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Isolated rat liver cells convert [14C]vinyl chloride into non-volatile metabolites. The metabolism is not increased by in vivo pretreatment with phenobarbital. It is sensitive to inhibition by ethanol, which at a concentration of 4 mM inhibits vinyl chloride metabolism to 50% in hepatocyte suspensions. The metabolic activity is NADPH-dependent and is localized in the microsomal fraction of the liver. The enzyme is also strongly inhibited by tetrahydrofuran, indicating that it could be identical to an ethanol-inducible cytochrome P-450 described in the literature [1].  相似文献   

The mechanism of inhibition of pyruvate carboxylase, pyruvate dehydrogenase, and carbamyl phosphate synthetase induced by alpha-ketoisovalerate metabolism has been investigated in isolated rat hepatocytes incubated with lactate, pyruvate, ammonia, and ornithine as substrates. Half-maximum inhibitions of flux through each of these enzyme steps were obtained with 0.3 mM alpha-ketoisovalerate. The inhibition of pyruvate carboxylase flux by alpha-ketoisovalerate was largely reversed by oleate addition, but pyruvate dehydrogenase flux was inhibited further. Inhibition of flux through pyruvate carboxylase could be attributed mainly to the fall of its allosteric activator, acetyl-CoA, with some additional effect due to inhibition by methylmalonyl-CoA. Tissue acetyl-CoA levels decrease as a result of an inhibition of the active form of pyruvate dehydrogenase. Kinetic studies with the purified pig heart pyruvate dehydrogenase complex showed that methyl-malonyl-CoA, propionyl-CoA, and isobutyryl-CoA were inhibitory, the latter noncompetitive with CoASH with an apparent Ki of 90 microM. The observed inhibition of pyruvate dehydrogenase flux correlated with increases of the acetyl-CoA/CoASH and propionyl-CoA/CoASH ratios and isobutyryl-CoA levels, while increases of the mitochondrial NADH/NAD+ ratio explained differences between the effects of alpha-ketoisovalerate and propionate. Carbamyl phosphate synthetase I purified from rat liver was shown to be inhibited directly by methylmalonyl-CoA (apparent Ki of 5 mM). Inhibition of flux through carbamyl phosphate synthetase during alpha-ketoisovalerate metabolism could be attributed both to a direct inhibitory effect of methyl-malonyl-CoA and to a diminished activation by N-acetylglutamate. Direct effects of various acyl-CoA metabolites on these key enzymes may explain symptoms of hypoglycemia and hyperammonemia observed in patients with inherited disorders of organic acid metabolism.  相似文献   

Vasopressin (10nM) inhibited ketogenesis (56%) in hepatocytes from fed rats when oleate (1 mM) was the substrate, but had no effect with butyrate (10mM). The hormone increased the accumulation of lactate and stimulated the esterification of [1(-14)C]oleate (70%). These effects of vasopressin were reversed by glucagon (10 nM). The physiological implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study, direct evidence is given to SAMe capability of crossing the membrane of isolated rat hepatocytes. The kinetics of SAMe uptake is biphasic: a fast phase being completed in less than 15 sec and a slower one with an apparent Km of 8.33 μM and a Vmax of 10.6 pmol/min/mg protein. Both processes are pH and temperature dependent. Analysis of the fast phase by a Scatchard plot discloses two sets of binding sites of high and low affinity, respectively. Experiments carried out incubating isolated hepatocytes with double-labelled SAMe (methyl-3H, carboxyl-14C) have shown that about 70% of SAMe uptake by the cell is rapidly decarboxylated.  相似文献   

