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A sample of 261 Ctenotus taeniolatus revealed that this species of skink is principally insectivorous, the most common foods being lepidopteran and coleopteran larvae, orthopterans and formicids. The occurrence of these foods in the diet followed seasonal patterns. The prey of adults and juveniles did not differ qualitatively, although adults were capable of eating a greater diversity of prey sizes than juveniles. Lizards used both sit-and-wait and active foraging strategies, with adults and juveniles exhibiting these behaviours in different ratios.  相似文献   

Synopsis A study was made of the food habits and foraging behaviour of coexisting benthivorous cichlid fishes along the rocky northwestern coast of Lake Tanganyika. The five group-foraging species regularly found in the study area,Gnathochromis pfefferi, Lamprologus callipterus, Altolamprologus compressiceps, Lepidiolamprologus elongatus andLobochilotes labiatus, have different foraging techniques, although all eat shrimps (family Atyidae). Individuals of each species allow potential food-competitors to forage within its foraging area, increasing its own chances of finding shrimps disturbed by the foraging action of such competitors. In these five shrimp-eating species, group foraging thus occurs in a mutualistic context. A super-abundance of shrimps may allow the coexistence of shrimp-eaters with different foraging techniques, and furthermore, their coexistence itself may promote cooperative group-foraging among them. Three benthivorous cichlids,Neolamprologus mondabu, N. tretocephalus andN. leleupi, were indifferent to, or excluded, the group foraging species because these three individual-foraging species exploit different food items or employ similar foraging techniques to the group-foraging species.  相似文献   

We observed mixed groups of dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) and grey-headed juncos (Junco caniceps) at baited sites in northern Arizona during the non-breeding season. In interspecific and inter-racial conflicts, J. caniceps dorsalis was dominant to J. caniceps caniceps and to two races of dark-eyed juncos. Junco caniceps dorsalis also fed significantly faster than any of the other juncos. For both species, feeding rates were approximately the same in large and small mixed-species groups, though in larger groups, individual grey-headed juncos won conflicts at a higher rate and individual dark-eyed juncos lost conflicts at a higher rate. Also, dark-eyed juncos fed at a significantly lower rate in groups comprised mostly of grey-headed juncos than in groups of similar size but composed mostly of conspecifics. Residency times and recapture probabilities were similar for the two species, suggesting little difference in over-winter survival.  相似文献   

Optimizing foraging behaviour through learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Manifestation of life-history strategy is through the allocation of resources acquired by foraging. Foraging efficiency can be improved by learning, as fishes adjust their behaviour to changing circumstances. We briefly review the influence of learning on the foraging behaviour of fishes and make recommendations for further research. We stress the importance of quantifying learning and memory in relation to ontogeny and life history.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of variance in reward volume on choice behaviour of honeybees, Apis mellifera carnica, by training bees to collect sucrose solution from four newly developed artificial feeders. The feeders were electromechanical devices, each controlled by a microprocessor, which monitored the experiments, controlled reward delivery and stored the data. The parameters that varied between the feeders were the amount and variance of reward. The four feeders were arranged in two pairs, with the two feeders in each pair set to the same reward parameters. Constant feeders offered a fixed amount of sucrose solution at each bee visit; variable feeders offered a normally distributed reward with a standard deviation equal to the mean. We tested three reward combinations under two variance conditions. The bees matched their choice frequencies to the mean amount of reward. This applied both to the constant and the variable feeders. Thus the bees were able to discriminate feeders by the amount of reward and were able to estimate the mean reward for the variable flowers. The proportion of immediate returns to the same feeder increased with the amount of sucrose solution imbibed at each visit, indicating that bees were able to perceive the amount of reward at each visit. However, there was no influence of variance on the choice behaviour of the bees, ruling out the possibility that bees are risk sensitive under these conditions. We discuss risk indifference in choice behaviour of bees in the context of several models of risk sensitivity. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Wing size and shape, expressed as wing loading and aspect ratio respectively, together with bill morphology are parameters that can reveal differences related to the foraging ecology of seabirds. Six species of booby (Sulidae) that inhabit the Pacific are the focus of this study: four mainly pelagic species, Masked Booby Sula dactylatra, Nazca Booby Sula granti, Red‐footed Booby Sula sula and Brown Booby Sula leucogaster, and two coastal species, Blue‐footed Booby Sula nebouxii and Peruvian Booby Sula variegata. Pelagic boobies showed segregation among species in body mass and relative bill size, and they differed in wing morphology (wing loading and aspect ratio) from the coastal boobies. The coastal Peruvian and Blue‐footed Boobies are largely allopatric but overlap in northern Peru. In their area of sympatry, they showed evidence of character displacement in body size and in wing and bill morphology, which suggests that competition plays an important role in sympatry. This study improves our understanding of ecological interactions among Pacific boobies and of how selective pressures have shaped their ecomorphology and foraging behaviours.  相似文献   

