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贵州青岩地区的青岩组上部包括雷打坡段和渔庆段,其中,雷打坡段的化石特别丰富,为研究二叠纪末生物大灭绝后底栖动物的辐射和群落演化提供了十分重要的信息.根据青岩组雷打坡段和渔庆段的菊石重新研究,划分出两个组合:1)安尼期中期的最晚阶段(latest middle Anisian)的Bulogites-Acrochordic...  相似文献   

日本鳗草(Zostera japonica)是亚洲特有的海草种类,具有重要生态价值。近年来,黄渤海海草分布区中的日本鳗草海草床持续退化,引起了研究人员的广泛关注。【目的】基于根际微生物的分布与日本鳗草的健康生长密切相关的设想,本文旨在探究黄渤海海草分布区日本鳗草根际细菌群落结构多样性并分析其与海草健康生长的内在联系。【方法】选取黄渤海海草分布区中东营、威海、大连3个地点的日本鳗草根际与非草区表层沉积物,采用高通量测序技术(Illumina HiSeq PE300)解析根际微生物群落特征,并结合相关环境参数分析其环境功能。【结果】日本鳗草根际表层沉积物中主要存在的细菌类群有:变形菌门(Proteobacteria)所占比例为41.1%,蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)占15.4%,拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)占12.6%,放线菌门(Actinobacteria)占9.3%。不同地点之间以及样品类型(海草床根际与非根际)之间的微生物群落存在显著差异,主要表现为根际富含硫酸盐还原菌和固氮菌。环境因素:TN (total nitrogen)、TC (total carbon)、TOC (total organic carbon)、黏土(Clay)、砷(As)与根际群落组成与分布显著相关。【结论】从功能的角度来看,不同地点、不同样品类型之间的差异物种多与硫、氮代谢相关,硫酸盐还原菌对维持日本鳗草的生态健康起关键作用;日本鳗草根际微生物群落分布与环境因子、空间分布有一定相关性。  相似文献   

The Sherwood Sandstone Group in south Devon consists of the Budleigh Salterton Pebble Beds and the Otter Sandstone Formation. The Otter Sandstone Formation comprises four lithostratigraphic sub-units, from the base labelled A-D, and contains tetrapods corresponding to the Perovkan land vertebrate faunachron, and is consequently a key European non-marine Anisian succession. A total of 181 palaeomagnetic specimens from 92 horizons were measured to determine the palaeomagnetic signal. The magnetic properties and characteristic remanence is predominantly carried by haematite, most of which probably formed early in the depositional and diagenetic history. The lower part of the Sherwood Sandstone Group (Budleigh Salterton Pebble Beds and Otter Sandstone Formation, unit A, lower part of unit B) has predominantly normal polarity (magnetozones BS1, BS2 and BS3n) with three thin reversed polarity magnetozones. The lower part of unit B to the lower part of unit C of the Otter Sandstone Formation is predominantly reverse polarity (magnetozones BS3r, BS4 and BS5), but includes three short normal polarity intervals. The upper ca. 50 m of unit C shows a mix of normal and reverse polarity (BS6, BS7) with normal dominating. The ca. 15-m-thick unit D is entirely of normal polarity (BS8n). The magnetostratigraphy allows unambiguous comparison with conodont and ammonite calibrated magnetostratigraphies from elsewhere in Europe. These show that the BS2 and BS3n magnetozones of the Otter Sandstone Formation are lower Aegean to middle Pelsonian (lower to middle Anisian). The BS3r to BS5r magnetozone interval, is middle Pelsonian to lower Illyrian (middle to upper Anisian), and the BS6 to BS8n magnetozone interval is middle Illyrian to lower Fassanian. The top of unit D is correlated to an interval in the middle of the Nevadites Zone (close to the Anisian-Ladinian boundary). Consequently, the Otter Sandstone Formation correlates with the Muschelkalk in the Polish Basin, but is equivalent to only part of the Germanic Basin Muschelkalk. The continuous magnetostratigraphy from the Sherwood Sandstone Group, provides additional details of the polarity pattern through the Pelsonian to Illyrian interval, which appears to be lacking in discontinuous marine sections. A synthesis of adjacent European sedimentary basins in combination with the magnetostratigraphy, suggests that the Budleigh Salterton Pebble Beds are probably Late Spathian to lower Aegean.  相似文献   

