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A model mineralizing system was subjected to magnetic resonance microscopy to investigate how water proton transverse (T2) relaxation times and magnetization transfer ratios can be applied to monitor collagen mineralization. In our model system, a collagen sponge was mineralized with polymer-stabilized amorphous calcium carbonate. The lower hydration and water proton T2 values of collagen sponges during the initial mineralization phase were attributed to the replacement of the water within the collagen fibrils by amorphous calcium carbonate. The significant reduction in T2 values by day 6 (p < 0.001) was attributed to the appearance of mineral crystallites, which were also detected by x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. In the second phase, between days 6 and 13, magnetic resonance microscopy properties appear to plateau as amorphous calcium carbonate droplets began to coalesce within the intrafibrillar space of collagen. In the third phase, after day 15, the amorphous mineral phase crystallized, resulting in a reduction in the absolute intensity of the collagen diffraction pattern. We speculate that magnetization transfer ratio values for collagen sponges, with similar collagen contents, increased from 0.25 ± 0.02 for control strips to a maximum value of 0.31 ± 0.04 at day 15 (p = 0.03) because mineral crystals greatly reduce the mobility of the collagen fibrils.  相似文献   

Mathematical simulation and experimental measurement of dissolved O2 were performed for extended (up to 8 h) shear testing of Daucus carota (carrot) cell cultures in a conventional Couette viscometer (0.625 mm annulus). The results suggest O2 depletion below critical levels for cell growth may occur. A novel design modification incorporating an O2-permeable silicone-layer spun cast on a porous ceramic bowl was devised. It significantly improved oxygenation of the cell cultures, keeping dissolved O2 near saturation.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance microscopy of chick embryos in ovo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the live 11-day chick embryo with special radiofrequency coils and 3-D imaging methods has produced contiguous 1.25-mm-thick slices with 200-microns pixel resolution, permitting definition of cardiac chambers, cerebral ventricles, spinal cord, liver, and lungs. It was the objective of this study to image younger chick embryos in ovo with higher spatial resolution through the application of implanted radiofrequency coils. Fertilized Arbor Acre eggs were windowed at 9, 6, and 4 days. Circular coils 18 mm in diameter tuned to 85.5 MHz were suspended around the developing embryo. The eggs were sealed with tape and maintained at 37 degrees C during the imaging procedure. MRI was performed in a 2.0-Tesla GE system utilizing a 3-D Fourier transform acquisition in sagittal and axial planes with a partial saturation sequence (TR = 400 ms, TE = 27 ms). Approximately 1 hour of imaging time was required to obtain 16 contiguous 600-microns-thick slices with 50-microns pixel resolution. Embryos remained viable through the imaging procedure. Embryos were photographed, fixed, and cleared for correlative anatomical study. Vitelline vessels, dorsal aorta, aortic arches, cardinal veins, and cardiac chambers were identified as areas of decreased signal intensity. Cerebral ventricles and the vitreous portion of the eye have signal intensities that are less than adjacent neural, scleral, and lens tissue. Further refinements in MR instrumentation and imaging sequences promise improvements in resolution and offer the potential for sequential observations of the intact embryo.  相似文献   

In this article we present magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM) characterization of the advective transport in a biofilm capillary reactor. The biofilm generates non-axial flows that are up to 20% of the maximum axial velocity. The presence of secondary velocities of this magnitude alters the mass transport in the bioreactor relative to non-biofilm fouled reactors and questions the applicability of empirical mass transfer coefficient approaches. The data are discussed in the context of simulations and models of biofilm transport and conceptual aspects of transport modeling in complex flows are also discussed. The variation in the residence time distribution due to biofilm growth is calculated from the measured propagator of the motion. Dynamical systems methods applied to model fluid mixing in complex flows are indicated as a template for extending mass transport theory to quantitatively incorporate microscale data on the advection field into macroscale mass transfer models.  相似文献   

