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Complex behavior forms and the ability of monkeys to recognize and to compare by identity the two-dimensional images and three-dimensional objects of various colors in the amount from 5 to 9 were studied. The study was carried out on two species of the lower monkeys of different levels of phylogenetic development: on rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and on brown capuchins (Cebus apella). It has been established that the representatives of the studied monkey species are able to differentiate large counted multitudes of two-dimensional (images of squares) and three-dimensional (objects of round shape) stimuli of red, yellow, and green colors in different quantitative ratios—from 5 to 9 at solving modifications of task of the type “choice by the sample.” In the course of learning, species-related differences of the monkeys’ behavior are revealed. The brown capuchins managed solving all tasks and their combinations better than rhesus monkeys. The obtained data indicate the capability for recognition of counted multitudes (from 5 to 9) regardless of color of the stimuli and the existence of quantitative notions of the idea of “quantity” in the lower monkeys.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the molecular evolution of the chemokine receptor CCR5 in primates. The chemokine receptor CCR5 serves as a major co-receptor for human immunodeficiency virus/simian immunodeficiency virus (HIV/SIV) infection. Knowledge of evolution of the CCR5 molecule and selection on the CCR5 gene may shed light on its functional role. The comparison of differences between intraspecific polymorphisms and interspecific fixed substitutions provides useful information regarding modes of selection during the course of evolution. There is marked polymorphism in the CCR5 gene sequence within different primate species, whereas sequence divergence between different species is small. By using contingency tests, we compared synonymous (SS) and nonsynonymous (NS) CCR5 mutations occurring within and between a broad range of primates. Our results demonstrate that CCR5 evolution did not follow expectations of strict neutrality at the level of the whole gene. The proportion of NS to SS at the intraspecific level was significantly higher than that observed at the interspecific level. These results suggest that most CCR5 NS polymorphisms are slightly deleterious. However, at domains more closely correlated with its known biological functions, there was no obvious evidence to support deviation from neutrality.  相似文献   

Effects of relanium and oxytocin on higher nervous activity was studied in four rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and two baboons (Papio hamadryas). During observation of the animals in enclosure tranquilizing effect was seen only after relanium administration. Under the same conditions oxytocin practically did not change the general behaviour pattern of monkeys. However, steady behavioural transformations were observed under the conditions of competitive food-procuring behaviour and during the operant goal-directed reaction. Decreasing aggressiveness of dominants oxytocin in contrast to relanium had no negative effect upon their general motor activity and sensory perception. Differences in effects of the tranquilizer and the peptide were seen also at the unit activity level of the neurons. The first drug lowered the unit activity level and the degree of the functional connections in neuronal populations in a number of cortical structures. Administration of the second one led to selective shifts of the unit activity mainly in the frontal cortex of the monkeys.  相似文献   

Homo erectus is notable for its taller stature and longer lower limbs relative to earlier hominids, but the selective pressures favoring such long limbs are unclear. Among anthropoid primates, patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) and extant hominids share several extreme characteristics involved with foraging and movement, including the relatively longest lower limb proportions, longest daily travel distances and largest home ranges for their body or group size, occupancy of some of the driest habitats, and very efficient thermoregulatory systems. We suggest that patas monkeys are an appropriate behavioral model with which to speculate on the selective pressures that might have operated on H. erectus to increase lower limb length. Here, in a comparison of the locomotor activities of patas monkeys and sympatric, closely related vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops), we provide evidence for the hypothesis that patas use their long stride more to increase foraging efficiency while walking than to run, either from predators or otherwise. Am J Phys Anthropol 105:199–207, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin distribution and chromosomal rearrangements have been proposed as the main sources of karyotype differences among species of Neotropical primates. This variability suggests that there could be differences at other smaller‐scale levels of DNA organization as well. In particular, quantitative differences between genomes result from gains and losses of individual DNA segments, and may result in varying genome sizes (C‐values) among species. In this work, we studied the genomes of 23 individuals from four species in the genus Ateles (Primates: Platyrrhini): A. chamek, A. paniscus, A. belzebuth, and A. geoffroyi. We analyzed genome size and its relationship with the presence of chromosomal rearrangements and patterns of heterochromatin distribution. The C‐value presented in this work for Ateles chamek is the first estimate for this species (3.09 ± 0.23 pg), whereas our estimates for A. belzebuth (2.88 ± 0.06 pg) and A. geoffroyi (3.19 ± 0.24 pg) differed from those previously published. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and interspecies comparativegenomic hybridization (iCGH) analyses revealed that differences in genome size among species relate to localized blocks in both heterochromatic and euchromatic regions, the latter of which appear to be genetically unstable. There were also quantitative differences in Y chromosome content. It remains to be seen whether the chromosomal characteristics of Ateles here discussed are common to platyrrhine monkeys, but it is clear that these monkeys exhibit some intriguing genomic features worthy of additional exploration.  相似文献   

