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Excess protein ingested by blood meals of mosquitoes is catabolized by a uricotelic pathway. We have established enzyme activity profiles for xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH), the enzyme that catalyzes uric acid synthesis, and related it to intestinal proteolytic activities in female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.During the first day after eclosion the meconium containing urate and urea of larval/pupal origin is discharged, together with XDH activity. Females of constant body size and of defined age were given measured blood meals by enema. XDH activity and uric acid synthesis correlate with the size of the blood meals. Upon completion of protein digestion and catabolism, XDH is excreted in an active form and its activity returns to the residual level. Maximal XDH activity always precedes intestinal proteolytic activities by a few hours. Regulation of XDH activity appears to be purely metabolic, independent of endocrine factors.Small females fed identical volumes of blood produce fewer eggs than their larger sisters and consequently catabolize a higher proportion of blood protein to uric acid.Old females are less fecund and show smaller investments of protein into yolk than younger ones. Despite reduced XDH activities, they excrete equal amounts of urate as young females. Obviously in young females XDH activity is in excess of biochemical requirements.  相似文献   

The effect of exposure of Aedes aegypti larvae to sub-lethal doses of the pyrethroid insecticide permethrin, the organophosphate temephos, the herbicide atrazine, the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon fluoranthene and the heavy metal copper on their subsequent tolerance to insecticides, detoxification enzyme activities and expression of detoxification genes was investigated. Bioassays revealed a moderate increase in larval tolerance to permethrin following exposure to fluoranthene and copper while larval tolerance to temephos increased moderately after exposure to atrazine, copper and permethrin. Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases activities were induced in larvae exposed to permethrin, fluoranthene and copper while glutathione S-transferase activities were induced after exposure to fluoranthene and repressed after exposure to copper. Microarray screening of the expression patterns of all detoxification genes following exposure to each xenobiotic with the Aedes Detox Chip identified multiple genes induced by xenobiotics and insecticides. Further expression studies using real-time quantitative PCR confirmed the induction of multiple CYP genes and one carboxylesterase gene by insecticides and xenobiotics. Overall, this study reveals the potential of xenobiotics found in polluted mosquito breeding sites to affect their tolerance to insecticides, possibly through the cross-induction of particular detoxification genes. Molecular mechanisms involved and impact on mosquito control strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

The biochemical pathway of egg chorion tanning in the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, is described and compared with chorion protein crosslinking in Drosophila and silkmoths and the biochemical pathways of cuticular tanning in insects. Phenol oxidase, dopa decarboxylase and tyrosine are critical components involved in egg chorion tanning in A. aegypti. Tanning of the mosquito egg chorion is initiated following activation of phenol oxidase, which then catalyzes the hydroxylation of tyrosine to dopa and further oxidizes dopa and dopamine to their respective o-quinones. Because intramolecular cyclization is much slower in dopaminequinone than dopaquinone, the chance to react with external nucleophiles to participate in protein crosslinking reactions also is much greater in dopaminequinone than dopaquinone. This might partly explain the necessity for the involvement of dopa decarboxylase in mosquito chorion tanning. Intramolecular cyclization of dopaquinone and dopaminequinone to form dopachrome and dopaminechrome, respectively, the structural rearrangement of these aminochromes to produce 5,6-dihydroxyindole, and the subsequent oxidation of 5,6-dihydroxyindole by phenol oxidase also lead to melanin formation during egg chorion tanning.  相似文献   

Apoptosis has been extensively studied in Drosophila by both biochemical and genetic approaches, but there is a lack of knowledge about the mechanisms of apoptosis regulation in other insects. In mosquitoes, apoptosis occurs during Plasmodium and arbovirus infection in the midgut, suggesting that apoptosis plays a role in mosquito innate immunity. We searched the Aedes aegypti genome for apoptosis-related genes using Drosophila and Anopheles gambiae protein sequences as queries. In this study we have identified eleven caspases, three inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) proteins, a previously unreported IAP antagonist, and orthologs of Drosophila Ark, Dnr1, and BG4 (also called dFadd). While most of these genes have been previously annotated, we have improved the annotation of several of them, and we also report the discovery of four previously unannotated apoptosis-related genes. We examined the developmental expression profile of these genes in Ae. aegypti larvae, pupae and adults, and we also studied the function of a novel IAP antagonist, IMP. Expression of IMP in mosquito cells caused apoptosis, indicating that it is a functional pro-death protein. Further characterization of these genes will help elucidate the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis regulation in Ae. aegypti.  相似文献   

