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Some parameters that may regulate the miscibility and stability of mixed lipid-protein monolayers at the air-145 mM NaCl interface were studied employing six glycosphingolipids (acidic or neutral), three different types of proteins (soluble, extrinsic or highly amphipathic) and some phospholipids. The results obtained show that the percentage of the total area occupied by the protein at the interface is an important parameter leading to lateral phase separations; the amount and area contribution of the protein accepted in the film before the components become immiscible increase with the complexity of the polar head group of the glycosphingolipids. The interactions occur with progressive reductions of the intermolecular packing as the polar head group of the glycosphingolipid becomes more complex and this is accompanied by more negative values of the excess free energy of mixing. The lipid component seems to be the major responsible for the reduction in mean molecular area.  相似文献   

Glycosphingolipids are ubiquitous components of animal cell membranes. They are constituted by the basic structure of ceramide with its hydroxyl group linked to single carbohydrates or oligosaccharide chains of different complexity. The combination of the properties of their hydrocarbon moiety with those derived from the variety and complexity of their hydrophilic polar head groups confers to these lipids an extraordinary capacity for molecular-to-supramolecular transduction across the lateral/transverse planes in biomembranes and beyond. In our opinion, most of the advances made over the last decade on the biophysical behavior of glycosphingolipids can be organized into three related aspects of increasing structural complexity: (1) intrinsic codes: local molecular interactions of glycosphingolipids translated into structural self-organization. (2) Surface topography: projection of molecular shape and miscibility of glycosphingolipids into formation of coexisting membrane domains. (3) Beyond the membrane interface: glycosphingolipid as modulators of structural topology, bilayer recombination and surface biocatalysis.  相似文献   

Changes in the position of the minimum of the parabolic capacitance-voltage curve allow the measurement of the amount of ganglioside present in artificial bilayers made with phosphatidylcholine-ganglioside mixtures and asymmetrically shielded with Ca2+. The screening effect of the ionic solution must be considered. With ganglioside/phospholipid molar ratios of up to 15%, all glycolipids can be found at the membrane surfaces.  相似文献   

The expression of gangliosides and neutral glycosphingolipids (GSLs) in the lymph nodes of mice lacking the gene for the tumour necrosis factor-alpha receptor p55 (TNFR1) has been investigated. GSL expression in the tissues of mice homozygous (TNFR1-/-) or heterozygous (TNFR1+/-) for the gene deletion was analysed by flow cytometry and high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) followed by immunostaining with specific antibodies. HPTLC immunostaining revealed that lymph nodes from TNFR1-/- mice had reduced expression of ganglioside GM1b and GalNAc-GM1b, neolacto-series gangliosides, as well as the globo- (Gb3, Gb4 and Gb5) and ganglio-series (Gg3 and Gg4) neutral GSLs. Flow cytometry of freshly isolated lymph node cells showed no significant differences in GSL expression, except for the GalNAc-GM1b ganglioside, which was less abundant on T lymphocytes from TNFR1-/- lymph nodes. In TNFR1-/- mice, GalNAc-GM1b+/CD4+ T cells were twofold less abundant (3.8% vs 7.6% in the control mice), whereas GalNAc-GM1b+/CD8+ T cells were fourfold less abundant (5.0% vs 20.2% in the control mice). This study provides in vivo evidence that TNF signalling via the TNFR1 is important for the activation of GM1b-type ganglioside biosynthetic pathway in CD8 T lymphocytes, suggesting its possible role in the effector T lymphocyte function.  相似文献   

Sen-itiroh Hakomori 《FEBS letters》2010,584(9):1901-41679
Glycosphingolipids (GSLs) GM3 (NeuAcα3Galβ4Glcβ1Cer) and GM2 (GalNAcβ4[NeuAcα3]Galβ4Glcβ1Cer) inhibit (i) cell growth through inhibition of tyrosine kinase associated with growth factor receptor (GFR), (ii) cell adhesion/motility through inhibition of integrin-dependent signaling via Src kinases, or (iii) both cell growth and motility by blocking “cross-talk” between integrins and GFRs. These inhibitory effects are enhanced when GM3 or GM2 are in complex with specific tetraspanins (TSPs) (CD9, CD81, CD82). Processes (i)-(iii) occur through specific organization of GSLs with key molecules (TSPs, caveolins, GFRs, integrins) in the glycosynaptic microdomain. Some of these processes are shared with epithelial-mesenchymal transition induced by TGFβ or under hypoxia, particularly that associated with cancer progression.  相似文献   

Polysialogangliosides but not monosialoganlioside or a neutral glycosphingolipid induce release of [3H] -dopamine from synaptosomes in presence of Ca++, presumably by exocytosis. This effect is discussed in relation to the ability of polysialogangliosides to induce membrane fusion in chicken erythrocytes and to their behaviour in lipid monolayers. It is suggested that characteristic interactions with phosphatidylcholine involving decreases of surface potential are participating in the polysialoganglioside-induced neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   

