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The endemic New Zealand genus Eulimnia and its two species are redescribed. Data are presented on the life cycle of E. philpotti Tonnoir & Malloch, and the habitat, geographical distribution, phenology, and biological features of adults and immature stages are discussed. Adults are found in permanently wet marshes, where the larvae prey on fingernail clams (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae) while completely submerged. Mature larvae form puparia among vegetation or debris above the water level. The immature stages of E. philpotti are described. The genus is placed in tribe Tetanocerini, and its taxonomic position is discussed.  相似文献   


Biological features of adults and immature stages of Helosciomyza subalpina Tonnoir & Malloch are discussed. Information on habitat, geographical distribution, larval behaviour and feeding habits, natural enemies, and phenology are presented. The species is found in marshy areas in the South Island and on the Chatham Islands. In the laboratory, newly hatched larvae feed on a variety of freshly killed insects, and apparently lap up liquids from the integument of live ant larvae. Older fly larvae feed on decaying as well as freshly killed insects, and are overt predators of ant larvae. In the field, fly larvae and puparia have been found in association with ant nests; many puparia have also been found well away from ant nests. The egg, three larval instars, and the puparium are described. The taxonomic position of the Helosciomyzidae is discussed in the light of these new data on biology and morphology.  相似文献   


Cladistic analysis of Coenosiini (Diptera: Muscidae: Coenosiinae)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The phylogenetic relationships among world genera of Coenosiini (Diptera: Muscidae: Coenosiinae) were investigated using parsimony. The analysis involved forty‐six ingroup terminal taxa, representing 100% of the genera currently assigned to this tribe, three outgroups and sixty‐seven adult male and female morphological characters. The monophyly of Coenosiini is confirmed by the position of the three katepisternal bristles, equidistant from each other and placed at the points of an equilateral triangle. Genera Andersonosia, Agenamyia, Anthocoenosia, Drepanocnemis, Pachyceramyia and Rhabdotoptera are removed from Coenosiini and temporarily placed in Limnophorini. The other genera fall into two groups: the Lispocephala‐group, comprised of genera with mainly Old World species and the Nearctic genus Pentacricia; and the Coenosia‐group, with the highest level of generic diversity in South America. Each group is defined by synapomorphies of its constituent genera: Lispocephala‐group by the presence of a posteroventral apical seta on the hind tibia, the presence of two arms in male sternite 6 (not forming a ring) and the short or very short female ovipositor; the Coenosia‐group by the presence of a developed epiproct and narrow sternites 6 and 7 of the female ovipositor. The following new generic synonymies are proposed (junior synonyms in parentheses): Lispocephala Pokorny (=Pectiniseta Stein), Coenosia Meigen (=Tenuicosta Stein; Dexiopsis Pokorny), Neodexiopsis Malloch (=Haroldopsis Albuquerque), Pilispina Albuquerque (=Levallonia Albuquerque; Noelia Albuquerque; Parvomusca Medeiros; Cholomyioides Albuquerque), Apsil Malloch (=Raymondomyia Malloch), Stomopogon Malloch (=Angolia Malloch; Angolina Pont) and Pygophora Schiner (=Chouicoenosia Cui & Xue).  相似文献   


A new diagnosis of Austrothaumalea Tonnoir is given. The male and female of A. neozealandica are redescribed, and the larva and pupa are described for the first time.  相似文献   


Eleven species of slug introduced into the New Zealand fauna are discussed: Testacellidae - Testacella haliotidea Draparnaud, 1801 (T. vagans Hutton, 1882 n.syn.); Arionidae - Arion intermedius (Normand, 1852), A. hortensis Férussac, 1819 (A. incommodus Hutton, 1879 n.syn.); Milacidae - Milax gagates (Draparnaud, 1801), M. budapestensis (Hazay, 1881), M. sowerbyi (Férussac, 1823); Limacidae - Deroceras reticulatum (Müller, 1774) (Limax molestus Hutton, 1879 n.syn.), D. panormitanum (Lessona & Pollonera, 1882), Limax maximus Linnaeus, 1758, Lehmannia flava (Linnaeus, 1758), L. nyctelia (Bourguignet, 1861). Of these, T. haliotidea, M. budapestensis, M. sowerbyi, D. panormitanum, and L. nyctelia are recorded from New Zealand for the first time. A key for the identification of these species is provided. Species thought to be doubtfully established are discussed, and a list is given of recent interceptions at New Zealand ports.  相似文献   