Because of their small size and expensive mode of flight, hummingbirds display some of the highest known mass-specific rates of aerobic metabolism among vertebrates. High enzymatic flux capacities through pathways of carbohydrate and long-chain fatty acid oxidation indicate that either substrate can fuel flight. Although hummingbirds are known to rely on fat to fuel migratory flight, short foraging bouts are fueled by the oxidation of carbohydrate, not fat. This allows birds refueling at meadows during migration to deposit fat at higher rates and avoids the energetic inefficiency that results from synthesizing fat from dietary sugar, and then breaking down the fat to fuel foraging flight. On cold mornings in subalpine meadows, refueling hummingbirds achieve net energy gain despite the high energetic costs of thermoregulation and flight. In doing so, they sustain the highest known time-averaged metabolic rates among vertebrates. However, low sucrose concentrations, provided in volumes large enough to allow the maintenance of energy balance at low temperature, result in energy deficit and mass loss. The problem of disposing of dietary water at low ambient temperature when intake rates are elevated suggests that the kidneys may be involved in establishing the upper limit to intake rates and, therefore, maximum sustained metabolic rates. It is suggested that hummingbird behaviour and metabolism have coevolved to maximize net energy gain. Further, the energetics of hummingbird thermoregulation and flight may have influenced the evolution of sucrose content in floral nectar.  相似文献   

Pandora neoaphidis is an aphid-specific entomopathogen that produces infective conidia. As aphid movement increases, so does the likelihood of contact with conidia. Volatile distress signals released in response to aphid infestation as an indirect defence against herbivory may affect aphid foraging and, therefore, the fungus-aphid interaction. In this study, two different methods were used to investigate the effect of plant volatiles and P. neoaphidis-sporulating cadavers on (1) the colonisation of Vicia faba plants by Acyrthosiphon pisum and (2) P. neoaphidis transmission. This study indicates that A. pisum does not avoid bean plants containing P. neoaphidis and that transmission of conidia occurs during plant colonisation and, to a lesser extent, during in situ feeding. Although significantly more aphids were recovered from damaged plants compared to undamaged plants, the likelihood of infection was not affected by previous infestation by aphids.  相似文献   

There are seven species of Phylloscopus warblers breeding sympatrically in Central Siberia. In general they are very similar in morphology and behaviour. Slight differences in morphology, however, are often interpreted as having arisen through adaptation to distinct foraging ecologies, thereby mediating species coexistence. We studied the morphology and foraging behaviour of these warblers, taking into account phylogenetic relationships using Felsenstein's method of independent contrasts. Striking correlations were found between morphology and foraging techniques, as well as between morphology and microhabitat selection. Species with large hind limbs and short wings foraged in dense vegetation near the ground using gleaning techniques. In contrast, species with long wings and large bills favoured open vegetation, and foraged using sallying manoeuvres. Independently of these trends, small species foraged at higher levels in the vegetation, and used hoverflight more often than did larger species. Foraging methods were highly correlated with vegetation structure. Coniferous trees were exploited using hoverflight when they had short needles and gleaning when needles were long. Sallying predominated in light deciduous vegetation whereas gleaning was used most in dense, deciduous bushes. After controlling for the effects of vegetation structure on foraging behaviour, species differences became less pronounced, but were still significant. It is therefore concluded that morphology may be regarded as having adapted to enable more efficient exploitation of certain microhabitats. A preference for these microhabitats then further increases the observed behavioural differences between species. Morphology may therefore partly determine a species' ability to colonise new habitats.  相似文献   