Binding of interleukin 2 to gangliosides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Exogenous gangliosides inhibit interleukin 2 (IL2)-dependent growth of a T cell line, AKIL -1.E8. IL2 activity is retained by columns of ganglioside covalently linked to poly(L-lysine)-agarose and is not eluted with ethylene glycol but is completely recovered by elution with 1% SDS. The ability of gangliosides to inhibit IL2 activity is directly related to the complexity of their carbohydrate portion, and related ceramide derivatives at similar concentrations do not inhibit IL2 activity. We conclude that IL2 bound to exogenous gangliosides is inactive and that the carbohydrate portion of the ganglioside is crucial to its interaction with IL2.  相似文献   

Neuroblastoma and glioma cells were grown in the presence of [3H]galactose, and the incorporation of 3H into gangliosides and the transport of newly synthesized gangliosides to the cell surface were examined under different experimental conditions. A variety of drugs, including inhibitors of protein synthesis and energy metabolism, modulators of the cytoskeleton and the ionophore monensin, had no effect on the transport of newly synthesized GD1a in neuroblastoma cells. Only low temperature effectively blocked translocation to the plasma membrane. Monensin, however, had marked effects on the biosynthesis of gangliosides and neutral glycosphingolipids. Whereas incorporation of 3H into complex glycosphingolipids was reduced, labeling of glucosylceramide was increased in cells exposed to monensin. In addition, biosynthesis of the latter glycolipid was less susceptible to low temperatures than that of more complex ones. Previous studies have implicated the Golgi apparatus as the predominant site of glycosylation of gangliosides. As monensin has been reported to interfere with the Golgi apparatus, our results indicate that glucosylceramide may be synthesized at a site that is separate from the site where further glycosylation occurs. Once synthesis of a ganglioside is completed, transport of the molecule to the cell surface proceeds under conditions of cytoskeletal disruption, energy depletion and ionic inbalance, but not low temperature.  相似文献   

Two amphipathic protein fractions soluble in organic solvents as well as in water have been isolated from the ganglioside fraction of bovine erythrocyte membranes by successive chromatography in chloroform-methanol mixture on DEAE-Sephadex, silicic acid, and α-hydroxypropylated Sephadex G50 (LH60) columns. These two fractions contained a similar low molecular weight protein but with distinctively different amino acid composition. One of these proteins has been characterized by having a strong Paul-Bunnell antigen activity and had a binding affinity to ganglioside. A similar protein without Paul-Bunnell antigen activity was isolated as the major ganglioside-associated protein.  相似文献   

Bovine thyroid glands are known to contain a complex array of gangliosides. One of the predominant gangliosides was isolated and analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. The carbohydrate composition was fucose, N-acetylneuraminic acid, galactose, N-acetylgalactosamine, and glucose in molar ratios of 1:1:2:1:1. The structure of the ganglioside was identified as:

A fetal haemoglobin variant was noted in a healthy Jamaican infant of mixed African/Chinese extraction. A two-dimensional chromatogram of the soluble tryptic peptides (Tp) showed 2 ‘new’ ones/ One was composed of the last 4 residues of the usually insoluble Tpγ41–59. To permit a tryptic split this required a change of residue γ55 Met to Lys or Arg. The other new Tp contained arginine and was in the position expected for a Tpγ41–55 (55 Arg). As the material was limited it could not be analysed. When after more than 6 years no example of Hb F Kingston had become available it was decided to describe the variant on the basis of the present evidence.  相似文献   

The anti-viral activity of gangliosides such as SPG (sialylparagloboside), GD1a, GM3, and GM4 was assessed by inhibition of the cytopathy of MDCK cells due to infection with the influenza virus A/PR/8/34. The inhibitory effect was in the following sequence: SPG>GD1a>GM3>GM4. The IC50 of SPG and GD1a was 7 and 70 microM, respectively, indicating that they are more effective than the representative inhibitor amantadine. Although 3'-sialyllactose (3'-SL) and 3'-sialyllactosamine (3'-SLN), which are identical to the terminal trisaccharides of GM3 and SPG, respectively, did not show any inhibitory effect, introduction of an amino group to the reducing end of 3'-SL following amidation with lauroyl chloride gave the inhibitory potency, which was comparable to that of GM3. These results suggest that the viral hemagglutinin recognizes exogenous sialyloligosaccharides rather than inherent sialyloligosaccharides expressed on MDCK cells, since introduction of the hydrophobic moiety to oligosaccharides might cause micelle formation.  相似文献   

