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Landouria omphalostoma n. sp. is described from northern Yunnan, China. The new species is placed in the genus Landouria Godwin-Austen, 1918 based on the presence of tuberculated flagellum and swollen basal part in the bursa copulatrix, and on the absence of dart sacs and mucous glands. L. omphalostoma n. sp. is characterized by a horizontal aperture of the shell which is unique in the genus. This feature resembles those of only two other camaenid/bradybaenid taxa, species of the Chinese genus Pseudaspasita Möllendorff, 1902 and species of the Japanese genus Coelorus Pilsbry, 1900. This is the first verified record of the genus in China and the easternmost record of Landouria. This paper provides the taxonomic ground work for further studies of the repeated evolution of a horizontal aperture.  相似文献   

美国白蛾Hyphantria cunea原产于北美地区,1979年首次在我国辽宁省丹东地区发现,目前已扩散至江苏省南京市等地区,并有进一步扩散的趋势。由于其寄主范围广,适应能力强,危害严重,因此给我国林业生产造成了重大损失。美国白蛾1~4龄幼虫常聚集危害,4龄后开始破网分散危害。本文旨在探明幼虫密度变化对其生活史参数的影响,为解析美国白蛾种群动态变化规律提供科学依据。于温度25℃±1℃和光周期16 L∶8 D条件下,设置5头、10头、20头、40头和80头幼虫/容器5个密度处理组,待幼虫化蛹和成虫羽化后,分别检测幼虫龄期与成活率、蛹的体型(体长和体宽)与体重及成活率、成虫体型(成虫头幅宽度、前翅长度和后足腿节长度)与寿命及繁殖力等生活史参数。结果表明,幼虫密度增加缩短了幼虫发育历期,同时降低了幼虫成活率。幼虫密度增加对蛹重、蛹长、雌蛹宽度及蛹成活率有明显的负效应,但对雄蛹宽度无显著影响。幼虫密度增加对雌虫头幅宽度、雌虫繁殖力、成虫寿命与卵直径具明显负面影响,对雄虫头幅宽度与雌虫前翅长度无显著影响,对成虫后足腿节长度、雄虫前翅长度则具正面影响。因此,本研究表明幼虫密度对美国白蛾不同阶段的生活史参数具调控作用,其中幼虫密度增加对幼虫成活率、蛹的体型与体重及成活率、雌虫繁殖力与卵直径及成虫寿命的负面影响对其种群适合度可能是不利的;然而,成虫对幼虫密度增加会采取一定的适应策略,高密度条件下羽化的成虫具较长的后足腿节与前翅长度以提高其迁移扩散半径,有助于减轻子代种内竞争压力,进而提高种群适合度。  相似文献   

Reproductive traits of the land snail Helix aspersa Mtiller were investigated under artificial conditions from two samples, one collected from a population exposed to unpredictable human pressures in its natural environment, i.e. a recently created polders area with intensive agriculture, and the other from a snail farm in which animals were reared under constant conditions denned as 'optimal' for growth and reproduction. Results were compared with data collected from natural populations of the same region (Brittany) and from habitats spanning the environmental heterogeneity of the range of the species. A large part of the variation among populations could be explained by different phenotypic covariances between shell size, clutch size and egg size, but not by the number of clutches per snail. Thus, the higher egg production of snails from the polders was related to (i) a strong correlation between clutch size and shell size, shell size being in the upper limit of the overall range for the region concerned; (ii) an uncommonly low egg weight in comparison with the 'norm' of Helix aspersa , this trait seeming to be involved in a trade-off with clutch size. Second clutches were smaller than the first ones, but their eggs were significantly heavier. This difference may be linked to a size-dependent mortality of juveniles during winter which arises in all populations in which hibernation occurs as an adaptation to low temperatures. In addition to the selective regime usually involved for populations of helicid snails from Western Europe, several unpredictable mortality factors occurred in the polders area: herbicide and pesticide treatments (lethal for young snails), human predation (lethal for adults) and burning (letiial for all snails). Life-history patterns of Helix aspersa are discussed in relation to its ability to successfully colonize a large range of habitats modified by humans, to such an extent that it can become a pest.  相似文献   

