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The heterotrimeric laminins are a defining component of all basement membranes and self-assemble into a cell-associated network. The three short arms of the cross-shaped laminin molecule form the network nodes, with a strict requirement for one α, one β and one γ arm. The globular domain at the end of the long arm binds to cellular receptors, including integrins, α-dystroglycan, heparan sulfates and sulfated glycolipids. Collateral anchorage of the laminin network is provided by the proteoglycans perlecan and agrin. A second network is then formed by type IV collagen, which interacts with the laminin network through the heparan sulfate chains of perlecan and agrin and additional linkage by nidogen. This maturation of basement membranes becomes essential at later stages of embryo development.  相似文献   

Laminin: the crux of basement membrane assembly   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Laminin-1 is emerging as the key molecule in early embryonic basement membrane assembly. Here we review recent insights into its functions gained from the synergistic application of genetic and structural methods.  相似文献   

Human glomerular basement membrane. Preparation and composition   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  

Structure and biological activity of basement membrane proteins   总被引:66,自引:0,他引:66  
Collagen type IV, laminin, heparan sulfate proteoglycans, nidogen (entactin) and BM-40 (osteonectin, SPARC) represent major structural proteins of basement membranes. They are well-characterized in their domain structures, amino acid sequences and potentials for molecular interactions. Such interactions include self-assembly processes and heterotypic binding between individual constituents, as well as binding of calcium (laminin, BM-40) and are likely to be used for basement membrane assembly. Laminin, collagen IV and nidogen also possess several cell-binding sites which interact with distinct cellular receptors. Some evidence exists that those interactions are involved in the control of cell behaviour. These observations have provided a more defined understanding of basement membrane function and the definition of new research goals in the future.  相似文献   

Role of laminin terminal globular domains in basement membrane assembly   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Laminins contribute to basement membrane assembly through interactions of their N- and C-terminal globular domains. To further analyze this process, recombinant laminin-111 heterotrimers with deletions and point mutations were generated by recombinant expression and evaluated for their ability to self-assemble, interact with nidogen-1 and type IV collagen, and form extracellular matrices on cultured Schwann cells by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Wild-type laminin and laminin without LG domains polymerized in contrast to laminins with deleted alpha1-, beta1-, or gamma1-LN domains or with duplicated beta1- or alpha1-LN domains. Laminins with a full complement of LN and LG domains accumulated on cell surfaces substantially above those lacking either LN or LG domains and formed a lamina densa. Accumulation of type IV collagen onto the cell surface was found to require laminin with separate contributions arising from the presence of laminin LN domains, nidogen-1, and the nidogen-binding site in laminin. Collectively, the data support the hypothesis that basement membrane assembly depends on laminin self-assembly through formation of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-LN domain complexes and LG-mediated cell surface anchorage. Furthermore, type IV collagen recruitment into the laminin extracellular matrices appears to be mediated through a nidogen bridge with a lesser contribution arising from a direct interaction with laminin.  相似文献   

During tumor progression, the extracellular matrix (ECM) and particularly the basement membrane (BM) appear to be dynamic structures that are not only degraded but also deposited around tumor clusters. In this study we examined by immunohistochemistry the localization of three chains of Type IV collagen (alpha1, alpha3 and alpha5), Type VII collagen, and laminin 5 at different stages of bronchopulmonary cancers. In normal tissues, alpha1(IV) chain was detected in all BMs (bronchial, vascular, alveolar, and glandular), alpha5(IV) chain was present only in vascular BM, and laminin 5 and Type VII collagen were co-localized in bronchial and glandular BMs, whereas alpha3(IV) immunolabeling was totally absent from normal bronchi. In well-differentiated carcinomas, alpha3(IV) chain staining was found in some neosynthetized BMs interfacing the tumor cell and the stromal compartment, contrasting with the total absence of labeling in normal tissues. alpha1(IV) chain showed strong reactivity in all BM. Laminin 5 and Type VII collagen were also detected in neosynthetized BM. In poorly differentiated invasive cancers, alpha3(IV) chain and Type VII collagen were not found, whereas laminin 5 and alpha1(IV) chain persisted. The most important modifications in BM composition during tumor progression therefore appear to be the appearance of the alpha3 (IV) chain in well-differentiated carcinomas and its subsequent disappearance in poorly differentiated carcinomas, together with the loss of type VII collagen. alpha5(IV) chain distribution was restricted in vascular BM of well- and poorly differentiated carcinomas. These results show that the composition of BM is modified during the progression of bronchopulmonary tumor, emphasizing that the BM represents a dynamic element in tumor progression and has an important role in tumor cell invasiveness.  相似文献   