Gangliosides added to culture media reduced both the growth rate and saturation density of SV40-virus transformed and untransformed 3T3 cells. Monosialogangliosides were much more effective than disialogangliosides in inhibiting growth rate. These gangliosides caused little or no cell damage or significant morphological alteration of the individual cells. Trisialoganglioside markedly reduced growth rate but in some experiments also caused cell damage and lysis. The isolated carbohydrate moiety of the ganglioside GGtet1, the sialo-oligosaccharide galactopyranosyl-N-acetyl-galactosaminyl-(N-acetylneuraminyl)-galactosyl-glucose, did not inhibit growth of SV40 3T3 cells in culture. Ceramide alone was also ineffective as a growth inhibitor. However, the tetrahexosyl ceramide derived from the above ganglioside was equally as effective as the parent compound in retarding growth of SV40 3T3 cells. Similarly, mono-, di- and trihexosyl ceramides were also effective in inhibiting growth of these cells. Gangliosides added to the culture media were rapidly accumulated by cells, apparently at the plasma membrane. The accumulated ganglioside was not degraded by the cells. However, the accumulated ganglioside could be distinguished from gangliosides synthesized in vivo by the lability of the former to neuraminidase.  相似文献   

We report the molecular cloning and characterization of two novel β-N-acetylhexosaminidases (β-HEX, EC from Paenibacillus sp. strain TS12. The two β-HEXs (Hex1 and Hex2) were 70% identical in primary structure, and the N-terminal region of both enzymes showed significant similarity with β-HEXs belonging to glycoside hydrolase family 20 (GH20). Interestingly, however, the C-terminal region of Hex1 and Hex2 shared no sequence similarity with the GH20 β-HEXs or other known proteins. Both recombinant enzymes, expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3), hydrolyzed the β-N-acetylhexosamine linkage of chitooligosaccharides and glycosphingolipids such as asialo GM2 and Gb4Cer in the absence of detergent. However, the enzyme was not able to hydrolyze GM2 ganglioside in the presence or in the absence of detergent. We determined three crystal structures of Hex1; the Hex1 deletion mutant Hex1-ΔC at a resolution of 1.8 Å; Hex1-ΔC in complex with β-N-acetylglucosamine at 1.6 Å; and Hex1-ΔC in complex with β-N-acetylgalactosamine at 1.9 Å. We made a docking model of Hex1-ΔC with GM2 oligosaccharide, revealing that the sialic acid residue of GM2 could hinder access of the substrate to the active site cavity. This is the first report describing the molecular cloning, characterization and X-ray structure of a procaryotic β-HEX capable of hydrolyzing glycosphingolipids.  相似文献   

Until now c-series polysialogangliosides were known to exist in human brain only during development and in some pathological conditions like Alzheimers disease. Using thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and immunostaining with Q211 antibody (TLC-overlay technique) we have analysed c-series gangliosides in four human cerebella (age 20, 47, 52 and 54 years). Four distinct ganglioside bands, most probably corresponding to GT1c, GQ1c, GP1c and GH1c were found to exist in the analysed brains, which is convincing demonstration of the existence of c-series gangliosides in normal adult human brain. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed to locate polysialogangliosides in the analysed tissue. Q211 antibody was found to bind specifically to a single subpopulation of neurons in the molecular layer of adult cerebellum. According to their position and morphology these cells correspond to stellate neurons. © 1998 Rapid Science Ltd  相似文献   

Globoside added to culture medium was taken up by NIL cells and accumulated as a component of plasma membrane. This was evidenced by the recovery of 3H-labelled globoside from plasma membrane fractions and by the higher chemical quantity of globoside found in NIL cells cultured in medium containing globoside. Concomitantly the following changes in growth behavior were manifested: a reduction in growth rate due to an extended prereplicative phase and a reduced saturation density which may result from changed adhesive properties of cells.  相似文献   

UPAR is a GPI anchored protein, which is found in both lipid rafts and in more fluid regions of the plasma membrane. We have studied the role of the ligand uPA on uPAR localization and on the composition of the lipid membrane microdomains. We have analyzed the glycosphingolipid environment of uPAR in detergent resistant membrane (DRM) fractions prepared by cell lysis with 1% Triton X-100 and fractionated by sucrose gradient centrifugation obtained from HEK293-uPAR cells. The uPAR specific lipid membrane microdomain has been separated from the total DRM fraction by immunoprecipitation with an anti-uPAR specific antibody under conditions that preserve membrane integrity. We have also tested uPA-induced ERK phosphorylation in the presence of methyl-β-cyclodextrin, which is known to disrupt lipid rafts by sequestering cholesterol from such domains. Our results show that uPAR is partially associated with DRM and this association is increased by ligands, is independent of the catalytic activity of uPA, and is required for intracellular signalling. In the absence of ligands, uPAR experiences a lipid environment very similar to that of total DRM, enriched in sphingomyelin and glycosphingolipids. However, after treatment of cells with uPA or ATF the lipid environment is strongly impoverished of neutral glycosphingolipids.  相似文献   

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