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The sex pheromones of two endemic New Zealand tortricid species were investigated. Females of the first species, Cnephasia jactatana, a pest of kiwifruit, were found to produce (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (Z11-14:OAc) in their sex pheromone gland. When tested in the field, this compound on its own elicited significant catches of male C. jactatana. However, the addition of even very small amounts (0.3%) of the geometric isomer, (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (E11-14:OAc), to Z 11-14:OAc virtually suppressed trap catches. The sex pheromone of the second species, Merophyas leucaniana, was found to consist of a mixture of Z11-14:OAc, E11-14:OAc, tetradecyl acetate, and (Z)-11-tetradecenol. This species is morphologically very similar to the congeneric species, M. divulsana, the Australian lucerne leafroller. The sex pheromone of M. leucaniana is also very similar to that of the so-called “Z-type” of M. divulsana, which is now found in New Zealand. The pheromone components of C. jactatana and M. leucaniana are discussed in relation to those found in other tortricids.  相似文献   


The 558 prey items brought home by one domestic cat, recorded over its 17‐year lifetime, included 221 mice, 63 rats, 35 rabbits, 4 hares and 2 weasels. The cat hunted up to 600 m from the house, and prey was caught both inside and outside the 0.5 ha garden. Of the 223 birds brought in, 54 were native, including 43 silvereyes (Zosterops lateralis), but those killed were quickly replaced, so there was always a resident population of 1–2 pairs. The other known native birds comprised five fantails (Rhipidura fuliginosa), four warblers (Gerygone igata), a kingfisher (Halcyon sancta), and a shining cuckoo (Chrysococcyx lucidus). Only nine skinks (Cyclodina aenea) and one frog (Litoria raniformis) were brought in. The abundance of birds and reptiles in the garden showed no apparent change over the 17 years compared with the previous 15‐year‐period without a cat. By contrast, the cat exterminated the rabbit population in the garden, and “farmed” surrounding burrows during its whole life; all other prey killed declined in frequency after the cat was 8–9 years old.  相似文献   

The Tabby markings of the domestic cat are unique coat patterns for which no causative candidate gene has been inferred from other mammals. In this study, a genome scan was performed on a large pedigree of cats that segregated for Tabby coat markings, specifically for the Abyssinian (Ta-) and blotched (tbtb) phenotypes. There was linkage between the Tabby locus and eight markers on cat chromosome B1. The most significant linkage was between marker FCA700 and Tabby (Z = 7.56, theta = 0.03). Two additional markers in the region supported linkage, although not with significant LOD scores. Pairwise analysis of the markers supported the published genetic map of the cat, although additional meioses are required to refine the region. The linked markers cover a 17-cM region and flank an evolutionary breakpoint, suggesting that the Tabby gene has a homologue on either human chromosome 4 or 8. Alternatively, Tabby could be a unique locus in cats.  相似文献   

Abstract While it is undeniable that owned domestic cats Felis catus (Mammalia: Felidae) kill large numbers of wildlife, it is contentious if this has significant impacts on wildlife populations. Under the precautionary principle such uncertainty does not preclude measures to reduce putative risk, but action should follow consultation with stakeholders. To initiate such consultation for the City of Armadale, Western Australia, we surveyed urban and rural residents to determine their opinions regarding putative impacts of owned cats on wildlife and the acceptability of proposed regulations. Key statements accepted by 70% or more of respondents, irrespective of their residence, gender or cat ownership status, included: (i) there is a need to regulate owned domestic cats; (ii) the presence of cats in nature reserves is harmful to wildlife; (iii) cats not owned by licensed breeders should be desexed; and (iv) local councils should be empowered to restrict the maximum number of cats per household. Seventy per cent or more of owners agreed to keep their cats on their property from sunset to sunrise and to register them if these measures became compulsory. All groups except urban men also indicated 70% or greater willingness to keep their cats on their property constantly if required. However, fewer than 40% of owners supported empowering local councils to enforce cat‐free zones. In this community, cat regulation excluding cat‐free zones should enjoy support. Similar approaches should be effective wherever the environmental impacts of owned domestic cats are debated, because compliance with such regulations should be high.  相似文献   

