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《The Journal of cell biology》1996,134(5):1333-1344
We have identified three DNase I-hypersensitive sites in chromatin between 15 and 17 kb upstream of the mouse pro alpha 2 (I) collagen gene. These sites were detected in cells that produce type I collagen but not in cells that do not express these genes. A construction containing the sequences from -17 kb to +54 bp of the mouse pro alpha 2 (I) collagen gene, cloned upstream of either the Escherichia coli beta- galactosidase or the firefly luciferase reporter gene, showed strong enhancer activity in transgenic mice when compared with the levels seen previously in animals harboring shorter promoter fragments. Especially high levels of expression of the reporter gene were seen in dermis, fascia, and the fibrous layers of many internal organs. High levels of expression could also be detected in some osteoblastic cells. When various fragments of the 5' flanking sequences were cloned upstream of the 350-bp proximal pro alpha 2(I) collagen promoter linked to the lacZ gene, the cis-acting elements responsible for enhancement were localized in the region between -13.5 and -19.5 kb, the same region that contains the three DNase I-hypersensitive sites. Moreover, the DNA segment from -13.5 to -19.5 kb was also able to drive the cell-specific expression of a 220-bp mouse pro alpha 1(I) collagen promoter, which is silent in transgenic mice. Hence, our data suggest that a far-upstream enhancer element plays a role in regulating high levels of expression of the mouse pro alpha 2(I) collagen gene.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,129(5):1421-1432
The genes coding for the two type I collagen chains, which are active selectively in osteoblasts, odontoblasts, fibroblasts, and some mesenchymal cells, constitute good models for studying the mechanisms responsible for the cell-specific activity of genes which are expressed in a small number of discrete cell types. To test whether separate genetic elements could direct the activity of the mouse pro-alpha 1(I) collagen gene to different cell types in which it is expressed, transgenic mice were generated harboring various fragments of the proximal promoter of this gene cloned upstream of the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase gene. During embryonic development, X-gal staining allows for the precise identification of the different cell types in which the beta-galactosidase gene is active. Transgenic mice harboring 900 bp of the pro-alpha 1(I) proximal promoter expressed the transgene at relatively low levels almost exclusively in skin. In mice containing 2.3 kb of this proximal promoter, the transgene was also expressed at high levels in osteoblasts and odontoblasts, but not in other type I collagen-producing cells. Transgenic mice harboring 3.2 kb of the proximal promoter showed an additional high level expression of the transgene in tendon and fascia fibroblasts. The pattern of expression of the lacZ transgene directed by the 0.9- and 2.3-kb pro-alpha 1(I) proximal promoters was confirmed by using the firefly luciferase gene as a reporter gene. The pattern of expression of this transgene, which can be detected even when it is active at very low levels, paralleled that of the beta-galactosidase gene. These data strongly suggest a modular arrangement of separate cell-specific cis-acting elements that can activate the mouse pro-alpha(I) collagen gene in different type I collagen-producing cells. At least three different types of cell- specific elements would be located in the first 3.2 kb of the promoter: (a) an element that confers low level expression in dermal fibroblasts; (b) a second that mediates high level expression in osteoblasts and odontoblasts; and (c) one responsible for high level expression in tendon and fascia fibroblasts. Our data also imply that other cis- acting cell-specific elements which direct activity of the gene to still other type I collagen-producing cells remain to be identified.  相似文献   

Analysis of the collagen alpha 1(I) promoter.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文

To investigate the tissue-specific and hormonal regulation of the rat alpha 2u globulin gene family, we introduced one cloned member of the gene family into the mouse germ line and studied its expression in the resulting transgenic mice. Alpha 2u globulingene 207 was microinjected on a 7-kilobase DNA fragment, and four transgenic lines were analyzed. The transgene was expressed at very high levels, specifically in the liver and the preputial gland of adult male mice. The expression in male liver was first detected at puberty, and no expression was detected in female transgenic mice. This pattern of expression is similar to the expression of endogenous alpha 2u globulin genes in the rat but differs from the expression of the homologous mouse major urinary protein (MUP) gene family in that MUPs are synthesized in female liver and not in the male preputial gland. We conclude that these differences between rat alpha 2u globulin and mouse MUP gene expression are due to evolutionary differences in cis-acting regulatory elements. The expression of the alpha 2u globulin transgene in the liver was abolished by castration and fully restored after testosterone replacement. The expression could also be induced in the livers of female mice by treatment with either testosterone or dexamethasone, following ovariectomy and adrenalectomy. Therefore, the cis-acting elements responsible for regulation by these two hormones, as well as those responsible for tissue-specific expression, are closely linked to the alpha 2u globulin gene.  相似文献   

Deletion analysis of the mouse alpha 1(III) collagen promoter.   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A chimeric gene was constructed by fusing the DNA sequences containing the 5' flanking region of the mouse alpha 1(III) collagen gene to the coding sequence of the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene. Transient transfection experiments indicated that the alpha 1(III) promoter is active in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts and BC3H1 smooth muscle cells. The activity of the alpha 1(III) collagen promoter-CAT plasmid is stimulated approximately ten fold by the presence of the SV40 enhancer element. Removing sequences upstream of -200 stimulates the activity of the chimeric gene eight fold. Further deletion analysis identified sequences located between -350 and -300 that were instrumental in repressing the activity of the promoter. This 50 bp region contains a direct repeat sequence that may be involved in the regulation of the mouse alpha 1(III) collagen gene. Truncating the alpha 1(III) promoter to -80 further stimulated expression. We propose that the positive regulatory elements of this gene appear to be located within the first 80 bp of the promoter, whereas elements located further upstream exert a negative effect on the expression of the gene. Regulation of the alpha 1(III) gene contrasts with that of the alpha 2(I) collagen gene, which appears to be regulated by several positive elements located in various regions of the promoter.  相似文献   

