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The limnological features that characterize the shallow ponds (<2 m deep) and lakes (>2 m deep) on Bathurst Island, Nunavut, Canada were examined through chemical analyses and multivariate statistical methods as part of a larger on‐going survey to document and monitor environmental changes in these remote and sensitive areas. All sites were relatively oligotrophic and alkaline. Nutrient ratios indicated that nitrogen could be limiting algal growth to a greater degree than phosphorus in over 63% of the sites. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to explore the patterns of variation in the limnological dataset. The three dominant limnological gradients were: major ion content and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) levels along Axis 1; and pH along Axis 2.  相似文献   

Observations in respect of Rihand Reservoir based on monsoon inflow, reservoir level, evaporation loss, air and water temperature, rainfall and wind velocity have been discussed in relation to the physical and chemical parameters of the water body. A weak thermocline has been observed, and the water showed a biogenic chemical stratification during the warmer months. Rihand is a monomictic tropical lake with a moderate nutrient supply, but is not very productive from the limnological point of view. The nutrient content of this lake declined from 1972 to 1974, but improved in 1975 and 1976 with the increase in rain and inflow of water. The productivity of the reservoir depends greatly on the nutrient level of the inflowing water from the catchment area, so that the monsoon inflow largely influences the water quality of the reservoir.  相似文献   

Limestone neutralization of the acidic water of Dog-way Fork in West Virginia resulted in significant improvements in both water quality and fish populations. Pretreatment water chemistry showed the stream to be highly acidified by acid precipitation, with pH under 5.0 and high aluminum concentrations. During treatment, the goals for the target area of pH 6.5 and acid-neutralizing capacity of 50 μmeq/L were met for 75.8% and 67% of the time, respectively. A pH 6.0 or above was maintained over 93% of the time. Monomeric aluminum concentrations were reduced significantly, and calcium to hydrogen ionic ratios were over 10 in the target area. Prior to treatment, no resident fish population was found in Dogway Fork. During five years of treatment, conditions were favorable for fish reproduction and survival. Eight fish species inhabited the stream, six were reproducing there, and a fishable brook trout population was established.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown the effects of yearly or monthly environmental conditions on the structure of fish and zooplankton communities. Environmental conditions can also vary greatly on much shorter time scales. We tested the effects of abiotic conditions on the daily abundance of fish and zooplankton in the littoral zone of Lake Texoma, Oklahoma-Texas. After date was removed statistically from the analysis, no environmental variables were particularly important in determining the daily abundance of zooplankton, whereas, numbers of fish in the littoral zone were related to changes in wind velocity and wave height. Regressions of daily fish abundance against wave height showed that the response differed among species and among life-history intervals within species. Numbers of juvenile Dorosoma petenense, Notropis atherinoides, and Morone chrysops were positively correlated with wave height, whereas juvenile Menidia beryllina were negatively correlated with wave height. We suggest that changes in the abundance of particular species may be associated with (1) avoidance of inshore areas to escape possible physical damage by wave induced turbulence, (2) attraction to inshore areas to feed on prey organisms suspended in the water column by wave induced turbulence, and (3) avoidance of inshore areas to escape high predator abundance and increased possibility of being eaten due to turbulence.  相似文献   

Cladanthus scariosus (Ball) Oberpr. & Vogt is endemic to Moroccan High Atlas. It is known under the vernacular names Irezghi or Irezgui. Three essential oil samples have been isolated from aerial parts and analyzed by combination of chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques [gas chromatography (GC) in combination with retention indices (RI), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and 13C-NMR spectroscopy]. The compositions of oil samples were dominated by monoterpenes: α-pinene sabinene, and terpinen-4-ol. Chamazulene and dihydrochamazulene isomers as well as various hemiterpene esters and analogs have been identified. To evidence a chemical variability, statistical analysis performed on 13 oil sample compositions allowed partitioning into three groups, mainly differentiated by their contents of sabinene, camphor, borneol, terpinen-4-ol, and germacrene D.  相似文献   

