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Hwang MG  Chung IK  Kang BG  Cho MH 《FEBS letters》2001,503(1):35-40
We have identified an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA, designated as AtTBP1, encoding a protein with a predicted size of 70.6 kDa that specifically binds to the plant telomeric repeat sequence TTTAGGG. AtTBP1 is present as a single-copy gene in Arabidopsis genome and is expressed ubiquitously in various organs. AtTBP1 has a single Myb telomeric DNA binding domain at the C-terminus and an extensive homology with other known telomere-binding proteins. The isolated C-terminus of AtTBP1 is capable of sequence-specific DNA binding to plant duplex telomeric DNA. These results suggest that AtTBP1 may play important roles in plant telomere function in vivo.  相似文献   

VERNALIZATION1 (VRN1) is a multidomain DNA binding protein from Arabidopsis thaliana that is required for the acceleration of flowering time in response to prolonged cold treatment; a physiological process called vernalization. VRN1 is a 39 kDa protein comprised of two B3 domains flanking a putative nuclear localization sequence and two PEST domains. Here we report the 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of the 134 residue C-terminal region of VRN1, comprising a B3 DNA binding domain of the REM family and an upstream region that is highly conserved among VRN1 homologs from other dicotyledonous plant species.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana calcineurin B-like protein (AtCBL2) is a member of a recently identified family of calcineurin B-like calcium-binding proteins in A. thaliana. The crystal structure of AtCBL2 has been determined at 2.1 A resolution. The protein forms a compact alpha-helical structure with two pairs of EF-hand motifs. The structure is similar in overall folding topology to the structures of calcineurin B and neuronal calcium sensor 1, but differs significantly in local conformation. The two calcium ions are coordinated in the first and fourth EF-hand motifs, whereas the second and third EF-hand motifs are maintained in the open form by internal hydrogen bonding without coordination of calcium ions. Both a possible site and a possible mechanism for the target binding to AtCBL2 are discussed based on the three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

The FILAMENTOUS FLOWER protein has a zinc finger domain, hydrophobic region, proline-rich region, and a HMG box-like domain. We have reported that zinc release at the zinc finger is probably facilitated by the non-canonical cysteine residue at position 56, and that EDTA causes the structural change and enhances the self-assembly of the protein (Kanaya, E., Watanabe, K., Nakajima, N., Okada, K., and Shimura, Y. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 7383-7390). To investigate this aspect further we examined the DNA binding function of the FILAMENTOUS FLOWER protein. Gel retardation experiments showed that the FILAMENTOUS FLOWER protein binds to DNA without sequence specificity. Deletion analyses suggested that the zinc finger domain and the hydrophobic region are not required but the proline-rich region and the HMG box-like domain are indispensable for the DNA binding by the FILAMENTOUS FLOWER protein. The DNA binding by the protein consisting of the zinc finger domain and the rest of the regions was reduced with the addition of EDTA. This result probably suggests that the zinc release, the structural change probably occurring in the zinc finger domain, the intermolecular interaction, and the self-assembly of the protein are related to the dissociation of the FILAMENTOUS FLOWER protein from DNA.  相似文献   

拟南芥VSPl蛋白是一种具有酸性磷酸酶活性的植物防御蛋白。为利用硒原子的反常散射获取VSPl蛋白晶体X射线衍射的相位信息,以质粒pET-22b为表达载体,大肠杆菌B834(DE3)为宿主茵,在含有硒代甲硫氨酸的M9培养基中诱导表达VSPl硒代蛋白衍生物。通过Ni-NTA亲和层析纯化的目的蛋白经SDS-PAGE检验,纯度在95%以上。通过优化VSPl母体蛋白晶体的生长条件,获得了可衍射的硒代蛋白晶体。  相似文献   

