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不同溶氧对谷氨酸棒杆菌代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】以谷氨酸棒杆菌为研究对象,分别控制在0、30%、50%3种溶氧水平下进行发酵,分析不同溶氧水平下代谢的变化。【方法】通过检测发酵代谢物中有机酸、氨基酸的含量,以及测定代谢途径中关键酶活性及其编码基因的表达情况来考察不同溶氧水平下物质代谢发生的变化。通过检测胞内还原力和ATP的含量来分析不同溶氧水平对能量代谢产生的影响。【结果】谷氨酸棒杆菌代谢支路受溶氧的影响而发生改变,氨基酸、有机酸的产量也随之改变。特别是在低溶氧(0)情况下,细胞内氧化磷酸化减弱,导致维持生命活动所必需的ATP供应减少,因此细胞通过增强底物水平磷酸化来产生ATP以满足生命活动的需求。在此情况下,胞内NADH得到较多积累,TCA循环代谢流量减小,而转向糖酵解、乙醛酸循环等,并且这个过程伴随多种杂酸包括乳酸、缬氨酸、亮氨酸等的产生,必将影响目的产物的产量。【结论】研究结果对于进一步采取措施优化溶氧的控制策略,提高目的产物的产量具有指导意义。  相似文献   

周宁一 《微生物学通报》2016,43(11):2539-2539
正自从1957年Kinoshita等首次描述谷氨酸棒杆菌(Corynebacterium glutamicum)为谷氨酸产生菌[1]以来,其已成为用于氨基酸生产的主要菌株。目前,全世界每年利用谷氨酸棒杆菌生产约100万t L-谷氨酸用于食品调味剂和约45万t L-赖氨酸用作食品添加剂[2]。通过谷氨酸棒状杆菌发酵获得谷氨酸的发酵水平已较高,通过进一步优化工艺来提高产量具有较大困难[3]。  相似文献   

Global emissions of atmospheric CO2 and tropospheric O3 are rising and expected to impact large areas of the Earths forests. While CO2 stimulates net primary production, O3 reduces photosynthesis, altering plant C allocation and reducing ecosystem C storage. The effects of multiple air pollutants can alter belowground C allocation, leading to changes in the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) in the soil , chemistry of dissolved inorganic carbonate (DIC) and the rate of mineral weathering. As this system represents a linkage between the long- and short-term C cycles and sequestration of atmospheric CO2, changes in atmospheric chemistry that affect net primary production may alter the fate of C in these ecosystems. To date, little is known about the combined effects of elevated CO2 and O3 on the inorganic C cycle in forest systems. Free air CO2 and O3 enrichment (FACE) technology was used at the Aspen FACE project in Rhinelander, Wisconsin to understand how elevated atmospheric CO2 and O3 interact to alter pCO2 and DIC concentrations in the soil. Ambient and elevated CO2 levels were 360±16 and 542±81 l l–1, respectively; ambient and elevated O3 levels were 33±14 and 49±24 nl l–1, respectively. Measured concentrations of soil CO2 and calculated concentrations of DIC increased over the growing season by 14 and 22%, respectively, under elevated atmospheric CO2 and were unaffected by elevated tropospheric O3. The increased concentration of DIC altered inorganic carbonate chemistry by increasing system total alkalinity by 210%, likely due to enhanced chemical weathering. The study also demonstrated the close coupling between the seasonal 13C of soil pCO2 and DIC, as a mixing model showed that new atmospheric CO2 accounted for approximately 90% of the C leaving the system as DIC. This study illustrates the potential of using stable isotopic techniques and FACE technology to examine long- and short-term ecosystem C sequestration.  相似文献   

The effect of dissolved carbon dioxide on the specific growth rate and the penicillin production rate of Penicillium chrysogenum was examined experimentally. The dissolved carbon dioxide was found to inhibit the specific growth rate and the penicillin production rate when the aerated submerged penicillin fermentation was exposed to influent gases of 12.6 and 20% carbon dioxide, respectively. Upon exposure to influent gases of 3 and 5% carbon dioxide, no pronounced metabolic inhibition was noted.  相似文献   

In this study, the impact of dissolved oxygen concentrations oscillations on Corynebacterium glutamicum 2262 ΔldhA growth was studied experimentally and modeled. Aiming at this, a dedicated two-compartment scale down set-up composed of two interconnected aerobic/anaerobic stirred tank bioreactors was used. The mean residence time of bacteria in each compartment was modified by adapting circulation rates and culture volumes in each bioreactor and the resulting temporal ratio of aeration was calculated. The five growth kinetics were then modeled using an original kinetic model coupling Monod growth modeling and the Residence Time Distributions. Our study showed that the microbial growth rate and macroscopic yields were clearly linked to the temporal ratio of aeration, allowing the definition of simple but robust law for process scale-up purpose. It was also revealed that the model proposed precisely agreed with the experimental growth data, whatever the fractions of aeration time imposed experimentally.  相似文献   

