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A short single-stranded tail on one end of an otherwise duplex DNA molecule enables recA protein, in the presence of ATP and MgCl2, to form a complex with the DNA which extends into the duplex portion of the molecule. Nuclease protection studies at a concentration of MgCl2 which permits homologous pairing showed that cleavage by restriction endonucleases at sites throughout the duplex region was inhibited, whereas digestion by DNase I was not affected. These results indicate that recA protein binds to the duplex portion of tailed DNA allowing access by DNase I to a random sample of the many sites at which it cleaves, but providing limited protection of the relatively rare restriction sites. Electron microscopy revealed that the recA nucleoprotein complex with duplex DNA is indeed a segmented or interrupted filament that, with time, extends further from the single-stranded tail into the duplex region. recA protein binding extended into the duplex region more rapidly for duplexes with 5' tails than for those with 3' tails. These observations show that recA protein translocates from a single-stranded region into duplex DNA in the form of a segmented filament by a mechanism that is not strongly polarized.  相似文献   

RecA- mutants of Escherichia coli extensively degrade their DNA following UV irradiation. Most of this degradation is due to the recBC DNase, which suggests that the recA gene is involved in the control of recBC DNase in vivo. We have shown that purified recA protein inhibits the endonuclease and exonuclease activities of recBC DNase on single-stranded DNA. The extent of inhibition is dependent on the relative concentration of recA protein, recBC DNase, and the DNA substrate; inhibition is greatest when the concentrations of DNA and recBC DNase are low and the concentrations of recA protein is high. At fixed concentrations of recA protein and recBC DNase, inhibition is eliminated at high concentrations of DNA. In the presence of adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate), an ATP analog which stabilizes the binding of recA protein to both single- and double-stranded DNA, recA protein is a more potent inhibitor of the nuclease activities on single-stranded DNA and is a weak inhibitor of the exonuclease activity on double-stranded DNA. Inhibition of the latter is enhanced by oligodeoxynucleotides, which stimulate the binding of recA protein to double-stranded DNA. In the presence of adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate), recA protein also inhibits the action of exonuclease I on single-stranded DNA and of lambda exonuclease on double-stranded DNA. These observations are most consistent with the idea that recA protein protects DNA from recBC DNase by binding to DNA. RecA protein also blocks the endonucleolytic cleavage of gapped circular DNA by recBC DNase. Since both recA protein and recBC DNase have the ability under certain conditions to unwind duplex DNA and to displace strands, we looked for evidence that their combined action would enlarge gaps but found no extensive enlargement. D-loops, a putative intermediate in genetic recombination, are effectively protected against the action of recBC DNase by the E. coli single strand binding protein and by recA protein in the presence of adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate).  相似文献   

The interaction of recA protein with single-stranded (ss) phi X174 DNA has been examined by means of a nuclease protection assay. The stoichiometry of protection was found to be 1 recA monomer/approximately 4 nucleotides of ssDNA both in the absence of a nucleotide cofactor and in the presence of ATP. In contrast, in the presence of adenosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) (ATP gamma S) the stoichiometry was 1 recA monomer/approximately 8 nucleotides. No protection was seen with ADP. In the absence of a nucleotide cofactor, the binding of recA protein to ssDNA was quite stable as judged by equilibration with a challenge DNA (t1/2 approximately 30 min). Addition of ATP stimulated this transfer (t1/2 approximately 3 min) as did ADP (t1/2 approximately 0.2 min). ATP gamma S greatly reduced the rate of equilibration (t1/2 greater than 12 h). Direct visualization of recA X ssDNA complexes at subsaturating recA protein concentrations using electron microscopy revealed individual ssDNA molecules partially covered with recA protein which were converted to highly condensed networks upon addition of ATP gamma S. These results have led to a general model for the interaction of recA protein with ssDNA.  相似文献   

S W Morrical  J Lee  M M Cox 《Biochemistry》1986,25(7):1482-1494
The single-stranded DNA binding protein of Escherichia coli (SSB) stimulates recA protein promoted DNA strand exchange reactions by promoting and stabilizing the interaction between recA protein and single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Utilizing the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of SSB, an ATP-dependent interaction has been detected between SSB and recA-ssDNA complexes. This interaction is continuous for periods exceeding 1 h under conditions that are optimal for DNA strand exchange. Our data suggest that this interaction does not involve significant displacement of recA protein in the complex by SSB when ATP is present. The properties of this interaction are consistent with the properties of SSB-stabilized recA-ssDNA complexes determined by other methods. The data are incompatible with models in which SSB is displaced after functioning transiently in the formation of recA-ssDNA complexes. A continuous association of SSB with recA-ssDNA complexes may therefore be an important feature of the mechanism by which SSB stimulates recA protein promoted reactions.  相似文献   

