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Agrobacterium and plant genetic engineering   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  


Agrobacterium and plant genetic engineering  相似文献   

Summary A shooty tumor induced by a shooter mutant of an octopine strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens was cloned. One clone obtained (TS038) behaved aberrantly in that it grew as a shooty tumor tissue on phytohormone free medium, but did not contain octopine synthase activity. In line TS038 the genes for octopine synthase and for the enzymes involved in agropine and mannopine synthesis were present, but were not transcribed. However, the above genes became active in TS038 tumor shoots after grafting as well as after treatment with the hypomethylating agent 5-azacytidine. After an unusually long incubation period in the growth cabinet shoot cultures appeared to have developed small shoots from the top of the leaves. This unusual form of differentiation was found to be accompanied by the induction of octopine synthase activity.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens can transfer the T-DNA region of a Ti plasmid to a recipient plant cell. An accepted model that describes the T-DNA transfer mechanism proposes that single-stranded T-complexes are transferred to a recipient plant via a conjugation-like mechanism. This model has been based on examination of a limited number of Ti plasmids. In this study, the type of processed T-DNA molecule created from multiple Ti plasmids was determined. The form of the processed T-DNA was found to vary and was correlated with whether the T-DNA region was organized as a single continuous region or two adjacent regions.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic organization of functions responsible for mannityl opine catabolism of the Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain 15955 was investigated. A partial HindIII digest of pTi15955 was cloned into a broad host range cosmid and the clones obtained were tested for ability to confer mannityl opine degradation upon Agrobacterium. Inserts containing genes for catabolism of mannopinic acid, mannopine, agropine, and agropinic acid were obtained, spanning a segment of 43 kb on the Ti plasmid. Two clones conferring upon Agrobacterium the ability to catabolize the mannityl opines were mobilized to several Rhizobium sp., to Pseudomonas putida and P. fluorescens and to Escherichia coli. The catabolic functions were phenotypically expressed in all Rhizobium sp. tested, and in P. fluorescens, but not in P. putida or in E. coli.  相似文献   

We introduced a plant selection marker, nptII, to the left of border A in the Agrobacterium Ti plasmid pTiA6. Infection of tobacco leaf discs with the modified Agrobacterium strain gave rise to kanamycin-resistant calli which grew in a hormone-dependent manner. Southern hybridization analysis of DNA isolated from four transformants indicated initiation of DNA transfer at or near border A and absence of T-DNA sequences. These results demonstrate that DNA transfer events starting at a left border on a native Ti plasmid and moving away from the T-DNA region occur and that they can be detected by designing a suitable selection strategy.  相似文献   

Axenic transformed shoot cultures of Pimpinella anisum (anise) were established following inoculation of plant stems with the nopaline strain T37 of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The stable incorporation of T-DNA in the transformed tissues was demonstrated by polymerase chain reaction. Total essential oil accumulated by transformed shoot cultures grown under continuous light was found to be 18% lower (per unit fresh weight of tissue) than that produced by untransformed shoot cultures incubated under similar conditions, but more than 89% lower than the yield of oil from the intact plant. The relative amounts of the principal components of the essential oil of the transformed shoot cultures, namely geraniol, -bisabolene, trans-pseudoisoeugenol-2-methylbutyrate and transanethole, were similar to those present in the parent plant, but significantly different from those of the untransformed shoot cultures.Abbreviations T-DNA transfer-DNA - MS Murashige and Skoog medium - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - TY tryptone and yeast extract medium - tD doubling time - GC-MS gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry - FID flame ionisation detector - PCR polymerase chain reaction - TE Tris-HCl, EDTA buffer - TBE Tris, borate, EDTA buffer  相似文献   

Analysis of published sequences for Ri TL-DNA (root-inducing left-hand transferred DNA) of Agrobacterium rhizogenes revealed several unsuspected structural features. First, Ri TL-DNA genes are redundant. Using redundancy as a criterion, three regions (left, middle and right) were discerned. The left one, ORFs (open reading frames) 1–7, contains no detectable redundancy. In the middle region a highly diverged gene family was detected in ORFs 8, 11, 12, 13 and 14. The right region contains an apparently recent duplication (ORF 15 =18+17). We interpret the phenomenon of redundancy, particularly in the central region that encodes the transformed phenotype, to be an adaptation that ensures function in a variety of host species. Comparison of Ri TL-DNA and Ti T-DNAs from Agrobacterium tumefaciens revealed common structures, unpredicted by previous nucleic acid hybridization studies. Ri TL-DNA ORF 8 is a diverged Ti T-DNA tms1. Both Agrobacterium genes consist of a member of the diverged gene family detected in the central part of the Ri TL-DNA, but fused to a sequence similar to iaaM of Pseudomonas savastonoi. Other members of this gene family were found scattered throughout Ti T-DNA. We argue that the central region of Ri and the part of Ti T-DNA including ORFs 5–10 evolved from a common ancestor. We present the hypothesis that the gene family encodes functions that alter developmental plasticity in higher plants.  相似文献   