The turnover of the adenine nucleotide pool, the pathway of the degradation of AMP and the occurrence of recycling of adenosine were investigated in isolated chicken hepatocytes, in which the adenylates had been labelled by prior incubation with [14C]adenine. Under physiological conditions, 85% of the IMP synthesized by the 'de novo' pathway (approx. 37 nmol/min per g of cells) was catabolized directly via inosine into uric acid, and 14% was converted into adenine nucleotides. The latter were found to turn over at the rate of approx. 5 nmol/min per g of tissue. Inhibition of adenosine deaminase by 1 microM-coformycin had no effect on the formation of labelled uric acid, indicating that the initial degradation of AMP proceeds by way of deamination rather than dephosphorylation. Inhibition of adenosine kinase by 100 microM-5-iodotubercidin resulted in a loss of labelled ATP, demonstrating that adenosine is normally formed from AMP but is recycled. Unexpectedly, 5-iodotubercidin did not decrease the total concentration of ATP, indicating that the loss of adenylates caused by inhibition of adenosine kinase was nearly completely compensated by formation of AMP de novo. Anoxia induced a greatly increased catabolism of the adenine nucleotide pool, which proceeded in part by dephosphorylation of AMP. On reoxygenation, the formation of AMP de novo was increased 8-fold as compared with normoxic conditions. The latter results indicate the existence of adaptive mechanisms in chick liver allowing, when required, channelling of the metabolic flux through the 'de novo' pathway, away from the uricotelic catabolic route, into the synthesis of adenine nucleotides.  相似文献   

This study examines thiamin transport in isolated rat hepatocytes and its relationship to thiamin phosphorylation. In an Na+ medium, [35S]thiamin, 3 microM, was accumulated rapidly by the cells, and a near study state intra-/extracellular distribution ratio of 3 was attained in 1 min. However, the uptake of radioactivity continued to increase with time owing principally to the accumulation of [35S]thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP). In a choline, Li+ or K+ medium, the steady state intra-/extracellular distribution ratio of [35S]thiamin was decreased to less than or equal to 1.1. Accordingly, the rate of formation of [35S]TPP also decreased. Ouabain and uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation significantly lowered the distribution ratio of intra-/extracellular [35S]thiamin. These data indicate that thiamin transport in liver is concentrative, Na+-dependent, and dependent on biological energy. Additionally, they suggest that thiamin transport plays a significant role in governing the rate of synthesis of TPP. Neither pyrithiamin, an inhibitor of thiamin pyrophosphokinase nor o-benzoylthiamin disulfide, a permeable thiamin analog, affected the distribution ratio of intra-/extracellular [35S]thiamin, but preferentially inhibited the phosphorylation of [35S]thiamin. By contrast, amprolium primarily inhibited uptake. These data suggest that thiamin transport and phosphorylation can be differentiated by the action of appropriate inhibitors.  相似文献   

1. The fatty acid synthesis in isolated liver cells from fed rats was studied with tritiated water as the radioactive precursor. The cells incorporated 3H20 at a rate of 1.26 mumol per min per g packed cells. 2. Addition of ethanol caused a 20% decrease in the incorporation of tritium into fatty acids. The decrease was correlated to the increase in the NAD-redox level. Probably, the decreased tritium incorporation into fatty acids during ethanol metabolism is due to a decrease in the specific activity of the NADPH used for the synthesis of fatty acids, rather than to a real inhibition of the fatty acid synthesis. 3. Ethanol oxidation via NADPH-consuming pathways and ethanol per se at a concentration of 80 mM had no effect upon the incorporation of tritium into fatty acids. 4. Fructose in a concentration of 15 mM inhibited the fatty acid synthesis by 75%, and this inhibition was further augmented by ethanol. 5. The ioslated rat liver cells oxidized ethanol at a rate of 2.72, 2.93 and 3.48 mumol per min per g packed cells at 5, 20 and 80 mM ethanol, respectively. Fructose had no effect upon ethanol oxidation neither at low nor at high concentrations of ethanol. 6. Ethanol oxidation via the non alcohol dehydrogenase pathway(s) may involve a transfer of reducing equivalents from mitochondrial NADH to cyctosolic NADP+ as judged from measurements of metabolite levels. This conclusion is supported by determinations of 14C yield in glucose from [1-14C] ethanol, and the results are taken as evidence for the presence of hydrogen shuttle activity during metabolism of ethanol, catalyzed by the NAD-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase. A metabolic scheme is proposed to account for the observed changes at low and high concentrations of ethanol.  相似文献   

