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Cells dynamically adapt their gene expression patterns in response to various stimuli. This response is orchestrated into a number of gene expression modules consisting of co-regulated genes. A growing pool of publicly available microarray datasets allows the identification of modules by monitoring expression changes over time. These time-series datasets can be searched for gene expression modules by one of the many clustering methods published to date. For an integrative analysis, several time-series datasets can be joined into a three-dimensional gene-condition-time dataset, to which standard clustering or biclustering methods are, however, not applicable. We thus devise a probabilistic clustering algorithm for gene-condition-time datasets.  相似文献   

Cho KH  Kim JR  Baek S  Choi HS  Choo SM 《FEBS letters》2006,580(14):3511-3518
Reverse engineering of biomolecular regulatory networks such as gene regulatory networks, protein interaction networks, and metabolic networks has received an increasing attention as more high-throughput time-series measurements become available. In spite of various approaches developed from this motivation, it still remains as a challenging subject to develop a new reverse engineering scheme that can effectively uncover the functional interaction structure of a biomolecular network from given time-series expression profiles (TSEPs). We propose a new reverse engineering scheme that makes use of phase portraits constructed by projection of every two TSEPs into respective phase planes. We introduce two measures of a slope index (SI) and a winding index (WI) to quantify the interaction properties embedded in the phase portrait. Based on the SI and WI, we can reconstruct the functional interaction network in a very efficient and systematic way with better inference results compared to previous approaches. By using the SI, we can also estimate the time-lag accompanied with the interaction between molecular components of a network.  相似文献   

Biological processes are often dynamic, thus researchers must monitor their activity at multiple time points. The most abundant source of information regarding such dynamic activity is time-series gene expression data. These data are used to identify the complete set of activated genes in a biological process, to infer their rates of change, their order and their causal effects and to model dynamic systems in the cell. In this Review we discuss the basic patterns that have been observed in time-series experiments, how these patterns are combined to form expression programs, and the computational analysis, visualization and integration of these data to infer models of dynamic biological systems.  相似文献   

In this paper a novel approach is introduced for modeling and clustering gene expression time-series. The radial basis function neural networks have been used to produce a generalized and smooth characterization of the expression time-series. A co-expression coefficient is defined to evaluate the similarities of the models based on their temporal shapes and the distribution of the time points. The profiles are grouped using a fuzzy clustering algorithm incorporated with the proposed co-expression coefficient metric. The results on artificial and real data are presented to illustrate the advantages of the metric and method in grouping temporal profiles. The proposed metric has also been compared with the commonly used correlation coefficient under the same procedures and the results show that the proposed method produces better biologically relevant clusters.  相似文献   

The accumulation of DNA microarray data has now made it possible to use gene expression profiles to analyse expression data. A gene expression profile contains the expression data for a given gene over various samples, and can be contrasted with an expression signature, which contains the expression data for a single sample. Gene expression profiles are most revealing when samples are grouped appropriately, either by standard clinical or pathological categories or by categories discovered through cluster analysis techniques. Expression profiles can exist at various levels of abstraction, yielding information across various tissues or across diseases within a particular tissue. Hypothesis tests may be applied to expression profiles on a large scale to identify candidate genes of interest.  相似文献   

We have developed a complete statistical model for the analysis of tumor specific gene expression profiles. The approach provides investigators with a global overview on large scale gene expression data, indicating aspects of the data that relate to tumor phenotype, but also summarizing the uncertainties inherent in classification of tumor types. We demonstrate the use of this method in the context of a gene expression profiling study of 27 human breast cancers. The study is aimed at defining molecular characteristics of tumors that reflect estrogen receptor tatus. In addition to good predictive performance with respect to pure classification of the expression profiles, the model also uncovers conflicts in the data with respect to the classification of some of the tumors, highlighting them as critical cases for which additional investigations are appropriate.  相似文献   

