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This study describes two packed bed bioreactor configurations which were used to culture a mouse-mouse hybridoma cell line (ATCC HB-57) which produces an IgG1 monoclonal antibody. The first configuration consists of a packed column which is continuously perfused by recirculating oxygenated media through the column. In the second configuration, the packed bed is contained within a stationary basket which is suspended in the vessel of a CelliGen bioreactor. In this configuration, recirculation of the oxygenated media is provided by the CelliGen Cell Lift impeller. Both configurations are packed with disk carriers made from a non-woven polyester fabric. During the steady-state phase of continuous operation, a cell density of 108 cells per cm3 of bed volume was obtained in both bioreactor configurations. The high levels of productivity (0.5 gram MAb per 1 of packed bed per day) obtained in these systems demonstrates that the culture conditions achieved in these packed bed bioreactors are excellent for the continuous propagation of hybridomas using media which contains low levels (1 %) of serum as well as serum-free media. These packed bed bioreactors allow good control of pH, dissolved oxygen and temperature. The media flows evenly over the cells and produces very low shear forces. These systems are easy to set up and operate for prolonged periods of time. The potential for scale-up using Fibra-cel carriers is enhanced due to the low pressure drop and low mass transfer resistance, which creates high void fraction approaching 90% in the packed bed.  相似文献   

The influence of centrifugal force on the growth of cells was examined by exposing the cells of the mouse-human hybridoma X87 line to centrifugal force (100–500 G) for ten minutes twice a day and comparing the static culture with that of unexposed cells. In this experiment, both cell proliferation and specific antibody productivity were independent of the centrifugal effect, and gave the same results as in the case of no exposure to centrifugal force. High density cultivation of the mouse-human hybridoma X87 line was obtained by a perfusion system where the cells were separated from the culture medium by continuous centrifugation. In the serum-free culture, the maximum viable cell density exceeded 107 cells/ml, and monoclonal antibody was stably produced for 37 days. The results in this culture were equivalent to those obtained by intermittent centrifugal cell separation from the culture medium, and separation by gravitational settlement.  相似文献   

A perfusion culture of hybridoma cells in serum-free medium recycling transferrin was carried out, which greatly reduced the level of transferrin that was needed. The culture was maintained even without supplying transferrin for nine days. IgG concentration reached 1.1 mg ml−1 in a month of recycling and its ratio to the total protein was 45.8%. The affinity of the antibody did not decrease and no degradation was observed after long recycling period. The cell density under recycling condition was 2≈3 times higher than that without recycling. It was indicated that there was autocrine growth promoting activity in the culture supernatant.  相似文献   

A depth filter perfusion system (DFPS) for animal cell culture was developed and its use in continuous highdensity cultures of hybridoma cells was investigated. In the DFPS, based on cell immobilization in a cylindrical depth filter matrix, cells were easily immobilized and cultivated by simple medium recirculation. The cell density in the 20-mum pore size filter matrix reached up to 3 x 10(7) cells/mLin less than 10 days. This resulted in a high monoclonal antibody productivity of 744 mg/L/day, which was 25-35 times higher than that of continuous-suspension cultures using the same cell line. The 20-mum pore filter retained more cells than the 30-mum filterin a shorter period. The DFPS provides advantages of low-cost set-up, easy operation, and scale-up in the cultures of anchorage-independent cells. It also has a high potential for anchorage-dependent cell cultures because of its unusually high surface-to-volume ratio of 450-600 cm(2)/cm(3). (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We have developed a high cell density and high product concentration culture system recycling high molecular weight components. The production of monoclonal antibodies in high concentration was performed by this culture system with mouse human hybridoma H2 and V6 cells in serum-free defined media.The concentration of IgG after 48 days culture of H2 cells in ITES-eRDF reached 2 mg/ml and the purity of IgG in culture fluid was 61%. In addition, high molecular weight components in serum-free media, such as transferrin or BSA, could be reduced to 5% of the original concentration.  相似文献   

Mouse-human hybridoma X87X cells were cultivated using a novel perfusion culture apparatus provided with three-settling zones to separate the cells from the culture medium by gravitational settling. The maximum viable cell density in a serum-free culture medium attained 3.0×107 cells/ml, when the specific perfusion rate was set to 2.3 vol day-1, and monoclonal antibody was continuously produced. These results were almost the same as those in the perfusion culture vessel with one settling zone and revealed that the process with a plurality of settling zones is a promising one for scale-up of a gravitation type of perfusion culture vessel.  相似文献   