The water had a very low content of total suspended solids (<1 mg l−1), but its transparency was high (5–8 Hazen units). The concentration of Mg++ and Ca++ were below 1 mg l−1, but that of SiO2 was 5.3 mg l−1. Free CO2 was abundant (15.3 mg l−1) and the pH was low (<6.5). These conditions were accompanied by low concentrations of PO4-P, total iron and NO3-N. The DO content of the water was always below 80 %, but the chloride concentration (8.4 mg l−1) seems relatively high for this type of freshwaters. It is, however, much lower than that known for arid areas. It is concluded that the geology and vegetation dominate the chemistry of the water from the Guma Dam catchment area. The influence of man is acknowledged only in as far as he has protected the catchment area.  相似文献   

The vertical and seasonal distribution and diversity of archaeal sequences was investigated in a hypersaline, stratified, monomictic lake, Solar Lake, Sinai, Egypt, during the limnological development of stratification and mixing. Archaeal sequences were studied via phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA sequences as well as denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis. The 165 clones studied were grouped into four phylogenetically different clusters. Most of the clones isolated from both the aerobic epilimnion and the sulfide-rich hypolimnion were defined as cluster I, belonging to the Halobacteriaceae family. The three additional clusters were all isolated from the anaerobic hypolimnion. Cluster II is phylogenetically located between the genera Methanobacterium and Methanococcus. Clusters III and IV relate to two previously documented groups of uncultured euryarchaeota, remotely related to the genus Thermoplasma. No crenarchaeota were found in the water column of the Solar Lake. The archaeal community in the Solar Lake under both stratified and mixed conditions was dominated by halobacteria in salinities higher than 10%. During stratification, additional clusters, some of which may possibly relate to uncultured halophilic methanogens, were found in the sulfide- and methane-rich hypolimnion.  相似文献   

The development and structure of the root nodules of Myricagale are described, and evidence advanced showing that theyrepresent modified lateral roots. Attempts at the isolationof the endophyte were unsuccessful, but on the basis of a cytologicalstudy of the nodules the author adheres to the view of someprevious investigators that the endophyte is actinomycetal.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - On the basis of material from expeditions to the Laptev Sea in 2014, information is presented on occurrence, spatial-bathymetric distribution, water temperature and...  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The mature trophozoite of the acephaline gregarine Zeylanocystis burti Dissanaike, parasitic in the seminal vesicles of the Sri Lankan earthworm Pheretima peguana Rosa, was studied by cytochemical methods and by electron microscopy. Some observations were also made on gametocysts and oocysts. The trophozoite has a peculiar saucer shape, unlike other monocystid gregarines, and has marginal papillae with cytoplasmic hairs. Its fine structure conforms broadly to that of other gregarines, but differs with respect to its fibrillar organization and in some details of cytoplasmic organelle structure. The pellicle is composed of 2 parallel unit membranes elevated into a number of stumpy epicytary folds, more or less evenly distributed on both surfaces of the gregarine. Some of these are associated with adjacent accessory cells and may have a nutritive role. Bundles of fine microfilaments (5–6 nm) were detected both in the ectoplasm and deep in the endoplasm; these are possibly the main contractile elements (“myonemes”) involved in movement. Microtubules are larger (22–24 nm) and are found predominantly in papillae and cytoplasmic hairs, but extend also in small bundles beneath the pellicle—they appear to be more skeletal in nature. The significance of these findings is discussed in the light of recent work on the roles of microfilaments and microtubules in nonmuscle cells. Mitochondria are located superficially and have a complex organization. The endoplasmic reticulum is poorly developed, but ribosomes are abundant. Golgi lamellae-like membranes and vesicles akin to lysosomes were observed. Typical paraglycogen granules were found together with blobs of lipid and glycogen. The nucleus had a wrinkled envelope, a homogeneous matrix, and a spherical nucleolus. A variety of staining reactions and cytochemical tests were carried out. The distribution of lipids, polysaccharides, nucleic acids, calcium, and melanin were studied. Succinate dehydrogenase was detected in mitochondria, thiamine pyrophosphatase in Golgi bodies, and acid phosphatase in lysosomes. Golgi structures were found to be chemically very complex. Gametocysts and oocysts were associated with extraneous cells which probably contribute to the formation of their walls. The gametocyst wall is thin and consists of 2 membranes of the unit type. The oocyst wall is thicker and composed of 2 chemically different layers. Telolysosomes were seen in the disorganized residual cytoplasm within gametocysts.  相似文献   

