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Human DNA helicase II (HDH II) is a novel ATP-dependent DNA unwinding enzyme, purified to apparent homogeneity from HeLa cells, which (i) unwinds exclusively DNA duplexes, (ii) prefers partially unwound substrates and (iii) proceeds in the 3' to 5' direction on the bound strand. HDH II is a heterodimer of 72 and 87 kDa polypeptides. It shows single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase activity, as well as double-stranded DNA binding capacity. All these activities comigrate in gel filtration and glycerol gradients, giving a sedimentation coefficient of 7.4S and a Stokes radius of approximately 46 A, corresponding to a native molecular weight of 158 kDa. The antibodies raised in rabbit against either polypeptide can remove from the solution all the activities of HDH II. Photoaffinity labelling with [alpha-32P]ATP labelled both polypeptides. Microsequencing of the separate polypeptides of HDH II and cross-reaction with specific antibodies showed that this enzyme is identical to Ku, an autoantigen recognized by the sera of scleroderma and lupus erythematosus patients, which binds specifically to duplex DNA ends and is regulator of a DNA-dependent protein kinase. Recombinant HDH II/Ku protein expressed in and purified from Escherichia coli cells showed DNA binding and helicase activities indistinguishable from those of the isolated protein. The exclusively nuclear location of HDH II/Ku antigen, its highly specific affinity for double-stranded DNA, its abundance and its newly demonstrated ability to unwind exclusively DNA duplexes, point to an additional, if still unclear, role for this molecule in DNA metabolism.  相似文献   

DNA helicase IV from HeLa cells.   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Human DNA helicase IV, a novel enzyme, was purified to homogeneity from HeLa cells and characterized. The activity was measured by assaying the unwinding of 32P labeled 17-mer annealed to M13 ss DNA. From 440g of HeLa cells we obtained 0.31 mg of pure protein. Helicase IV was free of DNA topoisomerases, DNA ligase and nuclease activities. The apparent molecular weight is 100 kDa. It requires a divalent cation for activity (Mg2+ = Mn2+ = Zn2+) and the hydrolysis of only ATP or dATP. The activity is destroyed by trypsin and is inhibited by 200 mM KCl or NaCl, 100 mM potassium phosphate, 45 mM ammonium sulfate, 5 mM EDTA, 20 microM ss M13 DNA or 20 microM poly [G] (as phosphate). The enzyme unwinds DNA by moving in the 5' to 3' direction along the bound strand, a polarity opposite to that of the previously described human DNA helicase I (Tuteja et al Nucleic Acids Res. 18, 6785-6792, 1990). It requires more than 84 bases of single-stranded DNA in order to exert its unwinding activity and does not require a replication fork-like structure. Like human DNA helicase I the enzyme can also unwind RNA-DNA hybrid.  相似文献   

Human DNA helicase III, a novel DNA unwinding enzyme, has been purified to apparent homogeneity from nuclear extracts of HeLa cells and characterized. The activity was measured by using a strand displacement assay with a 32P labeled oligonucleotide annealed to M13 ssDNA. From 305 grams of cultured cells 0.26 mg of pure protein was isolated which was free of DNA topoisomerase, ligase, nicking and nuclease activities. The apparent molecular weight is 46 kDa on SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme shows also DNA dependent ATPase activity and moves unidirectionally along the bound strand in 3' to 5' direction. It prefers ATP to dATP as a cofactor and requires a divalent cation (Mg2+ > Mn2+). Helicase III cannot unwind either blunt-ended duplex DNA or DNA-RNA hybrids and requires more than 84 bases of ssDNA in order to exert its unwinding activity. This enzyme is unique among human helicases as it requires a fork-like structure on the substrate for maximum activity, contrary to the previously described human DNA helicases I and IV, (Tuteja et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 18, 6785-6792, 1990; Tuteja et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 19, 3613-3618, 1991).  相似文献   

