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GABAergic neurons in the ventral mesodiencephalic region are highly important for the function of dopaminergic pathways that regulate multiple aspects of behavior. However, development of these neurons is poorly understood. We recently showed that molecular regulation of differentiation of the GABAergic neurons associated with the dopaminergic nuclei in the ventral midbrain (VTA and SNpr) is distinct from the rest of midbrain, but the reason for this difference remained elusive. Here, we have analyzed the developmental origin of the VTA and SNpr GABAergic neurons by genetic fate mapping. We demonstrate that the majority of these GABAergic neurons originate outside the midbrain, from rhombomere 1, and move into the ventral midbrain only as postmitotic neuronal precursors. We further show that Gata2, Gata3 and Tal1 define a subpopulation of GABAergic precursors in ventral rhombomere 1. A failure in GABAergic neuron differentiation in this region correlates with loss of VTA and SNpr GABAergic neurons in Tal1 mutant mice. In contrast to midbrain, GABAergic neurons of the anterior SNpr in the diencephalon are not derived from the rhombomere 1. These results suggest unique migratory pathways for the precursors of important GABAergic neuron subpopulations, and provide the basis for understanding diversity within midbrain GABAergic neurons.  相似文献   

As our understanding of developmental mechanisms in flowering plant species has become more advanced, an appreciation of the need to understand how distinct plant morphologies are generated has grown. This has led to an awareness of the key morphological differences in distinct land plant groups and to an assessment of the major innovations that occurred during land plant evolution. Recent advances demonstrate how developmental toolkits have been recruited for related purposes in different land plant groups, but the limited number of examples highlights both the infancy of the field and the difficulty of working with non-flowering plants.  相似文献   

Although aquatic plants are discussed as a unified biological group, they are phylogenetically well dispersed across the angiosperms. In this study, we annotated the aquatic taxa on the tree of vascular plants, and extracted the topology of these aquatic lineages to construct the tree of aquatic angiosperms. We also reconstructed the ancestral areas of aquatic families. We found that aquatic angiosperms could be divided into two different categories: the four aquatic orders and the aquatic taxa in terrestrial orders. Aquatic lineages evolved early in the radiation of angiosperms, both in the orders Nymphaeales and Ceratophyllales and among basal monocots (Acorales and Alismatales). These aquatic orders do not have any extant terrestrial relatives. They originated from aquatic habitats during the Early Cretaceous. Asia would have been one of the centers for early diversification of aquatic angiosperms. The aquatic families within terrestrial orders may originate from other areas besides Asia, such as America or Australia. The lineages leading to extant angiosperms diversified early in underexploited freshwater habitats. The four extant aquatic orders were relicts of an early radiation of angiosperm in aquatic environments. Their extinct ancestors might be aquatic early angiosperms.  相似文献   

Low birthweight is now known to be associated with increased rates of coronary heart disease and the related disorders, stroke, hypertension and adult-onset diabetes. These associations have been extensively replicated in studies in different countries and are not the result of confounding variables. They extend across the normal range of birthweight and depend on lower birthweights in relation to the duration of gestation rather than the effects of premature birth. The associations are thought to be consequences of developmental plasticity, the phenomenon by which one genotype can give rise to a range of different physiological or morphological states in response to different environmental conditions during development. Recent observations have shown that impaired growth in infancy and rapid childhood weight gain exacerbate the effects of impaired prenatal growth. A new vision of optimal early human development is emerging, which takes account of health and well-being throughout life.  相似文献   

There is now evidence that developmental influences have lifelong effects on cardiovascular and metabolic function and that elements of the heritable or familial component of susceptibility to cardiovascular disease, obesity and other non-communicable diseases (NCD) can be transmitted across generations by non-genomic means. In animals the developmental environment induces altered phenotypes through genetic, physiological (especially endocrine) and epigenetic mechanisms. The latter include DNA methylation, covalent modifications of histones and non-coding RNAs. Such ‘tuning’ of phenotype has potential adaptive value and may confer Darwinian fitness advantage because it either adjusts the phenotype to current circumstances and/or attempts to match an individual’s responses to the environment predicted to be experienced later. When the phenotype is mismatched to the later environment, e.g. from inaccurate nutritional cues from the mother or placenta before birth, or from rapid environmental change through improved socio-economic conditions, risk of NCD increases. Such mechanisms are also thought to play roles in ageing and early onset of puberty, reinforcing a life-course perspective on such adaptive responses, especially the detrimental later effects of trade-offs. Epigenetic changes induced during development are highly gene-specific and function at the level of individual CpG dinucleotides in both gene promoter and intergenic regions. Evidence is accruing that endocrine or nutritional interventions during early postnatal life can reverse epigenetic and phenotypic changes induced, for example, by unbalanced maternal diet during pregnancy. Elucidation of epigenetic processes may permit perinatal identification of individuals most at risk of later NCD and enable early intervention strategies to reduce such risk.  相似文献   

Genetic approaches to understanding the role of epigenetic regulation of gene expression in plants and its mechanisms have revealed several new components. Rapidly accumulating information from other eukaryotes provides complementary knowledge with important implications for plant research. Comparison of epigenetic events across species is proving critical for defining the mechanisms and functions of epigenetic modification, including those specific to plants.  相似文献   