The monophyly and phylogenetic relationships within the species rich Sciophilini (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) were analysed, based on 96 adult morphological characters. The cladistic analysis included 80 Sciophilini exemplar species (representing all but 1 of the 36 genera placed previously in the Sciophilini) and 11 outgroup taxa of other mycetophilid tribes. The monophyly of Sciophilini was supported in the parsimony analysis by four synapomorphies. The tribe now contains 34 genera: Acnemia Winnertz, Acomoptera Vockeroth, Adicroneura Vockeroth, Afrocnemia Matile, Allocotocera Mik, Anaclileia Meunier, Aneura Marshall, Austrosciophila Tonnoir, Azana Walker, Baeopterogyna Vockeroth, Cluzobra Edwards, Drepanocercus Vockeroth, Duretophragma Borkent gen.n. , Eudicrana Loew, Leptomorphus Curtis, Loicia Vockeroth, Megalopelma Enderlein, Monoclona Mik, Morganiella Tonnoir & Edwards, Neoallocotocera Tonnoir, Neoaphelomera Miller, Neotrizygia Tonnoir & Edwards, Neuratelia Rondani, Paramorganiella Tonnoir, Paratinia Mik, Paratrizygia Tonnoir, Parvicellula Marshall, Phthinia Winnertz, Polylepta Winnertz, Sciophila Meigen, Stenophragma Skuse, Tasmanina Tonnoir, Taxicnemis Tonnoir & Edwards, and Trizygia Skuse. Four genera placed previously in Sciophilini (Coelophthinia Edwards, Impleta Plassmann, Speolepta Edwards and Syntemna Winnertz) are transferred to the Gnoristini. Neoneurotelia Shinji and Neoparatinia Shinji are considered nomina dubia . Diagnoses are given for all genera in the tribe. Duretophragma gen.n. is described for the following species (all of which are comb.n. ): Duretophragma andina (Duret), Duretophragma argentina (Duret), Duretophragma glabanum (Johannsen), Duretophragma fusca (Edwards), Duretophragma humeralis (Edwards), Duretophragma intermedia (Edwards), Duretophragma longifurcata (Freeman) (type species), Duretophragma morigenea (Edwards), Duretophragma naumanni (Duret), Duretophragma nigricauda (Edwards), Duretophragma obscura (Duret), Duretophragma ochracea (Freeman), Duretophragma pleuralis (Edwards) and Duretophragma similis (Johannsen). Other new generic combinations include: Trizygia albidens (Oliveira & Amorim) comb.n. , Trizygia alvesi (Oliveira & Amorim) comb.n. , Trizygia balbi (Oliveira & Amorim) comb.n. , Trizygia camargoi (Oliveira & Amorim) comb.n. and Afrocnemia stellamicans (Chandler) comb.n .  相似文献   