Structure and assembly of beta-barrel membrane proteins.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Basement membranes are defining features of the cellular microenvironment; however, little is known regarding their assembly outside cells. We report that extracellular Cl ions signal the assembly of collagen IV networks outside cells by triggering a conformational switch within collagen IV noncollagenous 1 (NC1) domains. Depletion of Cl in cell culture perturbed collagen IV networks, disrupted matrix architecture, and repositioned basement membrane proteins. Phylogenetic evidence indicates this conformational switch is a fundamental mechanism of collagen IV network assembly throughout Metazoa. Using recombinant triple helical protomers, we prove that NC1 domains direct both protomer and network assembly and show in Drosophila that NC1 architecture is critical for incorporation into basement membranes. These discoveries provide an atomic-level understanding of the dynamic interactions between extracellular Cl and collagen IV assembly outside cells, a critical step in the assembly and organization of basement membranes that enable tissue architecture and function. Moreover, this provides a mechanistic framework for understanding the molecular pathobiology of NC1 domains.  相似文献   

Water-soluble and non-dialyzable glycopeptide, nephritogenoside, was isolated from the glomerular basement membrane of normal rats. The yield of the purified nephritogenic glycopeptide from the glomerular basement membrane of 1200 rats was only 17.2 mg. Hexose amounted to 24.3% by weight, and consisted only of glucose. Paper chromatographic studies on the number and length of the carbohydrate chain deduced from strong alkaline cleavage in the presence of sodium borohydride strongly suggested that the carbohydrate chain of the nephritogenic glycopeptide is composed of three glucose residues. This conclusion was supported by the 13C-NMR spectroscopic results. In the paper chromatographic studies on the monosaccharides produced from 3H-labeled oligosaccharide by alkaline degradation and then acid hydrolysis and studies on the 13C-NMR spectrum, it was demonstrated that the saccharide at the reducing terminus is glucose. Thus, the glucose residue at the reducing terminus of the nephritogenoside may be linked directly (probably N-glycosidically) to amino acid, without the intervention of N-acetylglucosamine. The proposed structure of the carbohydrate portion of the nephritogenic glycopeptide, nephritogenoside, is as follows:

Basement membranes (BMs) are considered to be uniform, approximately 100 nm-thin extracellular matrix sheets that serve as a substrate for epithelial cells, endothelial cells and myotubes. To find out whether BMs maintain their ultrastructure, protein composition and biophysical properties throughout life the natural aging history of the human inner limiting membranes (ILM) was investigated. The ILM is a BM at the vitreal surface of the retina that connects the retina with the vitreous. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that the ILM steadily increases in thickness from 70 nm at fetal stages to several microns at age 90. By the age of 20, the ILM loses its laminated structure to become an amorphous and very irregular extracellular matrix layer. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) showed that the native, hydrated ILMs are on average 4-fold thicker than the dehydrated ILMs as seen by TEM and that their thickness is prominently determined by its water-binding proteoglycans. The morphological changes are accompanied by age-related changes in the biochemical composition, whereby the relative concentrations of collagen IV and agrin increase, and the concentration of laminin decreases with age. Force-indentation measurements by AFM also showed that ILMs become increasingly stiffer with advancing age. The data suggest that BMs from other human tissues may undergo similar age-related changes.  相似文献   