嘴壶夜蛾的形态、生活史及昼夜节律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯波  胡武新  潘华  杜永均 《昆虫学报》2013,56(12):1440-1451
嘴壶夜蛾Oraesia emarginata (Fabricius)是危害水果果实的重要害虫之一, 其成虫和幼虫取食不同的寄主植物, 可以作为理想的嗅觉研究模式昆虫。为了全面地了解嘴壶夜蛾的形态特性和生物学特性, 本实验通过室内饲喂和红外摄像机观察, 对嘴壶夜蛾各虫态的外部形态、 发育以及昼夜活动节律进行了系统研究。结果表明: 嘴壶夜蛾的各龄幼虫可以通过体色, 体表色斑的类型、 位置和数量, 以及腹足的数量进行区别。通过蛹的生殖孔和成虫触角能够很好地区别雌雄。在室内饲养条件下, 嘴壶夜蛾的寿命为53.18±1.70 d, 存活率为63.62%±2.15%, 其中幼虫的发育历期最长, 存活率最低, 卵的发育历期最短, 存活率最高, 雄成虫的存活时间显著长于雌成虫(P=0.008)。6龄幼虫的发育历期(5.29±0.15 d)显著长于其余各龄幼虫(P<0.001)。同一龄发育中期幼虫的体长和体重显著大于将蜕皮幼虫和刚蜕皮幼虫(P≤0.037); 第2-6龄刚蜕皮幼虫的体重和体长与前一龄发育中期幼虫之间没有显著差异(P≥0.106)。幼虫在光期的孵化、 蜕皮和化蛹比例高于暗期, 而成虫在暗期的飞行、 产卵比例高于光期, 成虫的飞行随着暗期时间的增加而逐渐变少, 光期成虫的飞行主要在开灯之后1 h。成虫交配集中在暗期的第3-5 小时。本研究结果有助于制定有效的嘴壶夜蛾防治措施, 而且为嘴壶夜蛾作为嗅觉研究模式奠定基础。  相似文献   

Habitats are now becoming increasingly fragmented throughout the world due to intense cultivation. As a consequence, populations of some animals with low mobility have become isolated, thus increasing the risk of inbreeding and local extinction. In Britain, weakly flying geometric moths of the genus Epirrita are a good model species with which to test the genetic effects of habitat fragmentation on insect populations. Genetic variation within and between populations of two Epirrita species captured using a network of light traps at two spatial scales (local and national) was assessed using allozyme electrophoresis, with particular reference to the local scale (the 330-ha arable farm estate at Rothamsted, Hertfordshire, in southern Britain). Populations sampled widely in England and Wales displayed low (but statistically significant) levels of genetic differentiation for both species ( F st  = 0.0051–0.0114 and 0.0226 for E. dilutata and E. christyi , respectively). However, analysis of large samples of E. dilutata from four small woods at Rothamsted revealed low ( F st  = 0.0046) but significant differentiation, indicating that gene flow was restricted, even at this very small scale. It was concluded that small intervening patches of farmland (often a few fields width) were enough to prevent genetic homogeneity. The close similarity between more distant Epirrita populations was considered to be a result of historical, rather than recurrent gene flow, as genetic equilibrium between drift and gene flow is unlikely over such scales.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London . Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 467–477.  相似文献   

Abstract. Population size, reproductive timing and habitats, seasonal behaviors, and juvenile activity were assessed in a British Columbia population of the endangered Oregon forestsnail, Allogona townsendiana , over a period of 4 years. Adult snail population size ranged from seven to 47 snails in four × 24-m2 sampling sites. The mating period peaked in March and April; adults aggregated in clusters of eight to 14 snails before mating. Pairs of snails were observed to mate for 225 min or more in close proximity to coarse woody debris and stinging nettle, Urtica dioica. Nesting peaked in April–May and resulted in a mean clutch size of 34 eggs (SD=9). Hatching for two nests occurred at 63 and 64 d after oviposition. Within hours of hatching, juveniles began dispersing from the nest site; by 1 month most had disappeared. Snails tracked with harmonic radar became less active or aestivated from late July to early September and hibernated from early November to mid-March within leaf litter and soil. Preliminary measurements of growth rate indicate this species takes a minimum of 2 years to reach adulthood and has a typical life span of at least 5 years.  相似文献   

