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Host bird species of the Eurasian Cuckoo, Cuculus canorus, often display egg-discrimination behaviour but chick-rejection behaviour has never been reported. In this paper, we analyse a host-cuckoo association in which both population dynamics and evolutionary dynamics are explored in a discrete-time model. We introduce four host types, each with their own defence behaviour, displaying either egg or chick rejection, neither or both, We also introduce fitness functions for each of these host types. Although we can characterize the long term behaviour in many cases by a simple heuristic argument which is in accordance with common views in ecology, there are a number of other phenomena that are not explained within this framework: we describe stable oscillatory behaviour and coexistence of two defensive host types. We analyse the scenarios in which chick rejection may establish itself and give a first explanation as to why this defence trait has never been recorded in nature. We find that chick rejectors generally are at an intrinsic disadvantage with respect to a host type that rejects eggs. Hosts benefit more from rejecting cuckoo eggs than cuckoo chicks, and our model suggests that this is chiefly responsible for the absence of chick rejection. Moreover, even though it seems that chick rejection must be useful as an extra defence, it is shown that hosts with both defence strategies are less likely to establish themselves in competition with egg-rejectors than hosts which reject chicks only. These results provide insight in the extent to which adaptations may be perfected by natural selection.  相似文献   

The evolution of brood parasitism: the role of facultative parasitism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hypothesis that facultative brood parasitism may serve asan intermediate step in the evolutionary transition from purelyparental reproduction to obligate parasitism was investigated.The population dynamics of a host-parasite complex were computer-simulatedin a model that incorporated different intensities of parasitismand host defense and considered a simplified semelparous birdspecies living in a homogeneous habitat The individuals usetwo different breeding strategies: provide parental care orparasitize the nest of those providing parental care. Underobligate parasitism, the parasites appeared unsuccessful, drovethe host population to extinction, or coexisted with the hostin stable or oscillating proportions. The behavior of the systemdepended on both the effectiveness of the parasite and the defenseof the host. Under facultative parasitism (making the best ofa bad job), the parasites reduced host numbers but did not reducethe population size below the number of breeding sites. Thus,facultative parasitism provides a better opportunity for thedevelopment of defense in the host. The population of a hostthat shows a certain level of defense can be more successfullyinvaded by obligate parasites so that stable coexistence ofhosts and parasites is possible.  相似文献   

In coevolutionary arms races, like between cuckoos and their hosts, it is easy to understand why the host is under selection favouring anti-parasitism behaviour, such as egg rejection, which can lead to parasites evolving remarkable adaptations to ‘trick’ their host, such as mimetic eggs. But what about cases where the cuckoo egg is not mimetic and where the host does not act against it? Classically, such apparently non-adaptive behaviour is put down to evolutionary lag: given enough time, egg mimicry and parasite avoidance strategies will evolve. An alternative is that absence of egg mimicry and of anti-parasite behaviour is stable. Such stability is at first sight highly paradoxical. I show, using both field and experimental data to parametrize a simulation model, that the absence of defence behaviour by Cape bulbuls (Pycnonotus capensis) against parasitic eggs of the Jacobin cuckoo (Clamator jacobinus) is optimal behaviour. The cuckoo has evolved massive eggs (double the size of bulbul eggs) with thick shells, making it very hard or impossible for the host to eject the cuckoo egg. The host could still avoid brood parasitism by nest desertion. However, higher predation and parasitism risks later in the season makes desertion more costly than accepting the cuckoo egg, a strategy aided by the fact that many cuckoo eggs are incorrectly timed, so do not hatch in time and hence do not reduce host fitness to zero. Selection will therefore prevent the continuation of any coevolutionary arms race. Non-mimetic eggs and absence of defence strategies against cuckoo eggs will be the stable, if at first sight paradoxical, result.  相似文献   

  1. Brood parasitism is a breeding strategy adopted by many species of cuckoos across the world. This breeding strategy influences the evolution of life histories of brood parasite species.
  2. In this study, we tested whether the degree on diet specialization is related to the breeding strategy in cuckoo species, by comparing brood parasite and nonparasite species. We measured the gradient of diet specialization of cuckoos, by calculating the Gini coefficient, an index of inequality, on the multiple traits describing the diet of species. The Gini coefficient is a measure of statistical dispersion on a scale between 0 and 1, reflecting a gradient from low to high specialization, respectively. First, we tested the strength of the phylogenetic signal of diet specialization index among cuckoo species worldwide. Then, we ran phylogenetic generalized least square (PGLS) models to compare diet specialization, distribution range, and body mass of parasitic and nonparasitic cuckoo species, considering the phylogenetic signal of data.
  3. After adjusting for the phylogenetic signal of the data and considering both, species distribution range and species body mass, brood parasitic cuckoos were characterized by higher diet specialization than nonbrood parasitic species. Brood parasitic species were also characterized by a larger breeding distribution range than nonparasitic species.
  4. The findings of this study provide an additional understanding of the cuckoos’ ecology, relating diet and breeding strategies, information that could be important in conservation ecology.

