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The selectivity for Ca(2+) over Na(+), PCa/PNa, is higher in cGMP-gated (CNG) ion channels of retinal cone photoreceptors than in those of rods. To ascertain the physiological significance of this fact, we determined the fraction of the cyclic nucleotide-gated current specifically carried by Ca(2+) in intact rods and cones. We activated CNG channels by suddenly (<5 ms) increasing free 8Br-cGMP in the cytoplasm of rods or cones loaded with a caged ester of the cyclic nucleotide. Simultaneous with the uncaging flash, we measured the cyclic nucleotide-dependent changes in membrane current and fluorescence of the Ca(2+)-binding dye, Fura-2, also loaded into the cells. The ratio of changes in fura-2 fluorescence and the integral of the membrane current, under a restricted set of experimental conditions, is a direct measure of the fractional Ca(2+) flux. Under normal physiological salt concentrations, the fractional Ca(2+) flux is higher in CNG channels of cones than in those of rods, but it differs little among cones (or rods) of different species. Under normal physiological conditions and for membrane currents 相似文献   

We studied the ionic permeability of cGMP-dependent currents in membrane patches detached from the outer segment of retinal cone and rod photoreceptors. Reversal potentials measured in membranes exposed to symmetric Na+ but with varying cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations reveal that the permeability ratio, PCa/PNa, is higher in the cGMP-gated channels of cones (7.6 +/- 0.8) than in those of rods (3.1 +/- 1.0). Ca2+ blocks both channels in a voltage-dependent manner. At any Ca2+ concentration, the channel block is maximal near the ionic reversal potential. The maximal block is essentially identical in channels of cones and rods with respect to its extent and voltage and Ca2+ dependence. The Ca2+ block is relieved by voltage, but the features of this relief differ markedly between rods and cones. Whereas the Boltzmann distribution function describes the relief of block by hyperpolarizing voltages, any given voltage is more effective in relieving the Ca2+ block in cones than in rods. Similarly, depolarizing voltages more effectively relieve Ca2+ block in cones than in rods. Our results suggest that channels contain two binding sites for Ca2+, one of which is similar in the two receptor types. The second site either interacts more strongly with Ca2+ than the first one or it is located differently in the membrane, so as to be less sensitive to membrane voltage. The channels in rods and cones differ in the features of this second site. The difference in Ca2+ permeability between the channels is likely to result in light-dependent changes in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration that are larger and faster in cones than in rods.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Tetraalkylammonium compounds and other organic cations were used to probe the structure of the internal and external mouths of the pore of cGMP-gated cation channels from rod and cone photoreceptors. Both rod and cone channels were blocked by tetramethyl- through tetrapentylammonium from the intracellular side in a voltage-dependent fashion at millimolar to micromolar concentrations. The dissociation constant at 0 mV (KD(O)) decreased monotonically with increasing carbon chain length from approximately 80 mM (TMA) to approximately 80 microM (TPeA), where the dissociation constant in rod channels is approximately 50% that of cone channels. N-Methyl-D-glucamine and the buffer Tris also blocked the cone channel in a voltage-dependent fashion at millimolar concentrations, but with lower affinity than similarly sized tetraalkylammonium blockers. Block by tetrahexylammonium (THxA) was voltage-independent, suggesting that the diameter of the intracellular mouth of these channels is less than the size of THxA but larger than TPeA. The location of the binding site for intracellular blockers was approximately 40% across the voltage-drop from the intracellular side. The addition of one carbon to each of the alkyl side chains increased the binding energy by approximately 4 kJ mol-1, consistent with hydrophobic interactions between the blocker and the pore. Cone, but not rod, channels were blocked by millimolar concentrations of extracellular TMA. The location of the extracellular binding site was approximately 13% of the voltage drop from the extracellular side. In cone channels, the two blocker binding sites flank the location of the cation binding site proposed previously.  相似文献   

Vigabatrin (VGB) is a commonly prescribed antiepileptic drug designed to inhibit GABA-transaminase, effectively halting seizures. Unfortunately, VGB treatment is also associated with the highest frequencies of peripheral visual field constriction of any of the antiepileptic drugs and the mechanisms that lead to these visual field defects are uncertain. Recent studies have demonstrated light exposure exacerbates vigabatrin-induced retinal toxicity. We further assessed this relationship by examining the effects of vigabatrin treatment on the retinal structures of mice with genetically altered photoreception. In keeping with previous studies, we detected increased toxicity in mice exposed to continuous light. To study whether cone or rod photoreceptor function was involved in the pathway to toxicity, we tested mice with mutations in the cone-specific Gnat2 or rod-specific Pde6g genes, and found the mutations significantly reduced VGB toxicity. Our results confirm light is a significant enhancer of vigabatrin toxicity and that a portion of this is mediated, directly or indirectly, by phototransduction signaling in rod and cone photoreceptors.  相似文献   