Righton  D. 《Journal of fish biology》2003,63(S1):239-240
The territorial and foraging behaviour of two Red Sea butterflyfish species was studied at three sites in the Gulf of Aqaba. Chaetodon austricaus , a generalist corallivore that exploited evenly distributed food resources, maintained exclusive pair territories. Individuals fed by grazing for brief periods on a coral colony before moving to the next. In contrast, C. trifascialis , a specialist corallivore that exploited patchily distributed food resources, demonstrated considerable variation in territorial behaviour that ranged from the defence of exclusive solitary territories, to the shared use of a large home range. Individuals showed highly variable feeding behaviour, from grazing analogous to C. austriacus , to continual use of a single large coral colony. The results of this study demonstrate how the use of space by individuals depends critically upon the distribution of key food resources. In addition, the results demonstrate that foraging behaviour of territorial butterflyfish can be quite plastic, and adapt to local conditions.  相似文献   

It is conventionally assumed that, when animals evaluate alternative options, the value assigned to an option is absolute and independent of the other options available. It follows that animal choices should exhibit the rational property of regularity whereby the proportion of choices for an option cannot be increased by the addition of further options to the choice set. However, violations of regularity occur in human decision making, suggesting that humans may use comparative evaluation mechanisms whereby the value of an option is computed relative to the other options available. For example, in the asymmetrically dominated decoy effect the preference for a target option over a competitor is altered by the addition of a decoy option that is inferior to the target and competitor on one attribute, but lies between them on a second. We tested whether foraging wild rufous hummingbirds, Selasphorus rufus, would demonstrate violations of regularity in response to an asymmetrically dominated decoy. Sixteen birds chose between three artificial flower types (Target: 15 μl, 40% sucrose; Competitor: 45 μl, 30%; Decoy: 10 μl, 35%) in Binary (Target versus Competitor) and Trinary (Target versus Competitor versus Decoy) treatments. We predicted higher preference for the Target in the Trinary treatment. The birds ranked the three options in the same order in the Binary and Trinary treatments (Competitor>Target>Decoy). Seven birds showed violations of regularity, six increasing their absolute preference for the Competitor in the Trinary treatment. Overall, relative preference for the Competitor over the Target was higher in the Trinary than in the Binary treatment. These changes in preference are incompatible with an absolute evaluation mechanism.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic elevation of atmospheric CO2 is driving global-scale ocean acidification, which consequently influences calcification rates of many marine invertebrates and potentially alters their susceptibility to predation. Ocean acidification may also impair an organism''s ability to process environmental and biological cues. These counteracting impacts make it challenging to predict how acidification will alter species interactions and community structure. To examine effects of acidification on consumptive and behavioural interactions between mud crabs (Panopeus herbstii) and oysters (Crassostrea virginica), oysters were reared with and without caged crabs for 71 days at three pCO2 levels. During subsequent predation trials, acidification reduced prey consumption, handling time and duration of unsuccessful predation attempt. These negative effects of ocean acidification on crab foraging behaviour more than offset any benefit to crabs resulting from a reduction in the net rate of oyster calcification. These findings reveal that efforts to evaluate how acidification will alter marine food webs should include quantifying impacts on both calcification rates and animal behaviour.  相似文献   