Body temperatures of 11 bird species, including cuckoos, were measured in an artificial meteorological room. Ratios of change in body temperature to that in air temperature were thereby obtained for each species. Cuckoos demonstrate a remarkably high value, indicating a particularly low ability to regulate body temperature. Viewed in this light, the cuckoo's parasitic behavior is very likely an adaptation to overcome a physiological disadvantage. This in turn might be expected to reinforce delay in evolution of temperature homeostasis.  相似文献   

Parasites and parasitoids exert an important selection pressure on organisms and, thus, play an important role for both population dynamics and evolutionary responses of host species. We investigated host-parasite interactions in a brood-caring wasp, the European beewolf, Philanthus triangulum (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), and asked whether females of this species might employ temporal or spatial strategies to reduce the rate of attack by a specialised brood parasitoid, the cuckoo wasp Hedychrum rutilans (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Females of the host species might shift their activity to periods of low parasitoid activity both in the course of the season and in the course of the day. On a spatial scale, aggregated or dispersed nesting might be favoured depending on the form of the density dependence of parasitism. The beginning and end of the flight season of host and parasitoid were nearly identical. Activity of chrysidids relative to beewolves did not change significantly during the flight season. However, relative parasitoid activity declined in the course of the day, suggesting the existence of temporal enemy-free space in the evening hours. Shifting the main activity to the evening hours might be a flexible response of beewolves to the presence of chrysidids. Activity of cuckoo wasps per nest was independent of nest density but the actual rate of parasitism as revealed by nest excavations indicated direct density dependence. Total mortality, however, was inversely density dependent. Thus, in the study population aggregated nesting did not reduce parasitism but minimised total mortality.  相似文献   

Host density predicts presence of cuckoo parasitism in reed warblers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In some hosts of avian brood parasites, several populations apparently escape parasitism, while others are parasitized. Many migratory specialist brood parasites like common cuckoos, Cuculus canorus , experience a short breeding season, and in order to maintain local parasite populations host densities should be sufficiently high to allow efficient nest search. However, no studies have investigated the possible effect of host density on presence of cuckoo parasitism among populations of a single host species. Here, we investigated possible predictors of common cuckoo parasitism in 16 populations of reed warblers, Acrocephalus scirpaceus , across Europe. In more detail, we quantified the effect of host density, number of host breeding pairs, habitat type, mean distance to nearest cuckoo vantage point, predation rate and latitude on the presence of cuckoo parasitism while controlling for geographical distance among study populations. Host density was a powerful predictor of parasitism. We also found a less pronounced effect of habitat type on occurrence of parasitism, while the other variables did not explain why cuckoos utilize some reed warbler populations and not others. This is the first study focusing on patterns of common cuckoo-host interactions within a specific host species on a large geographic scale. The results indicate that if host density is below a specific threshold, cuckoo parasitism is absent regardless of the state of other potentially confounding variables.  相似文献   

介绍了寄生虫的提前适应机制在寄生虫起源与进化中的重要作用,同时还推测了寄生虫可能的进化过程,并且阐述了寄生虫对寄生生活的适应对策以及对宿主行为的改变。  相似文献   

The evolution of parental care and egg size has attracted considerable attention and theoretical debate. Several different hypotheses have been proposed concerning the trajectories of parental care and egg size evolution and the order of specific evolutionary transitions. Few comparative studies have investigated the predictions of these hypotheses. Here, we investigate the evolutionary association between parental care and egg size in frogs in a phylogenetic context. Data on egg size and presence or absence of parental care in various species of frogs was gathered from the scientific literature. As a basis for our comparative analyses, we developed a phylogenetic supertree, by combining the results of multiple phylogenetic analyses in the literature using matrix representation parsimony. Using phylogenetic pairwise comparisons we demonstrated a significant association between the evolution of parental care and large egg size. We then used recently developed maximum likelihood methods to infer the evolutionary order of specific transitions. This analysis revealed that the evolution of large egg size typically precedes the evolution of parental care, rather than the reverse. We discuss the relevance of our results to previous hypotheses concerning the evolution of parental care and egg size.  相似文献   

