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Between August 1981 and October 1982, 76 female and 50 male of the estimated 400 Bennett's wallabies at Whipsnade were caught and examined. Sixty-four of the adult females inspected (84%) were carrying pouch young. A small captive breeding colony was established in the laboratory. Weight and growth curves were established for captive born pouch young and these curves were used to determine the approximate age of pouch young examined at Whipsnade. Eighty-four percent of births occurred in August and September, exactly a six month difference from births reported for this species in Tasmania. The mean length of pouch life of wild living wallabies was 247 days with a range of185–284 days. Young wallabies were observed accompanying their mothers for up to 204 days after emerging permanently from the pouch. Sixty-three percent of young vacated the pouch in May. Sixty-three percent of the total (104) pouch young examined in the course of this study, from animals caught or from post mortem records, were male, but teat selection showed a random distribution. The gestation period from removal of pouch young to day of birth was 27·3 days. The Bennett's wallaby showed precise seasonal breeding with embryonic diapause that may extend for up to 11 months.  相似文献   

The breeding season of the non-lactating Bennett's wallaby terminates when animals enter the state of seasonal quiescence. To examine this transition, pouch young were removed from females at intervals which were 3, 4 or 8 weeks (6, 11 and 8 animals respectively) after the winter solstice. Within 48 days, 3, 1 and 1 females gave birth respectively, indicating that these animals were not in seasonal quiescence when pouch young were removed. Those animals which did not give birth were either in seasonal quiescence or had undergone a non-pregnant cycle. To differentiate between the 2 possibilities, techniques which would ensure the detection of pregnant and non-pregnant cycles were assessed in 8 females during the breeding season. As has been previously reported for the wallaby, changes in peripheral progesterone concentrations and the vaginal smear occurred during pregnant and non-pregnant reproductive cycles. In addition, mating was detected by marking the male with a mixture of coloured crayon and paraffin wax. It was concluded that reproductive cycles in female wallabies could be monitored by collecting blood samples 2 times each week for progesterone determination and daily examination of females for mating marks. These techniques were then used to study the onset of seasonal quiescence in 9 females. All animals continued to show reproductive cycles after the winter solstice and it was not until 10 weeks after the winter solstice that all animals were in seasonal quiescence. This represents an increase in the duration of the breeding season over that previously reported for this species.  相似文献   

Bennett's wallaby ( Macropus r. rufogriseus ) of Tasmania give birth from late January to early August in marked contrast to the Red-necked wallaby ( M. r. banksianus ) of mainland south-eastern Australia which produced young in all months. Within the breeding season however, the lengths of the oestrous cycle and gestation period are similar in the two forms and did not differ by more than 0.5 days. The gestation period of about 30 days extended to almost the length of the oestrous cycle of approximately 33 days. Birth was closely followed by mating which normally resulted in fertilization and subsequent embryonic diapause. Renewed blastocyst development was initiated by removal or loss of a pouch young and birth followed about 27 days later.
Unlike other macropodids with a similar breeding pattern, birth, as a result of renewed blastocyst development near the end of a large young's pouch life, did not occur within a day or two of the permanent emergence of the young, but followed 16 to 29 days later. In M. r. rufogriseus , young that left the pouch permanently in the non-breeding period were not replaced by new young until the beginning of the next breeding season two to four months later, and blastocysts resulting from mating of females without pouch young at the end of the breeding season remained quiescent until the next breeding season five to eight months later.
Females of both subspecies first mated at an age of about 14 months, and males were producing mature spermatozoa by about 19 months.
Young first left the pouch for short periods at about 230 days of age and permanently at about 280 days.
Observations are also given on reproductive behaviour, interpretation of vaginal smears, sex ratio of young, selection of teat by pouch young, and development of morphological features in known-age young that may be used as an aid in age determination.  相似文献   

In seasonally breeding mammals, the hormone melatonin, produced at night by the pineal gland, is known to be important in transducing the effect of photoperiod in timing reproduction. In the Bennett's wallaby, an unimplanted unilaminar blastocyst is held in a state of seasonal diapause from mid-winter to mid-summer. Here we show that an implant of the hormone melatonin rapidly terminates seasonal diapause in this species. Blastocyst reactivation is not accompanied by a significant reduction in levels of the hormone prolactin, thereby refuting earlier suggestions that this hormone is responsible for maintaining seasonal embryonic diapause.  相似文献   