Kidney-cortex tubule suspensions were prepared by collagenase treatment of kidney cortex from fed and starved rats. This preparation, consisting mainly of proximal convoluted tubules was incubated with three major renal substrates, L-lactate, glutamine and oleate to study the dose dependence of substrate uptake rates from medium substrate combinations. All three substances, when added at near physiological concentrations, modified the uptake rate and fate of the other substrates. In accordance with previous observations, oleate inhibited lactate uptake, and lactate decreased glutamine metabolism. Glutamine on the other hand led to a marked increase in lactate uptake. Both, glutamine and lactate increased oleate metabolism. Glucose was the main product of lactate and glutamine metabolism, lactate being preferentially taken up for this process. Oleate led to a net synthesis of triglycerides in the tubules, which was stimulated by the addition of lactate and glutamine. More than 75% of the oleate taken up was recovered as triglycerides. In the absence of fatty acids, triglyceride content of tubules decreased. The results indicate that oleate is taken up in preference to lactate and glutamine when all three substrates are offered to the tubule. Glucose and triglycerides are the main metabolic products of tubular substrate metabolism. Whereas glucose is released into the medium, triglycerides are stored in the tubule cell.  相似文献   

The effect of ethanol on receptor-mediated phospholipase C-linked signal transduction processes was investigated in isolated rat hepatocytes. Pretreatment of the cells with ethanol (6-300 mM) markedly inhibited a subsequent stimulation of phospholipase C by vasopressin, angiotensin II, or epidermal growth factor. By contrast, the effects of the alpha 1-adrenergic agonist phenylephrine and of glucagon were not affected by ethanol pretreatment. Ethanol inhibited the agonist-induced decrease in polyphosphoinositides, the formation of inositol phosphates, and the increase in cytosolic free Ca2+ levels, as detected with the intracellular Ca2+ indicator indo-1. The effects of ethanol were concentration dependent and were pronounced at low concentrations of agonists but were not significant at saturating levels. Pretreatment of the cells with the protein kinase C inhibitor H7 partly prevented the inhibition by ethanol of vasopressin-induced phospholipase C activation. By contrast, pretreatment of the cells with (Rp)-adenosine cyclic 3':5'-phosphorothioate [Rp)-cAMP-S), a competitive inhibitor of protein kinase A, potentiated the inhibitory effect of ethanol on the Ca2+ mobilization by vasopressin. (Rp)-cAMP-S similarly potentiated the inhibition of phospholipase C by the protein kinase C-activating phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). The kinase A inhibitor also made the Ca2+ mobilization by phenylephrine sensitive to ethanol, indicating that the formation of cAMP in the cells played a role in suppressing the sensitivity to ethanol. Pretreatment of the cells with ethanol enhanced the inhibitory effects of TPA on the vasopressin-induced phospholipase C activation at all concentrations of the hormone; however, these synergistic effects were prevented when TPA was added prior to ethanol, a condition that prevents the activation of phospholipase C by ethanol. The data indicate that ethanol causes desensitization of the receptor-mediated phospholipase C secondary to the ethanol-induced activation of phospholipase C and activation of protein kinase C. Ethanol treatment also affects the sensitivity of the phospholipase C system to control by protein kinases A and C. The data indicate that ethanol can affect the control of intracellular signal transduction processes in liver cells under physiologically relevant conditions.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by means of which phenylephrine stimulates glutamine metabolism were studied in isolated rat hepatocytes. In the first 2 min after phenylephrine addition there was a rapid fall in the concentrations of intracellular 2-oxoglutarate and glutamate, presumably owing to activation of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase. This was followed 2-3 min later by activation of glutaminase and by increases in glutamate and 2-oxoglutarate. Activation of glutaminase by phenylephrine was due to direct stimulation of the enzyme rather than to reversal of inhibition by the decrease in 2-oxoglutarate and glutamate. The stimulation of glutaminase by phenylephrine is partly due to an increase in the affinity of the enzyme for ammonia, its essential activator. It is concluded that stimulation of steady-state flux through the pathway from glutamine to glucose and urea can only be achieved by stimulation of glutaminase, the first enzyme in the pathway.  相似文献   