S Nawy  C E Jahr 《Neuron》1991,7(4):677-683
Transmitter release from photoreceptors is decreased by light, resulting in a conductance increase in depolarizing bipolar cells. Addition of exogenous cGMP through a patch pipette to depolarizing bipolar cells from slices of dark-adapted tiger salamander retina resulted in an enhancement of the light response. This enhancement was blocked by GTP-gamma-S and dipyridamole, an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase. GTP-gamma-S and dipyridamole also blocked responses to exogenously applied 2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate (APB), the glutamate agonist selective for this receptor. These data support the hypothesis that the postsynaptic receptor is linked via a G protein to a phosphodiesterase. The binding of glutamate or APB to the receptor suppresses a cGMP-activated current by increasing the rate of cyclic nucleotide hydrolysis.  相似文献   

We measured the ion selectivity of cGMP-dependent currents in detached membrane patches from the outer segment of cone photoreceptors isolated from the retina of striped bass. In inside-out patches excised from either single or twin cones the amplitude of these currents, under symmetric ionic solutions, changed with the concentration of cGMP with a dependence described by a Hill equation with average values, at +80 mV, of Km = 42.6 microM and n = 2.49. In the absence of divalent cations, and under symmetric ionic solutions, the I-V curves of the currents were linear over the range of -80 to +80 mV. The addition of Ca altered the form of the I-V curve to a new function well described by an empirical equation that also describes the I-V curve of the photocurrent measured in intact photoreceptors. The monovalent cation permeability sequence of the cGMP-gated channels in the absence of divalent ions was PK > PNa = PLi = PRb > PCs (1.11 > 1.0 = 0.99 = 0.96 > 0.82). The conductance selectivity sequence at +80 mV was GNa = GK > GRb > GCs > GLi (1.0 = 0.99 > 0.88 > 0.74 > 0.60). The organic cations tetramethylammonium (TMA) and arginine partially blocked the current, but the larger ion, arginine, was permeant, whereas the smaller ion, TMA, was not. The amplitude of the outward current through the channels increased with the concentration of monovalent cations on the cytoplasmic membrane surface, up to a saturating value. The increase was well described by the adsorption isotherm of a single ion binding site within the channel with average binding constants, at +80 mV, of 104 mM for Na and 37.6 mM for Li. By assuming that the ion channel contains a single ion binding site in an energy trough separated from each membrane surface by an energy barrier, and using Eyring rate theory, we simulated I-V curves that fit the experimental data measured under ionic concentration gradients. From this fit we conclude that the binding site interacts with one ion at a time and that the energy barriers are asymmetrically located within the membrane thickness. Comparison of the quantitative features of ion permeation and interaction between the cGMP-gated channels of rod and cone photoreceptors reveals that the ion binding sites are profoundly different in the two types of channels. This molecular difference may be particularly important in explaining the differences in the transduction signal of each receptor type.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the lectin-binding properties of the photoreceptor cGMP-gated channel, solubilized and purified channel protein was incubated with immobilized lectins followed by reconstitution of unbound proteins. Of the lectins tested, only concanavalin A (ConA) was able to specifically sediment channel activity. A 240-kDa protein, which copurifies with the 63-kDa channel protein but does not bind ConA, was also found to be sedimented by the ConA-affinity matrix, thereby implicating that it is associated with the channel complex. Treatment of the purified channel protein with the enzyme glycopeptidase F in the presence of the denaturing detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate resulted in a rapid reduction of the apparent molecular mass by 1.90 kDa, and the abolition of ConA-binding. No intermediate molecular weight species were observed, suggesting that the channel protein is N-glycosylated at one site only. Under nondenaturing conditions, the kinetics of deglycosylation were distinctly two-phased: 50-60% deglycosylation was achieved rapidly; however, prolonged incubation was required to arrive at complete deglycosylation. Reconstitution experiments showed that deglycosylation had no significant effect on the kinetics of channel protein activation by cGMP.  相似文献   