Review of the Australian kelp flies Diptera: Coelopidae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The morphology of the Coelopidae is considered, particularly in relation to taxonomic characters, terminology, and sexual di morphism. Taxonomic relationships and family limits are discussed; the Coelopidae appear to be most closely related to the families Helcomyzidae and Dryomyzidae of the superfamily Sciomyzoidea. The following genera are excluded from the Coelopidae: Listriomastax and Apetaenus (Tethinidae), Orygma (Sepsidae), Heterocheila (or Oedoparea, position doubtful). The position of the genera Malacomyia, Baeopterus and Icaridion in the Coelopidae is confirmed. The Coe lopidae are divided into two subfamilies, Lopinae subfam.n. and Coe-lopinae. The Coelopinae include four tribes: Glumini trib.n., Coelopini, Coelopellini trib.n., Ammini trib.n. The following genera and species are described as new: Lopa, Gluma, Rhis, This, Amma, Lopa convexa, Gluma keyzeri, G.nitida, G.musgravei, Rhis whitleyi, This canus, Coe-lopella popeae, Amma blancheae. The subgenera Fucomyia and Neo-coelopa of the genus Coelopa are rejected as invalid. Chaetocoelopa huttoni Harrison (1959) is a new synonym of Chaetocoelopa littoralis (Hutton, 1881). Coelopa palauensis Hardy (1957) is a new synonym of C.alluaudi Seguy (1941), which is recorded from Australia for the first time. Coelopa africana Malloch (1933a) is a new synonym of C.ursina (Wiedemann, 1824) from southern Africa. Keys are provided to supra-generic groupings of Coelopidae, to the Australasian genera, and to the species of Chaetocoelopa, Coelopella, Gluma and Icaridion. Information on the biology and ecology of Coelopidae is summarized, and additional data on Australian species are recorded. Coelopids are among the most significant organisms recycling stranded kelp, because of their often enormous biomass. Their activities can be detrimental to sea-side recreation. Parasitism by Stigmatomyces sp. (Ascomycetes: Laboulbeniales) is recorded for several coelopid species. The distribution patterns of coelopid taxa are discussed.  相似文献   

A novel representative of the yeast genus Pichia which has been isolated from the intestinal tract of the fly Scaptomyza multispinosa Malloch, (species of Chilian diptera frequenting meadows where Ranunculus repens L. are abundant), is described and illustrated. The strain differs from all accepted Pichia species (1–11) to warrant its establishment as a new species: Pichia scaptomyzae sp. nov.  相似文献   

Zingiber pauciflorum L.Bai, ?korni?k., D.Z.Li & N.H.Xia (Zingibereae, Zingiberaceae), a new species from southern Yunnan, China, is described and colour plates are provided. It belongs to Z . sect. Cryptanthium Horan. and is compared with three similar species, namely Z. tenuifolium L.Bai, ?korni?k. & N.H.Xia, Z. smilesianum Craib and Z. yunnanense S.Q.Tong & X.Z.Liu. A colour plate of the most similar species, Z. smilesianum is also provided for comparison.  相似文献   

Zingiber leucochilum L.Bai, ?korni?k. & N.H.Xia (Zingibereae, Zingiberaceae), a new species from southeastern Sichuan, China, is described and illustrated with a colour plate. Notes on ecology, distribution and a preliminary IUCN conservation assessment are also provided. The new species is assigned to Z . sect. Cryptanthium Horan. and compared to five morphologically similar species from China which share the characteristic well‐elongated and running rhizome, namely, Z. emeiense Z.Y.Zhu, Z. leptorrhizum D.Fang, Z. pauciflorum L.Bai, ?korni?k., D.Z.Li & N.H.Xia, Z. smilesianum Craib and Z. yunnanense S.Q.Tong & X.Z.Liu. A key to the above six species is provided and their distributions are mapped.  相似文献   