TWINKLE is a nucleus-encoded human mitochondrial (mt)DNA helicase. Point mutations in TWINKLE are associated with heritable neuromuscular diseases characterized by deletions in the mtDNA. To understand the biochemical basis of these diseases, it is important to define the roles of TWINKLE in mtDNA metabolism by studying its enzymatic activities. To this end, we purified native TWINKLE from Escherichia coli. The recombinant TWINKLE assembles into hexamers and higher oligomers, and addition of MgUTP stabilizes hexamers over higher oligomers. Probing into the DNA unwinding activity, we discovered that the efficiency of unwinding is greatly enhanced in the presence of a heterologous single strand-binding protein or a single-stranded (ss) DNA that is complementary to the unwound strand. We show that TWINKLE, although a helicase, has an antagonistic activity of annealing two complementary ssDNAs that interferes with unwinding in the absence of gp2.5 or ssDNA trap. Furthermore, only ssDNA and not double-stranded (ds)DNA competitively inhibits the annealing activity, although both DNAs bind with high affinities. This implies that dsDNA binds to a site that is distinct from the ssDNA-binding site that promotes annealing. Fluorescence anisotropy competition binding experiments suggest that TWINKLE has more than one ssDNA-binding sites, and we speculate that a surface-exposed ssDNA-specific site is involved in catalyzing DNA annealing. We propose that the strand annealing activity of TWINKLE may play a role in recombination-mediated replication initiation found in the mitochondria of mammalian brain and heart or in replication fork regression during repair of damaged DNA replication forks.  相似文献   

To identify the branch migration activity in archaea, we fractionated Pyrococcus furiosus cell extracts by several chromatography and assayed for ATP-dependent resolution of synthetic Holliday junctions. The target activity was identified in the column fractions, and the optimal reaction conditions for the branch migration activity were determined using the partially purified fraction. We successfully cloned the corresponding gene by screening a heat-stable protein library made by P. furiosus genomic DNA. The gene, hjm (Holliday junction migration), encodes a protein composed of 720 amino acids. The Hjm protein is conserved in Archaea and belongs to the helicase superfamily 2. A homology search revealed that Hjm shares sequence similarity with the human PolTheta, HEL308, and Drosophila Mus308 proteins, which are involved in a DNA repair, whereas no similar sequences were found in bacteria and yeast. The Hjm helicase may play a central role in the repair systems of organisms living in extreme environments.  相似文献   

The DNA-stimulated ATPase characterized in the accompanying paper is shown to be a DNA unwinding enzyme. Substrates employed were DNA, RNA hybrid duplexes and DNA-DNA partial duplexes prepared by polymerization on fd phage single-stranded DNA template. The enzyme was found to denature these duplexes in an ATP-dependent reaction, without detectably degrading. EDTA, an inhibitor of the Mg2+-requiring ATPase, was found to prevent denaturation suggesting that dephosphorylation of the ATP and not only its presence is required. These results together with those from enzyme-DNA binding studies lead to ideas regarding the mode of enzymic action. It is proposed that the enzyme binds, in an initial step, to a single-stranded part of the DNA substrate molecule and that from here, energetically supported by ATP dephosphorylation, it invades double-stranded parts separating base-paired strands by processive, zipper-like action. It is further proposed that chain separation results from the combined action of several enzyme molecules and that a tendency of the enzyme to aggregate with itself reflects a tendency of the molecules to cooperate. Various functions are conceivable for the enzyme.  相似文献   