Few bottlenecks of wild populations are sufficiently well-documented to constitute models for testing theories about the impact of bottlenecks on genetic variation, and subsequent population persistence. Relevant details of the Bennett's wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus rufogriseus) introduction into New Zealand were recorded (founder number, source and approximate bottleneck duration) and suggest this may provide a rare opportunity to examine the efficacy of tests designed to detect recent bottlenecks in wild populations. We first assessed the accuracy of historic accounts of the introduction using genetic diversity detected in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and at five microsatellite loci. Phylogenetic analyses of mtDNA D-loop sequence haplotypes were consistent with the reported origin of the founders as Tasmania, rather than one of the Bass Strait islands in which Bennett's wallabies are also found. Microsatellite allele frequencies from the Tasmanian source population were then used to seed bottleneck simulations encompassing varying sizes and numbers of generations, in order to assess the severity of bottleneck consistent with diversity observed in the New Zealand population. The results suggested that the founder number was unlikely to have been as small as the three animals suggested by the account of the introduction. Nonetheless, the bottleneck was probably severe; in the range of three to five pairs of wallabies for one to three generations. It resulted in significantly reduced levels of allelic diversity and heterozygosity relative to the source population. This bottleneck is only detectable under the infinite allele model (IAM) and not under the stepwise mutation model (SMM) or the two-phase model (TPM), and possible explanations for this are discussed.  相似文献   

The elastic properties of the major tendons of wallaby feet have been investigated in dynamic tensile tests at a frequency close to normal hopping frequencies. In addition, bending tests have been performed on the intertarsal and tarso-metatarsal joints. The data are used to calculate the strain energy stored temporarily in the tendons and ligaments of the legs during a typical hopping stride. The contribution made by stored strain energy to the work required for hopping is assessed.  相似文献   

In a number of species of seasonally breeding marsupial, the male is fertile throughout the year but there is a marked seasonal change in weight of the accessory sexual glands. In this study, body weight, prostate, epididymis and testis weights and plasma concentrations of testosterone, LH and prolactin and pituitary content of LH and prolactin were determined in male Bennett's wallabies shot at 1–2 month intervals over a period of 17 months. There was a highly significant increase in prostate weight which was coincident with the breeding season for this species. A small but significant increase in testis weight was also observed but epididymis weight remained unchanged. Plasma testosterone concentrations were significantly increased at a time coincident with the increase in prostate weight. Plasma prolactin and LH concentrations were low in most animals and remained unchanged during the study. In contrast, pituitary prolactin and LH contents showed highly significant changes, with increasing and peak hormone content preceding maximum prostate weight and plasma testosterone concentrations by several months. While these latter results suggest a role for prolactin and LH in the seasonal control of the reproductive organs in the male wallaby, a more intensive study of the pattern of secretion of these hormones and possibly more sensitive hormone assays are required to understand their relative roles in regulating the annual cycle of prostate growth.  相似文献   

The grazing behaviour of lactating Bennett's wallabies was studied on a number of different pasture types. Increases in mean sward height resulted in a greatly reduced bite rate and an increase in the search time per bite. All wallabies showed a diurnal rhythm in grazing activity irrespective of habitat type, with least grazing activity at midday and most at night. Animals maintained on very short grass swards compensated for the reduced herbage mass by extending their grazing activity into the midday period. Lactating animals grazed for longer, had higher biting rates and a greater number of estimated bites per day than non-lactating wallabies (17,700 vs. 7600 bites per day, respectively). In general, the response of wallabies to changes in herbage availability is similar to domestic ruminants, although wallabies may be able to graze for longer each day than ruminants.  相似文献   

Three groups of adult female wallabies were maintained out of doors under conditions of natural photoperiod and temperature from late December to mid-August. One group (M1; N = 6) received Silastic elastomer melatonin implants on 14 December, a second group (M2; N = 5) were given implants on 16 February and a third group (C; N = 7) were unimplanted controls. Group C animals had all ceased cycling by 15 March and the subsequent breeding season commenced on 5 July +/- 6.9 days. Group M1 wallabies continued to cycle throughout the experimental period and did not exhibit ovarian quiescence. In Group M2, 2/5 animals continued to undergo repeated oestrous cycles and 3/5 ceased cycling between 14 December and 27 January and began again after the insertion of melatonin implants on 16 February. The prolactin response 30 min after s.c. administration of the dopamine antagonist domperidone was determined approximately every 4 weeks. In Group C, peak responses were high during the period of seasonal quiescence (January-June; mean range 14.2-19.6 ng/ml) and fell significantly (P less than 0.02) at the beginning of the breeding season in early July to 7.4 +/- 3.1 ng/ml. In Group M1, prolactin levels remained low (2.8-8.2 ng/ml) throughout the course of the experiment while in Group M2, response to domperidone fell following the insertion of the implants and subsequently remained at levels similar to those in Group M1. Our data support the hypothesis that photoperiod-induced changes in the secretion of melatonin after the winter solstice drive this species into seasonal quiescence by influencing the dopaminergic control of prolactin secretion.  相似文献   