S W Morrical  M M Cox 《Biochemistry》1990,29(3):837-843
In vitro recombination reactions promoted by the recA protein of Escherichia coli are enhanced by the single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB). SSB affects the assembly of the filamentous complexes between recA protein and ssDNA that are the active form of the recA protein. Here, we present evidence that SSB plays a complex role in maintaining the stability and activity of recA-ssDNA filaments. Results of ATPase, nuclease protection, and DNA strand exchange assays suggest that the continuous presence of SSB is required to maintain the stability of recA-ssDNA complexes under reaction conditions that support their recombination activity. We also report data that indicate that there is a functional distinction between the species of SSB present at 10 mM magnesium chloride, which enhances recA-ssDNA binding, and a species present at 1 mM magnesium chloride, which displaces recA protein from ssDNA. These results are discussed in the context of current models of SSB conformation and of SSB action in recombination activities of the recA protein.  相似文献   

The properties of the high-affinity single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding state of Escherichia coli recA protein have been studied. We find that all of the nucleoside triphosphates that are hydrolyzed by recA protein induce a high-affinity ssDNA binding state. The effect of ATP binding to recA protein was partially separated from the ATP hydrolytic event by substituting calcium chloride for magnesium chloride in the binding buffer. Under these conditions, the rate of ATP hydrolysis is greatly inhibited. ATP increases the affinity of recA protein for ssDNA in a concentration-dependent manner in the presence of both calcium and magnesium chloride with apparent Kd values of 375 and 500 microM ATP, respectively. Under nonhydrolytic conditions, the molar ratio of ATP to ADP has an effect on the recA protein ssDNA binding affinity. Over an ATP/ADP molar ratio of 2-3, the affinity of recA protein for ssDNA shifts cooperatively from a low-to a high-affinity state.  相似文献   

C Urbanke  A Schaper 《Biochemistry》1990,29(7):1744-1749
The time course of the reaction of Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (E. coli SSB) with poly(dT) and M13mp8 single-stranded DNA has been measured by fluorescence stopped-flow experiments. For poly(dT), the fluorescence traces follow simple bimolecular behavior up to 80% saturation of the polymer with E. coli SSB. A mechanistic explanation of this binding behavior can be given as follows: (1) E. coli SSB is able to translocate very rapidly on the polymer, forming cooperative clusters. (2) In the rate-limiting step of the association reaction, E. coli SSB is bound to the polymer only by one or two of its four contact sites. As compared to poly(dT), association to single-stranded M13mp8 phage DNA is slower by at least 2 orders of magnitude. We attribute this finding to the presence of secondary structure elements (double-stranded structures) in the natural single-stranded DNA. These structures cannot be broken by E. coli SSB in a fast reaction. In order to fulfill its physiological function in reasonable time, E. coli SSB must bind newly formed single-stranded DNA immediately. The protein can, however, bind to such pieces of the newly formed single-stranded DNA which are too short to cover all four binding sites of the E. coli SSB tetramer.  相似文献   

recA protein, which is essential for the recombination process in Escherichia coli, was incubated in the presence of 5′-γ-thiotriphosphate with circular plasmid pBRβG containing small single-stranded gaps. Stable complexes were formed which appear in the electron microscope as fibres with a diameter about five times that of naked DNA. Complex formation appears to be a co-operative process whereby the average rise per base-pair with respect to the fibre axis increases from 3·39 ± 0·08 Å to 5·20 ± 0·18 Å. The elongation of DNA by about 50% is compatible with an unwinding of the double helix and an intercalating mode of binding of recA and/or 5′-γ-thiotriphosphate to DNA.  相似文献   

Stable binding of recA protein to duplex DNA. Unraveling a paradox   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
recA protein binding to duplex DNA is a complicated, multistep process. The final product of this process is a stably bound complex of recA protein and extensively unwound double-stranded DNA. recA monomers within the complex hydrolyze ATP with an apparent kcat of approximately 19-22 min-1. Once the final binding state is achieved, binding and ATP hydrolysis by this complex becomes pH independent. The weak binding of recA protein to duplex DNA reported in previous studies does not, therefore, reflect an intrinsically unfavorable binding equilibrium. Instead, this apparent weak binding reflects a slow step in the association pathway. The rate-limiting step in this process involves the initiation rather than the propagation of DNA binding and unwinding. This step exhibits no dependence on recA protein concentration at pH 7.5. Extension or propagation of the recA filament is fast relative to the overall process. Initiation of binding is pH dependent and represents a prominent kinetic barrier at pH 7.5. ATP hydrolysis occurs only after the duplex DNA is unwound. The binding density of recA protein on double-stranded DNA is approximately one monomer/4 base pairs. A model for this process is presented. These results provide an explanation for several paradoxical observations about recA protein-promoted DNA strand exchange. In particular, they demonstrate that there is no thermodynamic requirement for dissociation of recA protein from the heteroduplex DNA product of strand exchange.  相似文献   

