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Planar cell polarity is established in the Drosophila eye through distinct fate specification of photoreceptors R3 and R4 by a two-tiered mechanism employing Fz and Notch signaling: Fz signaling specifies R3 and induces Dl to activate Notch in R4. We show that the atypical cadherin Flamingo (Fmi) plays critical, but distinct, roles in both R3 and R4. Fmi is first enriched at equatorial cell borders of R3/R4, positively interacting with Fz/Dsh. Subsequently, Fmi is upregulated in R4 by Notch and functions to downregulate Dl expression by antagonizing Fz signaling. This in turn amplifies and enforces the initial Fz-signaling bias in the R3/R4 pair. Our results reveal differences in the planar cell polarity genetic circuitry between the eye and the wing.  相似文献   

Photoreceptors (R cells) in the Drosophila retina connect to targets in three distinct layers of the optic lobe of the brain: R1-R6 connect to the lamina, and R7 and R8 connect to distinct layers in the medulla. In each of these layers, R axon termini are arranged in evenly spaced topographic arrays. In a genetic screen for mutants with abnormal R cell connectivity, we recovered mutations in flamingo (fmi). fmi encodes a seven-transmembrane cadherin, previously shown to function in planar cell polarity and in dendritic patterning. Here, we show that fmi has two specific functions in R8 axon targeting: it facilitates competitive interactions between adjacent R8 axons to ensure their correct spacing, and it promotes the formation of stable connections between R8 axons and their target cells in the medulla. The former suggests a general role for Fmi in establishing nonoverlapping dendritic and axonal target fields. The latter, together with the finding that N-Cadherin has an analogous role in R7 axon-target interactions, points to a cadherin-based system for target layer specificity in the Drosophila visual system.  相似文献   

Chromosome organization inside the nucleus is not random but rather is determined by a variety of factors, including interactions between chromosomes and nuclear components such as the nuclear envelope or nuclear matrix. Such interactions may be critical for proper nuclear organization, chromosome partitioning during cell division, and gene regulation. An important, but poorly documented subset, includes interactions between specific chromosomal regions. Interactions of this type are thought to be involved in long-range promoter regulation by distant enhancers or locus control regions and may underlie phenomena such as transvection. Here, we used an in vivo microscopy assay based on Lac Repressor/operator recognition to show that Mcp, a polycomb response element from the Drosophila bithorax complex, is able to mediate physical interaction between remote chromosomal regions. These interactions are tissue specific, can take place between multiple Mcp elements, and seem to be stable once established. We speculate that this ability to interact may be part of the mechanism through which Mcp mediates its regulatory function in the bithorax complex.  相似文献   

The development of the Drosophila visual system provides a framework for investigating how circuits assemble. A sequence of reciprocal interactions amongst photoreceptors, target neurons and glia creates a precise pattern of connections while reducing the complexity of the targeting process. Both afferent-afferent and afferent-target interactions are required for photoreceptor (R cell) axons to select appropriate synaptic partners. With the identification of some critical cell adhesion and signaling molecules, the logic by which axons make choices amongst alternate synaptic partners is becoming clear. These studies also provide an opportunity to examine the molecular basis of neural circuit evolution.  相似文献   

Modulating the efficiency of translation plays an important role in a wide variety of cellular processes and is often mediated by trans-acting factors that interact with cis-acting sequences within the mRNA. Here we show that a cis-acting element, the Hsp83 degradation element (HDE), within the 3'-untranslated region of the Drosophila Hsp83 mRNA functions as a translational enhancer. We show that this element is bound by a multiprotein complex, and we identify components using a novel affinity-based method called tandem RNA affinity purification tagging. Three proteins (DDP1, Hrp48, and poly(A)-binding protein) are components of the HDE-binding complex and function in translational enhancement. Our data support a model whereby the HDE is composed of several cis-acting subelements that represent binding sites for trans-acting factors, and the combined action of these trans-acting factors underlies the ability of the HDE to stimulate translation.  相似文献   

