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Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase I (Tdp1) is a member of the phospholipase D superfamily that hydrolyzes 3'-phospho-DNA adducts via two conserved catalytic histidines-one acting as the lead nucleophile and the second acting as a general acid/base. Substitution of the second histidine specifically to arginine contributes to the neurodegenerative disease spinocerebellar ataxia with axonal neuropathy (SCAN1). We investigated the catalytic role of this histidine in the yeast protein (His432) using a combination of X-ray crystallography, biochemistry, yeast genetics, and theoretical chemistry. The structures of wild-type Tdp1 and His432Arg both show a phosphorylated form of the nucleophilic histidine that is not observed in the structure of His432Asn. The phosphohistidine is stabilized in the His432Arg structure by the guanidinium group that also restricts the access of nucleophilic water molecule to the Tdp1-DNA intermediate. Biochemical analyses confirm that His432Arg forms an observable and unique Tdp1-DNA adduct during catalysis. Substitution of His432 by Lys does not affect catalytic activity or yeast phenotype, but substitutions with Asn, Gln, Leu, Ala, Ser, and Thr all result in severely compromised enzymes and DNA topoisomerase I-camptothecin dependent lethality. Surprisingly, His432Asn did not show a stable covalent Tdp1-DNA intermediate that suggests another catalytic defect. Theoretical calculations revealed that the defect resides in the nucleophilic histidine and that the pK(a) of this histidine is crucially dependent on the second histidine and on the incoming phosphate of the substrate. This represents a unique example of substrate-activated catalysis that applies to the entire phospholipase D superfamily.  相似文献   

A phospholipase D (PLD) superfamily was recently identified that contains proteins of highly diverse functions with the conserved motif HXKX4DX6G(G/S). The superfamily includes a bacterial nuclease, human and plant PLD enzymes, cardiolipin synthases, phosphatidylserine synthases, and the murine toxin from Yersinia pestis (Ymt). Ymt is particularly effective as a prototype for family members containing two conserved motifs, because it is smaller than many other two-domain superfamily enzymes, and it can be overexpressed. Large quantities of pure recombinant Ymt allowed the formation of diffraction-quality crystals for x-ray structure determination. Dimeric Ymt was shown to have PLD-like activity as demonstrated by the hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine. Ymt also used bis(para-nitrophenol) phosphate as a substrate. Using these substrates, the amino acids essential for Ymt function were determined. Specifically, substitution of histidine or lysine in the conserved motifs reduced the turnover rate of bis(para-nitrophenol) phosphate by a factor of 10(4) and phospholipid turnover to an undetectable level. The role of the conserved residues in catalysis was further defined by the isolation of a radiolabeled phosphoenzyme intermediate, which identified a conserved histidine residue as the nucleophile in the catalytic reaction. Based on these data, a unifying two-step catalytic mechanism is proposed for this diverse family of enzymes.  相似文献   

The restriction endonuclease (REase) R.KpnI is an orthodox Type IIP enzyme, which binds to DNA in the absence of metal ions and cleaves the DNA sequence 5′-GGTAC^C-3′ in the presence of Mg2+ as shown generating 3′ four base overhangs. Bioinformatics analysis reveals that R.KpnI contains a ββα-Me-finger fold, which is characteristic of many HNH-superfamily endonucleases, including homing endonuclease I-HmuI, structure-specific T4 endonuclease VII, colicin E9, sequence non-specific Serratia nuclease and sequence-specific homing endonuclease I-PpoI. According to our homology model of R.KpnI, D148, H149 and Q175 correspond to the critical D, H and N or H residues of the HNH nucleases. Substitutions of these three conserved residues lead to the loss of the DNA cleavage activity by R.KpnI, confirming their importance. The mutant Q175E fails to bind DNA at the standard conditions, although the DNA binding and cleavage can be rescued at pH 6.0, indicating a role for Q175 in DNA binding and cleavage. Our study provides the first experimental evidence for a Type IIP REase that does not belong to the PD…D/EXK superfamily of nucleases, instead is a member of the HNH superfamily.  相似文献   