Netrins were first identified as neural guidance molecules, acting through receptors that are members of the DCC and UNC-5 family. All netrins share structural homology to the laminin N-terminal domains and the laminin epidermal growth factor-like domains of laminin short arms. Laminins use these domains to self-assemble into complex networks. Here we demonstrate that netrin-4 is a component of basement membranes and is integrated into the laminin polymer via interactions with the laminin gamma1 andgamma3 short arms. The binding is mediated through the laminin N-terminal domain of netrin-4. In contrast to netrin-4, other members of the netrin family do not bind to these laminin short arms. Moreover, a truncated form of netrin-4 completely inhibits laminin-111 self-assembly in vitro, and full-length netrin-4 can partially disrupt laminin self-interactions. When added to explant cultures, netrin-4 retards salivary gland branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Collagen XIX is an extremely rare extracellular matrix component that localizes to basement membrane zones and is transiently expressed by differentiating muscle cells. Characterization of mice harboring null and structural mutations of the collagen XIX (Col19a1) gene has revealed the critical contribution of this matrix protein to muscle physiology and differentiation. The phenotype includes smooth muscle motor dysfunction and hypertensive sphincter resulting from impaired swallowing-induced, nitric oxide-dependent relaxation of the sphincteric muscle. Muscle dysfunction was correlated with a disorganized matrix and a normal complement of enteric neurons and interstitial cells of Cajal. Mice without collagen XIX exhibit an additional defect, namely impaired smooth-to-skeletal muscle cell conversion in the abdominal segment of the esophagus. This developmental abnormality was accounted for by failed activation of myogenic regulatory factors that normally drive esophageal muscle transdifferentiation. Therefore, these findings identify collagen XIX as the first structural determinant of sphincteric muscle function, and as the first extrinsic factor of skeletal myogenesis in the murine esophagus.  相似文献   

Basement membranes are thin sheets of extracellular proteins situated in close contact with cells at various locations in the body. They have a great influence on tissue compartmentalization and cellular phenotypes from early embryonic development onwards. The major constituents of all basement membranes are collagen IV and laminin, which both exist as multiple isoforms and each form a huge irregular network by self assembly. These networks are connected by nidogen, which also binds to several other components (proteoglycans, fibulins). Basement membranes are connected to cells by several receptors of the integrin family, which bind preferentially to laminins and collagen IV, and via some lectin-type interactions. The formation of basement membranes requires cooperation between different cell types since nidogen, for example, is usually synthesized by cells other than those exposed to the basement membranes. Thus many molecular interactions, of variable affinities, determine the final shape of basement membranes and their preferred subanatomical localization.  相似文献   

Summary Laminin biosynthesis and basement membrane assembly in anterior pituitary glands of gonadectomized rats were studied by immuno-electron microscopy and radioimmunoassay. Three weeks after gonadectomy, rats received intravenous injections of sheep anti-laminin IgG conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, and glands were fixed and processed for microscopy 1 h later. Peroxidase reaction product uniformly labeled all perivascular and glandular epithelial basement membranes. In addition, reaction product was also found in abnormally multi-layered basement membranes seen especially beneath gonadotrophs, and unusual basement membrane-like structures projecting between gonadotrophs were also labeled. Pituitary sections from gonadectomized rats labeled with pre-embedding immunoperoxidase and post-embedding immungold techniques also localized intracellular laminin within biosynthetic organelles and light body vesicles of gonadotrophs. Neither abnormal basement membrane structures nor intracellular laminin were detected in pituitaries of nongonadectomized, control rats. Radioimmunoassays of pituitary homogenates showed nearly twice as much soluble laminin ( 15 ng/gland) in gonadectomized rats than in controls ( 8 ng/gland), which paralleled gland growth, but serum laminin concentrations did not differ ( 10 ng/ml in both groups). When anterior pituitary glands of gonadectomized rats that received injections of anti-laminin IgG-HRP were fixed 5 days after injection, lengths of unlabeled basement membrane were distributed between labeled lengths. This indicated that new basement membrane was spliced into old by a process similar to that seen in normal development. Supplementation of gonadectomized rats with testosterone, however, arrested laminin biosynthesis and basement membrane assembly and reversed glandular hypertrophy. These results indicate that, in an absence of sex hormone feedback, renewed synthesis of basement membrane components occurs in the anterior pituitary and is probably necessary to support the additional growth and differentiation of gonadotrophs and other pituitary cells.  相似文献   