The impact of a novel type of Modified Atmosphere (MA), referred to as high O2-MA, on micro-organisms associated with the spoilage of minimally-processed vegetables was studied. Pure cultures of Pseudomonas fluorescens, Enterobacter agglomerans, Aureobacterium strain 27, Candida guilliermondii, C. sake, Salmonella typhimurium, Salm. enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Leuconostoc mesenteroides var. mesenteroides, Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactococcus lactis were cultured on an agar-surface model system and incubated at 8 degrees C under an atmosphere composed of O2 (80 or 90%, balanced with N2), CO2 (10 or 20%, balanced with N2), or a combination of both gases. In general, exposure to high O2 alone did not inhibit microbial growth strongly, while CO2 alone reduced growth to some extent in most cases. Consistently strong inhibition was observed only when the two gases were used in combination. With minimally-processed vegetables, where CO2 levels of around 20% or above cannot be used because of physiological damage to the produce, the combined treatment of high O2 and 10-20% CO2 may provide adequate suppression of microbial growth, allowing a safe, prolonged shelf-life.  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) significantly influences plant growth, development, and biomass. Increased photosynthesis rate, together with lower stomatal conductance, has been identified as the key factors that stimulate plant growth at elevated [CO2] (e[CO2]). However, variations in photosynthesis and stomatal conductance alone cannot fully explain the dynamic changes in plant growth. Stimulation of photosynthesis at e[CO2] is always associated with post‐photosynthetic secondary metabolic processes that include carbon and nitrogen metabolism, cell cycle functions, and hormonal regulation. Most studies have focused on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in response to e[CO2], despite the emerging evidence of e[CO2]'s role in moderating secondary metabolism in plants. In this review, we briefly discuss the effects of e[CO2] on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance and then focus on the changes in other cellular mechanisms and growth processes at e[CO2] in relation to plant growth and development. Finally, knowledge gaps in understanding plant growth responses to e[CO2] have been identified with the aim of improving crop productivity under a CO2 rich atmosphere.  相似文献   

Terrestrial sources of nitrogen (N), particularly N-fixing alder, may be important for sustaining production in headwater streams that typically lack substantial subsidies of marine-derived nutrients from spawning salmon yet support upstream-dispersing juvenile salmonids. However, other physiographic characteristics, such as watershed slope and topographic wetness, also control transport of nutrients to streams and may confound apparent linkages between alder and stream N. Seasonal patterns in precipitation and temperature may interact with watershed characteristics to modulate stream N availability. We empirically modeled the effect of alder cover and other watershed physiographic variables on stream N and contrasted these relationships over the growing season among 25 first-order streams from the lower Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. For each date, percent alder cover, mean topographic wetness, and mean slope were used as watershed predictors of NO x –N concentration (nitrate?+?nitrite) and daily NO x –N yield using Generalized Additive Models (GAM) and compared using Akaike’s Information Criterion (AICc). Alder cover was the only probable model and explained 75–96% of the variation in NO x –N concentration and 83–89% of the variation in daily NO x –N yield. The relationship between alder and both NO x –N concentration and daily NO x –N yield changed from constant inputs in May across the range of alder cover (linear fit) to increasing inputs in July and September (non-linear fits) implying that high-alder watersheds were N-saturated. The strong linkage between alder and stream N coupled with the concurrent timing of maximum stream N from alder in the spring to salmon fry emergence indicates the potential importance of this subsidy to headwater stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 17965 was cultivated in a 4-L batch aerated fermentor with glucose, fructose and mixtures of these two sugars in various proportions as carbon sources and with different concentrations of minerals and vitamins. A multilayer centrifugation technique was devised to obtain cell extracts in order to assess intracellular production of glutamate and partitioning between intracellular and extracellular spaces for lactate and acetate, the main by-products produced during the growth phase. Glutamate production increased with the proportion of glucose in the carbon source. The average value for the intracellular concentration of glutamate obtained with basic glucose medium was increased three-fold when initial concentrations of vitamins and minerals were increased four-fold. In this case, overall production of glutamate (16.3 mM) reached the highest value obtained. Production of acetate was weak on all media types (< 1.6 mm). it was the same for lactate synthesis in media where glucose remained the major carbon source (< 2.3 mm). production of lactate was significantly higher on media where fructose was the main carbon source (> 10 mM to 60 mM). The increase in lactate production and the decrease in glutamate production were correlated to a modification of carbon flux distribution between the metabolic pathways as the fructose proportion was increased. An increase in the concentration of minerals favoured production of glutamate during growth. This was correlated with an increase in the NADPH,H+ production rate. Received 16 January 1996/ Accepted in revised form 14 January 1997  相似文献   