Leptin was originally thought to be an antiobesity hormone, but increasing evidence suggests that its ancestral role was to mobilize neuroendocrine responses to starvation. Research on wild primates is critical for interpreting the high leptin values seen in Western human populations and captive animals. This study examined natural variation in serum leptin in wild vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops), testing the hypothesis that serum leptin in vervets varies with sex, adiposity, ecology, and reproductive state. Analyses made use of a unique dataset comprised of serum and morphometric measurements obtained from vervet monkeys in four Kenyan sites differing in altitude, temperature, rainfall, and access to human foods. Leptin and gonadal steroid concentrations were analyzed in serum samples from 116 adults. Low leptin levels in males and acyclic females support the contention that levels seen in captivity are not typical for wild primates. Measures of adiposity were not correlated with serum leptin, reflecting the extremely low fat storage in wild cercopithecine primates. Associations with habitat and season, however, indicate that leptin does register ecological variation in energy balance. Leptin levels were higher in sites and seasons with higher rainfall. Moreover, leptin varied significantly with reproductive state, with higher levels in pregnant than in acyclic females. Changes in leptin with gestation stage and duration of lactation suggest that transitory and reversible elevations were an important part of its ancestral role. These data show that in this wild primate population leptin is a sensitive index of natural variation in habitat and seasonally fluctuating reproductive state.  相似文献   

Adrenarche is a developmental event involving differentiation of the adrenal gland and production of adrenal androgens, and has been hypothesized to play a role in the extension of the preadolescent phase of human ontogeny. It remains unclear whether any nonhuman primate species shows a similar suite of endocrine, biochemical, and morphological changes as are encompassed by human adrenarche. Here, we report serum concentrations of the adrenal androgens dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) measured in 698 cross-sectional and mixed longitudinal serum samples from catarrhine primates ranging from 0.6 to 47 years of age. DHEAS in Pan is most similar to that of humans in both age-related pattern and absolute levels, and a transient early increase appears to be present in Gorilla. DHEA levels are highest in Cercocebus, Cercopithecus, and Macaca. We also tested for evidence of adaptive evolution in six genes that code for proteins involved in DHEA/S synthesis. Our genetic analyses demonstrate the protein-coding regions of these genes are highly conserved among sampled primates. We describe a tandem gene duplication event probably mediated by a retrotransposon that resulted in two 3-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Delta 5-Delta 4 genes (HSD3B1 and HSD3B2) with tissue specific functions in catarrhines. In humans, HSD3B2 is expressed primarily in the adrenals, ovary, and testis, while HSD3B1 is expressed in the placenta. Taken together, our findings suggest that while adrenarche has been suggested to be unique to hominoids, the evolutionary roots for this developmental stage are more ancient.  相似文献   

A new, cheaper and more sensitive method for the quantitative determination of DNAase produced by S. aureus is described. The method permits the determination of DNAase activity in a wider range of titers. The method is based on the detection of the depolymerizing action of staphylococcal nuclease on DNA dyed with ethidium bromide. In this work 22 S. aureus strains isolated from monkeys and 12 strains isolated from humans have been used. The amount of produced by these strains has been determined. The DNAase results of this determination have shown that among S. aureus strains isolated from monkeys and humans the occurrence of strains with both high and low DNAase activity can be observed.  相似文献   

The locomotor development of three vervet infants across approximately the first 2 months of life is described. Fairly normal-looking walking movements (as compared to adults) were seen in all the animals by approximately 1 month of age and galloping was observed by 2 months. Early locomotor footfall patterns were often aberrant and bounding-type gaits were sometimes exhibited. Most of the symmetrical gaits observed were classifiable as lateral sequence. Across the 2-month period the animals showed decreased three- and four-foot support and improvements in joint angular displacement patterns. From their earliest locomotor movements the infants showed significant linear relationship between both cycle duration and swing and stance durations of the limbs. We suggest that locomotor control mechanisms are probably fairly mature at birth but that weight support and postural control problems explain the initial locomotor difficulties exhibited by these infants.  相似文献   