A taxonomic study of midges collected in the subantarctic islands of New Zealand yielded 22 species of Chironomidae and 4 of Ceratopogonidae. Only four of the chironomids occur elsewhere, three on ‘mainland’ New Zealand and one on The Snares islands. Of the 15 species found on the Auckland Islands, 11 on Campbell Island, and 5 on the Antipodes Islands, respectively 9, 4, and 2 are endemic. Nine new species are proposed in existing genera: Parochlus rennelli, P. reductus, P. gressitti, P. brevis, Telmatogeton antipodensis, Eukiefferiella heveli, Cricotopus aucklandensis, Chironomus antipodensis, and C. subantarcticus. Gressittius n.gen. is proposed for Corethra antarctica Hudson (type-species). Semiocladius n.gen. is proposed for Camptocladius crassipennis Skuse, and S. kuscheli n.sp. is described. Eight further new genera are proposed, with the following new species as type-species: Kuschelius dentifer, Mecaorus elongatus, Pterosis wisei, Hevelius carinatus, Gynnidocladius pilulus, Nesiocladius gressitti, Nakataia cisdentifer, and Maryella reducta. Genera Halirytus Eaton and Psamathiomya Deby are synonymised with Telmatogeton Schiner. Gressittius antarcticus (Hudson), Ablabesmyia mala (Hutton), Telmatogeton magellanicus (Jacobs), T. amphibius (Eaton), T. macquariensis (Brundin), Semiocladius crassipennis (Skuse), S. endocladiae (Tokunaga), and Calopsectra funebris (Freeman) are new combinations. Of the ceratopogonids, only one species occurs elsewhere in New Zealand. Three species, only one of them endemic, were found on the Auckland Islands; two were found on Campbell, of which only one is endemic. Forcipomyia kuscheli and Dasyhelea aucklandensis are proposed as new species.  相似文献   

Four unusual Apiotrichum, isolated from decayed wood of Eucryphia cordifolia Cav., Nothofagus obliqua (Mirb.) Blume, and Laurelia sempervirens Wein., one of which was also isolated from the intestinal tract of Scaptomyza multispinosa Malloch (Diptera), are described and illustrated. These species differ from all the accepted Apiotrichum species (1–3) to warrant their establishment as four new species: Apiotrichum eucryphiae, Apiotrichum osvaldii, Apiotrichum futronensis and Apiotrichum nothofagi.  相似文献   


Nesomachilis Tillyard and its type-species N. maorica (Tillyard) are redescribed, the latter from a topotypical paratype. N. blumi (Irian Jaya), N. howensis (Lord Howe Island), AT. novaecaledoniae (New Caledonia), N. queenslandica, N. tamborino, and N. watsoni (Australia) are described as new species. Structures diagnostic of the genus are discussed, and a key to species is given.  相似文献   

云南省可培养丝孢真菌资源的调查研究(Ⅳ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道裸胞壳属和新萨托菌属的如下8个种:四脊裸胞壳、褶皱裸胞壳、费希新萨托菌、光滑新萨托菌、刺孢新萨托菌、宽脊新萨托菌、浅黄新萨托菌和四绕新萨托菌。其中,后面的3个种是我国的新记录种,并有详细的描述、线条图和子囊孢子的扫描照片。  相似文献   

Confirmatory, corrective and new chromosome counts are listed for species in the genus Cheilanthes, and a new chromosome count is given for a member of the genus Aspidotis. An analysis of five collections of C. castanea revealed no significant morphological differences despite the different chromosome numbers. The ploidy level of all known species in genera of the Sinopteridaceae is summarized, revealing directions in which future research might proceed to complete our cytological knowledge of this family.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the nectary structure and nectar presentation of two species belonging to different sections of the genus Aloe: A. castanea (Anguialoe) and A. greatheadii var. davyana (Pictae). The development of the nectary was studied by means of bright field and fluorescence light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in three flower stages (young, intermediate, old). Both species have septal nectaries. In A. castanea, a subsidiary tissue, not present in A. greatheadii var. davyana, was found beneath the nectary epithelium. This tissue accumulated starch that was hydrolyzed during secretion. Starch was slightly accumulated around the nectary in A. greatheadii var. davyana. The distribution of chlorophyll in the ovary was also different in the two species. These anatomical differences are not, however, correlated with greater nectar production in A. castanea. In this species, the nectary seems to degenerate after secretion, while in A. greatheadii var. davyana no sign of degeneration was observed. Differences in nectar presentation among the two species may account for different pollinators visiting their flowers.  相似文献   

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