Linking temporal variations of genetic diversity, including allelic richness and heterozygosity, and spatio-temporal fluctuations in population abundance has emerged as an important tool for understanding demographic and evolutionary processes in natural populations. This so-called genetic monitoring was conducted across 12 consecutive years (1996-2007) at three sites for the feral cat, introduced onto the Kerguelen archipelago fifty years ago. Temporal changes in allelic richness and heterozygosity at 18 microsatellite DNA loci were compared with temporal changes in the adult population abundance index, obtained by typical demographic monitoring. No association was found at the island spatial scale, but we observed an association between genetic diversity and adult population indices from year to year within each study site. More particularly, the magnitude of successive increases or decreases in the adult population abundance index appeared to be the major factor linking the trajectories of genetic diversity and adult population abundance indices. Natal dispersal and/or local recruitment, both facilitated by high juvenile survival when the adult population size is small, is proposed as the major demographic processes contributing to such an observed pattern. Finally, we suggested avoiding the use of the harmonic mean as an estimator of long-term population size to study the relationships between demographic fluctuations and heterozygosity in populations characterized by strong multiannual density fluctuations.  相似文献   


This note documents unusual predation of southern royal albatrosses Diomedea epomophora on land by an individual New Zealand sea lion Phocarctos hookeri. During a survey of albatross nests on Campbell Island in the New Zealand sub‐antarctic in January 2005, 128 corpses of adult albatrosses were found at or near nests within a 230 ha area. Flattened vegetation and flipper prints near the nests suggested sea lion predation, and subsequently a male sea lion was found near a line of freshly killed birds. The predation rate was estimated to be at least seven birds per day over a number of weeks; similar skeletal remains from the previous year were observed in a neighbouring area. The impact of one threatened species on another can be a dilemma for conservation managers. In this case, apparently only one male sea lion was involved and, because of the ongoing impact to the albatross population, permission was obtained to cull that individual on 17 January 2005. No further incidents were observed over the following three seasons (2006–08).  相似文献   


Neothyris lentieularis, Terebratella sanguinea, and T. ineonspicua occur as both attached and free-lying populations; Liothyrella neozelaniea and Nolosaria nigrieans assume the attached habilt only. Attached individuals of these: five species examined in situ were consistently oriented with the dDrsail valve next to, the substralte; preferred orientations to other axes (right-left and anterior-posterior) were not evident. Free-lying individuals of T. ineonspicua and T. sanguinea were randomly oriented wi1th regard to both axes, but free-lying N. lenticularis showed a preference for lying on the dorsal valve. The position of N. lenticularis relative to the anterior-posterior axis Couid apparently be influenced by the strength of water currents. Neothyris compressa was not observed in situ, but free-lying individuals in an aquarium oriented actively to strong currents. Use of the terms ‘free-lying’ and ‘attached’,is examined in rellation to fossil and living popuhlltions.  相似文献   


We report data on the stomach contents of the long‐finned pilot whale, Globicephala melas, recovered from a group of whales stranded on Ruakaka Beach, northeastern New Zealand, in November 2006. In nine whales for which identifiable stomach contents were recovered (three that stranded on 10 November and six that stranded on 11 November) prey remains comprised exclusively cephalopod beaks attributed to five squid species. The stomachs of a further two whales contained unidentifiable upper beaks only, while the stomachs of five whales were completely empty. No whale appeared to have been satiated immediately before stranding, given that the maximum biomass of prey recently consumed by any one whale was calculated to be <5 kg. All squids ingested represented oceanic species, found from 50 to 1000 m but more common towards the deeper end of this range. These data both complement and contrast with the only other dietary information available for this species in New Zealand waters, reported from stomach contents of whales stranded on Farewell Spit, South Island in December 2005.  相似文献   

In this work, further structural investigations on the 8-amino-2-phenyl-6-aryl-1,2,4-triazolo[4,3-a]pyrazin-3-one series were carried out to achieve potent and selective human A2A adenosine receptor (AR) antagonists. Different ether and amide moieties were attached at the para-position of the 6-phenyl ring, thus leading to compounds 19 and 1018, respectively. Most of these moieties contained terminal basic rings (pyrrolidine, morpholine, piperidine and substituted piperazines) which were thought to confer good physicochemical and drug-like properties.Compounds 1116, bearing the amide linker, possessed high affinity and selectivity for the hA2A AR (Ki = 3.6–11.8 nM). Also derivatives 19, featuring an ether linker, preferentially targeted the hA2A AR but with lower affinity, compared to those of the relative amide compounds. Docking studies, carried out at the hA2A AR binding site, highlighted some crucial ligand-receptor interactions, particularly those provided by the appended substituent whose nature deeply affected hA2A AR affinity.  相似文献   

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