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The preimplantation mouse embryo expresses two polypeptides, Mr 240,000 and Mr 235,000, that are immunologically cross-reactive with antibody to the alpha and beta subunits of mouse brain spectrin. We investigated the synthesis of the spectrin subunits in the Triton-soluble and Triton-insoluble fractions of fertilized eggs, two-cell embryos, compacted morulae, and blastocysts labeled with L-[35S]methionine. Synthesis of embryonic spectrin began in the Triton-soluble fraction with significant levels of alpha-spectrin synthesis first detected in the morula stage and significant levels of beta-spectrin synthesis detected in the blastocyst stage. Incorporation of newly synthesized alpha- and beta-spectrin into the cytoskeletal fraction took place in the blastocyst when equal amounts of both subunits were assembled. Previous studies have shown Triton-insoluble spectrin to be concentrated in regions of cell-cell contact in the embryo (J. S. Sobel and M. A. Alliegro, 1985, J. Cell Biol. 100, 333-336). The temporal and spatial correlation between the assembly of newly synthesized spectrin and its concentration in regions of cell apposition is consistent with the hypothesis that cell contact may influence the assembly of embryonic spectrin.  相似文献   

It has previously shown (Schekman, R., and S.J. Singer, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 73:4075-4079) that receptors in the membranes of neonatal human erythrocytes show a restricted degree of lateral mobility, whereas in adult human erythrocytes the receptors are essentially immobile. This restricted mobility is exhibited, for example, when concanavalin A (Con A) induces a limited clustering of its receptors in the neonatal erythrocyte membrane, resulting in the formation of invaginations and endocytic vesicles. This does not happen with adult cells. By the use of indirect immunoferritin labeling of ultrathin frozen sections of Con A-treated neonatal blood cells, we now show that the invaginations and endocytotic vesicles do not stain for spectrin, whereas the adjacent unperturbed membrane is heavily stained. The reticulocytes in the neonatal cell population undergo substantially more Con A-induced invagination and endocytosis than do the erythrocytes. These results lend strong support to the hypothesis that specialized discrete domains exist, or are induced, in the membranes of these neonatal cells, in which receptors are laterally mobile, whereas in the remaining (and predominant) part of the membrane the receptors are immobile. Such mobile domains are characterized by an absence of spectrin. During the maturation of the neonatal reticulocyte to erythrocyte, it is proposed that these domains are in large part, but not completely, eliminated.  相似文献   

From a rabbit reticulocyte postpolysomal supernatant a fraction has been isolated which is enriched in ribosomal particles sedimenting at 50S. This fraction is efficiently in vitro translated predominantly into α-globin. Besides the RNAs and proteins of the small ribosomal subunit the 50S particle contains α-globin mRNA and additional high molecular weight proteins, most of which correspond to polypeptides of the initiation factors eIF-2 and eIF-3. The 50S particle may represent a native [mRNA·40S·eIF′s·Met-tRNAf·GTP] complex which may occur in vivo as a translatable intermediate in the initiation sequence.  相似文献   

The 25 kDa mRNA cap binding protein can be purified in a partially phosphorylated state and the extent of its phosphorylation appears to be regulated during heat shock and mitosis in mammalian cells. We demonstrated that a nonabundant serine protein kinase activity exists in rabbit reticulocytes that phosphorylates the 25 kDa cap binding protein in both the free (eIF-4E) and complexed (eIF-4F) state. This kinase was not inhibited by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitory peptide IAAGRTGRRNAIHDILVAA, did not phosphorylate S6 ribosomal protein, did not phosphorylate p220 of eIF-4F as protein kinase C does and no other substrates for this kinase were apparent in reticulocyte ribosomal salt wash. The molecular identity of this kinase, the specific site(s) of eIF-4E that it phosphorylates and its in vivo regulatory role remain to be studied.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin deficit: an inherited hypochromic anemia in the mouse   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The character and pathogenesis of hemoglobin deficit (gene symbol, hbd), an autosomal recessive trait in the mouse, were studied. The main hematological features of hemoglobin deficit are anemia, red cell hypochromia and microcytosis, and reticulocytosis. The absence of raised fecal urobilinogen excretion and frank hyperbilirubinemia and bilirubinuria suggests that excess hemolysis is not the primary cause of the anemia. The raised plasma iron concentration and the failure of the anemia to respond to parenteral iron treatment indicate that the anemia is not due to iron deficiency. The absence of siderocytes and sideroblasts suggests that anemia is probably not due to ferrochelatase deficiency. Thalassemia is excluded by the finding of balanced reticulocyte globin chain synthesis. The markedly elevated levels of free red cell protoporphyrin taken together with the other findings already noted suggest that the anemia of hemoglobin deficit is due to a defect in the erythroid cell iron procurement mechanisms leading in turn to diminished heme and hemoglobin synthesis.  相似文献   

