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Superinfection exclusion is the ability of an established virus infection to interfere with infection by a second virus. In this study, we found that Huh-7.5 cells acutely infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 2a (chimeric strain J6/JFH) and cells harboring HCV genotype 1a, 1b, or 2a full-length or subgenomic replicons were resistant to infection with cell culture-produced HCV (HCVcc). Replicon-containing cells became permissive for HCVcc infection after treatment with an HCV-specific protease inhibitor. With the exception of cells harboring a J6/JFH-FLneo replicon, infected or replicon-containing cells were permissive for HCV pseudoparticle (HCVpp) entry, demonstrating a postentry superinfection block downstream of primary translation. The surprising resistance of J6/JFH-FLneo replicon-containing cells to HCVpp infection suggested a defect in virus entry. This block was due to reduced expression of the HCV coreceptor CD81. Further analyses indicated that J6/JFH may be toxic for cells expressing high levels of CD81, thus selecting for a CD81(low) population. CD81 down regulation was not observed in acutely infected cells, suggesting that this may not be a general mechanism of HCV superinfection exclusion. Thus, HCV establishes superinfection exclusion at a postentry step, and this effect is reversible by treatment of infected cells with antiviral compounds.  相似文献   

We analyzed a BHK cell line persistently infected with Sindbis virus for 16 months and a virus (Sin-16) cloned from these cells. Sin-16 virus was resistant to the defective interfering particles present in the original infection. We found that (i) cells infected with Sin-16 were impaired in the processing of a viral precursor glycoprotein, (ii) high-multiplicity passaging of Sin-16 gave rise to a variant that was able to generate and be inhibited by defective-interfering particles to which the original Sin-16 virus was resistant, and (iii) the persistently infected culture contained a heterogeneous mixture of defective Sindbis virus RNAs which were not packaged into extracellular particles. To determine whether these intracellular RNAs could interfere with the replication of Sin-16, we analyzed cells that were cloned from the persistently infected culture. One clone (A3) synthesized a single defective viral RNA which was lost with continued passaging in culture. Infection of A3 cells with Sin-16 showed that the presence of the defective RNA greatly enhanced cell survival and led to enrichment of this RNA. In contrast, cured cells were highly susceptible to killing by Sin-16, and survivors did not synthesize this RNA. Thus, A3 cells were not genetically altered in their response to Sin-16, but were protected from the cytopathic effects of infection by an RNA with the characteristics of a defective-interfering RNA.  相似文献   

G Ju  M Birrer  S Udem    B R Bloom 《Journal of virology》1980,33(3):1004-1012
Human lymphoblastoid cell lines persistently infected with measles virus release a heterogeneous population of virions. At least 80% of the infectious particles were temperature sensitive for plaque formation at 39 degrees C. Plaque-purified temperature-sensitive mutants from four persistently infected human lymphoblastoid cell lines were shown to be heterogeneous with respect to efficiency of plating at 31 and 39 degrees C, as well as to antigen and RNA production at 39 degrees C. The heterogeneity was confirmed by complementation analysis in which 21 temperature-sensitive isolates were found to represent at least four of the five previously described complementation groups of measles virus. Two isolates complemented four reference temperature-sensitive mutants. These isolates either represent new complementation groups or are members of the fifth complementation group, group E. The majority of isolates were found to have multiple mutations, and group B mutants (RNA-) predominated. Two temperature-sensitive isolates were able to interfere with production of parental measles virus at both permissive and nonpermissive temperatures.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented which confirms that temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants with an RNA- phenotype are spontaneously selected in persistent infection of cell lines with Newcastle disease virus. Persistently infected BHK-21 cells, maintained since 1973, produce no interferon and are completely susceptible to vesicular stomatitis virus. Persistent infection of a canine kidney cell line (MDCK) terminated with destruction of all cells at about 100 days. Even under these conditions, a high proportion (33%) of RNA- temperature-sensitive mutants was present in the virus population 60 days after the infection was initiated.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of Sindbis virus in three Aedes albopictus subcloned cell lines was examined. Each line was distinguishable with respect to morphology, cytopathic response to infection, and progeny yield. C7-10 cells, which produced the highest titers of virus and exhibited the most severe cytopathic response, were characterized ultrastructurally by the presence of budding particles at the cell surface and at the membranes of internal vesicles. C6/36 cells, which displayed a moderate cytotoxic response, manifested similar features in response to Sindbis virus infection. Both cell types also produced a structure composed of an electron-dense matrix in which nucleocapsids were embedded. Internally matured virions were released by exocytosis from these cells. In addition to a lack of cytopathic effect, u4.4 cells also failed to exhibit obvious morphogenetic changes upon infection. Virus particles were occasionally seen within vesicles, but budding at the cell surface was not detected. The mechanism of release of internally matured virions was not apparent. These studies provide further evidence that these three subcloned mosquito cell lines represent different tissues in the larval or adult insect.  相似文献   