《Trends in biotechnology》2002,20(8):S24-S28
High-resolution magnetic resonance (MR) imaging or MR microscopy of small animals is rapidly becoming an important tool for non-invasive assessment of the anatomy and function of various tissues, particularly the central nervous system. The availability of multiple MR modalities provides the opportunity to generate many different types of endogenous or exogenous tissue contrast, which enables new types of histology. For instance, it is possible to obtain contrast based on intrinsic differences in the chemical composition of tissue, including the presence of iron, plaques or myelin fibers. Cells can also be identified by marking with an exogenous contrast label or ‘magnetic dye’ before their introduction into tissue. As MR histology is non-invasive, serial studies can be performed, enabling a unique dynamic evaluation of cellular events within the same individual.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance microscopy is receiving increased attention as more researchers in the biological sciences are turning to non-invasive imaging to characterize development, perturbations, phenotypes and pathologies in model organisms ranging from amphibian embryos to adult rodents and even plants. The limits of spatial resolution are being explored as hardware improvements address the need for increased sensitivity. Recent developments include in vivo cell tracking, restricted diffusion imaging, functional magnetic resonance microscopy and three-dimensional mouse atlases. Important applications are also being developed outside biology in the fields of fluid mechanics, geology and chemistry.  相似文献   

We have measured with positron emission tomography (PET) the regional distribution of extravascular lung water (EVLW) and hematocrit (HctL) in normal supine dogs. H2(15)O and C15O were used as total lung water (TLW) and intravascular water (IVW) compartment labels, respectively. An additional plasma volume label (68Ga-transferrin) was used to determine regional HctL. EVLW was calculated as the difference between TLW and IVW. In 13 dogs, EVLW was relatively constant along a gravity-dependent vertical gradient, although values in the most anterior regions were statistically less (P less than 0.05) than those in more posterior ones. The average value for EVLW (13 dogs) was 14.4 +/- 2.5 ml H2O/100 ml lung. When EVLW was compared with IVW on a regional basis, the EVLW/IVW ratio decreased significantly in a gravity-dependent direction from 1.95 +/- 0.28 to 0.88 +/- 0.18. In 7 dogs, no significant difference between HctL and systemic hematocrit (average ratio 1.01 +/- 0.08) was found nor was any significant variation of HctL within the lung detected. Thus, in contrast to gravimetric techniques, a hematocrit correction does not appear to be necessary when regional EVLW is studied by PET.  相似文献   

A major concern for long-term spaceflight is the effect of microgravity on bone structure and mass as a loss of cortical and trabecular bone volume and density, both of which can lead to decreased bone strength and an increased risk of bone fracture. Detailed analysis of the three-dimensional structure of trabecular bone, and its relation to bone strength has become feasible only recently using high-resolution 3D imaging techniques. In particular, magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM) has proved to be particularly useful for the ex vivo evaluation of the complex architecture of trabecular bone. In this study, we describe the use of two different MRM-based methods for the quantitative evaluation of the three-dimensional structure of trabecular bone explants and for the prediction of their biomechanical properties. The in vivo application of such methods is also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes a procedure, based on Tikhonov regularization, for obtaining the shear rate function or equivalently the viscosity function of blood from Couette viscometry data. For data sets that include points where the sample in the annulus is partially sheared the yield stress of blood will also be obtained. For data sets that do not contain partially sheared points, provided the shear stress is sufficiently low, a different method of estimating the yield stress is proposed. Both the shear rate function and yield stress obtained in this investigation are independent of any rheological model of blood. This procedure is applied to a large set of Couette viscometer data taken from the literature. Results in the form of shear rate and viscosity functions and yield stress are presented for a wide range of hematocrits and are compared against those reported by the originators of the data and against independently measured shear properties of blood.  相似文献   