Current methods for the identification of putatively co-regulated genes directly from gene expression time profiles are based on the similarity of the time profile. Such association metrics, despite their central role in gene network inference and machine learning, have largely ignored the impact of dynamics or variation in mRNA stability. Here we introduce a simple, but powerful, new similarity metric called lead-lag R(2) that successfully accounts for the properties of gene dynamics, including varying mRNA degradation and delays. Using yeast cell-cycle time-series gene expression data, we demonstrate that the predictive power of lead-lag R(2) for the identification of co-regulated genes is significantly higher than that of standard similarity measures, thus allowing the selection of a large number of entirely new putatively co-regulated genes. Furthermore, the lead-lag metric can also be used to uncover the relationship between gene expression time-series and the dynamics of formation of multiple protein complexes. Remarkably, we found a high lead-lag R(2) value among genes coding for a transient complex.  相似文献   

An electrogomiometric method was used together with a new standardized radiographic technique to accurately determine the rotation of the patella during knee flexion of both normal subjects and patients referred for retropatellar pain. A preliminary study using these techniques shows that retropatellar pain is very much a multi-factoral clinical problem and that combinations of patello-femoral articulation abnormalities, patellar shape and mechanical influences are present in all forms of the painful patella.  相似文献   

Gu X 《Genetics》2004,167(1):531-542
Microarray technology has produced massive expression data that are invaluable for investigating the genome-wide evolutionary pattern of gene expression. To this end, phylogenetic expression analysis is highly desirable. On the basis of the Brownian process, we developed a statistical framework (called the E(0) model), assuming the independent expression of evolution between lineages. Several evolutionary mechanisms are integrated to characterize the pattern of expression diversity after gene duplications, including gradual drift and dramatic shift (punctuated equilibrium). When the phylogeny of a gene family is given, we show that the likelihood function follows a multivariate normal distribution; the variance-covariance matrix is determined by the phylogenetic topology and evolutionary parameters. Maximum-likelihood methods for multiple microarray experiments are developed, and likelihood-ratio tests are designed for testing the evolutionary pattern of gene expression. To reconstruct the evolutionary trace of expression diversity after gene (or genome) duplications, we developed a Bayesian-based method and use the posterior mean as predictors. Potential applications in evolutionary genomics are discussed.  相似文献   

From gene expression profiles, it is desirable to rebuild cellular dynamic regulation networks to discover more delicate and substantial functions in molecular biology, biochemistry, bioengineering and pharmaceutics. S-system model is suitable to characterize biochemical network systems and capable to analyze the regulatory system dynamics. However, inference of an S-system model of N-gene genetic networks has 2N(N+1) parameters in a set of non-linear differential equations to be optimized. This paper proposes an intelligent two-stage evolutionary algorithm (iTEA) to efficiently infer the S-system models of genetic networks from time-series data of gene expression. To cope with curse of dimensionality, the proposed algorithm consists of two stages where each uses a divide-and-conquer strategy. The optimization problem is first decomposed into N subproblems having 2(N+1) parameters each. At the first stage, each subproblem is solved using a novel intelligent genetic algorithm (IGA) with intelligent crossover based on orthogonal experimental design (OED). At the second stage, the obtained N solutions to the N subproblems are combined and refined using an OED-based simulated annealing algorithm for handling noisy gene expression profiles. The effectiveness of iTEA is evaluated using simulated expression patterns with and without noise running on a single-processor PC. It is shown that 1) IGA is efficient enough to solve subproblems; 2) IGA is significantly superior to the existing method SPXGA; and 3) iTEA performs well in inferring S-system models for dynamic pathway identification.  相似文献   