一、关于黑龙江三江平原沼泽的开发利用问题黑龙江省的三江平原,总面积为16000多万亩,其中平原占60%以上具备发展农、林、牧、副、渔业现代化大农业的自然条件,现国家正计划开垦利用。但是,三江平原是我国最大的沼泽之一,面积共1300多万亩,占该地平原面积的20%左右。对于这些沼泽,我们认为不应全部开垦,宜将一部分面积保护起来,建立沼泽自然保护区,作为科研、教学和旅游之用。理由如下: 1.沼泽是三江平原的“贮水库”,起着调节气候的重大作用。三江平原森林覆  相似文献   

SANGSTER  A. G. 《Annals of botany》1985,55(5):621-634
Rhizome anatomy is described for Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Maxim.)Hackel. Solid silica deposits, detected as elemental siliconby electron-probe microanalysis and energy-dispersive X-rayanalysis, are confined to cell walls of three concentric zonesconsisting of the uniseriate epidermis, and parenchyma layersaround the cortical air lacunae, and the central cavity, respectively.Si is localized in outer tangential walls of the epidermis,while occurring in all walls of nucleated, parenchyma cellsforming the two internal zones. In comparison, the root exhibitsonly one Si zone. Rhizome Si distribution more closely resemblesthat for Phragmites australis, than for related members of theAndropogoneae. P. australis similarly exhibits aerenchyma anda central cavity. Thus, internal anatomy may strongly influencesilicon distribution. A comparison of taxa of four tribes indicatesthat epidermal wall deposition is common, followed by specificinternal localization in up to three zones of perivascular tissues. Silicon accumulation occurs early in the epidermis of the youngapex of M. sacchariflorus, decreasing sharply across an internodetransection. In comparison, the oldest, basal internodes exhibitvery high Si X-ray counts in each of the three zones, the highestoccurring in the most internal zone around the central cavity.Early Si mobilization in the rhizome apex may resist shearingand abrasion during horizontal growth extension, while depositsbordering aerenchyma of older internodes may resist compression. Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Maxim.) Hackel, plume grass, rhizome, silicification, anatomy, aerenchyma  相似文献   

Tubificid and enchytraeid oligochaetes are common members of the interstitial fauna of sandy beaches. Their abundance dynamics, life cycles and distribution patterns were investigated at two beaches on the western Baltic Sea and at a North Sea beach (Isle of Sylt). Populations of 115,000 ind./m2 were found at protected Baltic beaches. Reproduction of the tubificids, Phallodrilus monospermathecus and Spiridion insigne takes place within a well defined breeding period once a year. The market horizontal and vertical distribution patterns of various tubificid and enchytraeid species are elucidated by preference reactions to several physiographic parameters, such as oxygen and water content of the sediment, and salinity.  相似文献   