Eleven microsatellite markers were used to determine the genetic population structure and spread of Aedes aegypti (Stegomyia aegypti) (Diptera: Culicidae) in Pakistan using mosquitoes collected from 13 different cities. There is a single genetic cluster of Ae. aegypti in Pakistan with a pattern of isolation by distance within the population. The low level of isolation by distance suggests the long‐range passive dispersal of this mosquito, which may be facilitated by the tyre trade in Pakistan. A decrease in genetic diversity from south to north suggests a recent spread of this mosquito from Karachi. A strong negative correlation between genetic distance and the quality of road connections shows that populations in cities connected by better road networks are less differentiated, which suggests the human‐aided passive dispersal of Ae. aegypti in Pakistan. Dispersal on a large spatial scale may facilitate the strategy of introducing transgenic Ae. aegypti or intracellular bacteria such as Wolbachia to control the spread of dengue disease in Pakistan, but it also emphasizes the need for simple measures to control container breeding sites.  相似文献   

Abdominal distention accelerates the release of a factor from the head of blood-fed Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The critical period during which the head is required for oögenesis following blood ingestion is approx 6 h with a 5 μl meal, but small blood meals of 1 μl require the head to be present for significantly longer. Increasing the abdominal distention by supplementing the 1 μl meal with saline results in a critical period similar to that with 5 μl of blood. The information from the distended abdomen appears to travel via the ventral nerve cord. Transection of the ventral nerve cord prevents oögenesis from occurring after small blood meals, but not with larger blood volumes. Topical application of 100 pg of juvenile hormone III can substitute for the distention message.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) is highly pathogenic to mosquito larvae and is widely used for mosquito control. Its mosquitocidal activity however is relatively low compared to many chemical insecticides. The detoxification mechanisms in the mosquito, among other things, might neutralize the Bti activity, resulting in resistance or tolerance. We tested whether or not the detoxification mechanisms against chemical insecticides might also operate against Bti, rendering it less effective. We targeted four enzymes in Aedes aegypti larvae involved in detoxification with inhibitors that have been used in resistance studies in chemical insecticides and assayed their effects on Bti toxicity. Results revealed that phenylmethanesulphonyl fluoride (PMSF), diethyl maleate, phenobarbital (PB), and piperonyl butoxide (PBO) altered Bti toxicity to various degrees. PMSF is a serine protease inhibitor that prevents Bti digestion and improves Bti activity. PB that induces several detoxifying enzymes had two different effects depending on the method of treatment. Mortality was higher when treatment with PB was discontinuous (149%) whereas with continuous treatment it was lower (101%). PBO, a typical cytochrome P450 inhibitor, increased Bti effect (159%). The combination of discontinuous pretreatment of larvae with PB followed by PBO had a synergistic effect and showed increased activity (146%). It appears that the mechanism for Bti resistance in mosquitoes is similar to that of chemical insecticides. Our studies indicate that we may be able to increase Bti activity by inhibiting some of the detoxification systems as active as broad spectrum chemical insecticides.  相似文献   

FLP-mediated recombination in the vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The activity of a yeast recombinase, FLP, on specific target DNA sequences, FRT, has been demonstrated in embryos of the vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti. In a series of experiments, plasmids containing the FLP recombinase under control of a heterologous heat-shock gene promoter were co-injected with target plasmids containing FRT sites into preblastoderm stage mosquito embryos. FLP-mediated recombination was detected between (i) tandem repeats of FRT sites leading to the excision of specific DNA sequences and (ii) FRT sites located on separate plasmids resulting in the formation of heterodimeric or higher order multimeric plasmids. In addition to FRT sites originally isolated from the yeast 2 microns plasmid, a number of synthetic FRT sites were also used. The synthetic sites were fully functional as target sites for recombination and gave results similar to those derived from the yeast 2 microns plasmid. This successful demonstration of yeast FLP recombinase activity in the mosquito embryo suggests a possible future application of this system in establishing transformed lines of mosquitoes for use in vector control strategies and basic studies.  相似文献   