Owls possess stereopsis (i.e., the ability to perceive depth from retinal disparity cues), but its distribution amongst other birds has remained largely unexplored. Here, we present data on species variation in brain and telencephalon size and features of the Wulst, the neuroanatomical substrate that subserves stereopsis, in a putative sister-group to owls, the order Caprimulgiformes. The caprimulgiforms we examined included nightjars (Caprimulgidae), owlet-nightjars (Aegothelidae), potoos (Nyctibiidae), frogmouths (Podargidae) and the Oilbird (Steatornithidae). The owlet-nightjars and frogmouths shared almost identical relative brain, telencephalic and Wulst volumes as well as overall brain morphology and Wulst morphology with owls. Specifically, the owls, frogmouths and owlet-nightjars possess relatively large brains and telencephalic and Wulst volumes, had a characteristic brain shape and displayed prominent laminae in the Wulst. In contrast, potoos and nightjars both had relatively small brains and telencephala, and Wulst volumes that are typical for similarly sized birds from other orders. The Oilbird had a large brain, telencephalon and Wulst, although these measures were not quite as large as those of the owls. This gradation of owl-like versus nightjar-like brains within caprimulgiforms has significant implications for understanding the evolution of stereopsis and the Wulst both within the order and birds in general.  相似文献   

The cuckoo catfish Synodontis multipunctatus and S. grandiops are endemic to Lake Tanganyika and the only known nonavian vertebrates that exhibit obligate interspecific brood parasitism. Seven maternal mouth-brooding cichlid fish species are reported to be natural hosts of the parasitic catfish and share a common reproductive behaviour that the catfish exploits: cichlid females spawn eggs on the bottom, allowing the catfish female to place her eggs near the cichlid eggs, and the cichlid females collect the catfish eggs by mouth together with their own eggs. However, so far it has not been reported that the cuckoo catfish exploit different spawning behaviours. The genus Cyprichromis consists of five maternal mouth-brooding species endemic to Lake Tanganyika, most of which spawn and collect eggs in open water. This study reports that the cuckoo catfish also parasitizes the open-water spawning Cyprichromis coloratus, although it may not be a regular host.  相似文献   

Broad ecological shifts can render previously adaptive traits nonfunctional. It is an open question as to how and how quickly nonfunctional traits decay once the selective pressures that favored them are removed. The village weaverbird (Ploceus cucullatus) avoids brood parasitism by rejecting foreign eggs. African populations have evolved high levels of within-clutch uniformity as well as individual distinctiveness in egg color and spotting, a combination that facilitates identification of foreign eggs. In a companion study, I showed that these adaptations in egg appearance declined following introductions of weavers into habitats devoid of egg-mimicking brood parasites. Here, I use experimental parasitism in two ancestral and two introduced populations to test for changes in egg rejection behavior while controlling for changes in egg appearance. Introduced populations reject foreign eggs less frequently, but the ability of source and introduced populations to reject foreign eggs does not differ after controlling for the evolution of egg color and spotting. Therefore, egg rejection behavior in introduced populations of the village weaver has been compromised by changes in egg appearance, but there has been no significant decline in the birds' ability to recognize foreign eggs. This result reconciles earlier studies on this system and provides insights into the ways behavior can change over generations, especially in the context of recognition systems and the avoidance of brood parasitism.  相似文献   

Magpies (Pica pica) build large nests that are the target of sexual selection, since males of early breeding pairs provide many sticks for nests and females mated to such males enjoy a material fitness benefit in terms of better quality territory and parental care of superior quality. Great spotted cuckoos (Clamator glandarius) preferentially parasitize large magpie nests and sexual selection for large nests is thus opposed by natural selection due to brood parasitism. Consistent with the hypothesized opposing selection pressures, in a comparative analysis of 14 magpie populations in Europe we found that nest volume was consistently smaller in sympatry than in allopatry with the great spotted cuckoo, in particular in areas with a high parasitism rate and high rates of rejection of mimetic model cuckoo eggs. These observations are consistent with the suggestion that magpies have evolved a smaller nest size in areas where cuckoos have exerted strong selection pressures on them in the recent past.  相似文献   