Evans CJ  Merriam JR  Aguilera RJ 《Gene》2002,295(1):61-70
Mammalian DNase II enzymes and the Caenorhabditis elegans homolog NUC-1 have recently been shown to be critically important during engulfment-mediated clearance of DNA. In this report, we describe the cloning and characterization of the gene encoding Drosophila DNase II. Database queries using the C. elegans NUC-1 protein sequence identified a highly homologous open reading frame in Drosophila (CG7780) that could encode a similar enzyme. Analysis of crude protein extracts revealed that wild-type Drosophila contain a potent acid endonuclease activity with cleavage preferences similar to DNase II/NUC1, while the same activity was markedly reduced in an acid DNase hypomorphic mutant line. Furthermore, the pattern of cleavage products generated from an end-labeled substrate by hypomorphic-line extracts was significantly altered in comparison to the pattern generated by wild-type extracts. Sequence analysis of CG7780 DNA and mRNA revealed that the hypomorphic line contains a missense mutation within the coding region of this gene. Additionally, Northern analysis demonstrated that CG7780 expression is normal in the mutant line, which in combination with the lowered/altered enzymatic activity and sequencing data suggested a defect in the CG7780 protein. To conclusively determine if CG7780 encoded the Drosophila equivalent of DNase II/NUC-1, transgenic lines expressing wild-type CG7780 in the mutant background were generated and subsequently shown to complement the mutant phenotype. Our results, therefore, provide compelling evidence that the predicted gene CG7780 encodes Drosophila DNase II (dDNase II), an enzyme related in sequence and activity to mammalian DNase II. Interestingly, overexpression of CG7780 both ubiquitously and in specific tissues failed to elicit any discernable phenotype.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of a phospholipase D family member   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The first crystal structure of a phospholipase D (PLD) family member has been determined at 2.0 A resolution. The PLD superfamily is defined by a common sequence motif, HxK(x)4D(x)6GSxN, and includes enzymes involved in signal transduction, lipid biosynthesis, endonucleases and open reading frames in pathogenic viruses and bacteria. The crystal structure suggests that residues from two sequence motifs form a single active site. A histidine residue from one motif acts as a nucleophile in the catalytic mechanism, forming a phosphoenzyme intermediate, whereas a histidine residue from the other motif appears to function as a general acid in the cleavage of the phosphodiester bond. The structure suggests that the conserved lysine residues are involved in phosphate binding. Large-scale genomic sequencing revealed that there are many PLD family members. Our results suggest that all of these proteins may possess a common structure and catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli rnt gene, which encodes the RNA-processing enzyme RNase T, is cotranscribed with a downstream gene. Complete sequencing of this gene indicates that its coding region encompasses 1,538 amino acids, making it the longest known protein in E. coli. The gene (tentatively termed lhr for long helicase related) contains the seven conserved motifs of the DNA and RNA helicase superfamily II. An approximately 170-kDa protein is observed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of 35S-labeled extracts prepared from cells in which lhr is under the control of an induced T7 promoter. This protein is absent when lhr is interrupted or when no plasmid is present. Downstream of lhr is the C-terminal region of a convergent gene with homology to glutaredoxin. Interruptions of chromosomal lhr at two different positions within the gene do not affect the growth of E. coli at various temperatures in rich or minimal medium, indicating that lhr is not essential for usual laboratory growth. lhr interruption also has no effect on anaerobic growth. In addition, cells lacking Lhr recover normally from starvation, plate phage normally, and display normal sensitivities to UV irradiation and H2O2. Southern analysis showed that no other gene closely related to lhr is present on the E. coli chromosome. These data expand the known size range of E. coli proteins and suggest that very large helicases are present in this organism.  相似文献   



The majority of experimentally determined crystal structures of Type II restriction endonucleases (REases) exhibit a common PD-(D/E)XK fold. Crystal structures have been also determined for single representatives of two other folds: PLD (R.BfiI) and half-pipe (R.PabI), and bioinformatics analyses supported by mutagenesis suggested that some REases belong to the HNH fold. Our previous bioinformatic analysis suggested that REase R.Eco29kI shares sequence similarities with one more unrelated nuclease superfamily, GIY-YIG, however so far no experimental data were available to support this prediction. The determination of a crystal structure of the GIY-YIG domain of homing endonuclease I-TevI provided a template for modeling of R.Eco29kI and prompted us to validate the model experimentally.