Studies on prophenoloxidase activation in the mosquito Aedes aegypti L   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This study, the first of its kind in a mosquito vector species, demonstrates the feasibility of studying prophenoloxidase activation in an insect containing not more than a few microliters of hemolymph. Mosquito phenoloxidase was found to be in an inactive proenzyme form, prophenoloxidase. Mosquito prophenoloxidase required bivalent cation for its activation; Ca2+ was found to be the most efficient for activation. Concomitant amidase activity was also observed prior to phenoloxidase activity. Through Western blotting, using a cross-reactive silkworm antiprophenoloxidase antibody, our results strongly suggest that mosquito prophenoloxidase activation resulted from limited proteolysis. Protease inhibitor studies reinforced this contention showing the involvement of (a) serine protease(s) with trypsin-like activity in the activation of mosquito prophenoloxidase.  相似文献   

The DDT resistance gene RDDT1, and the dieldrin resistance gene Rd1 have been mapped on linkage group II with respect to visible markers, in the mosquito Aedes argypti L. The best interpretation of the data gives the order wa - Rdl - ds RDDT1 - s - y but was - Rdl -ds - y - s - RDDT1 is also possible. h is very loosely linked with RDDT1. The length of the linkage group has been considerably extended from previous studies.  相似文献   

R. J. Wood 《Genetica》1990,46(1):49-66
A population has been examined in which an overall parity between the sexes hides considerable between-family variation in sex ratio. A proportion of families show highly distorted sex ratios, with either an excess of females or an excess of males. Distorted sex ratios are invariably associated with mortality in the immature stages at a level appropriate to the action of recessive lethal genes. It has been shown that 26% of M-bearing (Y) chromosomes and at least 24% of m-bearing (X) chromosomes carry a recessive lethal gene.Two such genes have been investigated. l kills males and, in a cross between two heterozygotes, gives rise to a sex ratio close to 2:1 (excess families). k kills females and, in a cross between two heterozygotes, gives rise to a sex ratio close to 1:2 (excess families). Selection for excess or excess did not increase the level of sex ratio distortion.No crossing over occurs between k and the M/m locus whereas l shows 5–10% recombination with M/m. A test for allelism confirmed that l and k are not allelic. The penetrance of k is complete whereas l shows somewhat less than full penetrance. The penetrance of l has been improved by selection.The high frequency of lethals remained in the population during the two year period of study. There was evidence for heterosis preserving this frequency, the heterozygotes living longer and producing more progeny. However lethals were no longer to be found after four further years of laboratory culture.  相似文献   

Pre-oviposition behaviour, the attraction of mosquitoes to oviposition-site stimuli, is induced by a haemolymph-borne substance. A large proportion of gravid mosquitoes was attracted to a solution of methyl propionate in a laboratory olfactometer, but non-gravid females were also attracted if they were first injected with haemolymph from gravid females. Ovariectomized blood-fed mosquitoes failed to respond, but the reimplantation of denervated ovaries or as few as six mature follicles still triggered pre-oviposition after a blood meal.  相似文献   

The mosquito Aedes aegypti is the main vector of dengue in Venezuela. The genetic structure of this vector was investigated in 24 samples collected from eight geographic regions separated by up to 1160 km. We examined the distribution of a 359-basepair region of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 mitochondrial gene among 1144 Ae. aegypti from eight collections. This gene was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and tested for variation using single strand conformation polymorphism analysis. Seven haplotypes were detected throughout Venezuela and these were sorted into two clades. Significant differentiation was detected among collections and these were genetically isolated by distance.  相似文献   

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