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The reactions of silver perchlorate and tetraiodoethylene in different solvents, namely, benzene and toluene, isolated two silver(I)–iodocarbon complexes, [Ag(C2I4)(C6H6)2(ClO4)] (1) and [Ag(C2I4)(ClO4)] (2). Both compounds contain intact iodoalkenes which coordinate via σ-donation of a halogen lone pair and retain their carbon–iodine bonds. Owing to the participation of the benzene molecules in coordination, complex 1 is found to be a discrete monomer in which the five-coordinate geometry of the silver ion is comprised of two benzene molecules, one C2I4 group and one perchlorate ion. In contrast, the unsaturated coordination environment of the metal ion in 2 is filled by the second iodocarbon group leading to a two-dimensional framework. The coordinated tetraiodoethylene molecules involve severe twisting of the C=C double bond, causing the C=C stretching band to move to a lower frequency.  相似文献   

Mixed-ligand complexes of the formula [Ag(PPh3)(L)Br]2 were obtained by treatment of various heterocyclic thiones L {L=pyridine-2-thione (py2SH), pyrimidine-2-thione (pymtH), benz-1,3-imidazoline-2-thione (bzimtH2), benz-1,3-thiazoline-2-thione (bztztH), 1-methyl-1,3-imidazoline-2-thione (meimtH) and 5-methoxy-benz-1,3-imidazoline-2-thione (5MeObzimtH2)} with equivalent quantities of silver(I) bromide and triphenylphosphine in dry acetone. The compounds were characterized by their IR, far-IR, UV–Vis and 1H NMR spectroscopic data. The crystal structure of [Ag(PPh3)(pymtH)Br]2 was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods. The complex exhibits a planar Ag2Br2 moiety in which each of the doubly bromine-bridged Ag(I) centres is further bonded to one phosphine P and one thione S atom.  相似文献   

The cyclocondensation of 2,5-diformylthiophene and the amines N,N-bis-(2-aminoethyl)-2-phenylethylamine, N,N-bis-(2aminoethyl)-t-butyl-amine and N,N-bis-(2-aminoethyl)-t-butyl-amine in the presence of silver(I) salts yields homodinuclear bibracchial tetraimine Schiff base macrocyclic complexes. The structures of two such complexes are also reported. The complex Ag2L4(NO3)(PF6) (2) crystallises in the triclinic space group , No. 2) and has unit-cell dimensions a = 12.834(6), B = 13.183(6), C = 14.588(7) Å, = 64.86(4), β = 79.77(4), γ = 69.44(3)° with Z = 2; there is a monodentate and singly bridging nitrate anion present and the Ag---Ag separation is 4.161 Å. The complex Ag2L4(CH3CN)2(BF4)2·CH3CN (9) crystallises in the triclinic space group , No. 2) and has unit-cell dimensions a = 9.297(4), B = 12.985(3), C = 21.770(5) Å, = 91.570(10), β = 92.33(3), γ = 97.92(3) ° with Z = 2; there is a strongly bonded acetonitrile molecule coordinated to each silver atom and the Ag---Ag separation is 4.920 Å.  相似文献   

Several new bis-thiolate complexes of the type [Rh(dippe)(μ-SR)]2 where R=H, methyl, cyclohexyl, o-biphenyl, and phenyl, or (SR)2SCH2CH2CH2S have been synthesized and characterized by NMR spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray diffraction. All [Rh(dippe)(μ-SR)]2 complexes except [Rh(dippe)(μ-SPh)]2 exhibit bent geometries, while the orientation of the thiolato substituents changes with increasing steric bulk. 1H and 31P NMR spectroscopies indicate that both ring inversion and sulfur inversion occur among the members of the series, which allows them to access several isomeric forms when they are in solution. 31P NMR spectroscopy indicates that sulfur inversion in [Rh(dippe)(μ-SH)]2, [Rh(dippe)(μ-Sbiphenyl)]2, and [Rh(dippe)(μ-SPh)]2 is a non-dissociative process.  相似文献   

