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The coexistence of two very similar species, stoat and least weasel, has puzzled many researchers. From their ecology it is expected that they do not coexist, not locally at least, and still they seem to do. We reviewed the specific hypotheses proposed to explain their coexistence and related these to general theories of competitive coexistence. To test these conjectures, we studied the habitat selection of least weasels and stoats on landscape and on local scale. The study was performed during the winters, the most critical season, in years 1986–2001 in northern Norway. Stoats were usually more numerous than least weasels. Stoats showed preference for productive areas both at the landscape and at the habitat scale and appeared stereotypic in their habitat selection. Least weasels were more generalized and flexible in their habitat selection. Contrary to results reported in many studies, least weasel did not react to the presence of stoats and were not excluded from the areas with stoats. We suggest that in the conditions of northernmost Fennoscandia, the two species exhibit a variant of classical competitive coexistence. Both species have a shared preference for rodents, but the access to exclusive alternative prey in stoats allows their coexistence with least weasels, which are more efficient predators on rodents. We suggest that more attention should be paid on survival resources, exploited during times of low resource density, when studying the coexistence between close competitors.  相似文献   

The stoat and the least weasel are specialist predators of small rodents, and therefore their numbers are likely to depend on the availability of voles. These small predators are ecologically alike, but they differ somewhat in their diet. The stoat is larger in size than the least weasel and therefore capable of using a wider variety of prey species, while the least weasel is more restricted to small mammals. Voles in northern Fennoscandia exhibit cyclic dynamics of 3–5 years with large-scale spatial synchrony and geographical trends in cycle length and amplitude. We predicted that the cyclic dynamics of voles are reflected in the dynamics of their predators with slight differences between the stoat and the least weasel. In this study we use snow-tracking data to characterize the dynamics of small mustelids. The data were collected from different parts of Finland using permanent triangle-shaped census routes of 12 km in 1989 to 2003. Population fluctuations of small mustelids were generally multiannually periodic and in synchrony over large areas, but we did not find any clear geographical gradient in the attribute of small mustelid dynamics comparable to those observed in vole population fluctuations. Instead, we found a similar decreasing temporal trend in the abundances of both species as has been recently reported for voles.  相似文献   

The least weasel (Mustela nivalis) is one of the most widely distributed carnivorans. While previous studies have identified distinct western and eastern mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages of the species in the western Palearctic, their broader distributions across the Palearctic have remained unknown. To address the broad-scale phylogeographical structure, we expanded the sampling to populations in Eastern Europe, the Urals, the Russian Far East, and Japan, and analyzed the mtDNA control region and cytochrome b, the final intron of the zinc finger protein on Y chromosome (ZFY), and the autosomal agouti signaling protein gene (ASIP). The mtDNA data analysis exposed the previous western lineage (Clade I) but poorly supported assemblage extending across Palearctic, whereas the previous eastern lineage (Clade II) was reconfirmed and limited in the south western part of the Palearctic. The ZFY phylogeny showed a distinctive split that corresponding to the mtDNA lineage split, although less phylogeographical structure was seen in the ASIP variation. Our data concur with the previous inference of the Black Sea–Caspian Sea area having an ancestral character. The Urals region harbored high mitochondrial diversity, with an estimated coalescent time of around 100,000 years, suggesting this could have been a cryptic refugium. Based on the coalescent-based demographic reconstructions, the expansion of Clade I across the Palearctic was remarkably rapid, while Clade II was relatively stable for a longer time. It seems that Clade II has maintained a constant population size in the temperate region, and the expansive Clade I represents adaptation to the cold regions.  相似文献   