The beginning of the breeding season of the female Bennett's wallaby occurs when seasonal quiescence terminates 1-2 months after the summer solstice. In this study, the role of photoperiod in terminating seasonal quiescence was examined. One week before the summer solstice, five non-lactating wallabies were transferred from natural to artificial summer solstice daylength for 5 months. The beginning of the breeding season in these animals as indicated by births, matings, and peripheral progesterone profiles was not different from that of five control animals maintained on natural photoperiod. The following year, three animals were transferred from natural to summer solstice daylength on February 25 and were held on the artificial photoperiod until September 30. Changes in plasma progesterone concentrations indicative of the beginning of the breeding season occurred on June 12-30 (range), which was significantly (P less than 0.01) advanced by 29 days when compared with six control animals. These results indicate that the decrease in daylength that occurs after the summer solstice is not required to induce the termination of seasonal quiescence at the beginning of the breeding season. Further, the beginning of the breeding season can be advanced by transferring animals to long daylength early in seasonal quiescence. Photorefractoriness to long daylengths may therefore be important in the initiation of the breeding season in this species. In further experiments, groups of six animals were transferred from natural to artificial summer solstice daylength on September 26 and December 9 and pouch young were removed 7 days after the transfer. In September, reactivation of the quiescent corpus luteum followed soon after removal of pouch young (RPY) indicating that exposure to long daylength had not induced a transition into seasonal quiescence. In December, RPY was not followed by reactivation of the quiescent corpus luteum indicating that animals were in seasonal quiescence. These results suggest that the female Bennett's wallaby may need to experience a period of shortening days after the summer solstice before exposure to long days can again initiate seasonal quiescence.  相似文献   

Summary We report on some aspects of the breeding biology of the critically endangered Writhed-billed Hornbill (Aceros waldeni) on the island of Panay, Philippines. Observations were made at three nests during 1995–1997. Walling-in of the females commenced in the first week of March. One female remained incarcerated for 77 days, two of three broods completed fledging around May 20 (1995, 1997). Details on fledging of the female and her brood and postfledging care by both parents are reported.The food of the males at two nests was ca. 98% fruits and 2% invertebrates. The plants exploited comprised at least 14 species. Over a third of the fruits delivered were figs of a small number of species.Two males had average feeding rates of 0.56 and 0.88 times per hour respectively, and fed 1 to 66 (median 8) items per feeding visit at the nest. The hourly feeding rate increased after hatching, but the composition of the diet did not change noticeably. As a rule, food items were delivered singly and, during one visit, in runs of one, or rarely up to 3, species.In the three weeks following vacation of the nest, the male appeared to be the sole food provider while the female stayed continually with the 3 young (as sentinel?) in the vicinity of the nest.The nest environs were defended by the male against Tarictic Hornbills (Penelopides panini panini). Six vocalisations of the parents are mentioned. One was used in territorial skirmishes with Tarictic Hornbills.With perhaps less than 30 pairs of the Writhed-bill surviving, the future for the species looks bleak. Only drastic conservation measures can prevent the species' demise. Some have been started by the PESCP.This paper is publication No. 11 of the Philippine Endemic Species Conservation Project (PESCP) of the Frankfurt Zoological Society.  相似文献   

In this study, the growth rates of a group of Galapagos giant tortoises raised in their natural habitat at the Charles Darwin Research Station (CDRS; Galapagos Islands, Ecuador) and a group of captive‐bred specimens (Zoo Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland) were compared for the first time. A great discrepancy in growth rates was observed after the first year. When the animals were 4 years old, the carapace in the Zurich specimens was approximately twice as long as that in the CDRS tortoises, and the Zurich animals weighed approximately 10 times more than the CDRS animals. The zoo diet was modified by a reduction in nutrients and an increase in fiber to produce a more natural growth rate. Zoo Biol 23:177‐183, 2004. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although many studies investigating the impacts of zoo exhibit designs on captive animals exist, none have been performed on how they influence the behavior and welfare of captive Bennett's wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus). Here, we assess the impact of exhibit design on the activity budget and spatial distribution of Bennett's wallabies. We compared animal behavior in two open exhibits (i.e. physical interaction between animals and visitors permitted) to two closed exhibits (i.e. physical interaction between animals and visitors prohibited). Behavioral data were collected using focal sampling, and spatial distribution was recorded on exhibit maps at regular time intervals. We found a significant increase in feeding and interactive behaviors in closed exhibits in comparison to open exhibits. However, other behaviors such as resting, locomotion, and vigilance did not vary with design. Functional use of space was similar between both designs; however, the effect of habituation may be relevant to consider in future studies. Although some support for visitor effects were present, our study provided no evidence for strong impacts of exhibit design on Bennett's wallaby welfare. Our study emphasizes the need for additional research into the impacts of how zoo environments affect Bennett's wallaby behavior and welfare.  相似文献   