Two novel tetracopper(I) and tetrasilver(I) complexes [Cu4(atdz)6](ClO4)4·2CH3OH (1) and [Ag4(atdz)6](ClO4)4 (2), have been prepared using 2-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole (atdz), and their crystal structures and properties have been determined. On each tetranuclear complex, two Cu or Ag atoms (M) are bridged by two atdz ligands to form a six-membered N2M2N2 framework. The two N2M2N2 frameworks are in parallel linked by another atdz ligand to provide the tetranuclear structure with a rectangular M4 core. The four Cu or Ag atoms possess a trigonal-square geometry. The two adjacent MM separations are (3.096(1) and 3.412(1) Å) and (3.316(2) and 3.658(2) Å) for 1 and 2, respectively. On both tetranuclear complexes there are two species of hydrogen bonds between the ClO4 − anions and the NH2 group of atdz ligands. It is proposed that the hydrogen bonds are related to the stabilization of the tetranuclear structure during the crystallization process.  相似文献   

(3-Trimethylsilyl-pyridine-2-thiolato-S,N)copper(I), [Cu(3-Me3Sipyt)], was obtained by electrochemical oxidation of copper metal in an acetonitrile solution of the neutral ligand. The compound is tetrameric and the four copper atoms are arranged with distorted tetrahedral geometry, each copper atom being trigonally coordinated to one nitrogen and two sulfur atoms of three different ligands. Crystal data: 141/a, a=14.608(2), C=19.366(4) Å, V=4133(2), Å, Z=4, Dcalc=1.581 g cm−3, R=0.0397 for 848 reflections.  相似文献   

Six hydrogen-bonded silver(I) complexes, Ag(4-abaH)2(NO3) (1), [Ag(4-abaH)2(NO3)]n (2), {[Ag(4-aba)(4-abaH)] · H2O}n (3), {[Ag(4,4-bipy)(H2O)](4-aba)0.5(NO3)0.5 · (H2O)0.5}n (4), [Ag[(3-abaH0.5)2] (5), and {[Ag(3-aba)] · H2O}n (6) (4-abaH=4-aminobenzoic acid, 3-abaH=3-aminobenzoic acid), have been synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses. In 1, 4-abaH serves as a monodentate ligand coordinating to Ag(I) through its nitrogen atom, while uncoordinated carboxylic group links (4-abaH)-Ag-(4-abaH) into a one-dimensional metallic carboxylic synthon. 2 may be regarded as an extension of 1 into a two-dimensional carboxylic synthon through NO3 − bridging two adjacent Ag(I) centers. In 3, 4-abaH in a monodentate mode and 4-aba in a μ-N,O bridging mode link three-coordinated Ag(I) to form a one-dimensional swallow-like chain, which is further extended into a two-dimensional layer structure through inter-chain hydrogen bonding interactions. The alternating Ag(I) and 4,4-bipy in 4 give rise to a slightly distorted linear chain, which is further extended into a two-dimensional layer through the completely overlapping and off-set stacking interactions. The hydrogen bonds involving in weakly coordinated aqueous molecules and 4-aba further extend it into a three-dimensional framework. In 5, the inter-molecular hydrogen bonding and π-π stacking interactions extend Ag[(3-abaH0.5)2] into a two-dimensional supramolecular architecture. In 6, 3-aba in a μ3-N,O,O coordination mode links three three-coordinated Ag(I) into a two-dimensional network. Uncoordinated aqueous molecules and the adjacent 3-aba oxygen atoms form intermolecular hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

Isocyanato and isothiocyanatopolypyridineruthenium complexes, [Ru(NCX)Y(bpy)(py)2]n+ (bpy=2,2′-bipyridine, PY=pyridine; X=O, Y=NO2 for n=0, and Y=py for n=1; X=S, Y=NO2 for n=0, Y=NO for n=2, and Y=py for n=1), were synthesized by the reaction of polypyridineruthenium complexes with potassium cyanate or sodium thiocyanate salt. Isocyanatoruthenium(II) complexes, [Ru(NCO)(NO2)(bpy)(py)2] and [Ru(NCO)(bpy)(py)3]+, react under acidic conditions to form the corresponding ammineruthenium complexes, [Ru(NO)(NH3)(bpy)(py)2]3+. The molecular structures of [Ru(NCO)(bpy)(py)3]ClO4, [Ru(NCS)(NO)(bpy)(py)2](PF6)2 and [Ru(NO)(NH3)(bpy)(py)2](PF6)3 were determined by X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   