  1. The American mink Neovison vison in Great Britain is an invasive alien species, with significant impacts on native prey species. There have been suggestions that populations of mink in Britain have declined since the 1990s.
  2. Three nationwide data sets include data on mink distribution and abundance. Scat surveys and the National Game Bag Census suggest population declines, but the latter does not take account of survey effort (which may also have declined) and the former is misleading because there is evidence that mink change their marking behaviour in the presence of otters Lutra lutra. National Biodiversity Network data suggest an increase in mink numbers, but this can be explained by a concomitant increase in mammal recording.
  3. Although intra-guild competition between invasive mink and native otters is likely, there is no evidence that otters have caused a decline in mink numbers. There is little information on the impact of disease, or exposure to rodenticides, on wild mink – both warrant further attention. Eradication efforts can have an impact on mink populations, but currently neither implementation nor monitoring is sufficient to generate effects throughout Great Britain or to assess the impact of cumulative local and regional efforts.
  4. We conclude that it is not possible, on the basis of currently available data for Great Britain, to ascertain the status of mink or assess the underlying trend in their population. We stress the importance of collaboration, coordination, and record keeping (and sharing) in future, proper interpretation of existing data, and the use of alternative data sources. We call for greater, and better, effort in both mink management and monitoring of management in Great Britain.

How, and where, a prey species survives predation by a specialist predator during low phases of population fluctuations or a cycle, and how the increase phase of prey population is initiated, are much-debated questions in population and theoretical ecology. The persistence of the prey species could be due mainly to habitats that act as refuges from predation and/or due to anti-predatory behaviour of individuals. We present models for the former conjecture in two (and three) habitat systems with a specialist predator and its favoured prey. The model is based on dispersal of prey between habitats with high reproductive output but high risk of predation, and less productive habitats with relatively low risk of predation. We illustrate the predictions of our model using parameters from one of the most intriguing vertebrate predator–prey systems, the multi-annual population cycles of boreal voles and their predators. We suggest that cyclic population dynamics could result from a sequence of extinction and re–colonization events. Field voles (Microtus agrestis), a key vole species in the system, can be hunted to extinction in their preferred meadow habitat, but persist in sub-optimal wet habitats where their main predator, the least weasel (Mustela nivalis nivalis) has a low hunting efficiency. Re–colonization of favourable habitats would occur after the predator population crashes. At the local scale, the model suggests that the periodicity and amplitude of population cycles can be strongly influenced by the relative availability of risky and safe habitats for the prey. Furthermore, factors like intra-guild predation may lead to reduced predation pressure on field voles in sub-optimal habitats, which would act as a refuge for voles during the low phase of their population cycles. Elasticity analysis suggested that our model is quite robust to changes in most parameters but sensitive to changes in the population dynamics of field voles in the optimal grassland habitat, and to the maximum predation rate of weasels.  相似文献   

For sexual selection to act on a given sex, there must exist variation in the reproductive success of that sex as a result of differential access to mates or fertilisations. The mechanisms and consequences of sexual selection acting on male animals are well documented, but research on sexual selection acting on females has only recently received attention. Controversy still exists over whether sexual selection acts on females in the traditional sense, and over whether to modify the existing definition of sexual selection (to include resource competition) or to invoke alternative mechanisms (usually social selection) to explain selection acting on females in connection with reproduction. However, substantial evidence exists of females bearing characters or exhibiting behaviours that result in differential reproductive success that are analogous to those attributed to sexual selection in males. Here we summarise the literature and provide substantial evidence of female intrasexual competition for access to mates, female intersexual signalling to potential mates, and postcopulatory mechanisms such as competition between eggs for access to sperm and cryptic male allocation. Our review makes clear that sexual selection acts on females and males in similar ways but sometimes to differing extents: the ceiling for the elaboration of costly traits may be lower in females than in males. We predict that current and future research on female sexual selection will provide increasing support for the parsimony and utility of the existing definition of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Timema cristinae is a herbivorous insect that exhibits polymorphism for body coloration (green, red and grey morphs) and for pattern (striped, expressed only in the green morph, and unstriped). The striped green morph is associated with ceanothus ( Ceanothus spinosus ) and the unstriped green morph is associated with chamise ( Adenostoma fasciculatum ). This study examines the relative vulnerabilities to predation of the different pattern and colour morphs on their natural backgrounds. The vulnerabilities of the striped and unstriped morphs on their two food plants were tested using uncaged wild birds (Scrub Jays) and captive western fence lizards. Strong differential predation was observed suggesting that each morph is most cryptic on the food plant on which it is most common. Furthermore, in a mark-recapture experiment in a patch of ceanothus the unstriped and red morphs were recaptured in higher proportion than the other morphs. The vulnerabilities of the grey and green morphs on the ground and foliage were tested using lizards. The grey morph was more vulnerable on the plants than the green morph, but the inverse was observed on the ground (where they drop after a disturbance). This may be why the grey morph is not associated with specific food plants. The striped and colour polymorphisms in T. cristinae appear to be an evolutionary consequence of differential predation on different backgrounds. The implications of differential predation to food-plant utilization are discussed.  相似文献   