Summary Border fragments of the octopine Ti-plasmid were tested for their ability to restore tumorigenicity of an avirulent mutant carrying a deleted right border. It was found that neither introduction of left border fragments nor that of small right border fragments at the position of the deletion resulted in a complete restoration of oncogenicity. However, insertion of a larger right border fragment in the deletion mutant gave fully oncogenic strains. In the latter case sequences to the right side of the right border repeat were found to be responsible for a complete restoration of oncogenicity. Also a left border repeat inserted together with this enhancer sequence fully restored the oncogenicity of the deletion mutant. The enhancer-sequence on itself was not able to mediate the transfer of the T-region to the plant cell. Border fragments inserted in inverted orientation in the deletion mutant were able to mediate the transfer of the T-region to the plant cell, but at a reduced frequency.  相似文献   

The isopentenyl transferase gene was isolated from Agrobacterium tumefaciens AcH5 using polymerase chain reaction and transformed into Petunia and Kalanchoë using both A. tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes transformation systems. Morphological evidence and elevated endogenous cytokinin levels indicated that the PCR product was an active gene. Accurate quantification of the cytokinins was obtained by radioimmunoassay, following purification and separation of the free bases and ribosides by HPLC. Of the six cytokinins quantified, zeatin riboside and its stabilised dihydro-derivative, dihydrozeatin riboside, showed the greatest increases in the transformed Petunia tissue (up to 600-fold). The importance of measuring changes in individual cytokinins is discussed.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium attached to wheat embryos in vitro. This attachment was plasmid independent, and occurred on both wounded and unwounded cell surfaces. The pattern of attachment clearly demonstrated that bacterial attachment to cereal cells follows the same trends observed for dicotyledonous plants. During the inoculation period the bacterial cells attach to the plant cell walls either with lateral or polar orientation. Wounding (mechanical or enzymatic) preferentially promoted adherence of the bacteria at the wound site, however, attachment was not wound dependent.  相似文献   

In this article it is shown that the T-DNA of Agrobacterium tumefaciens contains besides the well-known cyt and aux genes another gene with an oncogenic effect in plants. The gene in question is called 6b and causes the formation of small tumors in plant species such as Nicotiana glauca and Kalanchoe tubiflora.  相似文献   

The successful transfer of the Ti plasmid T region to the plant cell is mediated by its 24 bp border repeats. Processing of the T-region prior to transfer to the plant cell is started at the right border repeat and is stimulated by a transfer enhancer sequence called overdrive. Left and right border repeats differ somewhat in nucleotide sequence; moreover, the repeats of different Ti and Ri plasmids are slightly different. Our data indicate that these differences do not have a significant influence on border activity. However, the overdrive sequence is essential for the efficient transfer of a T region via an octopine transfer system. Our data suggest that an overdrive sequence must also be present next to the right border repeats of the nopaline Ti plasmid and the agropine of octopine and nopaline Ti plasmids express some differences in T-DNA processing activities. of cotopine and nopaline Ti plasmids express some differences in T-DNA processing activities.Furthermore, we demonstrate that certain pseudo border repeats, sequences that resemble the native 24 bp border repeat and naturally occur within the octopine Ti plasmid T-region, are able to mediate T region transfer to the plant cell, albeit with much reduced efficiency as compared to wild-type border repeats.  相似文献   