Birth of 'human-specific' genes during primate evolution   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Nahon JL 《Genetica》2003,118(2-3):193-208
Humans and other Anthropoids share very similar chromosome structure and genomic sequence as seen in the 98.5% homology at the DNA level between us and Great Apes. However, anatomical and behavioral traits distinguish Homo sapiens from his closest relatives. I review here several recent studies that address the issue by using different approaches: large-scale sequence comparison (first release) between human and chimpanzee, characterization of recent segmental duplications in the human genome and analysis of exemplary gene families. As a major breakthrough in the field, the heretical concept of human-specific genes has recently received some supporting data. In addition, specific chromosomal regions have been mapped that display all the features of gene nurseries and could have played a major role in gene innovation and speciation during primate evolution. A model is proposed that integrates all known molecular mechanisms that can create new genes in the human lineage.  相似文献   

Do monkeys anchor their numerical judgments based on the context in which their choices are presented? We addressed this question by varying the numerical range across sessions while macaque monkeys made ordinal judgments. Monkeys were trained to make a conditional discrimination whereby they were reinforced for ordering arrays of dots in ascending or descending numerical order, dependent on a color cue. Monkeys were tested using two ranges of numerosities that converged on a single pair. Similar to the findings of Cantlon and Brannon (2005), we found a semantic congruity effect whereby decision time was systematically influenced by the congruity between the cue (ascending or descending) and the relative Numerical Magnitude of the stimuli within each range. Furthermore, monkeys showed a context effect, such that decision time for a given pair was dependent on whether it was a relatively small or large set of values compared to the other values presented in that session. This finding suggests that, similar to humans, the semantic congruity effect observed in monkeys is anchored by the context. Thus our data provide further evidence for the existence of a shared numerical comparison process in monkeys and humans.  相似文献   

Accelerated deforestation is causing the rapid loss and fragmentation of primary habitat for primates. Although the genus Alouatta is one of the most studied primate taxa under these circumstances, some results are contradictory and responses of howlers to habitat fragmentation are not yet clear. In this paper, we conduct a cross-study of the available researches on mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) in forest fragments in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, to (1) describe the diet and activity pattern of howlers; (2) analyze the similarity in the diet across studies; and (3) relate both fragment size and howler population density with different characteristics of their diet, home range size, and activity pattern. Howlers consumed 181 plant species belonging to 54 families. Ficus was the most important taxa in the howlers' diet, followed by primary species such as Pterocarpus rohrii, Nectandra ambigens, Poulsenia armata, and Brosimum alicastrum. Secondary and non-secondary light-demanding plant species, which are representatives of disturbed habitat, contributed with a high percentage of their feeding time. Only 23% of the species consumed were the same across all the studies, suggesting that howlers adapt their diet to the food availability of their respective habitats. Population density is the best predictor of howlers' ecological and behavioral changes in response to forest fragmentation, probably owing to its relationship with food availability. Howlers respond to the increase in population densities by increasing the (1) diversity of food species in the diet; (2) consumption of non-tree growth forms; and (3) consumption of new plant items. Home range size is also predicted by population density, but fragment size is a better predictor, probably owing to the fact that howler groups can overlap their home ranges. Our results emphasize the importance of conserving the larger fragments and increasing the size of small and medium-sized ones.  相似文献   

Background The aim of this study was to investigate the pancreas anatomy and surgical procedure for harvesting pancreas for islet isolation while performing pancreatectomy to induce diabetes in rhesus monkeys. Methods The necropsy was performed in three cadaveric monkeys. Two monkeys underwent the total pancreatectomy and four underwent partial pancreatectomy (70–75%). Results The greater omentum without ligament to transverse colon, the cystic artery arising from the proper hepatic artery and the branches supplying the paries posterior gastricus from the splenic artery were observed. For pancreatectomy, resected pancreas can be used for islet isolation. Diabetes was not induced in the monkeys undergoing partial pancreatectomy (70–75%). Conclusions Pancreas anatomy in rhesus monkeys is not the same as in human. Diabetes can be induced in rhesus monkeys by total but not partial pancreatectomy (70–75%). Resected pancreas can be used for islet isolation while performing pancreatectomy to induce diabetes.  相似文献   

Prosociality can be defined as any behaviour performed to alleviate the needs of others or to improve their welfare. Prosociality has probably played an essential role in the evolution of cooperative behaviour and several studies have already investigated it in primates to understand the evolutionary origins of human prosociality. Two main tasks have been used to test prosociality in a food context. In the Platforms task, subjects can prosocially provide food to a partner by selecting a prosocial platform over a selfish one. In the Tokens task, subjects can prosocially provide food to a partner by selecting a prosocial token over a selfish one. As these tasks have provided mixed results, we used both tasks to test prosociality in great apes, capuchin monkeys and spider monkeys. Our results provided no compelling evidence of prosociality in a food context in any of the species tested. Additionally, our study revealed serious limitations of the Tokens task as it has been previously used. These results highlight the importance of controlling for confounding variables and of using multiple tasks to address inconsistencies present in the literature.  相似文献   

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