The participation and energy dependence of the malate-aspartate shuttle in transporting reducing equivalents generated from cytoplasmic lactate oxidation was studied in isolated hepatocytes of fasted rats. Both lactate removal and glucose synthesis were inhibited by butylmalonate, aminooxyacetate or cycloserine confirming the involvement of malate and aspartate in the transfer of reducing equivalents from the cytoplasm to mitochondria. In the presence of ammonium ions the inhibition of lactate utilization by butylmalonate was considerably reduced, yet the transfer of reducing equivalents into the mitochondria was unaffected, indicating a substantially lesser role for butylmalonate-sensitive malate transport in reducing-equivalent transfer when ammonium ions were present. Ammonium ions had no stimulatory effect on uptake of sorbitol, a substrate whose oxidation principally involves the alpha-glycerophosphate shuttle. The role of cellular energy status (reflected in the mitochondrial membrane electrical potential (delta psi) and redox state), in lactate oxidation and operation of the malate-aspartate shuttle, was studied using a graded concentration range of valinomycin (0-100 nM). Lactate oxidation was strongly inhibited when delta psi fell from 130 to 105 mV whereas O2 consumption and pyruvate removal were only minimally affected over the valinomycin range, suggesting that the oxidation of lactate to pyruvate is an energy-dependent step of lactate metabolism. Our results confirm that the operation of the malate-aspartate shuttle is energy-dependent, driven by delta psi. In the presence of added ammonium ions the removal of lactate was much less impaired by valinomycin, suggesting an energy-independent utilization of lactate under these conditions. The oxidizing effect of ammonium ions on the mitochondrial matrix apparently alleviates the need for energy input for the transfer of reducing equivalents between the cytoplasm and mitochondria. It is concluded that, in the presence of ammonium ions, the transport of lactate hydrogen to the mitochondria is accomplished by malate transfer that is not linked to the electrogenic transport of glutamate across the inner membrane, and, hence, is clearly distinct from the butylmalonate-sensitive, energy-dependent, malate-aspartate shuttle.  相似文献   

The addition of 10 mM fructose or 10 mM tagatose to a suspension of hepatocytes caused respiratory inhibition, whereas no change in oxygen uptake was observed following the addition of glucose. However, incubations in the presence of fructose showed a high, aerobic glycolytic activity. Tagatose is phosphorylated to tagatose 1-phosphate but is not further metabolized by cell free liver extract. Moreover, the addition of fructose to glucagon treated cells also caused the Crabtree-like effect. The concentration of adenine nucleotides and inorganic phosphate (Pi) in the mitochondrial and cytosolic compartments during incubation (time 30 min) was determined by the digitonin fractionation procedure. In the presence of 10 mM fructose or tagatose, the total adenine nucleotide pools decreased by 40%; however, glucose produced no change. The addition of ketoses diminished the asymmetric distribution of extramitochondrial (ATP/ADP)e ratio and intramitochondrial (ATP/ADP)i ratio. At the same time the total mitochondrial Pi fell from 17 mM to 6-7 mM. The mitochondrial membrane potential (-161 mV) in the presence of fructose showed no changes during the 30 min experimental period. An increase in the NADH/NAD+ ratio was observed. These results suggest that in hepatocytes the inhibition of respiration is not necessarily linked with the enhanced aerobic glycolysis, by competition for common substrates.  相似文献   

The incorporation of benzoate into hippurate by isolated hepatocytes was limited by the availability of glycine. This limitation was unaffected by the addition of ammonia. When isolated hepatocytes were incubated in a solution containing urease, benzoate was completely ineffective in combating ammonia accumulation, while a mixture of α-keto analogues of several amino acids reduced ammonia accumulation by 50%. These findings do not support the use of benzoate to combat hyperammonemia, but they do support the current use of α-keto analogues of amino acids for that purpose.  相似文献   

