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This study aims to analyze, in mice, the long-term effects of delayed fatherhood on reproductive fitness and longevity of offspring. Hybrid parental-generation (F(0)) males, at the age of 12, 70, 100, and 120 wk, were individually housed with a randomly selected 12-wk-old hybrid female. The reproductive fitness of first-generation (F(1)) females was tested from the age of 25 wk until the end of their reproductive life. In F(1) males, the testing period ranged from the age of 52 wk until death. Breeding F(1) females from the 120-wk group displayed interbirth intervals longer than females from the 12-, 70-, and 100-wk groups. Furthermore, F(2) pups begotten by F(1) studs exhibited weaning weights lower than pups from the 12- and 70-wk groups. Offspring from the 120-wk group exhibited shorter survival times associated with lower incidence of tumorigenesis and higher loss of body weight when approaching death when compared to F(1) offspring from younger age-groups. The results indicate that advanced paternal age at conception has negative long-term effects on reproductive fitness and longevity of offspring in the mouse model.  相似文献   

Small R 《Bioethics》2002,16(4):307-334
Some ethical dilemmas in health care, such as over the use of age as a criterion of patient selection, appeal to the notion of life expectancy. However, some features of this concept have not been discussed. Here I look in turn at two aspects: one positive — our expectation of further life — and the other negative — the loss of potential life brought about by death. The most common method of determining this loss, by counting only the period of time between death and some particular age, implies that those who die at ages not far from that one are regarded as losing very little potential life, while those who die at greater ages are regarded as losing none at all. This approach has methodological advantages but ethical disadvantages, in that it fails to correspond to our strong belief that anyone who dies is losing some period of life that he or she would otherwise have had. The normative role of life expectancy expressed in the 'fair innings' attitude arises from a particular historical situation: not the increase of life expectancy in modern societies, but a related narrowing in the distribution of projected life spans. Since life expectancy is really a representation of existing patterns of mortality, which in turn are determined by many influences, including the present allocation of health resources, it should not be taken as a prediction, and still less as a statement of entitlement.  相似文献   


Causal models of the effects of maternal age on offspring intelligence were generated using three large data sets. The direct and indirect effects of two components of maternal age, teenage motherhood and linear maternal age, were investigated separately for white and black children. The intervening variables investigated as routes of indirect effect were family structure, parental education, parental employment, family income, and family size. The findings indicate that there are no direct effects of teenage maternity on offspring intelligence, and that the observed negative relationship is primarily attributable to parental education. In contrast, the overall effect of maternal age, while very small and positive, is primarily direct, that is, not mediated by any of the social or economic conditions included in the model. The consistency of these findings and the impact on children's intelligence of the other variables included in the model are demonstrated and discussed.  相似文献   

We have simulated demographic changes in the human population using the Penna microscopic model, based on the simple Monte Carlo method. The results of simulations have shown that during a few generations changes in the genetic pool of a population are negligible, while improving the methods of compensation of genetic defects or genetically determined proneness to many disorders drastically affects the average life span of organisms. Age distribution and mortality of the simulated populations correspond very well to real demographic data available from different countries. Basing on the comparison of structures of real human populations and the results of simulations it is possible to predict changes in the age structure of populations in the future.  相似文献   

Life expectancy curves have a characteristic ominous shape that has fascinated scientists for centuries. Medawar was the first to explain this shape, specifically the steeply rising proneness of an average individual to die as a function of age, in evolutionary terms. The idea was that the "selective value" of the individual decreases as it has triggered other individuals taking its place (and carrying its genes) into existence. We demonstrate that this idea can be turned into a quantitative model. The resulting 4-parameter function reproduces well two well-known life expectancy curves from the first half of this century. Moreover, the easily interpretable parameters (3 of the 4) seem intuitively reasonable.  相似文献   

Leaf palatability,life expectancy and herbivore damage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Observations on leaves from plants with a wide range of life-forms, ruderals to trees, indicate that palatability to insect herbivores is strongly correlated with the life-expectancy of the leaves. The amount of damage suffered in the field is however inversely correlated with palatability; although the rate of damage is less on unpalatable leaves, their longer life means that they accumulate damage over a longer period. It is only with extremely well-defended evergreen leaves, that the total damage is less than that experienced by less palatable (but short-lived) leaves. These observations are related to the current theories on relative palatability (the apparency theory and the resource availability theory), within the framework of the habitat templet.  相似文献   

Life expectancy of descendants of a normal female mouse and a male with an inherited growth inhibition mutation discovered in a laboratory population was investigated. The hereditability of the characteristic allows us to consider it a result of mutation. It was shown that, in mice, the curve of dependence of life expectancy on their serial number in a row of increase in life expectancy (curve of rank distribution) has step-like shape for mutant males and females, as well as for males with normal development. The first grade of mice death on the curve of rank distribution was observed at one month after their birth and was characteristic only of males and females with a mutation during the period of maximum lag in weight as compared with their normal relatives. The surviving mutants catch up to the normally developing individuals within two months and externally become indistinguishable from them. The subsequent grades of death in mutants and normal males coincide on the time axis. The steps are absent on the rank curves of life expectancy of normally developing females. The time intervals between the steps are reproduced in parallel groups of mice and, hence, are not casual deviations from theoretical curves and are of a regular nature. The discovered phenomenon is interpreted within the scope of a hypothesis about the realization of the genetic program of ontogenesis, which provides periodic change of vitality stages with stages of sensitivity to external risk factors, which increase the probability of death, by mice. Absence of such stages in the group of normally developing females can be explained by shifts in development, which are produced by the irregular performance of reproductive functions.  相似文献   