A single amino acid substitution (Y78R) at the dimer-dimer interface of homotetrameric single stranded DNA binding protein from E. coli (EcoSSB) renders the protein a stable dimer. This dimer can bind single-stranded DNA albeit with greatly reduced affinity. In vivo this dimeric SSB cannot replace homotetrameric EcoSSB. Amino acid changes at the rim of the dimer-dimer interface nearby (Q76K, Q76E) show an electrostatic interaction between a charged amino acid at position 76 and bound nucleic acid. In conclusion, nucleic acid binding to homotetrameric SSB must take place across both dimers to achieve functionally correct binding.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA released from E. coli wild type and mutant cells by alkaline-EDTA-detergent was analyzed using the recently developed biophysical technique of viscoelastometry. Under the lysis conditions used, it was possible to detect single strands of molecular weight approximately 2 times 10-9 daltons. Little difference was detected in the size of single-stranded DNA from log phase vs. stationary phase cultures, or from cells treated with chloramphenicol to allow completion of replicating chromosomes. The largest single strands from ligase overproducing, endonuclease minus, and pol A1 mutants were likewise of approximately the same size as wild type, but were present in smaller yields. The reduction in single-strand molecular weight as a result of heating intact cells was investigated as a function of time and temperature. Heating at 37 degrees C for up to 20 min produced no additional single-strand breaks, but temperatures from 45 to 65 degrees introduced breaks. Solutions maintained at pH 12.5 were not stable indefinitely, and the relative viscosity of such solutions was found to decrease over a period of several hours.  相似文献   

DNA replication of single-stranded Escherichia coli DNA phages   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

Jezewska MJ  Bujalowski W 《Biochemistry》2000,39(34):10454-10467
Quantitative analyses of the interactions of the Escherichia coli replicative helicase PriA protein with a single-stranded DNA have been performed, using the thermodynamically rigorous fluorescence titration technique. The analysis of the PriA helicase interactions with nonfluorescent, unmodified nucleic acids has been performed, using the macromolecular competition titration (MCT) method. Thermodynamic studies of the PriA helicase binding to ssDNA oligomers, as well as competition studies, show that independently of the type of nucleic acid base, as well as the salt concentration, the type of salt in solution, and nucleotide cofactors, the PriA helicase binds the ssDNA as a monomer. The enzyme binds the ssDNA with significant affinity in the absence of any nucleotide cofactors. Moreover, the presence of AMP-PNP diminishes the intrinsic affinity of the PriA protein for the ssDNA by a factor approximately 4, while ADP has no detectable effect. Analyses of the PriA interactions with different ssDNA oligomers, over a large range of nucleic acid concentrations, indicates that the enzyme has a single, strong ssDNA-binding site. The intrinsic affinities are salt-dependent. The formation of the helicase-ssDNA complexes is accompanied by a net release of 3-4 ions. The experiments have been performed with ssDNA oligomers encompassing the total site size of the helicase-ssDNA complex and with oligomers long enough to encompass only the ssDNA-binding site of the enzyme. The obtained results indicate that salt dependence of the intrinsic affinity results predominantly, if not exclusively, from the interactions of the ssDNA-binding site of the helicase with the nucleic acid. There is an anion effect on the studied interactions, which suggests that released ions originate from both the protein and the nucleic acid. Contrary to the intrinsic affinities, cooperative interactions between bound PriA molecules are accompanied by a net uptake of approximately 3 ions. The PriA protein shows preferential intrinsic affinity for pyrimidine ssDNA oligomers. In our standard conditions (pH 7.0, 10 degrees C, 100 mM NaCl), the intrinsic binding constant for the pyrimidine oligomers is approximately 1 order of magnitude higher than the intrinsic binding constant for the purine oligomers. The significance of these results for the mechanism of action of the PriA helicase is discussed.  相似文献   