Drosophila cryptochrome (CRY) is a key circadian photoreceptor that interacts with the period and timeless proteins (PER and TIM) in a light-dependent manner. We show here that a heat pulse also mediates this interaction, and heat-induced phase shifts are severely reduced in the cryptochrome loss-of-function mutant cryb. The period mutant perL manifests a comparable CRY dependence and dramatically enhanced temperature sensitivity of biochemical interactions and behavioral phase shifting. Remarkably, CRY is also critical for most of the abnormal temperature compensation of perL flies, because a perL; cryb strain manifests nearly normal temperature compensation. Finally, light and temperature act together to affect rhythms in wild-type flies. The results indicate a role for CRY in circadian temperature as well as light regulation and suggest that these two features of the external 24-h cycle normally act together to dictate circadian phase.  相似文献   

Drosophila PS2 integrin mediates RGD-dependent cell-matrix interactions.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Integrins are a family of transmembrane glycoproteins that mediate cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions. We have transfected cultured Drosophila cells with genes that express the Drosophila PS2 integrin. We demonstrate that this integrin is expressed on the surface of the cells and can mediate cell spreading on an undefined component of fetal calf serum or on the purified vertebrate matrix molecules vitronectin and fibronectin. Additionally, PS2 integrin can cause cell spreading on RGD peptide. The spreading on matrix components or RGD peptide can be inhibited by soluble RGD peptide and is dependent on divalent cations.  相似文献   

A tight spatial-temporal coordination of F-actin dynamics is crucial for a large variety of cellular processes that shape cells. The Abelson interactor (Abi) has a conserved role in Arp2/3-dependent actin polymerization, regulating Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) and WASP family verprolin-homologous protein (WAVE). In this paper, we report that Abi exerts nonautonomous control of photoreceptor axon targeting in the Drosophila visual system through WAVE. In abi mutants, WAVE is unstable but restored by reexpression of Abi, confirming that Abi controls the integrity of the WAVE complex in vivo. Remarkably, expression of a membrane-tethered WAVE protein rescues the axonal projection defects of abi mutants in the absence of the other subunits of the WAVE complex, whereas cytoplasmic WAVE only slightly affects the abi mutant phenotype. Thus complex formation not only stabilizes WAVE, but also provides further membrane-recruiting signals, resulting in an activation of WAVE.  相似文献   

Neural development and the organization of complex neuronal circuits involve a number of processes that require cell-cell interaction. During these processes, axons choose specific partners for synapse formation and dendrites elaborate arborizations by interacting with other dendrites. The cadherin superfamily is a group of cell surface receptors that is comprised of more than 100 members. The molecular structures and diversity within this family suggest that these molecules regulate the contacts or signalling between neurons in a variety of ways. In this review I discuss the roles of three subfamilies - classic cadherins, Flamingo/CELSRs and protocadherins - in the regulation of neuronal recognition and connectivity.  相似文献   

Wolbachia interactions that determine Drosophila melanogaster survival   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.— We have recently described a mutualistic symbiosis in which Wolbachia bacteria were shown to improve the fitness of some Drosophila melanogaster stocks. Wolbachia did not extend longevity in all Drosophila genotypes, even though 16s rDNA sequences indicated that our Drosophila stocks were infected with the same Wolbachia strain. Here, we use reciprocal hybrid crosses between two Drosophila strains, one that lived longer with Wolbachia (Z53) and one that did not (Z2), to investigate the inheritance of the survival phenotype and its dependence on the host genotype, sex, and mating conditions. Wolbachia's positive effects were more apparent in hybrid flies than in parental flies, ruling out exclusive maternal inheritance or the dependence of the survival phenotype on Wolbachia strain differences. The Wolbachia survival effects were more apparent in single-sex cages, where courtship and mating were not permitted. In these cages, nearly all flies with Wolbachia lived longer than uninfected flies, even though strain Z2 showed no Wolbachia effect in mixed-sex mating cages. We used comparisons between single- and mixed-sex cages to estimate the cost of reproduction for both sexes. Our data suggest that Wolbachia infection may increase the inferred cost of reproduction, particularly in males. Wolbachia can even produce a positive survival effect almost as large as the negative survival effect associated with reproduction. We discuss the implications of our experiments for the study of insect symbioses.  相似文献   