Joo SH  Chung HS  Raetz CR  Garrett TA 《Biochemistry》2012,51(21):4322-4330
The UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) acyltransferase, encoded by lpxA, catalyzes the first step of lipid A biosynthesis in Gram-negative bacteria, the (R)-3-hydroxyacyl-ACP-dependent acylation of the 3-OH group of UDP-GlcNAc. Recently, we demonstrated that the Arabidopsis thaliana orthologs of six enzymes of the bacterial lipid A pathway produce lipid A precursors with structures similar to those of Escherichia coli lipid A precursors [Li, C., et al. (2011) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108, 11387-11392]. To build upon this finding, we have cloned, purified, and determined the crystal structure of the A. thaliana LpxA ortholog (AtLpxA) to 2.1 ? resolution. The overall structure of AtLpxA is very similar to that of E. coli LpxA (EcLpxA) with an α-helical-rich C-terminus and characteristic N-terminal left-handed parallel β-helix (LβH). All key catalytic and chain length-determining residues of EcLpxA are conserved in AtLpxA; however, AtLpxA has an additional coil and loop added to the LβH not seen in EcLpxA. Consistent with the similarities between the two structures, purified AtLpxA catalyzes the same reaction as EcLpxA. In addition, A. thaliana lpxA complements an E. coli mutant lacking the chromosomal lpxA and promotes the synthesis of lipid A in vivo similar to the lipid A produced in the presence of E. coli lpxA. This work shows that AtLpxA is a functional UDP-GlcNAc acyltransferase that is able to catalyze the same reaction as EcLpxA and supports the hypothesis that lipid A molecules are biosynthesized in Arabidopsis and other plants.  相似文献   

Cyanovirin (CV-N) is a small lectin with potent HIV neutralization activity, which could be exploited for a mucosal defense against HIV infection. The wild-type (wt) protein binds with high affinity to mannose-rich oligosaccharides on the surface of gp120 through two quasi-symmetric sites, located in domains A and B. We recently reported on a mutant of CV-N that contained a single functional mannose-binding site, domain B, showing that multivalent binding to oligomannosides is necessary for antiviral activity. The structure of the complex with dimannose determined at 1.8 A resolution revealed a different conformation of the binding site than previously observed in the NMR structure of wt CV-N. Here, we present the 1.35 A resolution structure of the complex, which traps three different binding conformations of the site and provides experimental support for a locking and gating mechanism in the nanoscale time regime observed by molecular dynamics simulations.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis is a highly infectious Gram-negative intracellular pathogen that causes the fulminating disease tularemia and is considered to be a potential bioweapon. F. tularensis pathogenicity island proteins play a key role in modulating phagosome biogenesis and subsequent bacterial escape into the cytoplasm of macrophages. The 23 kDa pathogenicity island protein IglC is essential for the survival and proliferation of F. tularensis in macrophages. Seeking to gain some insight into its function, we determined the crystal structure of IglC at 1.65 A resolution. IglC adopts a beta-sandwich conformation that exhibits no similarity with any known protein structure.  相似文献   

Wang J  Liu X  Liang YH  Li LF  Su XD 《FEBS letters》2008,582(20):2973-2978
Glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN6P) N-acetyltransferase 1 (GNA1) is a key enzyme in the pathway toward biosynthesis of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine, an important donor substrate for N-linked glycosylation. GNA1 catalyzes the formation of N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcNAc6P) from acetyl-CoA (AcCoA) and the acceptor substrate GlcN6P. Here, we report crystal structures of human GNA1, including apo GNA1, the GNA1-GlcN6P complex and an E156A mutant. Our work showed that GlcN6P binds to GNA1 without the help of AcCoA binding. Structural analyses and mutagenesis studies have shed lights on the charge distribution in the GlcN6P binding pocket, and an important role for Glu156 in the substrate binding. Hence, these findings have broadened our knowledge of structural features required for the substrate affinity of GNA1. STRUCTURED SUMMARY:  相似文献   

DivIVA is a conserved protein in Gram‐positive bacteria that localizes at the poles and division sites, presumably through direct sensing of membrane curvature. DivIVA functions as a scaffold and is vital for septum site selection during vegetative growth and chromosome anchoring during sporulation. DivIVA deletion causes filamentous growth in Bacillus subtilis, whereas overexpression causes hyphal branching in Streptomyces coelicolor. We have determined the crystal structure of the N‐terminal (Nt) domain of DivIVA, and show that it forms a parallel coiled‐coil. It is capped with two unique crossed and intertwined loops, exposing hydrophobic and positively charged residues that we show here are essential for membrane binding. An intragenic suppressor introducing a positive charge restores membrane binding after mutating the hydrophobic residues. We propose that the hydrophobic residues insert into the membrane and that the positively charged residues bind to the membrane surface. A low‐resolution crystal structure of the C‐terminal (Ct) domain displays a curved tetramer made from two parallel coiled‐coils. The Nt and Ct parts were then merged into a model of the full length, 30 nm long DivIVA protein.  相似文献   