Summary CO2 efflux from tussock tundra in Alaska that had been exposed to elevated CO2 for 2.5 growing seasons was measured to assess the effect of long- and short-term CO2 enrichment on soil respiration. Long-term treatments were: 348, 514, and 683 μll−1 CO2 and 680 μll−1 CO2+4°C above ambient. Measurements were made at 5 CO2 concentrations between 87 and 680 μll−1 CO2. Neither long- or short-term CO2 enrichment significantly affected soil CO2 efflux. Tundra developed at elevated temperature and 680 μll−1 CO2 had slightly higher, but not statistically different, mean respiration rates compared to untreated tundra and to tundra under CO2 control alone.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum R was metabolically engineered to broaden its sugar utilization range to d-xylose and d-cellobiose contained in lignocellulose hydrolysates. The resultant recombinants expressed Escherichia coli xylA and xylB genes, encoding d-xylose isomerase and xylulokinase, respectively, for d-xylose utilization and expressed C. glutamicum R bglF 317A and bglA genes, encoding phosphoenolpyruvate:carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTS) β-glucoside-specific enzyme IIBCA component and phospho-β-glucosidase, respectively, for d-cellobiose utilization. The genes were fused to the non-essential genomic regions distributed around the C. glutamicum R chromosome and were under the control of their respective constitutive promoter trc and tac that permitted their expression even in the presence of d-glucose. The enzyme activities of resulting recombinants increased with the increase in the number of respective integrated genes. Maximal sugar utilization was realized with strain X5C1 harboring five xylA–xylB clusters and one bglF 317A bglA cluster. In both d-cellobiose and d-xylose utilization, the sugar consumption rates by genomic DNA-integrated strain were faster than those by plasmid-bearing strain, respectively. In mineral medium containing 40 g l−1 d-glucose, 20 g l−1 d-xylose, and 10 g l−1 d-cellobiose, strain X5C1 simultaneously and completely consumed these sugars within 12 h and produced predominantly lactic and succinic acids under growth-arrested conditions.  相似文献   

The activity of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, aspartate kinase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase has been studied at different dilution rates in aerobic continuous culture of Corynebacterium glutamicum. 6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and aspartate kinase reached their maximum values at the lower dilution rates (0.02–0.06 h–1), when L-lysine was produced. The phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity seemed to be independent of metabolite synthesis. The production of L-lysine was also studied in non-growing cells in batch cultures. In these conditions, statistical analysis revealed significant differences in L-lysine titres when glucose or gluconic acid were used as carbon sources. Higher L-lysine concentration obtained with gluconic acid was found to be associated with a high 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

Inhibition of yeast function by ethanol and by high substrate concentrations is well recognized and, to a limited extent, quantified. The role of carbon dioxide in affecting yeast metabolism (particularly growth processes) is not clear although inhibition is generally found at moderate to high concentrations of the dissolved gas. A similar situation exists with other microorganisms and with other fermentation systems. An understanding of the role of carbon dioxide, and particularly of its inhibitory effects on enzyme action and membrane function, is required if the observed global inhibition of yeasts and other fermentation systems is to be partitioned to its appropriate causes.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine the secretion of human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) by Corynebacterium glutamicum. METHODS AND RESULTS: We recently showed that a novel protein-secretion system in C. glutamicum could produce Streptomyces mobaraensis transglutaminase. In the present study, the industrially important protein hEGF was secreted into the culture medium in a fully active form by C. glutamicum and accumulated at a rate of up to 156 mg l(-1) day(-1). CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrated that the hEGF protein could be secreted in an active form by C. glutamicum. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Our data confirmed that the pharmaceutically important human protein hEGF could be efficiently secreted in an active form by the C. glutamicum protein-expression system. Moreover, we demonstrated that this bacterium has potential as a host for the industrial-scale production of human proteins.  相似文献   

Several probes for measuring dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration were installed in a 68-litre fermentor and their effectiveness compared. Submerged silastic rubber tubing gave reproducible results over a wide range of operating conditions and was generally superior to all other probes evaluated. The silastic rubber probe was used to compare the partial pressure of CO2 in viscous fermentation media with that in the fermentor exhaust gas. No significant difference was found. Results show that determination of the CO2 partial pressure in the exhaust gas gives an excellent approximation of the partial pressure of dissolved CO2 in the liquid medium, eliminating the need for measurement of CO2 concentration in the broth.  相似文献   

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