Although a number of cell adhesion proteins have been identified as caspase substrates, the potential role of differentiation-specific desmosomal cadherins during apoptosis has not been examined. Here, we demonstrate that UV-induced caspase cleavage of the human desmoglein 1 cytoplasmic tail results in distinct 17- and 140- kDa products, whereas metalloproteinase-dependent shedding of the extracellular adhesion domain generates a 75-kDa product. In vitro studies identify caspase-3 as the preferred enzyme that cleaves desmoglein 1 within its unique repeating unit domain at aspartic acid 888, part of a consensus sequence not conserved among the other desmosomal cadherins. Apoptotic processing leads to decreased cell surface expression of desmoglein 1 and re-localization of its C terminus diffusely throughout the cytoplasm over a time course comparable with the processing of other desmosomal proteins and cytoplasmic keratins. Importantly, whereas classic cadherins have been reported to promote cell survival, short hairpin RNA-mediated suppression of desmoglein 1 in differentiated keratinocytes protected cells from UV-induced apoptosis. Collectively, our results identify desmoglein 1 as a novel caspase and metalloproteinase substrate whose cleavage likely contributes to the dismantling of desmosomes during keratinocyte apoptosis and also reveal desmoglein 1 as a previously unrecognized regulator of apoptosis in keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Similar to other organisms, Drosophila uses its Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) multiple times throughout development. One crucial EGFR-dependent event is patterning of the follicular epithelium during oogenesis. In addition to providing inductive cues necessary for body axes specification, patterning of the follicle cells initiates the formation of two respiratory eggshell appendages. Each appendage is derived from a primordium comprising a patch of cells expressing broad (br) and an adjacent stripe of cells expressing rhomboid (rho). Several mechanisms of eggshell patterning have been proposed in the past, but none of them can explain the highly coordinated expression of br and rho. To address some of the outstanding issues in this system, we synthesized the existing information into a revised mathematical model of follicle cell patterning. Based on the computational model analysis, we propose that dorsal appendage primordia are established by sequential action of feed-forward loops and juxtacrine signals activated by the gradient of EGFR signaling. The model describes pattern formation in a large number of mutants and points to several unanswered questions related to the dynamic interaction of the EGFR and Notch pathways.  相似文献   

In the studies reported here, we have examined the properties of the Mcp element from the Drosophila melanogaster bithorax complex (BX-C). We have found that sequences from the Mcp region of BX-C have properties characteristic of Polycomb response elements (PREs), and that they silence adjacent reporters by a mechanism that requires trans-interactions between two copies of the transgene. However, Mcp trans-regulatory interactions have several novel features. In contrast to classical transvection, homolog pairing does not seem to be required. Thus, trans-regulatory interactions can be observed not only between Mcp transgenes inserted at the same site, but also between Mcp transgenes inserted at distant sites on the same chromosomal arm, or even on different arms. Trans-regulation can even be observed between transgenes inserted on different chromosomes. A small 800-bp Mcp sequence is sufficient to mediate these long-distance trans-regulatory interactions. This small fragment has little silencing activity on its own and must be combined with other Polycomb-Group-responsive elements to function as a "pairing-sensitive" silencer. Finally, this pairing element can also mediate long-distance interactions between enhancers and promoters, activating mini-white expression.  相似文献   

The Drosophila wing provides an appropriate model system for studying genetic programming of planar cell polarity (PCP) [1-4]. Each wing cell respects the proximodistal (PD) axis; i.e., it localizes an assembly of actin bundles to its distalmost vertex and produces a single prehair. This PD polarization requires the redistribution of Flamingo (Fmi), a seven-pass transmembrane cadherin, to proximal/distal cell boundaries; otherwise, the cell mislocalizes the prehair [5]. Achievement of the biased Fmi pattern depends on two upstream components in the PCP signaling pathway: Frizzled (Fz), a receptor for a hypothetical polarity signal, and an intracellular protein, Dishevelled (Dsh) [6-8]. Here, we visualized endogenous Dsh in the developing wing. A portion of Dsh colocalized with Fmi, and the distributions of both proteins were interdependent. Furthermore, Fz controlled the association of Dsh with cell boundaries, which association was correlated with the presence of hyperphosphorylated forms of Dsh. Our results, together with a recent study on Fz distribution [9], support the possibility that Fz, Dsh, and Fmi constitute a signaling complex and that its restricted localization directs cytoskeletal reorganization only at the distal cell edge.  相似文献   

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