Summary We established tobacco tumour cell lines from crown galls induced by Agrobacterium. Restriction fragments containing T-DNA/plant DNA junctions were cloned from one of the cell lines, which has a single copy of the T-DNA in a unique region of its genome. We also isolated a DNA fragment that contained the integration target site from nontransformed tobacco cells. Nucleotide sequence analyses showed that the right and left breakpoints of the T-DNA mapped ca. 7.3 kb internal to the right 25 by border and ca. 350 by internal to the left border respectively. When the nucleotide sequences around these breakpoints were compared with the sequence of the target, significant homology was seen between the region adjacent to the integration target site and both external regions of the T-DNA breakpoints. In addition, a short stretch of plant DNA in the vicinity of the integration site was deleted. This deletion seems to have been promoted by homologous recombination between short repeated sequences that were present on both sides of the deleted stretch. Minor rearrangements, which included base substitutions, insertions and deletions, also took place around the integration site in the plant DNA. These results, together with previously reported results showing that in some cases sequences homologous to those in T-DNA are present in plant DNA regions adjacent to left recombinational junctions, indicate that sequence homology between the incoming T-DNA and the plant chromosomal DNA has an important function in T-DNA integration. The homology may promote close association of both termini of a T-DNA molecule on a target sequence; then TDNA may in some cases be integrated by a mechanism at least in part analogous to homologous recombination.Shogo Matsumoto is on leave from Biochemical Research Institute, Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co., Ltd, Ogaki, Gifu-ken 503, Japan  相似文献   

The TA regions of biotype III octopine/cucumopine (OC) Ti plasmids are closely related to the TL region of the biotype I octopine Ti plasmids pTiAch5 and pTi15955. Sequence analysis shows that the limited and wide host range biotype III OC TA regions are derived from a common ancestor structure which lacked the 6a gene found in the biotype I octopine TL region. The TA region of the wide host range OC Ti plasmids has conserved most of the original TL-like structure. In most wide host range OC isolates the TA-iaaH gene is inactivated by the insertion of an IS866 element. However, the TA region of the wide host range isolate Hm1 carries an intact TA-iaaH gene. This gene encodes a biologically active product, as shown by root induction tests and indole-3-acetic acid measurements.The limited host range OC Ti plasmids pTiAB3 and pTiAg57 have shorter TA regions which are derived from a wide host range TA region. The AB3 type arose by an IS868-mediated, internal TA region deletion which removed the iaa genes and part of the ipt gene and left a copy of IS868 at the position of the deleted fragment. The pTiAB3 iaa/ipt deletion was followed by insertion of a second IS element, IS869, immediately 3 of the ipt gene. pTiAg57 underwent the same iaa-ipt deletion as pTiAB3, but lacks the IS868 and IS869 elements.Analysis of the various TA region structures provides a detailed insight into the evolution of the biotype III OC strains.  相似文献   

Success in plant genetic transformation depends on the efficiency of explant regeneration and transgene integration. Whereas the former one depends on explant totipotency, the latter depends on the activity of host DNA repair and chromatin organisation factors. We analyzed whether factors that result in an increase in recombination frequency can also increase transformation efficiency. Here, we report that a threefold increase in the concentration of NH4NO3 in the growth medium results in more than a threefold increase in the Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation frequency of Nicotiana tabacum plants. Regeneration of calli without selection showed that the increase in transformation frequency was primarily due to the increase in transgene integration efficiency rather than in tissue regeneration efficiency. PCR analysis of insertion sites showed a decrease in the frequency of truncations of the T-DNA right border and an increase on the left border. We hypothesize that exposure to ammonium nitrate modifies the activity of host factors leading to higher frequency of transgene integrations and possibly to the shift in the mechanism of transgene integrations. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Stem pieces and leaf disks of Vitis spp. were cocultured with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains carrying the UidA (ß-glucuronidase = GUS) gene. The transformation efficiency was highly increased by using a modified T-6b gene (a gene from pTiTm4) which interferes with normal growth and allows regeneration of normal Nicotiana rustica plants (Tinland 1990). The strains first tested on stem segments were subsequently tested in a leaf explant system. On leaves the transformation efficiency of the strains was much lower than with stems. Both the T-6b gene and the hsp 70-T-6b gene (a modified T-6b gene under the control of a heat shock promoter) allowed the initiation of GUS-positive buds.Abbreviations GUS ß-glucuronidase - BAP benzylaminopurine - X-gluc 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl glucuronide  相似文献   

Various experiments of Lotus corniculatus cv. Leo were infected with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains C58 (wild-type) and GV3101 (control). A maximum of 83 per cent of cotyledons excised from 7 day old seedlings and 63 per cent of leaves excised from seedlings grown in vitro formed galls in culture. The genotype of the seedling had an effect on the response.  相似文献   

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