The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of mammalian skeletal muscle is a multisubunit membrane glycoprotein whose synthesis is regulated by developmental and physiological cues. We report here the identification and characterization of the primary translation product of alpha subunit mRNA. The alpha subunit synthesized in rabbit reticulocyte lysate is approximately 2000 larger in apparent molecular weight than the native alpha subunit polypeptide found in acetylcholine receptor. Evidence from peptide maps and the effect of co-translational incubation with dog pancreas microsomes suggests that the in vitro product differs in two ways from native alpha subunit: 1) it is synthesized with an NH2-terminal signal peptide which is removed in vivo, and 2) the in vitro product is not glycosylated. We have characterized the alpha subunit mRNA activity by using a quantitative the membrane-bound polysome fraction. It is poly(A+) and approximately 2000 nucleotides long. Finally, we have shown that in BC3H-1 cells, alpha subunit mRNA is regulated developmentally. We detected a 10-fold increase in the relative abundance of alpha subunit mRNA in cells which had undergone the transition from log phase growth to differentiated myoblast.  相似文献   

Met-tRNAfMet binding factor (EIF-1) has been purified more than 100 fold over crude high salt (0.5 M KCl) ribosomal wash. The purified factor binds 2 nmoles Met-tRNAfMet per mg protein and shows very little poly r(A) binding activity. Crude ribosomal high salt wash possesses significant amounts of poly r(A) binding activity and also binds to other RNAs. The bulk of this unspecific RNA binding protein is separated from EIF-1 by DEAE-cellulose chromatography.  相似文献   

The effects of pactamycin on peptide chain initiation were studied using a reconstituted system comprised of reticulocyte ribosomes, poly r(A-U-G) messenger and peptide chain initiation factors, and the transfer of methionine from precharged Met-tRNAfMet into di-, oligo- and polymethionine products was measured. In the presence of low concentrations of pactamycin (10?6M), polymethionine synthesis in the above system was markedly reduced, and a concomitant increase in the synthesis of met-met and met-val dipeptides was observed. The latter dipeptide was presumably synthesized in response to endongenous hemoglobin messenger.Aurintricarboxylic acid and sparsomycin also inhibited polymethionine synthesis in response to poly r(A-U-G) messenger. Whereas aurintricarboxylic acid inhibited pactamycin induced dipeptide synthesis, sparsomycin had no significant effect on dipeptide synthesis in the presence of pactamycin.  相似文献   

Rapid changes in the mRNA activity encoding chalcone synthase, a central enzyme involved in isoflavonoid phytoalexin synthesis, were induced in cultured cells of soybean (Glycine max) after treatment with a glucan elicitor from the cell walls of the fungus, Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea, a soybean pathogen. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of the in vitro- and in vivo-synthesized chalcone synthase showed that it consisted of a group of proteins of similar molecular weights of about 41,000, but with differing isoelectric points between pH 6.1 and pH 7.1. Total activity of chalcone synthase mRNA increased as early as 40 to 60 min after the onset of elicitor induction, and reached a peak at about 4 h. Treatment with the fungal elicitor caused major changes in the population of total translatable RNA as indicated by two-dimensional electrophoresis of the translation products. The mRNA activities for at least 16 proteins were increased and for at least 4 proteins were decreased. The elicitor-induced changes in the population of translatable mRNA occurred at a rate similar to that observed for chalcone synthase mRNA activity. Our results suggest that soybean cells respond to the glucan elicitor by major metabolic changes at the RNA level including the enhanced capacity for phytoalexin synthesis.  相似文献   