We report the purification and characterization of a novel DNA helicase from calf thymus tissue. This enzyme partially copurifies with DNA polymerase epsilon* through many of the chromatographic procedures used to isolate it. The enzyme contains an intrinsic DNA-dependent ATPase activity. It can displace short oligonucleotides annealed to long single stranded substrates, in an ATP-dependent reaction. Use of this assay indicates that the DNA helicase translocates in a 3' to 5' direction with respect to the substrate strand to which it is bound. Maximal efficiency of displacement is accomplished by hydrolysis of (d)ATP as cofactor, however, (d)CTP can also be utilized resulting in a 5-fold decrease in the level of displacement. Displacement activity is enhanced by the presence of saturating amounts of Escherichia coli single stranded DNA-binding protein, not affected by the presence of phage T4 gene 32 protein, and inhibited by human replication factor A. The DNA helicase has a molecular mass of approximately 104 kDa as measured by denaturing gel electrophoresis, and an S value of 5.4 obtained from glycerol gradient sedimentation. Direct [alpha-32P]ATP cross-linking labels a protein of molecular mass approximately 105 kDa, providing further evidence that this polypeptide contains the helicase active site. In view of the differences in the properties of this helicase from four others recently identified in calf and designated A through D, we propose the name helicase E.  相似文献   

A DNA helicase, dependent on the multisubunit human single-stranded DNA binding protein (HSSB), was isolated from HeLa cells. At low levels of helicase, only the multisubunit SSBs, HSSB and yeast SSB, stimulated DNA helicase activity. At high levels of the helicase Escherichia coli SSB partially substituted for HSSB whereas other SSBs such as T4 gene 32 and adenovirus DNA binding protein did not stimulate the enzyme activity. Maximal activation of helicase activity occurred in the presence of one molecule of HSSB for every 20 nucleotides of single-stranded DNA. The addition of E. coli SSB significantly lowered the amount of HSSB required for strand displacement, suggesting that the HSSB plays at least two roles in the activation of the helicase. One is to bind single-stranded DNA, thereby preventing sequestration of the helicase, the other involves the interaction of the HSSB with the helicase. Monoclonal antibodies that interact with the 70- and 34-kDa subunits of HSSB inhibited its stimulation of the helicase activity. The DNA helicase acted catalytically in displacing duplex DNA and translocated in the 3' to 5' direction. The helicase displaced fragments from both ends of a DNA substrate that contained duplex region at both termini, but the 3' to 5' fragment was displaced 20 times faster than the 5' to 3' fragment. Since this helicase also displaced fully duplex DNA, the release of the 5' to 3' fragment may have occurred by entry of the helicase through the duplex end in a 3' to 5' direction.  相似文献   

A DNA helicase from human cells.   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We have initiated the characterization of the DNA helicases from HeLa cells, and we have observed at least 4 molecular species as judged by their different fractionation properties. One of these only, DNA helicase I, has been purified to homogeneity and characterized. Helicase activity was measured by assaying the unwinding of a radioactively labelled oligodeoxynucleotide (17 mer) annealed to M13 DNA. The apparent molecular weight of helicase I on SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is 65 kDa. Helicase I reaction requires a divalent cation for activity (Mg2+ greater than Mn2+ greater than Ca2+) and is dependent on hydrolysis of ATP or dATP. CTP, GTP, UTP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP, ADP, AMP and non-hydrolyzable ATP analogues such as ATP gamma S are unable to sustain helicase activity. The helicase activity has an optimal pH range between pH8.0 to pH9.0, is stimulated by KCl or NaCl up to 200mM, is inhibited by potassium phosphate (100mM) and by EDTA (5mM), and is abolished by trypsin. The unwinding is also inhibited competitively by the coaddition of single stranded DNA. The purified fraction was free of DNA topoisomerase, DNA ligase and nuclease activities. The direction of unwinding reaction is 3' to 5' with respect to the strand of DNA on which the enzyme is bound. The enzyme also catalyses the ATP-dependent unwinding of a DNA:RNA hybrid consisting of a radioactively labelled single stranded oligodeoxynucleotide (18 mer) annealed on a longer RNA strand. The enzyme does not require a single stranded DNA tail on the displaced strand at the border of duplex regions; i.e. a replication fork-like structure is not required to perform DNA unwinding. The purification of the other helicases is in progress.  相似文献   