Advanced age contributes to clinical manifestations of many retinopathies and represents a major risk factor for age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of visual impairment and blindness in the elderly. Rod photoreceptors are especially vulnerable to genetic defects and changes in microenvironment, and are among the first neurons to die in normal aging and in many retinal degenerative diseases. The molecular mechanisms underlying rod photoreceptor vulnerability and potential biomarkers of the aging process in this highly specialized cell type are unknown.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To discover aging-associated adaptations that may influence rod function, we have generated gene expression profiles of purified rod photoreceptors from mouse retina at young adult to early stages of aging (1.5, 5, and 12 month old mice). We identified 375 genes that showed differential expression in rods from 5 and 12 month old mouse retina compared to that of 1.5 month old retina. Quantitative RT-PCR experiments validated expression change for a majority of the 25 genes that were examined. Macroanalysis of differentially expressed genes using gene class testing and protein interaction networks revealed overrepresentation of cellular pathways that are potentially photoreceptor-specific (angiogenesis and lipid/retinoid metabolism), in addition to age-related pathways previously described in several tissue types (oxidative phosphorylation, stress and immune response).


Our study suggests a progressive shift in cellular homeostasis that may underlie aging-associated functional decline in rod photoreceptors and contribute to a more permissive state for pathological processes involved in retinal diseases.  相似文献   

The intracellular Ca(2+) concentration in rod outer segments of vertebrate photoreceptors is controlled by Ca(2+) influx through cGMP-gated channels and by Ca(2+) efflux driven by Na/Ca-K exchangers. Previously, we suggested that channel and exchanger are associated (Bauer, P. J., and Drechsler, M. (1992) J. Physiol. (Lond. ) 451, 109-131). This suggestion has been thoroughly examined using a variety of biochemical approaches. First, we took advantage of the fact that cGMP-gated channels bind calmodulin (CaM). Using CaM affinity chromatographic purification of the channel in 10 mm CHAPS, a significant fraction of exchanger was co-eluted with the channel indicating a binding affinity between channel and exchanger. Binding of channel and exchanger was examined more directly by cross-linking of proteins in the rod outer segment membranes. Activation of the channel with cyclic 8-bromo-GMP lead to exposure of a cysteine, which allowed cross-linking of the channel to the exchanger with the thiol-specific reagent dl-1,4-bismaleimido-2,3-butanediol. Cleavage of the cross-links and electrophoretic analysis indicated that a cross-link between the alpha-subunit of the channel and the exchanger formed. Furthermore, a cross-link between two adjacent alpha-subunits of the channel was found, suggesting that the alpha-subunits of the native channel are dimerized. Further support for an interaction between alpha-subunit and exchanger was obtained by in vitro experiments. Specific binding of the exchanger to the alpha-subunit but not to the beta-subunit of the channel was observed in Western blots of purified channel incubated with purified exchanger. This study suggests that two exchanger molecules bind to one cGMP-gated channel and, more specifically, that binding of exchanger molecules occurs at the alpha-subunits, which in the native channel are dimerized. The implications of these findings regarding the possibility of local Ca(2+) signaling in vertebrate photoreceptors will be discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Lectin cytochemical analysis was undertaken to examine the distribution of glycoconjugates associated with the short and long photoreceptor cells in the lamprey retina. Concanavalin A bound preferentially to the outer segment region of the short cells. Wheat germ agglutinin bound weakly to both long and short cells. The outer segment regions of the long cells were stained intensely with peanut agglutinin. Pretreatment with neuraminidase to remove sialic acid resulted in decreased binding of wheat germ agglutinin throughout the retina and increased binding of peanut agglutinin to the outer segment region of the short cells and the region of myoid process of the long cells. These results suggest that there is a difference in the distribution of glycoconjugate residues between the long and short cells. A rod-like character of the short cell and a cone-like character of the long are tentatively discussed. Lectin-binding patterns in other retinal regions is also examined.  相似文献   

Although there have been several reports pertaining to the existence of the cGMP-gated channel in the disk membrane of rod photoreceptors, its density there relative to that of the photoreceptor plasma membrane is unknown. Using immunoblotting, immunohistochemical, and reconstitution techniques on purified disk and plasma membrane preparations, we found that the density of channels in the plasma membrane was at least 50-fold higher than that of the disk membrane. Purification of membrane fractions without prior digestion of cytoskeletal components by mild trypsinization was found to increase the amount of channel protein present in disk membrane preparations. We propose that the presence of the channel protein in rod disk membrane preparations is an artifact arising from fusion of plasma membrane components during permeabilization of the photoreceptor cell.  相似文献   