The position of individual fruit on kiwifruit vines (Actinidiadeliciosa var. deliciosa) grown on a horizontal trellis (pergola)and on a T-bar trellis was determined using a theodolite. Thephysical, chemical, and postharvest attributes of the fruitwere related to their position on the vine during development. Fruit from the pergola vines were more numerous, of lesser weight,with lower concentrations of most mineral nutrients, but greaterconcentrations of soluble solids, and similar flesh firmnessafter 12 weeks of storage at 0 °C, than fruit from the T-barvines. The position on the vine accounted for most of the variationin the attributes of the fruit. Differences between fruit ona single lateral accounted for 43-56% of the variation. Variationbetween vines was relatively small (< 4% of the total variance). The heavier fruit were located at the apical ends of the laterals,while greater concentrations of soluble solids were associatedwith fruit located closer to the cordon. The larger fruit fromthe pergola vines developed from the early opening flowers.A similar relationship existed initially for the T-bar vines,but a reduction in growth of fruit from the early opening flowers8 weeks after anthesis resulted in a more even distributionof fruit size at harvest. The strongest relationship between mineral composition and postharvestattributes of the fruit was with soluble solids concentration(29-46% of the variance). The relationship with flesh firmnesswas weak (r = -0·14 to -0·32). Individual elementscould not be considered in isolation but rather in groups ofelements. Nitrogen was grouped strongly with phosphorus, sulphur,potassium, and copper, while calcium was linked with a secondgroup which included manganese and zinc. These two groups werenegatively related to one another. The greatest proportion of fruit with superior characteristicswas located in the denser parts of the canopy. Fruit with lessdesirable attributes were from the extremities of the canopywhere the leaf area index was low.Copyright 1994, 1999 AcademicPress Actinidia deliciosa, kiwifruit, fruit position, fruit quality, within-vine variation  相似文献   

Fourteen antigenic constituents have been detected in Arachis hypogaea seeds. The major proteins of the classic arachin and conarachin fractions have been identified. Arachin contains 4 antigens (the major one called α-arachin) and conarachin contains 2 which have been called α1, and α2-conarachin. Structural differences between α-arachin, α1 and α2-conarachin are indicated by their different antigenic specificities. α-Arachin precipitates as a separate entity at low temperature. The action of trypsin on this protein induces an increase in electrophoretic mobility and prevents precipitation at low temperature. This enzyme has no detectable effect on α1 and α2-conarachin.  相似文献   

Y. R. Lin  K. F. Schertz    A. H. Paterson 《Genetics》1995,141(1):391-411
Correspondence among QTLs affecting height and/or flowering was investigated across the five races of sorghum, an interspecific sorghum F(2) population, and 32 previously published sorghum, maize, rice, wheat, and barley populations revealing 185 QTLs or discrete mutants. Among nine QTLs mapped in the interspecific sorghum population (six affecting height and three affecting flowering), at least seven (78%) are associated with ``conversion,'''' backcross-introgression of alleles imparting reduced height or earlier flowering from cultivated sorghums into one or more exotic Sorghum bicolor races. One chromosomal region was ``converted'''' in all S. bicolor races--in the interspecific F(2), this region explined 54.8% of height variation (putatively the Dw2 gene) and 85.7% of flowering time variation (putatively Ma1). Comparative data suggest that Ma1 and Dw2 orthologs influence height and flowering of other Poaceae taxa and support classical dogma that the sorghum phenotypes attributed to Ma1 and Dw2 (respectively) are due to different genetic loci. Other sorghum QTLs also showed correspondence with those in other Poaceae, more frequently than would be expected by chance. Possible homoeologous QTLs were found within both the maize and sorghum genomes. Comparative QTL mapping provides a means to unify, and thereby simplify, molecular analysis of complex phenotypes.  相似文献   

An account is given of the effects of 3-indolylacetic acid,3-indolylaceto-nitrile, and coumarin on the development of thelateral buds of intact plants, decapitated plants, and excisednodes of Marsilea Drummondii in aseptic culture. In all the plant materials used, lateral buds grew out at allphysiological concentrations of the two auxins, an observationwhich is considered to refute the hypothesis that correlativeinhibition is caused by direct inhibition by auxi. Other hypothesesand recent work on the subject are also discussed.  相似文献   

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