目的对环渤海区域进行物种多样性的调查研究,通过本研究为这一区域的林蛙保护提供科学依据。方法根据多年来的野外调查,结合已有研究进行分析评估。结果本区域分布林蛙有6种,其中黑龙江林蛙、徂徕林蛙和昆嵛林蛙分布区域狭窄,徂徕林蛙和昆嵛林蛙不仅是中国的特有种,也仅分布于本区域的山东省。林蛙作为重要的自然资源,药用价值巨大,养殖产业不断发展。随着养殖业的发展,林蛙保护问题日显突出。结论环渤海区域是中国林蛙属物种多样性最为丰富的地区,也是东北林蛙养殖的主要地区,应加强保护和合理开发利用。  相似文献   

An extensive study of the ammonoid fauna occurring in the lagoonal facies of a Middle Triassic isolated carbonate platform (Latemar platform, Dolomites, Italy) has been undertaken, and ammonoids from selected coeval successions (Punta Zonia, Marmolada, Rio Sacuz) have been illustrated. Ammonoids from Latemar have been collected in 20 distinct horizons (storm deposits) within the ca. 500 m thick lagoonal succession of the platform, thus providing a biostratigraphy of a series which is unusually expanded for this time interval, close to the Anisian-Ladinian boundary. Contrary to general opinion, some ammonoids of the Latemar and other coeval carbonate platforms of the Dolomites (Marmolada, Cernera), in particular Aplococeras avisianum, Lecanites misanii, Celtites spp., and Paranevadites sp., are also present in nearby basinal series. The same taxa have been found in North American localities deposited at the opposite margin of Panthalassa. The homotaxis of these ammonoids in North America and Latemar allow to establish a global scale correlation between the Southern Alps and North America with the highest resolution to date possible. In the context of this study, Aplococeras transiens n. sp. and Esinoceras nerinae n. sp are established.  相似文献   

A new scanilepiform, Beishanichthys brevicaudalis gen. et sp. nov. , is named and described based on fossils from the Lower Triassic lake deposits exposed in Beishan area, Gansu Province, China. The discovery documents a new record of this group, which is significantly older than other known scanilepiforms from China, and is slightly younger than Evenkia from the Lowest Triassic of Central Siberia. Although the Beishan beds were previously interpreted as Late Permian in age, based on megaplant fossils, this new discovery supports the reinterpretation of the deposits as Early Triassic in age, based on vertebrate fossils from the same locality and horizon. Phylogenetic analysis was conducted to resolve the relationships of Scanilepiformes with other actinopterygian clades, and the inter‐relationships within Scanilepiformes. Contrary to previous thought that scanilepiforms are closely related to the Amiidae, the phylogenetic results of this study recognize the Scanilepiformes as stem‐group neopterygians. Relationships of the Scanilepiformes and Australosomus with other neopterygians remain unresolved. With a characteristic long‐based dorsal fin, scanilepiforms represent a small group that emerged in Early Triassic freshwater environments, inhabited Eurasia and North America during the Middle–Late Triassic, briefly invaded the marine environment by the Late Triassic in Europe, and became extinct at the end of Triassic. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 161 , 595–612.  相似文献   