We have isolated clones of an Arabidopsis gene (ROF1, forrotamaseFKBP) encoding a high molecular weight member of the FK506 binding protein (FKBP) family. The deduced amino acid sequence of ROF1 predicts a 551-amino acid, 62 kDa polypeptide which is 44% identical to human FKBP59 — a 59 kDa FKBP which binds to the 90 kDa heat shock protein and is associated with inactive steroid hormone receptors. ROF1 contains three FKBP12-like domains in the N-terminal portion of the protein (in contrast to two domains in mammalian FKBP59), an internal repeat structure associated with protein-protein interactions (tetratricopeptide repeats), and a putative calmodulin binding domain near the C-terminal region of the protein. No sequences associated with protein translocation out of the cytosol were found in ROF1.ROF1 mRNA was found at equivalent low levels in light-grown roots, stems, and flowers and at slightly higher levels in leaves. The abundance ofROF1 mRNA increased several-fold under stress conditions such as wounding or exposure to elevated NaCl levels.  相似文献   

Using a combination of bioinformatics and synthetic promoters, novel elicitor-responsive cis-sequences were discovered in promoters of pathogen-upregulated genes from Arabidopsis thaliana. One group of functional sequences contains the conserved core sequence GACTTTT. This core sequence and adjacent nucleotides are essential for elicitor-responsive gene expression in a parsley protoplast system. By yeast one-hybrid screening, WRKY70 was selected with a cis-sequence harbouring the core sequence GACTTTT but no known WRKY binding site (W-box). Transactivation experiments, mutation analyses, and electrophoretic mobility shift assays demonstrate that the sequence CGACTTTT is the binding site for WRKY70 in the investigated cis-sequence and is required for WRKY70-activated gene expression. Using several cis-sequences in transactivation experiments and binding studies, the CGACTTTT sequence can be extended to propose YGACTTTT as WRKY70 binding site. This binding site, designated WT-box, is enriched in promoters of genes upregulated in a WRKY70 overexpressing line. Interestingly, functional WRKY70 binding sites are present in the promoter of WRKY30, supporting recent evidence that both factors play a role in the same regulatory network.  相似文献   

The double-stranded telomeric repeat-binding protein (TRP) AtTRP1 is isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana. Using gel retardation assays, we defined the C-terminal 97 amino acid residues, Gln464 to Val560 (AtTRP1(464-560)), as the minimal structured telomeric repeat-binding domain. This region contains a typical Myb DNA-binding motif and a C-terminal extension of 40 amino acid residues. The monomeric AtTRP1(464-560) binds to a 13-mer DNA duplex containing a single repeat of an A.thaliana telomeric DNA sequence (GGTTTAG) in a 1:1 complex, with a K(D) approximately 10(-6)-10(-7) M. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) examination revealed that the solution structure of AtTRP1(464-560) is a novel four-helix tetrahedron rather than the three-helix bundle structure found in typical Myb motifs and other TRPs. Binding of the 13-mer DNA duplex to AtTRP1(464-560) induced significant chemical shift perturbations of protein amide resonances, which suggests that helix 3 (H3) and the flexible loop connecting H3 and H4 are essential for telomeric DNA sequence recognition. Furthermore, similar to that in hTRF1, the N-terminal arm likely contributes to or stabilizes DNA binding. Sequence comparisons suggested that the four-helix structure and the involvement of the loop residues in DNA binding may be features unique to plant TRPs.  相似文献   

To better understand the mechanism of ligand binding and ligand-induced conformational change, the crystal structure of apoenzyme catalytic (C) subunit of adenosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase (PKA) was solved. The apoenzyme structure (Apo) provides a snapshot of the enzyme in the first step of the catalytic cycle, and in this unliganded form the PKA C subunit adopts an open conformation. A hydrophobic junction is formed by residues from the small and large lobes that come into close contact. This "greasy" patch may lubricate the shearing motion associated with domain rotation, and the opening and closing of the active-site cleft. Although Apo appears to be quite dynamic, many important residues for MgATP binding and phosphoryl transfer in the active site are preformed. Residues around the adenine ring of ATP and residues involved in phosphoryl transfer from the large lobe are mostly preformed, whereas residues involved in ribose binding and in the Gly-rich loop are not. Prior to ligand binding, Lys72 and the C-terminal tail, two important ATP-binding elements are also disordered. The surface created in the active site is contoured to bind ATP, but not GTP, and appears to be held in place by a stable hydrophobic core, which includes helices C, E, and F, and beta strand 6. This core seems to provide a network for communicating from the active site, where nucleotide binds, to the peripheral peptide-binding F-to-G helix loop, exemplified by Phe239. Two potential lines of communication are the D helix and the F helix. The conserved Trp222-Phe238 network, which lies adjacent to the F-to-G helix loop, suggests that this network would exist in other protein kinases and may be a conserved means of communicating ATP binding from the active site to the distal peptide-binding ledge.  相似文献   

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