A total of 1599 stoats were collected from 14 study areas (including all 10 National Parks) from 1972 to 1976. Samples were larger in summer, and contained more females. Young stoats are born in September-October, and females reach adult weight by the following March, though males not until after August. There was significant geographic variation in the body size of adult stoats sampled: males from lowland podocarp/broadleaved forests averaged 3% smaller than males from upland beech forests in skull length, and 4% smaller in head-and-body length. This pattern was repeated, less clearly, in females and in young (approximately 2–5 months old). In contrast with stoats in Britain, assumed to be still the same size as the colonising stock introduced into New Zealand in 1884 and subsequently, males from lowland podocarp forests were unchanged or possibly smaller, and males from upland beech forests were larger; females were larger in all habitats. In males, the extent of geographic variation is almost as great in New Zealand as in the whole of continental Europe. Possible explanations of this pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

Following Darwin's original insights regarding sexual selection, studies of intrasexual competition have mainly focused on male competition for mates; by contrast, female reproductive competition has received less attention. Here, we review evidence that female mammals compete for both resources and mates in order to secure reproductive benefits. We describe how females compete for resources such as food, nest sites, and protection by means of dominance relationships, territoriality and inter‐group aggression, and by inhibiting the reproduction of other females. We also describe evidence that female mammals compete for mates and consider the ultimate causes of such behaviour, including competition for access to resources provided by mates, sperm limitation and prevention of future resource competition. Our review reveals female competition to be a potentially widespread and significant evolutionary selection pressure among mammals, particularly competition for resources among social species for which most evidence is currently available. We report that female competition is associated with many diverse adaptations, from overtly aggressive behaviour, weaponry, and conspicuous sexual signals to subtle and often complex social behaviour involving olfactory signalling, alliance formation, altruism and spite, and even cases where individuals appear to inhibit their own reproduction. Overall, despite some obvious parallels with male phenotypic traits favoured under sexual selection, it appears that fundamental differences in the reproductive strategies of the sexes (ultimately related to parental investment) commonly lead to contrasting competitive goals and adaptations. Because female adaptations for intrasexual competition are often less conspicuous than those of males, they are generally more challenging to study. In particular, since females often employ competitive strategies that directly influence not only the number but also the quality (survival and reproductive success) of their own offspring, as well as the relative reproductive success of others, a multigenerational view ideally is required to quantify the full extent of variation in female fitness resulting from intrasexual competition. Nonetheless, current evidence indicates that the reproductive success of female mammals can also be highly variable over shorter time scales, with significant reproductive skew related to competitive ability. Whether we choose to describe the outcome of female reproductive competition (competition for mates, for mates controlling resources, or for resources per se) as sexual selection depends on how sexual selection is defined. Considering sexual selection strictly as resulting from differential mating or fertilisation success, the role of female competition for the sperm of preferred (or competitively successful) males appears particularly worthy of more detailed investigation. Broader definitions of sexual selection have recently been proposed to encompass the impact on reproduction of competition for resources other than mates. Although the merits of such definitions are a matter of ongoing debate, our review highlights that understanding the evolutionary causes and consequences of female reproductive competition indeed requires a broader perspective than has traditionally been assumed. We conclude that future research in this field offers much exciting potential to address new and fundamentally important questions relating to social and mating‐system evolution.  相似文献   