Xia X  Li Y  Huang D  Wang Z  Luo L  Song Y  Zhao L  Wen R 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e18282
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of photoreceptor degenerative disorders that lead to loss of vision. Typically, rod photoreceptors degenerate first, resulting in loss of night and peripheral vision. Secondary cone degeneration eventually affects central vision, leading to total blindness. Previous studies have shown that photoreceptors could be protected from degeneration by exogenous neurotrophic factors, including ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), a member of the IL-6 family of cytokines. Using a transgenic rat model of retinal degeneration (the S334-ter rat), we investigated the effects of Oncostatin M (OSM), another member of the IL-6 family of cytokines, on photoreceptor protection. We found that exogenous OSM protects both rod and cone photoreceptors. In addition, OSM promotes regeneration of cone outer segments in early stages of cone degeneration. Further investigation showed that OSM treatment induces STAT3 phosphorylation in Müller cells but not in photoreceptors, suggesting that OSM not directly acts on photoreceptors and that the protective effects of OSM on photoreceptors are mediated by Müller cells. These findings support the therapeutic strategy using members of IL-6 family of cytokines for retinal degenerative disorders. They also provide evidence that activation of the STAT3 pathway in Müller cells promotes photoreceptor survival. Our work highlights the importance of Müller cell-photoreceptor interaction in the retina, which may serve as a model of glia-neuron interaction in general.  相似文献   

Summary In common with other cyclostomata, the Japanese river lamprey (Lampetra japonica) has a retina consisting of distinct types of photoreceptor cells called long and short photoreceptor cells. After freeze-fracture, disc membranes of these photoreceptor cells were characterized in common by a homogeneous distribution of intramembrane particles on the protoplasmic fracture faces, in contrast to those of the myeloid bodies bearing scattering particles.Immunofluorescent examination was applied to the retina with monoclonal antibodies raised against bovine and chicken rhodopsins. Positive immunoreactivity was found to be limited to outer segments of the short cell, leaving the entire body of the long cell and all other components of the retina negative. The results suggest that the short cell is more closely related to a rod-type photoreceptor cell characterized by rhodopsin as its visual pigment.  相似文献   

In this study, we addressed the temporal sequence of photoreceptor fate determination in Xenopus laevis by examining a number of key events during early cone and rod development. We compared the relative timing and spatial pattern of cone and rod specification using a number of cell type-specific markers, including probes to a long wavelength-sensitive opsin which is expressed by the major cone subtype. Our results show that cones are initially more numerous, and can arise in less mature regions of the retina than rods, although both types of photoreceptors begin to express their respective opsins at about the same time. We applied these markers to an assay of cellular determination to identify the stages of embryonic development at which the earliest photoreceptor fates are induced in vivo. The relative birth order of the major cone and rod subtypes was revealed by simultaneous labeling with markers of cell proliferation and terminal differentiation. Although there is much temporal overlap between the periods of cone and rod genesis and determination in Xenopus, we could discern that the earliest cones are both born and determined before the first rods. Thus, even in the rapidly developing retina of Xenopus, photoreceptors achieve their identities in a sequential fashion, suggesting that the inductive cues which determine specific photoreceptor fates may also arise sequentially during development. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 35: 227–244, 1998  相似文献   

Inside-out patches were excised from catfish rod or cone outer segments. Single channel and macroscopic currents were recorded from GMP-gated channels activated by 1 mM cGMP in low divalent buffered saline. Currents were blocked by the application of micromolar concentrations of l-cis-diltiazem to the cytoplasmic side of the patch. The concentration dependence of block indicated that a single molecule was sufficient to block a channel and that all channels were susceptible to block. The dissociation constant for the rod channel was an order of magnitude smaller than for the cone channel, but the voltage dependence of block was nearly identical. The macroscopic current-voltage relation in the presence of blocker was inwardly rectifying and superficially resembled voltage-dependent block by an impermeant blocker occluding the ion-conducting pore of the channel. Block by diltiazem acting from the extracellular side of the channel was investigated by including 5 microM diltiazem in the recording pipette solution. The macroscopic current-voltage relation again showed inward rectification, inconsistent with the idea that diltiazem acts by occluding the pore at the external side. The kinetics of block by diltiazem applied to the intra- and extracellular side were measured in cone patches containing only a single channel. The unbinding rates were similar in both cases, suggesting a single binding site. Differences in the binding rate were consistent with greater accessibility to the binding site from the cytoplasmic side. Block from the cytoplasmic side was independent of pH, suggesting that the state of ionization of diltiazem was not related to its ability to block the channel in a voltage-dependent fashion. These observations are inconsistent with a pore-occluding blocker, but could be explained if the hydrophobic portion of diltiazem partitioned into the hydrophobic core of the channel protein, perhaps altering the gating of the channel.  相似文献   