Magnetic Resonance Microscopy (MRM) can provide high microstructural detail in excised human lesions. Previous MRM images on some experimental models and a few human samples suggest the large potential of the technique. The aim of this study was the characterization of specific morphological features of human brain tumor samples by MRM and correlative histopathology. We performed MRM imaging and correlative histopathology in 19 meningioma and 11 glioma human brain tumor samples obtained at surgery. To our knowledge, this is the first MRM direct structural characterization of human brain tumor samples. MRM of brain tumor tissue provided images with 35 to 40 μm spatial resolution. The use of MRM to study human brain tumor samples provides new microstructural information on brain tumors for better classification and characterization. The correlation between MRM and histopathology images allowed the determination of image parameters for critical microstructures of the tumor, like collagen patterns, necrotic foci, calcifications and/or psammoma bodies, vascular distribution and hemorrhage among others. Therefore, MRM may help in interpreting the Clinical Magnetic Resonance images in terms of cell biology processes and tissue patterns. Finally, and most importantly for clinical diagnosis purposes, it provides three-dimensional information in intact samples which may help in selecting a preferential orientation for the histopathology slicing which contains most of the informative elements of the biopsy. Overall, the findings reported here provide a new and unique microstructural view of intact human brain tumor tissue. At this point, our approach and results allow the identification of specific tissue types and pathological features in unprocessed tumor samples.  相似文献   

Receptor tyrosine kinases are activated upon ligand-induced dimerization. Here we show that the monomeric extracellular domain of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor-2 (VEGFR-2) has a flexible structure. Binding of VEGF to membrane-distal immunoglobulin-like domains causes receptor dimerization and promotes further interaction between receptor monomers through the membrane-proximal immunoglobulin-like domain 7. By this mechanism, ligand-induced dimerization of VEGFR-2 can be communicated across the membrane, activating the intracellular tyrosine kinase domains.  相似文献   

Microscale blood flow is characterised by heterogeneous distributions of hematocrit, viscosity and velocity. In microvascular bifurcations, cells are unevenly distributed between the branches, and this effect can be amplified in subsequent branches depending on a number of parameters. We propose an approach to infer hematocrit profiles of human blood flowing through a bifurcating microchannel. The influence of aggregation, induced by the addition of Dextran 2000 to the samples, is also considered. Averaged values indicate plasma skimming, particularly in the presence of red blood cell (RBC) aggregation. Using an empirical model, the hematocrit profiles are used to estimate local relative viscosity distributions. Simulations are used to predict how the non-uniform viscosity influences the velocity profiles. Comparing these data to velocity profiles of RBCs measured using particle image velocimetry provides validation of the model. It is observed that aggregation blunts velocity profiles after a long straight section of channel. Downstream of the bifurcation, skewing of the velocity profiles is detected, which is enhanced by aggregation. The proposed methodology is capable of providing hitherto unreported information on important aspects of microscale blood rheology.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has become an important non-invasive investigative technique in medicine and biology. The most recent development has been the ability to perform magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in selected regions within the human body. Such volumes can be selected by techniques which fall into the following broad catagories: surface coil methods, surface coils with depth selection, volume selection and chemical shift mapping. The latter two methods use magnetic field gradients, present on magnetic resonance imaging systems, to select the volume. MRS can be used to measure phosphorus and proton metabolites and hence study tissue biochemistry in-vivo.  相似文献   

Based on the findings of 54 magnetic resonance studies, the authors used 19 of them authors to study the types of normalcy. A role of the new noninvasive technique magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCPG) in the diagnosis of hepatopancreatoduodenal diseases is assessed. The potentialities of MRCPG in the detection of most common diseases and malformations of the biliary system are demonstrated. Comparative studies of MRCPG and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCPG) were conducted in 18 cases. The paper shows a methodological approach to MRCPG and analyzes the studies by describing the MR semiotics of major diseases. Emphasis is laid on how it is important to combine routine MRI and MRCPG in certain diagnostic situations. The authors consider that MRCPG is able to replace X-ray endoscopic studies and primarily ERCPG in diagnostic terms, by reserving their therapeutical functions for itself. MRCPG has great potentialities that, require further investigations and analysis.  相似文献   

Data extracted from video recordings of individual estuarine flocs near the estuary bed during the advance and retreat of the salt intrusion show changes in size and settling velocity distributions. The recordings were taken using INSSEV —IN Situ SEttling Velocity instrument. Size coupled with effective density variations due to both changes in floc structure and ambient salinity result in changes in the settling velocity during the tidal cycle. In particular, just after high water slack, the appearance of high settling velocity medium size flocs and individual particles suggest that the lower density flocs have been broken up by the intense vertical shear in the currents caused by the salt wedge intrusion. Current shear is shown to have a significant influence on floc effective density.  相似文献   

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