Using protein fold-recognition methods we generated a new alignment between R.Eco29kI and I-TevI, which suggested a reassignment of one of the putative catalytic residues. A theoretical model of R.Eco29kI was constructed to illustrate its predicted three-dimensional fold and organization of the active site, comprising amino acid residues Y49, Y76, R104, H108, E142, and N154. A series of mutants was constructed to generate amino acid substitutions of selected residues (Y49A, R104A, H108F, E142A and N154L) and the mutant proteins were examined for their ability to bind the DNA containing the Eco29kI site 5'-CCGCGG-3' and to catalyze the cleavage reaction. Experimental data reveal that residues Y49, R104, E142, H108, and N154 are important for the nuclease activity of R.Eco29kI, while H108 and N154 are also important for specific DNA binding by this enzyme.


Substitutions of residues Y49, R104, H108, E142 and N154 predicted by the model to be a part of the active site lead to mutant proteins with strong defects in the REase activity. These results are in very good agreement with the structural model presented in this work and with our prediction that R.Eco29kI belongs to the GIY-YIG superfamily of nucleases. Our study provides the first experimental evidence for a Type IIP REase that does not belong to the PD-(D/E)XK or HNH superfamilies of nucleases, and is instead a member of the unrelated GIY-YIG superfamily.  相似文献   

Berger A  Meinhard J  Petersen M 《Planta》2006,224(6):1503-1510
Purification of rosmarinic acid synthase (hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:hydroxyphenyllactate hydroxycinnamoyltransferase) from suspension cells of Coleus blumei Benth. (Lamiaceae) by fractionated ammonium sulphate precipitation, hydrophobic interaction chromatography and two affinity chromatography steps led to the identification of peptide sequences, which enabled a PCR-based approach to isolate the full-length cDNA encoding this enzyme. The open reading frame of the cDNA had a length of 1290 base pairs encoding a protein of 430 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 47,932 Da with typical characteristics of an acyltransferase of the BAHD superfamily. The cDNA was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli. The enzyme displayed the activity of rosmarinic acid synthase using 4-coumaroyl- and caffeoyl-coenzyme A and 4-hydroxyphenyllactate as well as 3.4-dihydroxyphenyllactate as substrates. Shikimic acid and quinic acid were not able to serve as hydroxycinnamoyl acceptors. This therefore is the first report of the cDNA-cloning of a rosmarinic acid synthase.  相似文献   

Li T  Iwaki H  Fu R  Hasegawa Y  Zhang H  Liu A 《Biochemistry》2006,45(21):6628-6634
The enzymatic activity of Pseudomonas fluorescens alpha-amino-beta-carboxymuconic-epsilon-semialdehyde decarboxylase (ACMSD) is critically dependent on a transition metal ion [Li, T., Walker, A. L., Iwaki, H., Hasegawa, Y., and Liu, A. (2005) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 12282-12290]. Sequence analysis in this study further suggests that ACMSD belongs to the amidohydrolase superfamily, whose structurally characterized members comprise a catalytically essential metal cofactor. To identify ACMSD's metal ligands and assess their functions in catalysis, a site-directed mutagenesis analysis was conducted. Alteration of His-9, His-177, and Asp-294 resulted in a dramatic loss of enzyme activity, substantial reduction of the metal-binding ability, and an altered metallocenter electronic structure. Thus, these residues are confirmed to be the endogenous metal ligands. His-11 is implicated in metal binding because of the strictly conserved HxH motif with His-9. Mutations at the 228 site yielded nearly inactive enzyme variants H228A and H228E. The two His-228 mutant proteins, however, exhibited full metal-binding ability and a metal center similar to that of the wild-type enzyme as shown by EPR spectroscopy. Kinetic analysis on the mutants indicates that His-228 is a critical catalytic residue along with the metal cofactor. Since the identified metal ligands and His-228 are present in all known ACMSD sequences, it is likely that ACMSD proteins from other organisms contain the same cofactor and share similar catalytic mechanisms. ACMSD is therefore the first characterized member in the amidohydrolase superfamily that represents a C-C breaking activity.  相似文献   