The gene for rat pancreatic elastase I is selectively expressed to high levels in the rat exocrine pancreas. When the cloned rat elastase I gene with 7 kb upstream and 5 kb downstream flanking sequences was introduced into mice by microinjection into fertilized eggs, the gene was expressed in a pancreas-specific manner. In four of five transgenic mice, the level of rat elastase I mRNA in the pancreas was equal to or greater than the normal rat level (10,000 mRNAs per cell) and correlated with the number of integrated gene copies. In nonpancreatic tissues the levels were at least 103-fold lower, except for expression in the liver of one mouse. Thus transfer of a 23 kb genomic DNA segment containing the rat elastase I gene to a foreign chromosomal location in the mouse can give rise to qualitatively and quantitatively normal expression.  相似文献   

Using a DNA construct, named Lama, derived from the murine parotid secretory protein (PSP) gene, we have obtained salivary gland specific gene expression in transgenic mice. Lama is a PSP minigene and allows analysis of the PSP gene 5' regulatory region by transgenesis. We show here that the regulatory region included in Lama with 4.6 kb of 5' flanking sequence is sufficient to direct expression specifically to the salivary glands. The expression level in the parotid gland is only about one percent of the PSP mRNA level, while that of the sublingual gland is near the PSP mRNA level. This suggests significant differences in the PSP gene regulation in the two glands. In addition, Lama is a secretory expression vector in which cDNAs or genomic fragments can be inserted. We demonstrate that the Lama construct can direct the expression of a heterologous cDNA encoding the C-terminal peptide of human factor VIII to salivary glands and that the corresponding peptide is secreted into saliva.  相似文献   

Studies in vitro have not adequately resolved the role of intronic and upstream elements in regulating expression of the alpha 1(I) collagen gene. To address this issue, we generated 12 separate lines of transgenic mice with alpha 1(I) collagen-human growth hormone (hGH) constructs containing different amounts of 5'-flanking sequence, with or without most of the first intron. Transgenes driven by 2.3 kb of alpha 1(I) 5'-flanking sequence, whether or not they contained the first intron, were expressed at a high level and in a tissue-specific manner in seven out of seven independent lines of transgenic mice. In most tissues, the transgene was expressed at levels approaching that of the endogenous alpha 1(I) gene and was regulated identically with the endogenous gene as animals aged. However, in lung, expression of the transgene was anomalously high, and in muscle, expression was lower than that of the endogenous gene, suggesting that in these tissues other regions of the gene may participate in directing appropriate expression. Five lines of mice were generated containing transgenes driven by 0.44 kb of alpha 1(I) 5'-flanking sequence (with or without the first intron), and expression was detected in four out of five of these lines. The level of expression of the 0.44-kb constructs in the major collagen-producing tissues was 15- to 500-fold lower than that observed with the longer 2.3-kb promoter. While transgenes containing the 0.44-kb promoter and the first intron retained a modest degree of tissue-specific expression, those without the first intron lacked tissue specificity and were poorly expressed in all tissues except lung. These results contribute to our understanding of the role of the first intron in regulating alpha1(I) gene expression and identify a region, upstream of the basal alpha1(I) promotor, which is necessary for full tissue-specific, developmentally regulated expression of the alpha1(I) collagen gene.  相似文献   

We have developed an improved method for determining CAT activity directed by stably (transgenic mice) or transiently (tissue culture cell lines) introduced CAT reporter gene constructs. The procedure is based on the use of a new buffer system which considerably increases the stability of the CAT enzyme during the preparation of the crude cell extracts. When compared to other procedures, our method enables an increase of up to 100-fold in the sensitivity of the assay, depending on the transgenic tissue tested. Furthermore, a strong increase (up to 23-fold) was also observed with various promoter/CAT constructs transiently transfected in established tissue culture cell lines. This increase in sensitivity provides a significant reduction in the time required to perform the CAT assay when strong promoters are studied (from 18 to 1 hr) and is also very useful for the analysis of CAT gene expression driven by weak promoters.  相似文献   

The present experiments show that the single gene for the lens-specific protein alpha A-crystallin of chickens and mice uses a different subset of cis- and trans-acting regulatory elements for expression in transfected embryonic chicken lens epithelial cells. A chicken alpha A-crystallin-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) fusion gene required 162 base pairs whereas the murine alpha A-crystallin-CAT fusion gene required only 111 base pairs of 5'-flanking sequences for efficient tissue-specific expression in the transfected chicken lens cells. Gel retardation and competition experiments were performed using embryonic chicken lens nuclear extract and oligodeoxynucleotides identical to the 5'-flanking region of the chicken (-170/-111) and murine (-111/-88 and -88/-55) alpha A-crystallin gene. The results indicated that these homologous promoters use different nuclear factors for function. Methylation interference analysis identified a dyad of symmetry (CTGGTTCCCACCAG) at position -153 to -140 in the chicken alpha A-crystallin promoter which binds one or more lens nuclear factors. Gel mobility shift experiments using nuclear extracts of brain, reticulocytes, and muscle of embryonic chickens or HeLa cells suggested that the factor(s) binding to the chicken alpha A-crystallin gene promoter sequences are not lens specific. Despite differences in the functional and protein-binding properties of the alpha A-crystallin gene promoter of chickens and mice, expression of the chicken alpha A-crystallin-CAT fusion gene in transgenic mice was lens specific, consistent with a common underlying mechanism for expression of the alpha A-crystallin gene in chickens and mice.  相似文献   

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