Alexandrium ostenfeldii is a potentially toxic dinoflagellate that often occurs in coastal areas at high latitudes.Here we report the presence of A.ostenfeldii in the Bohai Sea,China,for the first time.The vegetative cells ofA.ostenfeldii are characterized by a narrow first apical plate and a large ventral pore located on the anterior right side.Partial large subunit sequence comparison revealed that the Chinese strain differs from the Finnish strains at only three positions,and from A.peruvianum of Spain at five positions.Maximum parsimony analysis revealed that A.ostenfeldii from China and Finland and A.peruvianum from Spain grouped together.They were the nearest sister group to a clade with A.ostenfeldii from New Zealand,Europe,and North America.In culture,growth did not occur at temperatures below 9 ℃ and occurred at salinities between 7 and 27 psu.It took 10-20 days for newly formed cysts to mature at 20 ℃.Lower temperature delayed germination,but the germination rate exceeded 90% at temperatures from 12 to 24 ℃.No germination occurred below 9 ℃ after 1 month of incubation.The Chinese strain ofA.ostenfeldii produced neither spirolides nor paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins.  相似文献   

The sediments, overlain by the Middle Jurassic strata in the Wangjia-shan Basin, are a sequence of grey-green sandstones and mudstones and sum more than700 m. It was originally refered to Late Triassic in age. The palynomorph-bearingsamples were collected from the upper part of the sequence in a bore hole. Three sam-ples yielded a, bundant plant microfossils. The sporepollen assemblage consists of 63 species (types) and 51 genera, including 3 new species, namely, Cyclogranisporites callosus, Verrucosisporites wangjiashanensis and Longdongspora jingyuanensis. The component and constituent percentages of palynological assemblage are listedin Tab. 1, in which Pteridophytic spores hold predominant place (67.1%), Gymnospermous pollen reach 32.9%. Among the Pteridophytic spares Punctatisporites (8 forms)plays an important role in assemblage up to 32.3%, followed by Verrucosisporites, Calamospora, Duplexisporites and Apiculatisporis. Besides, Lundbladispora, Kraeuselis-porites and Aratrisporites are represented only by individual specimens. In Gymnospe-rmous pollen Disaccites hold 11.3%, Disaccite striatiti 13.1%, by amplification of Tae-niaesporites reaching 7.2%,others are Piceites, Protoconiferus and Parataeniaesporites.Angustisulcites and Chordasporites are a few in the assemblage. The present assemblage is quite different from the early and upper Triassic paly-nological assemblages of Shan-Gan-Ning Basin, (Qu Li-fan, 1980, 1982) but rather similar to that of the middle Triassic Tongchuan Formation. (Qu Li-fan, 1980; Liu Zhao-sheng et al, 1981) There are 33 genera and 18 species in common between the present assemblage and that of the Tongchuan Formation. Therefore, the present assemblage maybe assigned to the younger age of Middle Triassic. The bearingbed of the spore-pollen assemblage is called the Nanyinger Group. Thisgroup was compared originally with the Yanchang Group of Shan-Gan-Ning Basin, referring to Late Triassic. Based on present data, the Nanyinger Group may include se-diments of younger age of Middle Triassic.  相似文献   

Alexandrium ostenfeldii is a potentially toxic dinoflagellate that often occurs in coastal areas at high latitudes. Here we report the presence of A. ostenfeldii in the Bohai Sea, China, for the first time. The vegetative cells of A. ostenfeldii are characterized by a narrow first apical plate and a large ventral pore located on the anterior right side. Partial large subunit sequence comparison revealed that the Chinese strain differs from the Finnish strains at only three positions, and from A. peruvianum of Spain at five positions. Maximum parsimony analysis revealed that A. ostenfeldii from China and Finland and A. peruvianum from Spain grouped together. They were the nearest sister group to a clade with A. ostenfeldii from New Zealand, Europe, and North America. In culture, growth did not occur at temperatures below 9 °C and occurred at salinities between 7 and 27 psu. It took 10–20 days for newly formed cysts to mature at 20 °C. Lower temperature delayed germination, but the germination rate exceeded 90% at temperatures from 12 to 24 °C. No germination occurred below 9 °C after 1 month of incubation. The Chinese strain of A. ostenfeldii produced neither spirolides nor paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins.  相似文献   

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