The concepts of longevity (longest lived) and life expectancy (typical age at death) are common demographic parameters that provide insight into a population. Defined as the longest lived individual, longevity is easily calculated but is not representative, as only one individual will live to this extreme. Longevity records for North American Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) and African elephants (Loxodonta africana) have not yet been set, as the oldest individuals (77 and 53 years, respectively) are still alive. One Asian elephant lived to 86 years in the Taipei Zoo. This is comparable to the maximum (though not typical) longevity estimated in wild populations. Calculation of life expectancy, however, must use statistics that are appropriate for the data available, the distribution of the data, and the species' biology. Using a simple arithmetic mean to describe the non‐normally distributed age at death for elephant populations underestimates life expectancy. Use of life‐table analysis to estimate median survivorship or survival analysis to estimate average survivorship are more appropriate for the species' biology and the data available, and provide more accurate estimates. Using a life‐table, the median life expectancy for female Asian elephants (Lx=0.50) is 35.9 years in North America and 41.9 years in Europe. Survival analysis estimates of average life expectancy for Asian elephants are 47.6 years in Europe and 44.8 years in North America. Survival analysis estimates for African elephants are less robust due to less data. Currently the African elephant average life expectancy estimate in North America is 33.0 years, but this is likely to increase with more data, as it has over the past 10 years. Zoo Biol 23:365–373, 2004. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

产前束缚应激子代大鼠海马神经颗粒素表达降低   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Li H  Li QH  Zhu ZL  Chen R  Cheng DX  Cai Q  Jia N  Song L 《生理学报》2007,59(3):299-304
神经颗粒素(neurogranin,NG)是脑特异性突触后蛋白,参与在学习记忆功能中起核心作用的信号转导通路及突触可塑性。本研究旨在探讨产前束缚应激对子代大鼠海马NG表达的影响。连续7d对孕晚期大鼠进行束缚应激,建立产前束缚应激模型,分为对照雌、雄组,应激雌、雄组。采用免疫组化方法观察NG在产前束缚应激子代大鼠海马不同亚区的分布特点;采用蛋白免疫印迹方法检测产前束缚应激子代大鼠海马NG蛋白的表达。结果显示:各组子代大鼠海马各区均有NG蛋白表达,CA1和CA3区表达高于齿状回(dentate gyrus,DG);应激组雌、雄子代大鼠海马NG的表达明显低于对照组(P〈0.01),应激组雌性子代比雄性子代减少更显著,对照组雌、雄子代之间无差异。免疫组化与蛋白免疫印迹方法所得结果一致。上述结果表明,NG在产前束缚应激子代大鼠海马表达降低,并且雌性比雄性降低明显,NG对产前束缚应激子代大鼠有差异性调制,NG表达减少可能与产前束缚应激子代大鼠学习记忆能力下降有关。  相似文献   

The rate of differentiation and longevity of mouse neuroblastoma cells NIE-115 in culture media of various compositions have been investigated. In serum-free media the dependence of the differentiation period on concentrations of sodium ions, amino acids, and carbohydrates as well as on the pH values had maximum. Differentiated cells exhibited maximal longevity in those media in which the differentiation time was comparable with the duration of the cellular cycle.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical progress potentially refutes past claims that paleodemographic estimations are flawed by statistical problems, including age mimicry and sample bias due to differential preservation. The life expectancy at age 15 of the Jomon period prehistoric populace in Japan was initially estimated to have been ~16 years while a more recent analysis suggested 31.5 years. In this study, we provide alternative results based on a new methodology. The material comprises 234 mandibular canines from Jomon period skeletal remains and a reference sample of 363 mandibular canines of recent‐modern Japanese. Dental pulp reduction is used as the age‐indicator, which because of tooth durability is presumed to minimize the effect of differential preservation. Maximum likelihood estimation, which theoretically avoids age mimicry, was applied. Our methods also adjusted for the known pulp volume reduction rate among recent‐modern Japanese to provide a better fit for observations in the Jomon period sample. Without adjustment for the known rate in pulp volume reduction, estimates of Jomon life expectancy at age 15 were dubiously long. However, when the rate was adjusted, the estimate results in a value that falls within the range of modern hunter‐gatherers, with significantly better fit to the observations. The rate‐adjusted result of 32.2 years more likely represents the true life expectancy of the Jomon people at age 15, than the result without adjustment. Considering ~7% rate of antemortem loss of the mandibular canine observed in our Jomon period sample, actual life expectancy at age 15 may have been as high as ~35.3 years.  相似文献   

There are a broad range of survival-based metrics that are available to report from cancer survival studies, with varying advantages and disadvantages. A combination of metrics should be considered to improve comprehensibility and give a fuller understanding of the impact of cancer. In this article, we discuss the utility of loss in life expectancy and gain in life years as measures of cancer impact, and to quantify differences across population groups. These measures are simple to interpret, have a real-world meaning, and evaluate impact over a life-time horizon. We illustrate the use of the loss in life expectancy measures through a range of examples using data on women diagnosed with cancer in England. We use four different examples across a number of tumour types to illustrate different uses of the metrics, and highlight how they can be interpreted and used in practice in population-based oncology studies. Extensions of the measures conditional on survival to specific times after diagnosis can be used to give updated prognosis for cancer patients. Furthermore, we show how the measures can be used to understand the impact of population differences seen across patient groups. We believe that these under-used, and relatively easy to calculate, measures of overall impact can supplement reporting of cancer survival metrics and improve the comprehensibility compared to the metrics typically reported.  相似文献   

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