The DNA-stimulated 75000-Mr ATPase described in the preceding paper is shown to be a further catalytic DNA unwinding principle (DNA unwinding enzyme II) made in Escherichia coli cells (the first being the 180000-Mr ATPase of the cells: DNA unwinding enzyme I). Unwinding depends strictly, on the supply of ATP. It occurs only under conditions permitting ATP dephosphorylation and it proceeds as long as enzyme molecules are permitted to enter the enzyme - DNA complex. The enzyme binds specifically to single-stranded DNA yielding a complex of only limited stability. These results are interpreted in terms of a distributive mode of action of the enzyme. It is argued that chain separation starts near a single-stranded DNA region and that, forced by continued adsorption of enzyme molecules to the DNA, it develops along the duplex. This mechanism is different from that deduced previously for DNA unwinding enzyme I. Complicated results were obtained using ATPase prepared from rep3 mutant cells.  相似文献   

Donmez I  Patel SS 《The EMBO journal》2008,27(12):1718-1726
The ring-shaped T7 helicase uses the energy of dTTP hydrolysis to perform the mechanical work of translocation and base pair (bp) separation. We have shown that the unwinding rate of T7 helicase decreases with increasing DNA stability. Here, we show that the dTTPase rate also decreases with increasing DNA stability, which indicates close linkage between chemical transition steps and translocation steps of unwinding. We find that the force-producing step during unwinding is not associated with dTTP binding, but dTTP hydrolysis or P(i) release. We determine that T7 helicase extracts approximately 3.7 kcal/mol energy from dTTPase to carry out the work of strand separation. Using this energy, T7 helicase unwinds approximately 4 bp of AT-rich DNA or 1-2 bp of GC-rich DNA. T7 helicase therefore adjusts both its speed and coupling ratio (bp/dTTP) to match the work of DNA unwinding. We discuss the mechanistic implications of the variable bp/dTTP that indicates T7 helicase either undergoes backward movements/futile hydrolysis or unwinds DNA with a variable bp-step size; 'long and fast' steps on AT-rich and 'short and slow' steps on GC-rich DNA.  相似文献   

Y Hotta  H Stern 《Biochemistry》1978,17(10):1872-1880
An ATP-dependent DNA unwinding protein is present at a high level of activity in meiotic cells of lilies. The protein also acts as a DNA-dependent ATPase, the single strand form being the preferred cofactor. It binds in the absence of ATP to single-strand DNA and to ends or nicks in duplex DNA. A 3'-OH terminus is required for binding at duplex ends; such binding is highly stable. Unwinding occurs in the presence of ATP, and it is limited to about 50 base pairs per end or 400-500 base pairs per nick. The ATP hydrolyzed during unwinding is distinguishable from ATP hydrolysis in the presence of single-strand DNA.  相似文献   

Toseland CP  Powell B  Webb MR 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e38270
The superfamily 2 bacterial helicase, RecG, is a monomeric enzyme with a role in DNA repair by reversing stalled replication forks. The helicase must act specifically and rapidly to prevent replication fork collapse. We have shown that RecG binds tightly and rapidly to four-strand oligonucleotide junctions, which mimic a stalled replication fork. The helicase unwinds such DNA junctions with a step-size of approximately four bases per ATP hydrolyzed. To gain an insight into this mechanism, we used fluorescent stopped-flow and quenched-flow to measure individual steps within the ATPase cycle of RecG, when bound to a DNA junction. The fluorescent ATP analogue, mantATP, was used throughout to determine the rate limiting steps, effects due to DNA and the main states in the cycle. Measurements, when possible, were also performed with unlabeled ATP to confirm the mechanism. The data show that the chemical step of hydrolysis is the rate limiting step in the cycle and that this step is greatly accelerated by bound DNA. The ADP release rate is similar to the cleavage rate, so that bound ATP and ADP would be the main states during the ATP cycle. Evidence is provided that the main structural rearrangements, which bring about DNA unwinding, are linked to these states.  相似文献   