长尾麝凤蝶生活史、生命表、生境及保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评价了长尾麝凤蝶Byasa impediens在白水江自然保护区碧峰沟的生存状况,对其实施保护,维持其种群长期生存.通过野外观察、实验地饲养、野外林间样方调查、线路调查等方法,研究了长尾麝凤蝶的生物学特性和自然种群生命表,调查了生境,分析了致危原因,提出了保护措施.长尾麝凤蝶Byasa impediens在白水江自然保护区一年两代,以蛹在灌木或树枝上越冬,翌年4月中旬羽化.第一代成虫5月中下旬为高峰期;第二代成虫高峰期在6月下旬到7月中旬.有世代重叠.雄成虫比雌成虫早羽化7~10d,飞行能力较强,其飞行活动主要受到寻找雌成虫交尾和访花补充营养的影响,主要在沟底活动.雌成虫飞行能力较差,主要在出生地附近访花交尾产卵,飞行活动主要受到寻找寄主植物和访花补充营养的影响.雌雄性比1:4.1.雄成虫寿命平均6.9d,最长26d;雌成虫寿命平均7.6d,最长21d.孕卵量平均为31.5粒.成虫主要的访花蜜源植物有: 合欢Albizzia julibrissin、粉叶羊蹄甲Bauhinia glauca、臭牡丹Clerodendrum bungei、接骨草Sambucus chinensis.异叶马兜铃的生境选择,在本区的分布海拔范围为900~1680m,最适范围为1200~1500m.多分布于山坡丛林内郁闭度小于0.7且林下有灌木分布的林间小路、林窗边缘.郁闭度大于0.8则分布较少.幼虫分布的范围为800~1500m.异叶马兜铃的最适生境即长尾麝凤蝶幼虫的最适生境.影响种群下降的主要原因是生境丧失和退化.生境的破坏、丧失减少了寄主植物的数量和分布范围.毁林开荒、人畜践踏、喷洒除草剂对马兜铃和幼虫生存有重要影响.种群受到密度制约,异常气候条件和天敌是主要限制因子.夏季高温干旱、秋季淫雨降低了卵和幼虫的成活率,寄生蜂降低了越冬蛹的成活率.幼虫期的天敌主要有:蜘蛛、蠼螋、胡蜂、猎蝽、姬蜂、鸟类,蛹期和成虫期的天敌为鸟类.保护措施有:(1)保护和恢复生境,如退耕还林,提供廉价电能、加强保护执法,发展生态旅游等;(2)在异质种群斑块中心部位建一个廊道斑块;(3)在最适生境中,适度的割灌可促进寄主植物的生长,有利于蝶类种群的增长.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In Holomelina lamae Freeman daily eclosion of adults is gated, with males emerging before females. By advancing the onset of photophase and by delaying the onset of scotophase, it was demonstrated that lights-on acts as the main phase-setting cue for calling. Few females call on the day they eclose. Calling is initiated c. 9 h after the onset of photophase in 2-day-old females, and shifts to earlier times in older females. The duration of calling also increases with age. That calling is controlled by an endogenous circadian clock is indicated by its persistence in continuous light (LL) and dark (DD). In LL calling is dampened rapidly, but a single scotophase re-entrains the rhythm. Decreases in temperature advance the onset of calling and the mean hour of calling, while increases in temperature delay both. However, the magnitudes of such phase-shifts depended upon hour of the photoperiod. Moreover, cooling and heating appears to exert both transient and long-term effects on the calling rhythm. An 8 h period at a reduced temperature in LL induces calling in females whose calling is dampened, and entrains the calling rhythm. Females maintained in DD from second instar larvae to the adult stage exhibit a circadian calling rhythm set by eclosion.  相似文献   