Adoptive T-cell transfer therapy relies upon in vitro expansion of autologous cytotoxic T cells that are capable of tumor recognition. The success of this cell-based therapy depends on the specificity and responsiveness of the T cell clones before transfer. During ex vivo expansion, CD8+ T cells present signs of replicative senescence and loss of function. The transfer of nonresponsive senescent T cells is a major bottleneck for the success of adoptive T-cell transfer therapy. Quantitative methods for assessing cellular age and responsiveness will facilitate the development of appropriate cell expansion and selection protocols. Although several biomarkers of lymphocyte senescence have been identified, these proteins in isolation are not sufficient to determine the age-dependent responsiveness of T cells. We have developed a multivariate model capable of extracting combinations of markers that are the most informative to predict cellular age. To acquire signaling information with high temporal resolution, we designed a microfluidic chip enabling parallel lysis and fixation of stimulated cell samples on-chip. The acquisition of 25 static biomarkers and 48 dynamic signaling measurements at different days in culture, integrating single-cell and population based information, allowed the multivariate regression model to accurately predict CD8+ T-cell age. From surface marker expression and early phosphorylation events following T-cell receptor stimulation, the model successfully predicts days in culture and number of population doublings with R2=0.91 and 0.98, respectively. Furthermore, we found that impairment of early signaling events following T cell receptor stimulation because of long term culture allows prediction of costimulatory molecules CD28 and CD27 expression levels and the number of population divisions in culture from a limited subset of signaling proteins. The multivariate analysis highlights the information content of both averaged biomarker values and heterogeneity metrics for prediction of cellular age within a T cell population.  相似文献   

Yan X  Zheng T 《BMC genomics》2008,9(Z2):S14


Gene expression data extracted from microarray experiments have been used to study the difference between mRNA abundance of genes under different conditions. In one of such experiments, thousands of genes are measured simultaneously, which provides a high-dimensional feature space for discriminating between different sample classes. However, most of these dimensions are not informative about the between-class difference, and add noises to the discriminant analysis.


In this paper we propose and study feature selection methods that evaluate the "informativeness" of a set of genes. Two measures of information based on multigene expression profiles are considered for a backward information-driven screening approach for selecting important gene features. By considering multigene expression profiles, we are able to utilize interaction information among these genes. Using a breast cancer data, we illustrate our methods and compare them to the performance of existing methods.


We illustrate in this paper that methods considering gene-gene interactions have better classification power in gene expression analysis. In our results, we identify important genes with relative large p-values from single gene tests. This indicates that these are genes with weak marginal information but strong interaction information, which will be overlooked by strategies that only examine individual genes.

MOTIVATION: Cluster analysis of genome-wide expression data from DNA microarray hybridization studies has proved to be a useful tool for identifying biologically relevant groupings of genes and samples. In the present paper, we focus on several important issues related to clustering algorithms that have not yet been fully studied. RESULTS: We describe a simple and robust algorithm for the clustering of temporal gene expression profiles that is based on the simulated annealing procedure. In general, this algorithm guarantees to eventually find the globally optimal distribution of genes over clusters. We introduce an iterative scheme that serves to evaluate quantitatively the optimal number of clusters for each specific data set. The scheme is based on standard approaches used in regular statistical tests. The basic idea is to organize the search of the optimal number of clusters simultaneously with the optimization of the distribution of genes over clusters. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm has been evaluated by means of a reverse engineering experiment, that is, a situation in which the correct distribution of genes over clusters is known a priori. The employment of this statistically rigorous test has shown that our algorithm places greater than 90% genes into correct clusters. Finally, the algorithm has been tested on real gene expression data (expression changes during yeast cell cycle) for which the fundamental patterns of gene expression and the assignment of genes to clusters are well understood from numerous previous studies.  相似文献   

We present an explicit expression for describing the kinetics of cometabolic biotransformation of environmental pollutants. This expression is based on the Lambert W function and explicitly relates the substrate concentration, S, to time, t, the two experimentally measured variables. This explicit relationship simplifies kinetic parameter estimation as differential equation solution and iterative estimation of the substrate concentration are eliminated. The applicability of this new expression for nonlinear kinetic parameter estimation was first demonstrated using noise containing synthetic data where final estimates of the kinetic parameters were very close to their actual values. Subsequently 1.1.1-trichloroethane degradation data at initial concentrations of 750 and 375 μM were described using the explicit expression resulting in r and K(s) estimates of 0.26 μM/mg d and 28.08 μM and 0.30 μM/mg d and 28.70 μM, respectively, very similar to 0.276 μM/mg d and 31.2 μM, respectively, that were reported in the original study. The new explicit expression presented in this study simplifies estimation of cometabolic kinetic parameters and can be easily used across all computational platforms thereby providing an attractive alternative for progress curve analysis.  相似文献   

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