The flow-cytometric (FCM) analysis of bivariate DNA/lgG distributions has been conducted to study the cell cycle kinetics and monoclonal antibody (MAb) production during perfusion culture of hybridoma cells. Three different perfusion rates were employed to demonstrate the dependency of MAb synthesis and secretion on cell cycle and growth rate. The results showed that, during the rapid growth period of perfusion culture, the level of intracellular igG contents of hybridoma cells changed significantly at each perfusion rate, while the DNA histograms showing cell cycle phases were almost constant. Meanwhile, during the reduced growth period of perfusion culture, the fraction of cells in the S phase decreased, and the fraction cells in the G1/G0 phase increased with decreasing growth rate. The fraction of cells in the G2/M phase was relatively constant during the whole period of perfusion culture. Positive correlation was found between mean intracellular IgG contents and the specific MAb production rate, suggesting that the deletion of intracellular IgG contents by a flow cytometer could be used as a good indicator for the prediction of changes in specific MAb productivity following manipulation of the culture condition. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Relationship between monoclonal antibody (MAb) productivity and growth rate, and effects of high cell density on MAb production of hybridoma T0405 cells immobilized in macroporous cellulose carriers were investigated in continuous and batch cultures. The results showing, that the specific MAb production rate increased with increasing specific growth rate in both suspended and immobilized continuous cultures indicate a positively growth-associated relationship between MAb productivity and growth rate. Moreover, the specific production rate was higher in the immobilized cell culture than that in suspended one at all dilution rates. In order to clarify these phenomena, MAb mRNA expression and cell cycle distribution were investigated in batch cultures with immobilized cells and suspended cells. RT-PCR was used for observation of MAb mRNA expression and a two-color bromode-oxyuridine (BrdU)/propidium iodide (PI) flow cytometry method for determination of cell cycle distribution. The results revealed that MAb mRNA expression reached the peak during the exponential growth phase, suggest a positively growth-associated MAb production. And the immobilized cells continued the MAb mRNA expression until dead phase, which was longer than that in suspended cells. The cell cycle distribution patterns were observed almost the same for both immobilized and suspended cells. Such results may imply that a high cell density state has positive influence on the mRNA expression and on growth-associated MAb productivity of T0405 cells.  相似文献   

Hybridoma WuT3 secreting a monoclonal antibody against T lymphocytes was grown in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 1% human serum. The effect of the concentration of peptone, as an additive, was investigated on cell growth, monoclonal antibody formation, and cell metabolism over 0–10 g l–1 range. It was found that 1–5 g l–1 peptone can significantly promote the growth of cells and increase the formation of monoclonal antibody, especially at 3–5 g l–1, when both the accumulating level and secretion rate of monoclonal antibody are higher than that at other peptone concentrations. Based on glucose, lactate and ammonia analysis data, the efficiency of glycolysis was assessed and the utilization of amino acids was more efficient at 3–5 g l–1 peptone. The cell growth and monoclonal antibody formation were inhibited at higher peptone concentrations, e.g. 10 g l–1.  相似文献   

A continuous centrifugal bioreactor (CCBR), developed to study the growth and productivity of dense suspensions cultures, has been applied to both fermentation and mammalian cell cultivation processes. With this approach, high-density nonflocculent cultures are maintained in a tapered fluidized bed by balancing the drag forces on the cells due to following substrate with the centrifugal forces. The Sysyem was first used to produce ethanol by fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae; then with H21A1 mouse hybridoma cells secreting monoclonal antibody (MoAb), lgM. Results of this research show the feasibility of using the CCBR for both production of secreted products and as a research tool for studying cell metabolism and production kinetics. Media recycle may be used to modify the behavior of the system form a plug flow apparatus to a continuous stirred reactor (CSTR).  相似文献   

Jäger V 《Cytotechnology》1996,20(1-3):191-198
Conclusion High density perfusion culture of insect cells for the production of recombinant proteins has proved to be an attractive alternative to batch and fed-batch processes. A comparison of the different production processes is summarized in Table 3. Internal membrane perfusion has a limited scale-up potential but appears to the method of choice in smaller lab-scale production systems. External membrane perfusion results in increased shear stress generated by pumping of cells and passing through microfiltration modules at high velocity. However, using optimized perfusion strategies this shear stress can be minimized such that it is tolerated by the cells. In these cases, perfusion culture has proven to be superior to batch production with respect to product yields and cell specific productivity. Although insect cells could be successfully cultivated by immobilization and perfusion in stationary bed bioreactors, this method has not yet been used in continuous processes. In fluidized bed bioreactors with continuous medium exchange cells showed reduced growth and protein production rates.For the cultivation of insect cells in batch and fedbatch processes numerous efforts have been made to optimize the culture medium in order to allow growth and production at higher cell densities. These improved media could be used in combination with a perfusion process, thus allowing substantially increased cell densities without raising the medium exchange rate. However, sufficient oxygen supply has to be guaranteed during fermentation in order to ensure optimal productivity.  相似文献   