Mycobacterial UvrD2 is a DNA-dependent ATPase with 3' to 5' helicase activity. UvrD2 is an atypical helicase, insofar as its N-terminal ATPase domain resembles the superfamily I helicases UvrD/PcrA, yet it has a C-terminal HRDC domain, which is a feature of RecQ-type superfamily II helicases. The ATPase and HRDC domains are connected by a CxxC-(14)-CxxC tetracysteine module that defines a new clade of UvrD2-like bacterial helicases found only in Actinomycetales. By characterizing truncated versions of Mycobacterium smegmatis UvrD2, we show that whereas the HRDC domain is not required for ATPase or helicase activities in vitro, deletion of the tetracysteine module abolishes duplex unwinding while preserving ATP hydrolysis. Replacing each of the CxxC motifs with a double-alanine variant AxxA had no effect on duplex unwinding, signifying that the domain module, not the cysteines, is crucial for function. The helicase activity of a truncated UvrD2 lacking the tetracysteine and HRDC domains was restored by the DNA-binding protein Ku, a component of the mycobacterial NHEJ system and a cofactor for DNA unwinding by the paralogous mycobacterial helicase UvrD1. Our findings indicate that coupling of ATP hydrolysis to duplex unwinding can be achieved by protein domains acting in cis or trans. Attempts to disrupt the M. smegmatis uvrD2 gene were unsuccessful unless a second copy of uvrD2 was present elsewhere in the chromosome, indicating that UvrD2 is essential for growth of M. smegmatis.  相似文献   

Enzyme-catalyzed DNA unwinding. The role of ATP in helicase III activity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The enzyme helicase III catalyzes ATP-dependent unwinding of double-stranded DNA (Yarranto, G. T., Das, R. H., and Gefter, M. L. (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 11997-12001). The free enzyme is able to bind to double- and single-stranded DNA. In the presence of ATP the enzyme can bind single- but not double-stranded DNA. The enzyme catalyzes an ADP-ATP exchange reaction in the absence of DNA. It is suggested that there is an enzyme.phosphate complex that discriminates between the two forms of DNA. These results are discussed in relation to a model that accounts for catalytic unwinding of DNA coupled to ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

A model is proposed for non-hexameric helicases translocating along single-stranded (ss) DNA and unwinding double-stranded (ds) DNA. The translocation of a monomeric helicase along ssDNA in weakly-ssDNA-bound state is driven by the Stokes force that is resulted from the conformational change following the transition of the nucleotide state. The unwinding of dsDNA is resulted mainly from the bending of ssDNA induced by the strong binding force of helicase with dsDNA. The interaction force between ssDNA and helicases in weakly-ssDNA-bound state determines whether monomeric helicases such as PcrA can unwind dsDNA or dimeric helicases such as Rep are required to unwind dsDNA.  相似文献   

A DNA helicase from calf thymus, called DNA helicase F, copurified with replication protein A through several steps of purification including DEAE-Sephacel, hydroxyapatite and single stranded DNA cellulose. It is finally separated from replication protein A on FPLC Mono Q where the DNA helicase elutes after replication protein A. Characterization of the DNA helicase F by affinity labeling with [alpha 32P]ATP indicated that the enzyme has a catalytic subunit of 72 kDa. Gel filtration experiments suggested that DNA helicase F can exist both in a monomeric and an oligomeric form. The enzyme unwinds DNA in the 5'-->3' direction in relation to the strand it binds. All eight deoxyribonucleoside- and ribonucleosidetriphosphates could serve as an energy source. Testing a variety of DNA/DNA substrates demonstrated that the DNA helicase F preferentially unwinds very short substrates and is slightly stimulated by a single stranded 3'-tail. However, replication protein A allowed the DNA helicase to unwind much longer DNA substrates of up to 400 bases, indicating that the copurification of replication protein A with the DNA helicase F might be of functional relevance.  相似文献   

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