Baroux C  Spillane C  Grossniklaus U 《Genome biology》2002,3(9):reviews1026.1-reviews10265
The evolutionary origin of double fertilization and the resultant endosperm tissue in flowering plants remains a puzzle, despite over a century of research. The recent resurgence of approaches to evolutionary developmental biology combining comparative biology with phylogenetics provides new understanding of endosperm origins.  相似文献   

Sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectins (siglecs) are predominately expressed on immune cells. They are best known as regulators of cell signaling mediated by cytoplasmic tyrosine motifs and are increasingly recognized as receptors for pathogens that bear sialic acid-containing glycans. Most siglec proteins undergo endocytosis, an activity tied to their roles in cell signaling and innate immunity. Here, we investigate the endocytic pathways of two siglec proteins, CD22 (Siglec-2), a regulator of B-cell signaling, and mouse eosinophil Siglec-F, a member of the rapidly evolving CD33-related siglec subfamily that are expressed on cells of the innate immune system. CD22 exhibits hallmarks of clathrin-mediated endocytosis and traffics to recycling compartments, consistent with previous reports demonstrating its localization to clathrin domains. Like CD22, Siglec-F mediates endocytosis of anti-Siglec-F and sialoside ligands, a function requiring intact tyrosine-based motifs. In contrast, however, we find that Siglec-F endocytosis is clathrin and dynamin independent, requires ADP ribosylation factor 6, and traffics to lysosomes. The results suggest that these two siglec proteins have evolved distinct endocytic mechanisms consistent with roles in cell signaling and innate immunity.  相似文献   

Distinct origins of adult and embryonic blood in Xenopus   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Ciau-Uitz A  Walmsley M  Patient R 《Cell》2000,102(6):787-796
Whether embryonic and adult blood derive from a single (yolk sac) or dual (yolk sac plus intraembryonic) origin is controversial. Here, we show, in Xenopus, that the yolk sac (VBI) and intraembryonic (DLP) blood compartments derive from distinct blastomeres in the 32-cell embryo. The first adult hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are thought to form in association with the floor of the dorsal aorta, and we have detected such aortic clusters in Xenopus using hematopoietic markers. Lineage tracing shows that the aortic clusters derive from the blastomere that gives rise to the DLP. These observations indicate that the first adult HSCs arise independently of the embryonic lineage.  相似文献   

Until recently, the principal causes of degenerative disease were thought to act in adult life and to accelerate destructive processes, such as the formation of atheroma and rise in blood pressure. Recent observations that people who develop coronary heart disease grow differently to other people during fetal life and childhood have, however, led to a new 'developmental' model for the disease. Low birthweight has been shown to be associated with increased rates of coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus and altered glucose tolerance. These associations with low birthweight extend across the normal range of birthweight and reflect slow fetal growth rather than premature birth. The associations are thought to be consequences of developmental plasticity, the phenomenon by which one genotype can give rise to a range of different physiological or morphological states in response to different environmental conditions during development. Recent observations suggest that low birthweight, thinness at 2 years of age and an increase in body mass index (BMI) after the age of 2 years are each associated with the development of insulin resistance in later life. The prevention of a substantial proportion of type 2 diabetes and other disorders linked to insulin resistance may, therefore, depend on interventions during development. These include protecting the growth of babies during the first 2 years after birth by good infant feeding practices and preventing a rapid increase in BMI after the age of 2 years. Improving fetal nutrition remains an important long-term goal.  相似文献   

Plants produce the common isoprenoid precursors isopentenyl diphosphate and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP) through the methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway in plastids and the mevalonate (MVA) pathway in the cytosol. To assess which pathways contribute DMAPP for cytokinin biosynthesis, metabolites from each isoprenoid pathway were selectively labeled with (13)C in Arabidopsis seedlings. Efficient (13)C labeling was achieved by blocking the endogenous pathway genetically or chemically during the feed of a (13)C labeled precursor specific to the MEP or MVA pathways. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis demonstrated that the prenyl group of trans-zeatin (tZ) and isopentenyladenine is mainly produced through the MEP pathway. In comparison, a large fraction of the prenyl group of cis-zeatin (cZ) derivatives was provided by the MVA pathway. When expressed as fusion proteins with green fluorescent protein in Arabidopsis cells, four adenosine phosphate-isopentenyltransferases (AtIPT1, AtIPT3, AtIPT5, and AtIPT8) were found in plastids, in agreement with the idea that the MEP pathway primarily provides DMAPP to tZ and isopentenyladenine. On the other hand, AtIPT2, a tRNA isopentenyltransferase, was detected in the cytosol. Because the prenylated adenine moiety of tRNA is usually of the cZ type, the formation of cZ in Arabidopsis seedlings might involve the transfer of DMAPP from the MVA pathway to tRNA. Distinct origins of large proportions of DMAPP for tZ and cZ biosynthesis suggest that plants are able to separately modulate the level of these cytokinin species.  相似文献   

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