In an effort to clarify the requirement for ATP in the recA protein-promoted renaturation of complementary DNA strands, we have analyzed the mutant recA1 protein which lacks single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase activity at pH 7.5. Like the wild type, the recA1 protein binds to single-stranded DNA with a stoichiometry of one monomer per approximately four nucleotides. However, unlike the wild type, the mutant protein is dissociated from single-stranded DNA in the presence of ATP or ADP. The ATP analogue adenosine 5'-O-3' (thiotriphosphate) appears to stabilize the binding of recA1 protein to single-stranded DNA but does not elicit the stoichiometry of 1 monomer/8 nucleotides or the formation of highly condensed protein-DNA networks that are characteristic of the wild type recA protein in the presence of this analogue. The recA1 protein does not catalyze DNA renaturation in the presence of ATP, consistent with the dissociation of recA1 protein from single-stranded DNA under these conditions. However, it does promote a pattern of Mg2+-dependent renaturation identical to that found for wild type recA protein.  相似文献   

The biochemical properties of the recA430 protein have been examined and compared to those of wild-type recA protein. We find that, while the recA430 protein possesses ssDNA-dependent rATP activity, this activity is inhibited by the Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB protein) under many conditions that enhance wild-type recA protein rATPase hydrolysis. Stimulation of rATPase activity by SSB protein is observed only at high concentrations of both rATP (greater than 1 mM) and recA430 protein (greater than 5 microM). In contrast, stimulation of ssDNA-dependent dATPase activity by SSB protein is less sensitive to protein and nucleotide concentration. Consistent with the nucleotide hydrolysis data, recA430 protein can carry out DNA strand exchange in the presence of either rATP or dATP. However, in the presence of rATP, both the rate and the extent of DNA strand exchange by recA430 protein are greatly reduced compared to wild-type recA protein and are sensitive to recA430 protein concentration. This reduction is presumably due to the inability of recA430 protein to compete with SSB protein for ssDNA binding sites under these conditions. The cleavage of lexA repressor protein by recA430 protein is also sensitive to the nucleotide cofactor present and is completely inhibited by SSB protein when rATP is the cofactor but not when dATP is used. Finally, the steady-state affinity and the rate of association of the recA430 protein-ssDNA complex are reduced, suggesting that the mutation affects the interaction of the ATP-bound form of recA protein with ssDNA. This alteration is the likely molecular defect responsible for inhibition of recA430 protein rATP-dependent function by SSB protein. The biochemical properties observed in the presence of dATP and SSB protein, i.e. the reduced levels of both DNA strand exchange activity and cleavage of lexA repressor protein, are consistent with the phenotypic behavior of recA430 mutations.  相似文献   

Rad B  Kowalczykowski SC 《Biochemistry》2012,51(13):2921-2929
A member of the SF2 family of helicases, Escherichia coli RecQ, is involved in the recombination and repair of double-stranded DNA breaks and single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) gaps. Although the unwinding activity of this helicase has been studied biochemically, the mechanism of translocation remains unclear. To this end, using ssDNA of varying lengths, the steady-state ATP hydrolysis activity of RecQ was analyzed. We find that the rate of ATP hydrolysis increases with DNA length, reaching a maximum specific activity of 38 ± 2 ATP/RecQ/s. Analysis of the rate of ATP hydrolysis as a function of DNA length implies that the helicase has a processivity of 19 ± 6 nucleotides on ssDNA and that RecQ requires a minimal translocation site size of 10 ± 1 nucleotides. Using the T4 phage encoded gene 32 protein (G32P), which binds ssDNA cooperatively, to decrease the lengths of ssDNA gaps available for translocation, we observe a decrease in the rate of ATP hydrolysis activity that is related to lattice occupancy. Analysis of the activity in terms of the average gap sizes available to RecQ on the ssDNA coated with G32P indicates that RecQ translocates on ssDNA on average 46 ± 11 nucleotides before dissociating. Moreover, when bound to ssDNA, RecQ hydrolyzes ATP in a cooperative fashion, with a Hill coefficient of 2.1 ± 0.6, suggesting that at least a dimer is required for translocation on ssDNA. We present a kinetic model for translocation by RecQ on ssDNA based on this characterization.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli wild-type single strand binding (SSB) protein is a stable tetramer that binds to single-stranded (ss) DNA in its role in DNA replication, recombination and repair. The ssb-1 mutation, a substitution of tyrosine for histidine-55 within the SSB-1 protein, destabilizes the tetramer with respect to monomers, resulting in a temperature-sensitive defect in a variety of DNA metabolic processes, including replication. Using quenching of the intrinsic SSB-1 tryptophan fluorescence, we have examined the equilibrium binding of the oligonucleotide, dT(pT)15, to the SSB-1 protein in order to determine whether a ssDNA binding site exists within individual SSB-1 monomers or whether the formation of the SSB tetramer is necessary for ssDNA binding. At high SSB-1 protein concentrations, such that the tetramer is stable, we find that four molecules of dT(pT)15 bind per tetramer in a manner similar to that observed for the wild-type SSB tetramer; i.e. negative co-operativity is observed for ssDNA binding to the SSB-1 protomers. As a consequence of this negative co-operativity, binding is biphasic, with two molecules of dT(pT)15 binding to the tetramer in each phase. However, the intrinsic binding constant, K16, for the SSB-1 protomer-dT(pT)15 interaction is a factor of 3 lower than for the wild-type protomer interaction and the negative co-operativity parameter, sigma 16, is larger in the case of the SSB-1 tetramer, indicating a lower degree of negative co-operativity. At lower SSB-1 concentrations, SSB-1 monomers bind dT(pT)15 without negative co-operativity; however, the intrinsic affinity of dT(pT)15 for the monomer is a factor of approximately 10 lower than for the protomer (50 mM-NaCl, pH 8.1, 25 degrees C). Therefore, an individual SSB-1 monomer does possess an independent ssDNA binding site; hence formation of the tetramer is not required for ssDNA binding, although tetramer formation does increase the binding affinity significantly. These data also show that the negative co-operativity among ssDNA binding sites within an SSB tetramer is an intrinsic property of the tetramer. On the basis of these studies, we discuss a modified explanation for the temperature-sensitivity of the ssb-1 phenotype.  相似文献   