The reaction of AgX (X=ClO4, NO3 or SO3CH3) acceptors with excesses of tris(pyrazol-1-yl)methane ligands L (L=CH(pz)3, CH(4-Mepz)3, CH(3,5-Me2pz)3, CH(3,4,5-Me3pz)3 or CH(3-Mepz)2(5-Mepz)) yields 1:1 [AgX(L)], 2:1 [Ag(L)2]X or 3:2 [(AgX)2(L)3] complexes. The ligand to metal ratio in all complexes is dependent on the number and disposition of the Me substituents on the azole ring of the neutral ligand and on the nature of the Ag(I) acceptor. All complexes have been characterized in the solid state as well as in solution (medium- and far-IR, 1H and 13C NMR and conductivity determinations) and the solid-state structures of [Ag(NO3){(pz)3CH}](∞/∞) and [Ag{(3,5-Me2pz)3CH}2]NO3 determined by single crystal X-ray studies.  相似文献   

The cis effects of phosphine, arsine and stibine ligands have been evaluated by measuring the IR stretching frequency in dichloromethane of the carbonyl ligand in a series of Rh(I) Vaska-type complexes, trans-[RhCl(CO)(L)2]. These data were correlated with those obtained by Tolman for the electronic trans influences in the [Ni(L)(CO)3] complexes. The electronic contribution, χFc, of ferrocenyl was determined as 0.8 from these plots by evaluating PPh2Fc as ligand. In order to accommodate arsine and stibine ligands an additional correction term, to compensate for differences in the donor atom, was added to Tolman’s equation for calculation of the Tolman electronic parameter of phosphine ligands. In the resulting equation: ν(CONi)=2056.1+∑i=13χi+CL values for CL of CP=0, CAs=−1.5 and CSb=−3.1 are suggested for phosphine, arsine and stibine ligands, respectively. The crystal and molecular structures of trans-[RhCl(CO)(PPh2Fc)2] · 2C6H6, trans-[RhCl(CO){P(NMe2)3}2] and trans-[RhCl(CO)(AsPh3)2] are reported. The Tolman cone angles for PPh2Fc and P(NMe2)3 were determined as 169° and 166°, while the effective cone angles for PPh2Fc, P(NMe2)3 and AsPh3 were determined as 171°, 168° and 147°, respectively.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of two 1:1 ligand-silver(I) cyanide complexes, [Ag(CN)(en)] (en = ethane-1,2-diamine) (1) and [Ag(CN)(pn)] (pn = propane-1,2-diamine) (2), and of two 2:1 ligand-silver(I) cyanide compounds, [(AgCN)2 · tn] (tn = propane-1,3-diamine) (3) and [(AgCN)2 · bn] (bn = butane-1,4-diamine) (4), were determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data, collected at 173 K. In 1 and 2, mononuclear AgCN complexes are formed, in which silver(I) is coordinated by one cyanide and one chelating alkanediamine donor ligand. However, in the dinuclear adducts of 3 and 4, two AgCN units are connected by one alkane-1,n-diamine bridging ligand (n = 3, 4). The resulting molecules of 1-4 are cross-linked via N-H?N hydrogen bonds. Apart from these intermolecular contacts, comparatively short Ag(I)-Ag(I) distances of 3.182(1) Å (in 1), 3.267(1) Å (in 2), 3.023(2) Å (in 3) and 3.050(2) Å (in 4) occur.  相似文献   

The potentially tridentate ligand 2,6-bis[(3-methylimidazolium-1-yl)methyl]pyridine dibromide reacts readily with silver(I) oxide in dichloromethane or dimethylsulfoxide to give a dinuclear silver(I)-carbene complex that was isolated as the tetrafluoroborate salt. Single crystal X-ray crystallography shows that each silver(I) ion is bridged by two ligands bonding through the carbene donors. Treatment of the silver(I) complex with suitable palladium(II) precursors gave the complexes PdCl[(CNC)]BF4 and [PdMe(CNC)]BF4 (CNC=2,6-bis[(3-methylimidazolin-2-yliden-1-yl)methyl]pyridine), in which the pyridyl and both carbene moieties are coordinated to a single palladium(II). The palladium(II) complexes have been fully characterised, including X-ray crystallography, and exhibit good activities in the Heck coupling reaction of 4-bromoacetophenone and n-butyl acrylate.  相似文献   

