葡萄状腺丝相对应氨基酸的百分含量之间,这一数据支持Foradori等关于卵袋小直径丝纤维是由葡萄状腺纺出的推论.悦目金蛛能调节卵袋层丝的颜色、直径、覆盖层丝纤维和氨基酸的组成,使卵袋获得各方面最优化的功能,为卵或若蛛提供支持和保护.  相似文献   

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