This article investigates the biology of Byasa impediens, presenting its life-table data and analyzing its habitat requirements and the key factors threatening the survival of this species. This study also aims to detect specific protection methods to guarantee the long-term survival of Byasa impediens in Baishuijiang Reserve. Byasa impediens is bivoltine in Baishuijiang Reserve. The pupae overwinter on shrubs or on branches of trees. The eclosion of the first generation starts in mid-April. The adults of the first generation emerge in large numbers in mid-late May, and the second generation emerges from late June to mid-July. The two generations overlap. The adult males emerge 7–10 days earlier than the adult females. Their flight behavior is determined by factors such as perching along small rivers and gullies, and visiting flowers. The males are strong fliers. On the contrary, the flying ability of the females is weak; therefore, they just visit flowers, mate, and lay eggs near the natal area. The ratio of female to male is 1:4.1. The maximum lifespan of the males is 26 days, with an average of 6.9 days, whereas the maximum lifespan of the females is 21 days, with an average of 7.6 days. The pregnant eggs per female are 31.5 on average. The incubation period of the first generation is 12–14 days, whereas that of the second generation is 7–9 days. The larvae feed mainly on Aristolochia heterophylla. The larval period of the first generation lasts for 30 days with five instars and that of the second generation lasts for 30–40 days with five or six instars. The pupal period of the first generation begins in early June and lasts for 20–26 days whereas for the second generation, it begins between late July and late September. The adults prefer the following nectar plants: Albizzia julibrissin, Bauhinia glauca, Clerodendrum bungei, and Sambucus chinensis. The plant Aristolochia heterophylla is distributed at an altitude of 900–1680 m, and the most suitable range is 1200–1500 m. The host plants grow mainly along the paths and along the borders of forests where the canopy is rather open and shrubby undergrowth is found. The plant can hardly be found when the canopy density of the forest is greater than 80%. The elevation range most suitable for the larvae is 1200–1500 m. The ideal habitat of host plants also seems to be the ideal habitat of Byasa impediens. The key factors that adversely affect the population of Byasa impediens are loss and deterioration of habitats. The loss and deterioration of the habitats result in a decrease in the numbers of host plants and a more restricted distribution of the potential habitats. The habitat is easily influenced by anthropogenic activities, such as herding, cultivating, and using pesticides, which in turn influences the growth of the host plant Aristolochia heterophylla and the larvae of butterflies. Abnormal climatic conditions and natural enemies are the key factors affecting population density. The hot and dry weather in summer and the heavy rain in autumn considerably reduce the survival rate of eggs and larvae. The ichneumon parasitoids reduce the survival rate of the over-wintering pupae. The primary natural enemies of the larvae include spiders, earwigs, wasps, bugs, and ichneumon parasitoids. Other natural enemies of pupae and adults are birds. The most important conservation measures are preservation and reconstruction of the natural habitat, which includes rebuilding forests, enhancing management, enforcing existing laws, and developing eco-tourism. Creating a core-patch near all patches at a central area is also an important measure for conservation. In the most ideal habitat, appropriate shrub cutting can increase the growth of host plants, thereby promoting expansion of the Byasa impediens population.  相似文献   

The radiation of the endemic Jamaican land snail genus Sagda is examined through analysis of the comparative shell morphology, anatomy, ecology and biogeography of the four species inhabiting north-central Jamaica: S. centralis sp. nov. , S. spei, S. bondi and S. montegoensis. The species are all rather similar in their morphology and ecology. The shells show some differences in the presence or absence of internal lamellae, the position of the lamellae, the form of the depression in the centre of the base, the regularity of sculpture (low ribs) and the pattern of microsculpture. Slight differences in the form of the radular teeth are found between some species. The structure of the secondary ureter is peculiar: in all species it is open shortly behind the mantle collar, then branches into two closed tubes which open separately on the outside of the mantle collar. Despite its great complexity, the reproductive system is rather uniform among species; differences are seen in the number of pockets that form spines on the spermatophore. The complex, three-branched spermatophore is formed within the entire epiphallar branch of the penis, whereas the appendicular branch apparently assumes the copulatory function. When inactive, all species are found associated with rocks or, less commonly, among leaf litter. Activity occurs primarily at night and mostly on leaf litter rather than rocks. The snails eat dead plant material, including a variety of plant species. All species (with the possible exception of S. montegoensis) are ovoviviparous. They overlap broadly in the range of climates occupied. The geographic ranges of the four species are overlapping, although Sagda bondi has a parapatric distribution in relation to the western species S. grandis. Fossil and subfossil evidence shows that shifts in the ranges of the species have occurred in the late Quaternary; Pleistocene-Holocene environmental changes, habitat destruction by man, and possibly other environmental changes during historical times are probably involved. Radiations of other land snail groups on tropical islands have generally produced greater morphological and ecological differentiation than in Sagda. Allopatric or parapatric species distributions appear to be more common in other land snail radiations.  相似文献   

中华虎凤蝶栖息地、生物学和保护现状   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文为1992~1996年期间中华虎凤蝶分布和生物学研究结果的总结。中华虎凤蝶现仅分布在我国中部秦岭山脉和长江中下游一带,栖息地多为次生林,可分为长江中下游低地类型和秦岭山脉高山类型。低地类型的寄主植物为杜衡,人为干扰严重;高山类型的寄主植物为细辛,人为干扰较轻。中华虎凤蝶幼期发生历期和存活受光照、温度、湿度等气候因素影响显著。其种群分布格局属典型的异质种群类型。栖息地丧失和退化及寄主植物的过度人为利用是其持续生存的主要致危因素。其种群现状满足IUCN红色名录等级新标准下列条款:VULNERABLE :A1a, c, d + 2c,应定为易危物种。文中还提出了相应的保护对策和进一步研究的内容。  相似文献   