The functional assignment of enzymes that catalyze unknown chemical transformations is a difficult problem. The protein Pa5106 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been identified as a member of the amidohydrolase superfamily by a comprehensive amino acid sequence comparison with structurally authenticated members of this superfamily. The function of Pa5106 has been annotated as a probablechlorohydrolase or cytosine deaminase. A close examination of the genomic content of P. aeruginosa reveals that the gene for this protein is in close proximity to genes included in the histidine degradation pathway. The first three steps for the degradation of histidine include the action of HutH, HutU, and HutI to convert L-histidine to N-formimino-L-glutamate. The degradation of N-formimino-L-glutamate to L-glutamate can occur by three different pathways. Three proteins in P. aeruginosa have been identified that catalyze two of the three possible pathways for the degradation of N-formimino-L-glutamate. The protein Pa5106 was shown to catalyze the deimination of N-formimino-L-glutamate to ammonia and N-formyl-L-glutamate, while Pa5091 catalyzed the hydrolysis of N-formyl-L-glutamate to formate and L-glutamate. The protein Pa3175 is dislocated from the hut operon and was shown to catalyze the hydrolysis of N-formimino-L-glutamate to formamide and L-glutamate. The reason for the coexistence of two alternative pathways for the degradation of N-formimino-L-glutamate in P. aeruginosa is unknown.  相似文献   

In animal tissues, bioactive N-acylethanolamines including the endocannabinoid anandamide are formed from their corresponding N-acylphosphatidylethanolamines (NAPEs) by the catalysis of a specific phospholipase D (NAPE-PLD) that belongs to the metallo-beta-lactamase family. Despite its potential physiological importance, NAPE-PLD has not yet been characterized with a purified enzyme preparation. In the present study we expressed a recombinant NAPE-PLD in Escherichia coli and highly purified it. The purified enzyme was remarkably activated in a dose-dependent manner by millimolar concentrations of Mg2+ as well as Ca2+ and, hence, appeared to be constitutively active. The enzyme showed extremely high specificity for NAPEs among various glycerophospholipids but did not reveal obvious selectivity for different long chain or medium chain N-acyl species of NAPEs. These results suggested the ability of NAPE-PLD to degrade different NAPEs without damaging other membrane phospholipids. Metal analysis revealed the presence of catalytically important zinc in NAPE-PLD. In addition, site-directed mutagenesis studies were addressed to several histidine and aspartic acid residues of NAPE-PLD that are highly conserved within the metallo-beta-lactamase family. Single mutations of Asp-147, His-185, His-187, Asp-189, His-190, His-253, Asp-284, and His-321 caused abolishment or remarkable reduction of the catalytic activity. Moreover, when six cysteine residues were individually mutated to serine, only C224S showed a considerably reduced activity. The activities of L207F and H380R found as single nucleotide polymorphisms were also low. Thus, NAPE-PLD appeared to function through a mechanism similar to those of the well characterized members of this family but play a unique role in the lipid metabolism of animal tissues.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane of spermatozoa undergoes substantial remodeling during passage through the epididymal duct, principally because of changes in phospholipid composition, exchange of glycoproteins with epididymal fluid, and processing of existing membrane proteins. Here, we describe the interaction of an epididymal glycoprotein recognized by monoclonal antibody 2D6 with the plasma membrane of rat spermatozoa. Our goals have been to understand more about the mechanism of secretion of epididymal glycoproteins, how they interact with the sperm's plasma membrane, and their disposition within it. Reactivity to 2D6 monoclonal antibody was first detectable in principal cells in the distal caput epididymidis and as a soluble high-molecular-weight complex in the secreted fluid. It was not associated with membranous vesicles in the duct lumen. On cauda spermatozoa 2D6 monoclonal antibody recognized a 24-kDa glycoprotein (the subunit of a disulfide cross-linked homodimer of 48 kDa) that was present on the plasma membrane overlying the sperm tail. Binding of 2D6 to immature spermatozoa in vitro was cell-type specific but not species specific, and the antigen could only be extracted from cauda spermatozoa with detergents. Sequencing studies revealed that the 24-kDa glycoprotein was a member of the beta-defensin superfamily of small pore-forming glycopeptides of which several others (ESP13.2, Bin1b, E-2, EP2, HE2) are found in the epididymis. This evidence suggests that some epididymal glycoproteins are secreted into the luminal fluid in a soluble form and bind to specific regions of the sperm's surface via hydrophobic interactions. Given the antimicrobial function of beta-defensins, they have a putative role in protecting spermatozoa and the epididymis from bacterial infections.  相似文献   