Endoneurial laminins (Lms), beta1-integrins, and dystroglycan (DG) are important for Schwann cell (SC) ensheathment and myelination of axons. We now show that SC expression of galactosyl-sulfatide, a Lm-binding glycolipid, precedes that of Lms in developing nerves. This glycolipid anchors Lm-1 and -2 to SC surfaces by binding to their LG domains and enables basement membrane (BM) assembly. Revealingly, non-BM-forming fibroblasts become competent for BM assembly when sulfatides are intercalated into their cell surfaces. Assembly is characterized by coalescence of sulfatide, DG, and c-Src into a Lm-associated complex; by DG-dependent recruitment of utrophin and Src activation; and by integrin-dependent focal adhesion kinase phosphorylation. Collectively, our findings suggest that sulfated glycolipids are key Lm anchors that determine which cell surfaces can assemble Lms to initiate BM assembly and DG- and integrin-mediated signaling.  相似文献   

At restrictive temperature, mutant ts1 of bacteriophage PM2 makes membrane vesicles inside infected Alteromonas espejiana. A shift from restrictive to permissive temperature resulted in rapid maturation to infectious virions. The membrane vesicles were isolated from cellular membranes by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Analysis of the unique peak at rho = 1.190 g/cm3 showed spheres of two diameters, 50 nm and 54 nm. The wild-type virus is icosahedral with an average diameter of 60 nm. Gel electrophoresis indicated the absence in the vesicles of the coat and spike proteins. sp27 and sp43, respectively, and the presence of only one viral structural protein, sp6.6. DNA was also present. The lipid in the vesicles was composed of phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylethanolamine in a proportion similar to that of the wild-type virus, whose ratio is nearly the inverse of that found in the host membrane. Thus, membrane vesicles made by mutant ts1 resembled the membrane of the wild-type virus in size, shape, and lipid composition, but contained only one of the four structural proteins of the virus. This hydrophobic protein, sp6.6 may be responsible for stimulating membrane morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Kidney glomerular basement membranes (GMBs) originate in development from fusion of a dual basement membrane between endothelial cells and primitive epithelial podocytes. After fusion, segments of newly synthesized matrix, derived primarily from podocytes, appear as subepithelial outpockets and are spliced into GBMs during glomerular capillary loop expansion. To investigate GBM assembly further, we examined newborn mouse kidneys with monoclonal rat anti-mouse laminin IgGs (MAb) conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (HRP). In adults, these MAb strongly label glomerular mesangial matrices but bind only weakly or not at all to mature GBMs. In contrast, anti-laminin MAb intensely bound newborn mouse GBMs undergoing initial assembly. After intraperitoneal injection of MAb-HRP into neonates, dense binding occurred across both subendothelial and subepithelial pre-fusion GMBs as well as forming mesangial matrices. Considerably less MAb binding was seen, however, in post-fusion GBMs from more mature glomeruli in the same section, although mesangial matrices remained positive. In addition, new subepithelial segments in areas of splicing were negative. These results conflict with those obtained previously with injections of polyclonal anti-laminin IgGs into newborns or adults, which result in complete labeling of all GBMs. Although epitope masking cannot be completely excluded, we believe that decreased MAb binding to developing GBM reflects actual epitope loss. This loss could occur by laminin isoform substitution, conformational change, and/or proteolytic processing during GBM assembly.  相似文献   

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