The larvae ofPlutella xylostella were fed on five wild crucifers,Capsella bursa-pastoris, Lepidium virginicum, Cardamine flexuosa, Rorippa indica, R. islandica and a crop, cabbage. The developmental period of the immature stages, adult longevity, preoviposition period, fecundity and morphometrical characters of the adults were measured. The flight activity of the adults was also measured by the tethered flight method. All the wild plants except forR. islandica were less suitable host plants than cabbage, and larvae which were fed on these less suitable plants emerged as smaller adults with shorter wings. The smaller female adults had lower fecundity but a higher flight activity. Smaller adults measured in terms of their pupal weight among individuals fed on the same host plant had longer wings. These smaller adults with longer wing flew more actively.  相似文献   


The planorbid species that were described by Shuichi (Syuiti) Mori from Japan have long been enigmatic and their taxonomy has been highly confused. This situation is also an impediment to action for the conservation of Japanese planorbids which are one of the most threatened freshwater snail groups in the country. Based on our examination of Shuichi Mori’s collection stored in the Kyoto University Museum, type materials of the taxa described by him are re-illustrated and re-examined for the first time. Our examination suggested that Gyraulus amplificatus (Mori, 1938) is not a morphological form of Gyraulus biwaensis but a distinct species. Gyraulus pulcher (Mori, 1938) can be regarded as a junior synonym of Gyraulus chinensis.  相似文献   

The control of pests in Eucalyptus is complex. Due to this complexity, alternative control methods have been proposed, namely biological control through use of parasitoids. Trichospilus diatraeae is a pupal parasitoid that preferentially attacks species of the order Lepidoptera. This is the first report of T. diatraeae parasitising Eupseudosoma aberrans under lab conditions in Brazil.  相似文献   

内蒙古巴彦淖尔地区向日葵螟的种群动态与生活史   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了制定科学、有效的向日葵螟Homoeosoma nebulellum Denis et Schiffermüller(鳞翅目:螟蛾科)测报和防治对策,通过野外调查和室内饲养观察对内蒙古巴彦淖尔地区向日葵螟的发生为害规律及生活史进行了研究。结果表明:当地向日葵螟的寄主有菊科的向日葵Helianthus annuus L.、茼蒿Chrysanthemum coronarium Mill.、刺儿菜Cephalanoplos segetum(Beg.) Kitam和苣荬菜Sonchus brachyotus DC.,其中苣荬菜作为向日葵螟的寄主在我国是首次报道。应用性信息素监测结合田间调查的结果表明,当地向日葵螟一年发生2代,其中越冬幼虫4月下旬开始化蛹,5月中旬开始羽化,但此时羽化的成虫由于缺乏开花寄主而无法产卵为害。第1代幼虫在6月末为害茼蒿、7月下旬开始为害开花的向日葵。第1代幼虫于7月下旬开始羽化产卵形成第2代,其中有9.2%的老熟幼虫直接滞育越冬。第2代幼虫自8月中旬起为害晚开花的向日葵,9月中旬老熟后陆续入土越冬,至10月上旬收获时仍有30.0%的幼虫未老熟而随收获的葵花盘转至筛选出的杂质中越冬。在24℃,RH 70%和L16∶D8光照条件下测定第2代向日葵螟卵、幼虫和蛹的发育历期分别为4.2、15.9和11.1 d,雌、雄蛾寿命分别为14.9 d和15.1 d.综合观察结果,绘制了巴彦淖尔地区向日葵螟的生活史表。  相似文献   

新侵入害虫蔗扁蛾生活史   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
蔗扁蛾Opogona sacchari (Bojer)是一种新传入我国的危险性外来害虫。在温度25.71±2.71℃和相对湿度(74.95±5.02)%的条件下,完成一个世代需要66~135天,全年约可发生4代。幼虫期是历史时最长的虫态,需要37~75天,共7龄,是该虫的为害虫期。成虫的交配和产卵需要一定的空间,产卵量为253.05±65.18 (n=20) 。  相似文献   

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