More than 200 cells were cloned from populations of mammalian cells persistently infected with Japanese encephalitis virus. Only four cloned cultures contained cells that had viral antigen measurable by immunofluorescence and that released infectious virus, yet all clones harbored virus-specific RNA. Superinfection of cloned cells with wild-type Japanese encephalitis virus did not produce cytopathic effects, but resulted in production of viral antigen and infectious virus in formerly nonproducing clones. Cocultivation of nonproducer clone cells with normally permissive cells did not induce virus production, nor did treatment of nonproducer clones with various inhibitors of DNA, RNA, or protein synthesis. It is suggested that the cloning procedure may have selected for a particular subpopulation of cells and that defective virus is also involved in establishment and maintenance of persistent infection.  相似文献   

A Vero cell line persistently infected with African swine fever virus was established by infecting the cells in the presence of 10 mM NH4Cl (Vero-P cell line). The virus derived from the Vero-P cultures infected Vero cells, and virus titers were comparable to those obtained in Vero cells acutely infected with African swine fever virus. The structural proteins of the virus from Vero-P cells were similar to those of the virus produced in lytic infections. Virus production was low when the Vero-P cells were growing logarithmically and increased considerably in confluent cultures when lysis appeared in a fraction of the cell population.  相似文献   

Superinfection with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in human subjects, defined as reinfection with a heterologous strain of HIV-1, has become a topic of great interest. To illustrate the significance of this occurrence, we performed HIV-1 superinfection of L-2 cells, which were isolated from MT-4 cells persistently infected with subtype B HIV-1 as a cell clone continuously producing defective HIV-1 particles. L-2 cells carrying provirus with a one-base insertion in the pol protease were superinfected with HIV-1 derived from primary isolates of subtype B or CRF01_AE. The kinetics of the superinfection in L-2 were very slow compared with those of primary infections in MT-4. Interestingly, L-2 shifted after superinfection to become a producer of highly cytopathogenic HIV-1. Molecular characterization revealed that superinfection occurred in only about 10% of the CRF01_AE-superinfected L-2, which carried provirus of both subtypes and produced viral particles containing genomic RNA of both subtypes. Surprisingly, such cytopathogenic HIV-1 showed predominantly the original subtype B phenotype. Thus, the mechanism of the production of cytopathic HIV-1 seemed to be mediated by trans complementation with pol products of superinfected CRF01_AE. These findings suggest the significance of long-lived infected cells as recipients for superinfection that could result in the generation of new HIV-1 variants with high virulence in patients who are off therapy or do not adhere to treatment, and may indicate the need for precautions against such superinfection.  相似文献   

BackgroundCultured cell lines infected with prions produce an abnormal isoform of the prion protein (PrPSc). In this study, two types of cells persistently infected with prion were treated with curcumin-related compounds. We found that the compounds behave differently in neuroblastoma neuro-2a (N2a) cells infected with different prion strains.MethodsCurcumin and related compounds were applied to the two types of persistently prion infected cells to analyze the different activities of the compounds.ResultsIn ScN2a cells, which were infected with the Rocky Mountain Laboratory prion strain, two of the six compounds significantly reduced the PrPSc level in a dose-dependent manner. On the other hand, in N167 cells, effective suppression of the total amount of PrPSc was not observed; instead, two other compounds promoted the formation of covalently linked PrPSc dimers.ConclusionsChemometric analysis was used to determine the factors that contributed to the different effects of the six compounds. It showed that the ability to form hydrogen bonds, such as phenolic hydroxyl groups, and hydrophobic molecular properties predominantly contributed to the reduction of the PrPSc level in the ScN2a cells and the dimer formation of PrPSc in the N167 cells, respectively.General significanceThe extracted information can be used to delineate the differences among prion strains and to design compounds that are directed toward their respective activities.  相似文献   

Summary The changes induced by bacteriophage P22 in the cellular transport process(es) of the host Salmonella typhimurium (Taneja et al., 1975; Khandekar et al., 1975; Bandyopadhyay and Chakravorty, 1976) involve interactions between the superinfection exclusion system of the resident prophage and the C immunity region of the superinfecting phage. The sieA gene of the prophage interferes with the changes in the cellular transport process induced by the superinfecting phage. However, if the superinfecting phage carries active C 1 and C 2 genes of the superinfecting phage seem to be expressed in the sie A+ lysogen.  相似文献   