The zygotically active tailless (tll) gene plays a key role in the establishment of nonmetameric domains at the anterior and posterior poles of the Drosophila embryo. We have cloned the tll gene and show that it encodes a protein with striking similarity to steroid hormone receptors in both the DNA binding "finger" and ligand binding domains. tll RNA is initially expressed in embryos in two mirror-image symmetrical domains; this pattern then quickly resolves into a pattern consistent with the mutant phenotype: a posterior cap and an anterior dorsal stripe. That the tll gene may also play a role in the nervous system is suggested by its strong expression in the forming brain and transient expression in the peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   

Using the lambda gt11 expression library of murine teratocarcinoma cells, we isolated cDNA clones encoding a core protein carrying a developmentally regulated carbohydrate marker, namely the binding site for Dolichos biflorus agglutinin. The deduced amino acid sequence of the polypeptide (molecular weight, 37,102) revealed a leader sequence, nine potential asparagine glycosylation sites, and a transmembrane region. Sequence homology to variable domain of immunoglobulin kappa chain has been detected in a domain; homologous amino acids near cysteine residues are those conserved in many members of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily. In contrast to other members of the superfamily, the core protein gene was significantly expressed in embryonal carcinoma cells, which are similar to undifferentiated cells of early embryos.  相似文献   

Horvath MM  Grishin NV 《Proteins》2001,42(2):230-236
Discovering distant evolutionary relationships between proteins requires detecting subtle similarities. Here we use a combination of sequence and structure analysis to show that the C-terminal domain of Escherichia coli HPII catalase with available spatial structure is a divergent member of the type I glutamine amidotransferase (GAT) superfamily. GAT-containing proteins include many biosynthetic enzymes such as E. coli carbamoyl phosphate synthetase and anthranilate synthase. Typical GAT domains have Rossmann fold-like topology and possess a catalytic triad similar to that of proteases. The C-terminal domain of HPII catalase has the GAT Rossmann fold but lacks the triad and therefore loses enzymatic activity. In addition, we detect significant sequence similarity between thiJ domains, some of which are known to have protease activity, and typical GAT proteins. Evolutionary tree analysis of the entire GAT superfamily indicates that the HPII catalase is more closely related to thiJ domains than to classical GAT domains and is likely to have evolved from a thiJ-like protein. This work illustrates the strength of sequence-based profile analysis techniques coupled with structural superpositions in developing an evolutionarily relevant classification of protein structures. Proteins 2001;42:230-236.  相似文献   

We report a new member of the von Willebrand factor A-domain protein superfamily, WARP (for von Willebrand factor A-domain-related protein). The full-length mouse WARP cDNA is 2.3 kb in size and predicts a protein of 415 amino acids which contains a signal sequence, a VA-like domain, two fibronectin type III-like repeats, and a short proline- and arginine-rich segment. WARP mRNA was expressed predominantly in chondrocytes and in vitro expression experiments in transfected 293 cells indicated that WARP is a secreted glycoprotein that forms disulphide-bonded oligomers. We conclude that WARP is a new member of the von Willebrand factor A-domain (VA-domain) superfamily of extracellular matrix proteins which may play a role in cartilage structure and function.  相似文献   

The malaria parasite's chloroquine resistance transporter (CRT) is an integral membrane protein localized to the parasite's acidic digestive vacuole. The function of CRT is not known and the protein was originally described as a transporter simply because it possesses 10 transmembrane domains. In wild-type (chloroquine-sensitive) parasites, chloroquine accumulates to high concentrations within the digestive vacuole and it is through interactions in this compartment that it exerts its antimalarial effect. Mutations in CRT can cause a decreased intravacuolar concentration of chloroquine and thereby confer chloroquine resistance. However, the mechanism by which they do so is not understood. In this paper we present the results of a detailed bioinformatic analysis that reveals that CRT is a member of a previously undefined family of proteins, falling within the drug/metabolite transporter superfamily. Comparisons between CRT and other members of the superfamily provide insight into the possible role of the protein and into the significance of the mutations associated with the chloroquine resistance phenotype. The protein is predicted to function as a dimer and to be oriented with its termini in the parasite cytosol. The key chloroquine-resistance-conferring mutation (K76T) is localized in a region of the protein implicated in substrate selectivity. The mutation is predicted to alter the selectivity of the protein such that it is able to transport the cationic (protonated) form of chloroquine down its steep concentration gradient, out of the acidic vacuole, and therefore away from its site of action.  相似文献   

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