Temporal fluctuations in the strength and direction of selection are often proposed as a mechanism that slows down evolution, both over geological and contemporary timescales. Both the prevalence of fluctuating selection and its relevance for evolutionary dynamics remain poorly understood however, especially on contemporary timescales: unbiased empirical estimates of variation in selection are scarce, and the question of how much of the variation in selection translates into variation in genetic change has largely been ignored. Using long‐term individual‐based data for a wild rodent population, we quantify the magnitude of fluctuating selection on body size. Subsequently, we estimate the evolutionary dynamics of size and test for a link between fluctuating selection and evolution. We show that, over the past 11 years, phenotypic selection on body size has fluctuated significantly. However, the strength and direction of genetic change have remained largely constant over the study period; that is, the rate of genetic change was similar in years where selection favoured heavier vs. lighter individuals. This result suggests that over shorter timescales, fluctuating selection does not necessarily translate into fluctuating evolution. Importantly however, individual‐based simulations show that the correlation between fluctuating selection and fluctuating evolution can be obscured by the effect of drift, and that substantially more data are required for a precise and accurate estimate of this correlation. We identify new challenges in measuring the coupling between selection and evolution, and provide methods and guidelines to overcome them.  相似文献   

随着气候变化加剧,中国半干旱区东段发现大量森林衰退现象,威胁到社会生产和环境保护的可持续发展。种群竞争是森林动态的内在驱动因子,当前对该区域森林种群竞争与森林衰退关系的研究尚缺乏足够的依据。选取内蒙古大兴安岭典型森林作为研究对象,依据Hegyi单木竞争指数模型计算个体水平上和样地水平上的竞争指数,利用树木个体树轮指数(TRI)年表作为个体水平上的衰退指标,利用样地年表(TRI)和胸高断面积增量(BAI)来分析样地水平上的衰退指标,探讨不同尺度上森林衰退状况。探讨个体水平上和样地水平上竞争指数与不同尺度上森林衰退指标之间的关系,分析研究区森林衰退的内因特征。主要结论如下:第一,样地年表与树木个体年表所指示的衰退时段基本一致,结合两者的重合结果,可以得出各样地的衰退年份。不同样地的生长衰退时段有重合的现象,个体年表中超过阈值50%的样地的严重衰退时期年份基本在2001-2005年间,而在样地年表中,样地五岔沟林场(L-WCG1)、五岔沟林场大样地(L-WCG2)、乌尔根(L-WRG)在1989年至1997年都出现生长衰退,样地军达盖林场(L-HDG)、L-WCG1、L-WCG2、L-WRG和s根河(L-GH1)衰退重合期在1998-2003年期间。这是由于这一阶段研究区发生了大规模的干旱事件,导致不同地点的树木生长都受到抑制。第二,各样地中树木个体的五年平均相对胸高断面积增量(rBAI5)与个体竞争指数相关的显著性最高,两者的关系可用指数函数方程表达,即rBAI5随着个体水平竞争指数的上升而下降。这说明了竞争指数对于树木生长存在显著的影响。而样地竞争指数与近2年、5年和10年内样地胸高断面积均值(BAI2、BAI5、BAI10)之间的关系不明显。从种群竞争方面研究中国半干旱区东段的森林衰退影响因素,旨在为森林衰退机理研究提供依据,为半干旱区森林资源可持续发展提供支持。  相似文献   

Optimal foraging theory has entered a new phase. It is not so much tested as used. It helps behavioural ecologists discover the nature of the information in an animals brain. It helps population ecologists reveal coefficients of interaction and their patterns of density-dependent variation. And it helps community ecologists examine niche relationships. In our studies on two species of Negev desert gerbil, we have taken advantage of the second and third of these functions. Both these gerbils prefer semi-stabilized dune habitat, and both altered their selective use of this habitat and stabilized sand according to experimental changes we made in their populations. Their changes in selectivity agree with a type of optimal foraging theory called isoleg theory. Isoleg theories provide examples of dipswitch theories – bundles of articulated qualitative predictions – that are easier to falsify than single qualitative predictions. By linking behaviour to population dynamics through isoleg theory, we were able to use the behaviour of the gerbils to reveal the shapes of their competitive isoclines. These have the peculiar non-linear shapes predicted by optimal foraging theory. Finally, when owl predation threatens, the behaviour of Gerbillus allenbyi reveals the shape of their victim isocline. As has long been predicted by predation theory and laboratory experiments, it is unimodal.  相似文献   

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