Two new mixed ligand silver(I) complexes of formulae {[Ag(tpp)3(asp)](dmf)} (1) (aspH = o-acetylsalicylic acid and tpp = triphenylphosphine) and [Ag(tpp)2(o-Hbza)] (2) (o-HbzaH = o-hydroxy-benzoic acid) were synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses, spectroscopic techniques and X-ray crystallography at ambient conditions. Three phosphorus and one carboxylic oxygen atoms from a de-protonated aspirin ligand in complex 1 and two phosphorus and two carboxylic oxygen atoms from a chelating o-Hbza anion in complex 2 form a tetrahedral geometry around Ag(I) ions in both complexes.Complexes 1 and 2 and the silver(I) nitrate, tpp, aspNa and o-HbzaH were tested for their in vitro cytotoxic activity against leiomyosarcoma cells (LMS), human breast adenocarcinoma cells (MCF-7) and normal human fetal lung fibroblasts (MRC-5) cells with Thiazolyl Blue Tetrazolium Bromide (MTT) assay. For both cell lines 1 and 2 were found to be more active than cisplatin. Additionally, 1 and 2 exhibit lower activity on cell growth proliferation of MRC-5 cells. The type of LMS cell death caused by 1 and 2 were evaluated in vitro by use of flow cytometry assay. The results show that at concentrations of 1.5 and 1.9 μΜ of complex 1, 44.1% and 69.4%, respectively of LMS cells undergo programmed cell death (apoptosis). When LMS cells were treated with 1.6 and 2.3 μM of 2, LMS cells death was by 29.6% and 81.3%, respectively apoptotic. Finally, the influence of the complexes 1 and 2, upon the catalytic peroxidation of linoleic acid to hydroperoxylinoleic acid by the enzyme lipoxygenase (LOX) was kinetically and theoretically studied. The binding of 1 and 2 towards LOX was also investigated by Saturation Transfer Difference (STD) 1H NMR experiments.  相似文献   

Treatment of a benzene solution of (tmeda)PdMe2 or (dppe)PdMe2 with carbon dioxide gives the corresponding methyl bicarbonate complex, (L-L)PdMe(O2COH). These were characterised by NMR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Under strictly dry conditions no reaction was observed. Recrystallisation of the tmeda bicarbonate complex from acetone yields the corresponding η2-carbonate complex, which was characterised by X-ray crystallography. The reaction probably proceeds through attack by free carbonic acid on the dimethyl complex.  相似文献   

The organometallic tin(IV) complexes [SnPh2(SRF)2] SRF = SC6F4-4-H (1), SC6F5 (2), were synthesized and their reactivity with [MCl2(PPh3)2] M = Ni, Pd and Pt explored. Thus, transmetallation products were obtained affording polymeric [Ni(SRF)(μ-SRF)]n, monomeric cis-[Pt(PPh3)2(SC6F4-4-H)2] (3) and cis-[Pt(PPh3)2(SC6F5)2] (4) and dimeric species [Pd(PPh3)(SC6F4-4-H)(μ-SC6F4-4-H)]2 (5) and [Pd(PPh3)(SC6F5)(μ-SC6F5)]2 (6) for Ni, Pt and Pd, respectively. The crystal structures of complexes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 were determined.  相似文献   

Crystal and molecular structure of silver magnesium mellitate, Ag2Mg2[C6(COO)6] · 8H2O, was synthesized hydrothermally and characterized by X-ray structure analysis. The complex crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P2/n, with unit cell dimensions of a=7.4347(2), b=9.9858(2), c=14.4248(3) Å, β=99.2429(5)°, V=1055.01(4) Å3, and Z=2. The structure was solved and refined to R=0.036 (Rw=0.045) for 1707 independent reflections [Io>2σ(Io)]. The Ag cations are coordinated by six carboxylic oxygen atoms of mellitate anions with composition of [C6(COO)6]6− on the (1 0 1) plane; each mellitate anion linking three neighboring Ag distorted trigonal prisms produces a two-dimensional layered structure parallel to (1 0 1). The Mg cations, which are coordinated by four water molecules and two carboxylic oxygen atoms, are intercalated between the two-dimensional layer stacks. The carboxylate group coordinated to Mg and Ag cations serve as a tridentate ligand in that structure. The number of water molecules incorporated into the mellitate compound is controlled mainly by ionic radii of metal cation in the structure. Furthermore, the ionic radii of metal cations in the mellitate compound play an essential role in arrangement of mellitate anions in the structure, whether as a one-dimensional infinite chain, a two-dimensional layered structure, or a three-dimensional framework structure.  相似文献   