Retinal rod photoreceptor cells absorb light at one end and establish synaptic contacts on the other. Light sensitivity is conferred by a set of membrane and cytosol proteins that are gathered at one end of the cell to form a specialized organelle, the rod outer segment (ROS). The ROS is composed of rhodopsin-laden, flattened disk-shaped membranes enveloped by the cell's plasma membrane. Rhodopsin is synthesized on elements of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus near the nucleus in the inner segment. From this synthetic site, the membrane-bound apoprotein, opsin, is released from the Golgi in the membranes of small vesicles. These vesicles are transported through the cytoplasm of the inner segment until they reach its apical plasma membrane. At that site, opsin-laden vesicles appear to fuse near the base of the connecting cilium that joins the inner and outer segments. This fusion inserts opsin into the plasma membrane of the photoreceptor. Opsin becomes incorporated into the disk membrane by a process of membrane expansion and fusion to form the flattened disks of the outer segment. Within the disks, opsin is highly mobile, and rapidly rotates and traverses the disk surface. Despite its mobility in the outer segment, quantitative electron microscopic, immunocytochemical, and autoradiographic studies of opsin distribution demonstrate that little opsin is detectable in the inner segment plasma membrane, although its bilayer is in continuity with the plasma membrane of the outer segment. The photoreceptor successfully establishes the polarized distribution of its membrane proteins by restricting the redistribution of opsin after vectorially transporting it to one end of the cell on post-Golgi vesicles.  相似文献   

We previously reported the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells into retinal progenitors. However, these progenitors rarely differentiate into photoreceptors unless they are cultured with embryonic retinal tissues. Here we show the in vitro generation of putative rod and cone photoreceptors from mouse, monkey and human ES cells by stepwise treatments under defined culture conditions, in the absence of retinal tissues. With mouse ES cells, Crx+ photoreceptor precursors were induced from Rx+ retinal progenitors by treatment with a Notch signal inhibitor. Further application of fibroblast growth factors, Shh, taurine and retinoic acid yielded a greater number of rhodopsin+ rod photoreceptors, in addition to default cone production. With monkey and human ES cells, feeder- and serum-free suspension culture combined with Wnt and Nodal inhibitors induced differentiation of Rx+ or Mitf+ retinal progenitors, which produced retinal pigment epithelial cells. Subsequent treatment with retinoic acid and taurine induced photoreceptor differentiation. These findings may facilitate the development of human ES cell-based transplantation therapies for retinal diseases.  相似文献   

We used 11-cis 13-demethylretinal to examine the physiological consequences of retinal's noncovalent interaction with opsin in intact rod and cone photoreceptors during visual pigment regeneration. 11-Cis 13-demethylretinal is an analog of 11-cis retinal in which the 13 position methyl group has been removed. Biochemical experiments have shown that it is capable of binding in the chromophore pocket of opsin, forming a Schiff-base linkage with the protein to produce a pigment, but at a much slower rate than the native 11-cis retinal (Nelson, R., J. Kim deReil, and A. Kropf. 1970. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 66:531-538). Experimentally, this slow rate of pigment formation should allow separate physiological examination of the effects of the initial binding of retinal in the pocket and the subsequent formation of the protonated Schiff-base linkage. Currents from solitary rods and cones from the tiger salamander were recorded in darkness before and after bleaching and then after exposure to 11-cis 13-demethylretinal. In bleach-adapted rods, 11-cis 13-demethylretinal caused transient activation of phototransduction, as evidenced by a decrease of the dark current and sensitivity, acceleration of the dim flash responses, and activation of cGMP phosphodiesterase and guanylyl cyclase. The steady state of phototransduction activity was still higher than that of the bleach-adapted rod. In contrast, exposure of bleach-adapted cones to 11-cis 13-demethylretinal resulted in an immediate deactivation of transduction as measured by the same parameters. These results extend the validity of a model for the effects of the noncovalent binding of a retinoid in the chromophore pockets of rod and cone opsins to analogs capable of forming a Schiff-base and imply that the noncovalent binding by itself may play a role for the dark adaptation of photoreceptors.  相似文献   

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