When E. coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) coats single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in the presence of 1 mM MgCl2 it inhibits the subsequent binding of recA protein, whereas SSB binding to ssDNA in 12 mM MgCl2 promotes the binding of recA protein. These two conditions correspond respectively to those which produce 'smooth' and 'beaded' forms of ssDNA-SSB filaments. By gel filtration and immunoprecipitation we observed active nucleoprotein filaments of recA protein and SSB on ssDNA that contained on average 1 monomer of recA protein per 4 nucleotides and 1 monomer of SSB per 20-22 nucleotides. Filaments in such a mixture, when digested with micrococcal nuclease produced a regular repeating pattern, approximately every 70-80 nucleotides, that differed from the pattern observed when only recA protein was bound to the ssDNA. We conclude that the beaded ssDNA-SSB nucleoprotein filament readily binds recA protein and forms an intermediate that is active in the formation of joint molecules and can retain substantially all of the SSB that was originally bound.  相似文献   

The complete exchange of strands between circular single-stranded and full length linear duplex DNAs promoted by the recA protein of Escherichia coli is dependent upon the hydrolysis of ATP and is strongly stimulated by the single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB). In the presence of SSB, stable complexes of recA protein and single-stranded DNA are formed as an early step in the reaction. These complexes dissociate when the ADP/ATP ratio approaches a value of 0.6-1.5, depending upon reaction conditions. Thus, ATP hydrolysis never proceeds to completion but stops when 40-60% of the input ATP has undergone hydrolysis. recA protein can participate in a second round of strand exchange upon regeneration of the ATP. While 100-200 mol of ATP are hydrolyzed/mol of heteroduplex base pair formed under standard reaction conditions in the presence of SSB, this value is reduced to 16 at levels of ADP lower than that required to dissociate the complexes. ATP hydrolysis appears to be completely irreversible since efforts to detect exchange reactions using 18O probes have been unsuccessful.  相似文献   

The recO gene product is required for DNA repair and some types of homologous recombination in wild-type Escherichia coli cells. RecO protein has been previously purified and shown to bind to single- and double-stranded DNA and to promote the renaturation of complementary single-stranded DNA molecules. In this study, purified RecO protein was shown to catalyze the assimilation of single-stranded DNA into homologous superhelical double-stranded DNA, an activity also associated with RecA protein. The RecO protein-promoted strand assimilation reaction requires Mg2+ and is ATP independent. Because of the biochemical similarities between RecO and RecA proteins, the ability of RecO protein to substitute for RecA protein in DNA repair in vivo was also assessed in this study. The results show that overexpression of RecO protein partially suppressed the UV repair deficiency of a recA null mutant and support the hypothesis that RecO and RecA proteins are functionally similar with respect to strand assimilation and the ability to enhance UV survival. These results suggest that RecO and RecA proteins may have common functional properties.  相似文献   

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