The function of avian ultraviolet (UV) vision is only just beginning to be understood. One plausible hypothesis is that UV vision enhances the foraging ability of birds. To test this, we carried out behavioural experiments using wild-caught blue tits foraging for cabbage moth and winter moth caterpillars on natural and artificial backgrounds. The light environment in our experiments was manipulated using either UV-blocking or UV-transmitting filters. We found that the blue tits tended to find the first prey item (out of four) more quickly when UV cues were present. This suggests that UV vision offers benefits to birds when searching for cryptic prey, despite the prey and backgrounds reflecting relatively little UV. Although there was no direct effect of UV on the time taken to find all four prey items in a trial, search performance in the absence of UV wavelengths tended to increase over the course of an experiment. This may reflect changes in the search tactics of the birds. To our knowledge, these are the first data to suggest that birds use UV cues to detect cryptic insect prey, and have implications for our understanding of protective coloration.  相似文献   

Learning in the nectar foraging behaviour of Helicoverpa armigera   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract .1. Learning may enable insects to obtain nectar from flowers more efficiently. Learning in nectar foraging has been shown primarily in studies of bees and butterflies. Here, learning is demonstrated in the nectar foraging behaviour of a noctuid moth, Helicoverpa armigera .
2. The present studies show that: (1) previous experience with a flowering host species increases the probability of that species being selected for nectar foraging, and (2) previous experience of a particular flower type (food source at bottom or top of the corolla tube) increases the likelihood of the food source being found when that flower type is being searched.
3. The implications of these findings for understanding the pattern of oviposition observed in wild populations of this important pest species are discussed.  相似文献   

Climatic determinants of diet and foraging behaviour in baboons   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Baboons (Papio spp.) are characterised by a large degree of variation in foraging behaviour and dietary composition. Previous analyses have suggested that much of this can be traced to differences in ecological conditions between sites. The proximate mechanism underlying these relationships is assumed to be mediated via the impact of climatic conditions on food availability, and ultimately the impact that this has on dietary composition. This paper examines these relationships more explicitly. Data from 15 baboon populations were used to assess the relationship between foraging variables and dietary composition. Only feeding time showed significant relationships with dietary composition, with percentage of time spent feeding decreasing with proportion of fruit in the diet, and increasing with the proportion of subterranean items. No relationships were found between diet composition and moving time or day journey length, although significant relationships were found between these variables and group size. The proportions of feeding time spent feeding on fruit, subterranean items and leaves were functions of the ecological conditions experienced by that population, although no relationships were found for the percentage of feeding time devoted to flowers or animal material. The relationships between the proportion feeding time spent on fruits, leaves and subterranean items and ecological variables could be best explained through understanding the way in which bush and tree level vegetation respond to the climatic environment and the impact this has on fruit availability. In this respect, temperature and seasonality are the key climatic parameters. This provides good support for the idea that the proximate mechanism underlying the relationship between foraging time and ecological variables is mediated via the impact of the climatic environment on vegetation structure and food availability. Similar factors have been proposed to explain much of the geographic variation in species diversity, suggesting that these relationships have far wider relevance and may account for much of the observed geographical variation in mammalian behaviour.  相似文献   

Closely related lacertid lizards (Eremias, Nucras) in the Kalahari desert differ in patterns of foraging behaviour. Some species are relatively sedentary (‘sit-and-wait’) whereas others are more active (‘widely-foraging’) predators. We determined whether whole-animal locomotor capacities (cruising endurance on a treadmill, initial speed and maximum burst speed in a racetrack, and sprint endurance in a torus-shaped track) correlated with interspecific differences in foraging behaviour. Two of three widely-foraging species had greater cruising endurance, graater sprint endurance, but lower burst speed than did a sit-and-wait species. However, the two species that sprinted quickly also had limited endurance, and vice versa. Pre-feeding negatively influenced endurance but not sprint capacity. Theoretical models of foraging behaviour should recognize that ectotherms have limited endurance, that there can be a trade-off between speed and endurance, and that pre-feeding can reduce some aspects of locomotor capacity.  相似文献   

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