J C Marchand  A Lavoinne  M Giroz  F Matray 《Biochimie》1979,61(11-12):1273-1282
The effect of adenosine was tested on the energetic metabolism of fed rat liver cells after isolation. The cells were incubated in a buffered saline medium with glucose (5 mM) and adenosine (1 mM) for 30 minutes at 37 degrees C. This increased the concentration of the adenylic nucleotides ATP (+57 per cent, ADP (+39 per cent). Cyclic AMP was increased (+50 per cent) and the intracellular inorganic phosphate decreased (-22 per cent). These changes were accompaned by a decrease of glycogenolysis, glucose consumption and lactate production. Measurement of glycolytic intermediates showed decreased concentrations of fructose 1,6-bis-phosphate and 3-phosphoglycerate proportional to the increase in ATP concentration. The near-equilibrium of the glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase-phosphoglycerate kinase system was not modified by adenosine. The decrease of the NAD+/NADH ratio along with the increase of the ATP/ADP X PO4 ratio explains the decrease of 3-phosphoglycerate. The decrease in glucose consumption can be explained by the cross over at the phosphofructokinase stage with the decrease of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. The major part of adenosine was deaminated as indicated by an increase in the production of ammonia and urea. The effects of inosine, or adenosine along with an inhibitor of adenosine deaminase (pentostatin) suggest that adenosine acts on the glucose consumption through adenylic nucleotides. However the increase of the adenylic nucleotide level cannot totally explain the other metabolic changes: decrease of the NAD+/NADH cytoplasmic ratio, constancy of this ratio in mitochondria, decrease of gluconeogenesis from lactate. A direct action of adenosine can therefore be expected.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to study the interaction of propionic acid and carnitine on oxidative metabolism by isolated rat hepatocytes. Propionic acid (10 mM) inhibited hepatocyte oxidation of [1-14C]-pyruvate (10 mM) by 60%. This inhibition was not the result of substrate competition, as butyric acid had minimal effects on pyruvate oxidation. Carnitine had a small inhibitory effect on pyruvate oxidation in the hepatocyte system (210 +/- 19 and 184 +/- 18 nmol of pyruvate/60 min per mg of protein in the absence and presence of 10 mM-carnitine respectively; means +/- S.E.M., n = 10). However, in the presence of propionic acid (10 mM), carnitine (10 mM) increased the rate of pyruvate oxidation by 19%. Under conditions where carnitine partially reversed the inhibitory effect of propionic acid on pyruvate oxidation, formation of propionylcarnitine was documented by using fast-atom-bombardment mass spectroscopy. Propionic acid also inhibited oxidation of [1-14C]palmitic acid (0.8 mM) by hepatocytes isolated from fed rats. The degree of inhibition caused by propionic acid was decreased in the presence of 10 mM-carnitine (41% inhibition in the absence of carnitine, 22% inhibition in the presence of carnitine). Propionic acid did not inhibit [1-14C]palmitic acid oxidation by hepatocytes isolated from 48 h-starved rats. These results demonstrate that propionic acid interferes with oxidative metabolism in intact hepatocytes. Carnitine partially reverses the inhibition of pyruvate and palmitic acid oxidation by propionic acid, and this reversal is associated with increased propionylcarnitine formation. The present study provides a metabolic basis for the efficacy of carnitine in patients with abnormal organic acid accumulation, and the observation that such patients appear to have increased carnitine requirements ('carnitine insufficiency').  相似文献   

Isoniazid metabolism in isolated rat hepatocytes was studied by mass fragmentography using single ion monitoring. Isoniazid and its metabolites were determined as the trimethylsilylated derivatives of acetylisoniazid and diacetylhydrazine and of the benzaldehyde hydrazones of isoniazid and acetylhydrazine. Deuterated analogues served as internal standards. Hydrazine was quantitated as benzalazine using 15N-labeled hydrazine as an internal standard. The method is well suited for the microanalysis of isoniazid metabolites in specificity and reliability to demonstrate the overall pathway of isoniazid metabolism, from which it was clarified that the greater part of hydrazine, a hazardous metabolite of isoniazid, was formed through the direct hydrolysis of isoniazid itself as expected.  相似文献   

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