Defective interfering particles derived from wild-type Sindbis virus no longer interfere with the infectious virus cloned from BHK cells persistently infected with Sindbis virus for 16 months. These particles do interfere with the replication of Semliki Forest virus.  相似文献   

Growth of vesicular stomatitis virus in mosquito cell lines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Indirect fluorescent-antibody studies of living and fixed chick cells infected with temperature-sensitive mutants of Sindbis virus suggest that functional envelope glycoprotein E1 must be inserted through the plasma membrane before E2. PE2 and E2 do not affect the insertion of E1. The experiments also suggest that normal PE2, a glycosylated precursor to E2, reacts with anti-E2 serum; the abnormal PE2 made by a temperature-sensitive PE2 cleavage-defective mutant did not. Abnormal E1 proteins made by E1-defective mutants also failed to react with anti-E1 serum.  相似文献   

The response of the human CD4+ T-cell line Jurkat to infection with vaccinia virus was investigated. Virus titers peaked approximately 3 to 4 days after infection, while cell growth paralleled that of uninfected cells, indicating that growth rates were not appreciably affected by viral infection. Results from plaque assays and fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) analyses of virus antigens demonstrated that a persistent infection in which the percentage of infected cells and the virus titers fluctuated from passage to passage was established. Further characterization of the persistent infection revealed that the virus influences cellular functions. Induction of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IL-2 receptor alpha (IL-2R alpha) in Jvac cells was shown by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and FACS analysis, respectively. Hybridization of cellular RNA with cloned probes confirmed the increased IL-2 expression and demonstrated that Jvac cells also expressed more IL-6 but not gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) or IL-1 beta. Dual-antibody staining and FACS analysis for vaccinia virus antigens and IL-2R alpha indicated that IL-2R alpha expression was restricted to the infected cells. Jvac cells were also resistant to superinfection, an additional proof that persistent infection elicited phenotypic changes in the cell population.  相似文献   

The data presented in the paper demonstrate that in BHK cells infected with Sindbis virus virtually all the 42S mRNA not in nucleocapsid is associated with free polyribosomes, whereas the 26S mRNA is distributed between free and membrane-bound polyribosomes. We suggest that the 26S RNA polyribosomes are bound to the membranes through the nascent chains of the B1 protein and that a large percentage of 26S RNA polyribosomes free in the cytoplasm may be due to the small amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum in BHK cells. In addition, we found that intracellular nucleocapsid is in the nonmembrane fraction of the cytoplasm of infected cells.  相似文献   

The strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDVpi) present in persistently infected L cells differed markedly from the Herts strain (NDV0) used to initiate the infection. NDVpi produced small plaques (less than 1 mm) in chick embryo cell cultures, whereas the wild type (NDV0) produced large plaques (2 to 3 mm). The two viruses differed in a number of additional properties. Whereas 80% of adsorbed NDV0 eluted from chicken red blood cells at 37 C, only about 20% of NDVpi was recovered under similar conditions. There was no significant difference in the neuraminidase content of the two viruses. The infectivity of NDV0 was stable for 1 hr at 48 C, whereas 99.9% of the infectivity of NDVpi was destroyed. The two viruses also differed in lethality for chick embryos; NDVpi had significantly reduced lethality for 9-day-old chick embryos when compared to NDV0. In contrast to NDV0, which produced an abortive infection in L cells, NDVpi not only replicated effectively and destroyed these cells, but also induced significantly higher quantities of interferon than did NDV0. These data furnished additional evidence for the lack of relationship of interferon production to abortive infection of L cells with NDV0. In contrast, interferon was found to play a significant role in the maintenance of persistent infection.  相似文献   

Aedes albopictus (mosquito) cells persistently infected with Sindbis virus for a period of 6 months release into the medium a low-molecular-weight material capable of specifically reducing the yields of Sindbis virus during the "acute phase" of infection in mosquito cells. The antiviral activity was produced in detectable levels at 3 days after infection, and its concentration in the extracellular medium increased thereafter. The antiviral activity was inactivated by treatment with the enzyme protease K and heat. It was not activated by treatment with antibody prepared against extracts of Sindbis virus-infected BHK-21 cells. The antiviral activity differs from interferon produced by vertebrate cells in that it is virus specific as well as cell specific.  相似文献   

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