Mononuclear and dinuclear silver(I) complexes bearing 1,8-naphthyridine (napy) were prepared. The crystal structures of [Ag(napy-κN)2](PF6) (1) and [Ag2(μ-napy)2](PF6)2 · 3CH3CN (2 · 3CH3CN) were determined by X-ray diffraction studies. In complex 1, intermolecular π-π interaction of napy ligands between neighboring molecules forms left-handed hexagonal columns in the solid state. On the other hand, two napy ligands bridging two Ag ions in the dinuclear complex 2 shape a face-to-face π-π stacking with those of the neighboring molecule to form the dimeric unit. Besides, two of four napy ligands, which are located in a diagonal position in the dimeric unit, build intermolecular back-to-back π-π stackings with those of the adjacent dimeric unit, and a ladder-like stairway structure is generated in the solid state. Irrespective of such characteristic structures of 1 and 2 in the solid state, both complexes show very rapid dynamic behavior in solutions. No conversion between 1 and 2 took place even in the presence of excess amounts of Ag+ or napy in solutions.  相似文献   

Silver(I) halides react with tri(p-tolyl)phosphine (tptp, C21H21P) in MeOH/MeCN solutions in 1:1 or 1:3 molar ratios to give complexes of formulae {[AgCl(tptp)]4} (1) or [AgX(tptp)3] (X = Cl (2), Br (3), I (4)), respectively. The complexes were characterized by elemental analyses, and FT-IR far-IR, FT-Raman, TG and 1H, 13C, 31P NMR spectroscopic techniques. Crystal structures of complexes 2-4 were determined by X-ray diffraction at room temperature (rt). The crystal structure of 1 and 4 was also determined at 100(1) and 140(2) K (lt), respectively. In complex 1 four μ3-Cl ions are bonded with four Ag(I) ions forming a cubane while the coordination sphere of silver(I) ions is completed by one P atom from a terminal tri(p-tolyl)phosphine ligand. In complexes 2-3 one terminal halogen and three P atoms from phosphine ligands form a tetrahedral arrangement around the metal ion. Complexes 1-4 were tested for in vitro cytostatic activity against sarcoma cancer cells (mesenchymal tissue) from the Wistar rat, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH, benzo[a]pyrene) carcinogenesis and against murine leukemia (L1210) and human T-lymphocyte (Molt4/C8 and CEM) cells. The silver(I) complexes 1-4 show strong activity.  相似文献   

Copper(II) complexes were synthesized and characterized by means of elemental analysis, IR and visible spectroscopies, EPR and electrochemistry, as well as X-ray structure crystallography. The group consists of discrete mononuclear units with the general formula [Cu(II)(Hbpa)2](A)2·nH2O, where Hbpa=(2-hydroxybenzyl-2-pyridylmethyl)amine and A=ClO4 −, n=2 (1), CH3COO, n=3 (2), NO3 −, n=2 (3) and SO4 2−, n=3 (4). The structures of the ligand Hbpa and complex 1 have been determined by X-ray crystallography. Complexes 1–4 have had their UV–Vis spectra measured in both MeCN and DMF. It was observed that the compounds interact with basic solvents, such that molecules coordinate to the metal in axial positions in which phenol oxygen atoms are coordinated in the protonated forms. The values were all less than 1000 M−1 cm−1. EPR measurements on powdered samples of 1–3 gave g/A values between 105 and 135 cm−1, typical for square planar coordination environments. Complex 4·3H2O exhibits a behaviour typical for tetrahedral coordination. The electrochemical behaviour for complexes 1 and 2 was studied showing irreversible redox waves for both compounds.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of mononuclear (azido)(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)iridium(III) complexes bearing 2- or 8-quinolinethiolate (n-Sqn), [CpIr(N3)(n-Sqn)] {n = 2 (1) or 8 (2); Cp = η5-C5Me5} have been determined by X-ray analysis. The 2-Sqn complex, 1, acquires severe steric strains in the four-membered κ2N,S chelate ring, while the 8-Sqn isomer, 2, forms a strain-free five-membered planar κ2N,S chelate ring. It has also been revealed that the corresponding benzimidazole-2-thiolate (Hbimt) complex, which was obtained similarly to the above n-Sqn complexes from [CpIr(N3)2]2 and Na(Hbimt), takes an unsymmetrical dinuclear structure bridged by two Hbimt ligands with different bonding modes, [CpIr(N3){μ(S:N1)-Hbimt}{μ(S:S)-Hbimt}Ir(N3)Cp] · MeOH (3).  相似文献   

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