We have begun a biochemical-genetic analysis of the synthesis of sphingolipid long-chain bases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and found evidence for the occurrence of serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT) and 3-ketosphinganine reductase, enzymes that catalyze the initial steps of the pathway in other organisms. SPT activity was demonstrated in vitro with crude membrane preparations from S. cerevisiae as judged by the formation of radiolabeled 3-ketosphinganine from the condensation of palmitoyl-coenzyme A (CoA) with radiolabeled serine. Shorter (C12 and C14) and longer (C18) acyl-CoAs sustain significant SPT activity, a result consistent with the finding of both C18 and C20 long-chain bases in the organism. Three products of the long-chain-base synthetic pathway, 3-ketosphinganine, erythrosphinganine, and phytosphingosine, neither directly inhibited the reaction in vitro nor affected the specific activity of the enzyme when these bases were included in the culture medium of wild-type cells. Thus, no evidence for either feedback inhibition or repression of enzyme synthesis could be found with these putative effectors. Mutant strains of S. cerevisiae that require a sphingolipid long-chain base for growth fall into two genetic complementation groups, LCB1 and LCB2. Membrane preparations from both lcb1 and lcb2 mutant strains exhibited negligible SPT activity when tested in vitro. Step 2 of the long-chain-base synthetic pathway was demonstrated by the stereospecific NADPH-dependent reduction of 3-ketosphinganine to erythrosphinganine. Membranes isolated from wild-type cells and from an lcb1 mutant exhibited substantial 3-ketosphinganine reductase activity. We conclude that the Lcb- phenotype of these mutants results from a missing or defective SPT, an activity controlled by both the LCB1 and LCB2 genes. These results and earlier work from this laboratory establish that SPT plays an essential role in sphingolipid synthesis in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

E R Mably  E Fung  F F Snyder 《Génome》1989,32(6):1026-1032
Two independent mutations of purine nucleoside phosphorylase were identified in the first-generation progeny of male mice that had been treated with the mutagen N-ethylnitrosourea and mated to untreated females. The common allele in inbred strains is Np-1a and the mutants are assigned the gene symbols Np-1e and Np-1f. Heterozygotes had approximately half normal purine nucleoside phosphorylase activity in erythrocytes and activity of homozygotes was 17 and 5% of NP-1A for NP-1E and NP-1F, respectively. The following properties are consistent with both Np-1e and Np-1f being point mutations: the expression of residual but markedly reduced activity with normal Michaelis constants for inosine and phosphate, altered isoelectric points, and increased thermal lability. The reduction in erythrocyte activity was also evident in other tissues. A metabolic consequence of the mutations was increased purine nucleoside excretion. Inosine and guanosine, total 150 +/- 84 microM, and inosine, deoxyinosine, guanosine, and deoxyguanosine, total 1490 +/- 190 microM, were present in urine of Np-1e/Np-1e and Np-1f/Np-1f mice, respectively, but not in normal urine, less than 10 microM.  相似文献   

Affinity chromatography on beta,gamma-methylene guanosine 5'-triphosphate-Sepharose was used to purify protein synthesis initiation factor eIF-2 from chicken reticulocytes. Gel filtration of the purified factor gave a molecular weight of 150,000, whereas electrophoresis of the purified factor on polyacrylamide gel containing sodium dodecyl sulfate revealed three non-identical subunits with apparent molecular weight of 57,000, 41,000 and 33,000. With Met-tRNA and GTP, the factor formed a ternary complex which would bind the 40S ribosomal subunits. Treatment of the factor with N-ethylmaleimide resulted in a loss of activity. Two sulfhydryl groups per eIF-2 molecule were essential for activity.  相似文献   

Malate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme each possess supernatant and mitochondrial molecular forms which are structurally and genetically independent. We describe electrophoretic variants of the mitochondrial enzymes of malate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme in mice. Progeny testing from genetic crosses indicated that the genes which code for mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme were not inherited maternally but as independent unlinked nuclear autosomal genes. The locus for mitochondrial malic enzyme was located on linkage group I. Linkage analysis with a third mitochondrial enzyme marker, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, showed that the nuclear genes which code for the three mitochondrial enzymes were not closely linked to each other. This evidence suggests that clusters of nuclear genes coding for mitochondrial function are unlikely in mice.Supported by U.S. Public Health Service grants 5F2 HD-35,531 and GM-09966.  相似文献   

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