Host of brood parasites increase the ability of rejecting cuckooeggs by production of (1) a clutch with little variation amongeggs and (2) a clutch that differs the most from the modal phenotypeof the population. These hypotheses have been tested by Øienet at. (1995), although they did not control for common phylogeneticancestry. We analyze the evolution of egg color and markingpatterns in European passerines, which are potential hosts ofdie European cuckoo (Cuculus canorus), using Felsenstein's (1985)independent comparative method to control for the effect ofcommon phylogenetic descent We found a significant positiverelationship between interclutch variation in appearance ofhost eggs and parasitism rate, but this relationship disappearedwhen hole-nesting species were excluded from the analysis; andwe found a highly significant multiple regression between rejectionrate and intra- and interclutch variation in egg appearance,even when hole nesters were excluded from the analysis. Thepartial correlation coefficients were negative for intraclutchvariation and positive with interclutch variation in agreementwidi the hypotheses. Therefore, the use of the independent comparativemethod strengthens the hypothesis that the evolution of eggpatterns in hosts is associated with different stages of coevolutionwith the brood parasite.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of brain function in invertebrates with sophisticated behaviors, such as the octopus, may advance our understanding of the evolution of the neural processes that mediate complex behaviors. Until the last few years, this approach was infeasible due to the lack of neurophysiological tools for testing the neural circuits mediating learning and memory in the brains of octopus and other cephalopods. Now, for the first time, the adaptation of modern neurophysiological methods to the study of the central nervous system of the octopus allows this avenue of research. The emerging results suggest that a convergent evolutionary process has led to the selection of vertebrate-like neural organization and activity-dependent long-term synaptic plasticity. As octopuses and vertebrates are very remote phylogenetically, this convergence suggests the importance of the shared properties for the mediation of learning and memory.  相似文献   

Rates of brood parasitism vary extensively among host species and populations of a single host species. In this study, we documented and compared parasitism rates of two sympatric hosts, the Oriental Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus orientalis) and the Reed Parrotbill (Paradoxornis heudei), in three populations in China. We found that the Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is the only parasite using both the Oriental Reed Warbler and Reed Parrotbill as hosts, with a parasitism rate of 22.4%-34.3% and 0%-4.6%, respectively. The multiple parasitism rates were positively correlated with local parasitism rates across three geographic populations of Oriental Reed Warbler, which implies that higher pressure of parasitism lead to higher multiple parasitism rate. Furthermore, only one phenotype of cuckoo eggs was found in the nests of these two host species. Our results lead to two conclusions: (1) The Oriental Reed Warbler should be considered the major host of Common Cuckoo in our study sites; and (2) obligate parasitism on Oriental Reed Warbler by Common Cuckoo is specialized but flexible to some extent, i.e., using Reed Parrotbill as a secondary host. Further studies focusing on egg recognition and rejection behaviour of these two host species should be conducted to test our predictions.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of nematode diversity and the evolution of parasitism.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A thorough and coherent classification of the phylum Nematoda is essential if the evolution of countless phenotypes is to be understood. Here, Mark Dorris, Paul De Ley and Mark Blaxter discuss how the application of molecular phylogenetics is helping to resolve some of the inconsistencies in morphological classification and phylogeny by establishing relationships between free-living and parasitic groups, showing possible patterns underlying the origins of parasitism and placing key nematode species in an evolutionary context for comparative study.  相似文献   

We present a model to investigate why some bird species rearthe nestlings of brood parasites in spite of suffering largereductions in their own immediate fitness. Of particular interestis the case in which hosts rear only the parasite's young, allof their own offspring having been ejected or destroyed by theparasite. We investigate the conditions for the evolution ofretaliation by brood parasites against hosts that eject theiryoung, as well as the evolution of nonejection by hosts. Retaliationby cuckoos can evolve, despite potentially benefiting otherbrood parasites, if rates of ejection by hosts are neither toohigh nor too low, and if depredated nests are reparasitizedat a high rate by the depredating cuckoo. The presence of aretaliatory cuckoo then eases the conditions for the evolutionof hosts to accept and rear cuckoo offspring. A key conditionfavoring the evolution of non-ejection is that nonejectors enjoylower rates of parasitism in later clutches compared to ejectors.This requires that cuckoos reparasitize the clutches of ejectorsat relatively high rates and that nonejectors can rear a clutchof their own following the rearing of a cuckoo nestling. Ifthese conditions are not met, it pays hosts to eject cuckoonestlings even if the cuckoo retaliates. The model can explainwhy nonejection is relatively easy to evolve in cases in whichthe host young are reared alongside those of the cuckoo, suchas in cowbirds, and shows how hosts can resist invasion by parasiticcuckoos. The model predicts that retaliatory brood parasitessuch as the cuckoo have good memory for the location and statusof nests in their territory. Hosts of retaliatory cuckoos whosenestlings destroy the host clutch are predicted to have longbreeding seasons or the ability to attempt more than one clutchper season. Our model of retaliation may have wider applicationsto host-parasite relationships, virulence, and immunity.  相似文献   

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