The fecundity, embryonic development, growth and viability of captive Chiloscyllium punctatum were investigated over two breeding and laying seasons. Chiloscyllium punctatum is an oviparous species, which lays rectangular eggs from late July to February. The six adult female C. punctatum in the open ocean display tank at UnderWater World, Mooloolaba, Australia laid a total of 692 eggs between July 2004 and February 2006, with 228 of those being viable. This equates to each female laying 115·3 eggs over the two seasons, with 38 viable. The embryos are first visible to the naked eye at c . 18 days post deposition (dpd), while pre-hatching is first seen c . 35 dpd, and the embryos hatch at an average of 153 dpd (temperature 21–25° C). Embryonic growth is most rapid from 99 dpd until hatching. An average of 21·4% of the eggs hatched over the two seasons.  相似文献   

The Philippine tarsier (Tarsius syrichta) belongs to the least known nocturnal primates. Tarsiers and remaining biodiversity of the Philippines are under tremendous threats from increasing human expansion, with habitat loss and illegal pet trade being the main reasons for tarsier population decline. In addition, even though the attempts were made by western and local facilities, tarsiers have not survived well in captivity. In this paper, I present an example of successful breeding of the Philippine tarsier in captive conditions but in natural climate. As the most important elements of success, I see a large amount of space provided to tarsiers, the climate similar to their natural habitat and the food resembling their natural diet. Our pair of tarsiers were joined during the mating period and held separately outside the mating period, which corresponds with their behavior in the wild and may have played a crucial role in breeding success. Eliminating stress to animals is also important. The study can provide valuable guidelines for other facilities keeping tarsiers in the Philippines and help to improve tarsiers’ welfare and in the future help to establish a viable captive population of the Philippine tarsier that will serve as a backup population and also will decrease demand on tarsiers captured from the wild.  相似文献   

Stoats are significant predators of native fauna in New Zealand. They occur in many habitat types and consume a wide range of prey. The diet of stoats in the Tasman River, South Canterbury, was studied by analysis of scats and den contents. Analysis of 206 scats showed that stoats ate mainly lagomorphs, birds and invertebrates. Minor components included mice, lizards, fish and hedgehogs. Stoats ate more birds in spring than in autumn, and female stoats ate more invertebrates than did males. The contents of 219 dens collected in the same area at the same time provided further information. Birds and lagomorphs occurred at high frequency in dens, and other components were minor. Remains in dens were larger than in scats and allowed identification of many more prey items to species level. Den contents revealed a potentially substantial impact of stoats on threatened shorebirds locally; this impact was not detected by analysis of scats.  相似文献   

Abstract This study aimed to establish whether red‐bellied pademelons (Thylogale billiardierii) and Bennett's wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus rufogriseus) alter their foraging distribution in open habitat, in response to food availability and distance to protective shelter, the latter used as a measure of predation risk. Scat counts were used as a measure of the presence or absence of these macropods over two plantations (Russell and Dunalley). These plantations differed in both their on‐site food and shelter characteristics (the presence or absence of windrows). Logistic regression indicated that at Russell, which had low food availability but the presence of on‐site shelter, probability of scats of both species increased with the percentage cover of both edible and inedible vegetation. The probability of both pademelon and wallaby scats decreased with increasing distance from windrows, but increased with increasing distance from forest at the plantation edge. Logistic regression indicated that at Dunalley, which had high food availability but no on‐site shelter, the probability of scats of both species increased with an increase in the percentage cover of edible vegetation. In relation to predation risk, however, the two species differed in their response. Pademelons exhibited a decrease in scat probability with increasing distance from the forest at the plantation edge, while wallabies showed an increase in scat probability with distance from the forest at the plantation edge. Results indicated some differences in antipredation strategies of the two species, which may be a function of differences in body size.  相似文献   

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