This report describes the use of a transtubular bioreactor to study the relative effects of diffusion versus perfusion of medium on antibody production by a hybridoma cell line. The study was performed with a high-density cell culture maintained in a serum-free, low-protein medium for 77 days. It was determined that the reactor possessed a macro-mixing pattern residence time distribution similar to a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). However, due to the arrangement of the medium lines in the reactor, the flow patterns for nutrient distribution consist of largely independent medium path lengths ranging from short to long. When operated with cyclic, reversing, transtubular medium flow, some regions of the reactor (with short residence times) are more accessible to medium than others (with long residence times). From this standpoint, the reactor can be divided into three regions: a captive volume, which consists of medium primarily delivered via diffusion; a lapped volume, which provides nutrients through unilateral convection; and a swept volume, which operates through bilateral convection. The relative sizes of these three volumes were modified experimentally by changing the period over which the direction of medium flow was reversed from 15 min (larger captive volume) to 9 h (larger swept volume). The results suggest that antibody concentration increases as the size of the diffusion-limited (captive) volume is increased to a maximum at around 30 min with a sharp decrease thereafter. As reflected by changes in measured consumption of glucose and production of lactate, no significant difference in cellular metabolism occurred as the reactor was moved between these different states. These results indicate that the mode of operation of the transtubular bioreactor may influence antibody productivity under serum-free, low-protein conditions with minimal effects on cellular metabolism.  相似文献   

Production of monoclonal antibody against hepatitis B surface antigen was carried out by perfusion culture coupled with a selective removal system for ammonium ion. The removal system is composed of three sub-systems namely, cell separation by cross-flow ceramic filter, dialysis by hollow fiber module and ion-exchange by zeolite A-3 packed bed column. The ammonium ion concentration in the culture broth was effectively maintained below the inhibitory level, and the viable cell density reached 2.5×107 cells ml–1 which was three times that of conventional perfusion cultures. The monoclonal antibody accumulated to a concentration as high as 26.3×105 mIU–1. This is already almost half of the amount producedin vivo. The numerical investigation of the ammonium ion removal system showed the possibility to improve much more the performance of this perfusion cultivation system.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the hybridoma life cycle and the limiting factors in perfusion systems, we performed cultures in a stirred tank bioreactor, coupled to an external tangential flow filtration unit. Cell density and antibody production in perfusion were consistent with previous studies. The average life span of the cells (2.1-2.2 days), antibody, productivity per cell produced (30-38 mg/10(9) cells) and cell size diameter evolution appeared similar to values observed in batch cultures. These observations highly suggest a similar "grow or die" life cycle. Cell and antibody production, strictly related to the medium perfusion rate, seem to be under the control of the nutrient availability. A hypothesis to explain such a life cycle of hybridoma cells in perfusion systems and a model for viable and dead cell density is proposed.  相似文献   

扩张柱床吸附层析回收纯化灌流培养生产的单克隆抗体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用扩张柱床吸附层析技术,一步回收纯化连续灌流培养的单克隆抗体。用Streamline SP阳离子交换介质在固定床柱XK16/20上进行条件摸索,扩张床柱Streamline25和50分别用于小规模条件优化和中试规模放大。培养液中的低浓度单抗经此步处理,浓缩10倍以上,纯度提高5~7倍,回收率>90%,制备周期比固定柱床层析缩短一半以上。 根据培养液中单抗浓度的不同,一次处理量为18~50L,纯化规模由实验室水平(400mg)扩大至中试水平(2g),生产成本和工艺复杂性大为降低。应用扩张柱床吸附层析技术,建立单克隆抗体回收纯化工艺,具有经济、简便、高效实用和良好的可放大性。  相似文献   

Animal cell perfusion high density culture is often adopted for the production of biologicals in industry. In high density culture sometimes the productivity of biologicals has been found to be enhanced. Especially in immobilized animal cell culture, significant increase in the productivity has been reported. We have found that the specific monoclonal antibody (MAb) productivity of an immobilized hybridoma cell is enhanced more than double. Several examples of enhancing productivities have been also shown by collagen immobilized cells. Immobilized cells involve some different points from non-immobilized cells in high density culture: In immobilized culture, some cells are contacted together, resulting in locally much higher cell concentration more than 108 cells/ml. Information originating from a cell can be easily transduced to the others in immobilized culture because the distance between cells is much nearer. Here we have performed collagen gel immobilized culture of recombinant BHK cells which produce a human IgG monoclonal antibody in a protein-free medium for more than three months. In this high density culture a stabilized monoclonal antibody production was found with around 8 times higher specific monoclonal antibody productivity compared with that in a batch serum containing culture. No higher MAb productivity was observed using a conditioned medium which was obtained from the high density culture, indicating that no components secreted from the immobilized cells work for enhancing monoclonal antibody production. The MAb productivity by the non-immobilized cells obtained by dissolving collagen using a collagenase gradually decreased and returned to the original level in the batch culture using a fresh medium. This suggests that the direct contact of the cells or a very close distance between the cells has something to do with the enhancement of the MAb productivity, and the higher productivity is kept for a while in each cell after they are drawn apart.  相似文献   

The antibiotic, difficidin, and its hydroxylated derivative oxydifficidin, were synthesized by cultures of Bacillus subtilis grown on a complex medium. Maximum titers of about 200 and 130 mg/L, respectively, were obtained. In fermentations where the dissolved oxygen tension (DOT) was controlled, the maximum specific growth rate was only reduced below 5% air saturation. DOT had little effect on the volumetric rateof synthesis of oxydifficidin but greatly influenced the rate for difficidin, which was reduced at DOT values below 40% air saturation. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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