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Phylogeny and Classification of Prunus sensu lato (Rosaceae)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The classification of the economically important genus Prunus L. sensu lato (s.L) is controversial due to the high levels of convergent or the parallel evolution of morphological characters. In the present study, phylogenetic analyses of fifteen main segregates of Prunus s.I. represented by eighty-four species were conducted with maximum parsimony and Bayesian approaches using twelve chloroplast regions (atpB- rbcL, matK, ndhF, psbA-trnH, rbcL, rpL 16, rpoC1, rps16, trnS-G, trnL, trnL-F and ycfl) and three nuclear genes (ITS, s6pdh and Sbel) to explore their infrageneric used to develop a new, phylogeny-based classification relationships. The results of these analyses were of Prunus s.I. Our phylogenetic reconstructions resolved three main clades of Prunus s.I. with strong supports. We adopted a broad-sensed genus, Prunus, and recognised three subgenera corresponding to the three main clades: subgenus Padus, subgenus Cerasus and subgenus Prunus. Seven sections of subgenus Prunus were recognised. The dwarf cherries, which were previously assigned to subgenus Cerasus, were included in this subgenus Prunus. One new section name, Prunus L. subgenus Prunus section Persicae (T. T. yu & L. T. Lu) S. L. Zhou and one new species name, Prunus tianshanica (Pojarkov) S. Shi, were proposed.  相似文献   

Explosive radiations—substantial increases in net species diversification—have been considered one of the most intriguing diversification patterns across the Tree of Life, but the subsequent change, movement, and extinction of the constituent lineages make radiations hard to discern or understand as geological time passes. We used the megadiverse angiosperm genus Solanum L. (Solanaceae), with ca. 1200 currently accepted species distributed worldwide in a wide array of habitats, to explore these patterns on a global scale. We synthesized phylogenetic and distributional data for this ongoing radiation to show how dispersal events and past climatic changes have interacted to shape diversification. We find that, despite the vast diversity of Solanum lineages in the Neotropics, lineages in the Old World are diversifying more rapidly. This recent increase in diversification coincides with a long‐distance dispersal event from the Neotropics to regions where major climatic changes were taking place. Two separate groups of Solanum have migrated and established in Australia, but only the arid‐adapted lineages underwent significant increases in diversification rate, as they were able to adapt to the continent's long‐term climatic trend towards seasonally dry and arid biomes (a pattern observed in the diversification of other arid‐adapted groups). Our findings provide a clear example of how successful colonization of new areas and niches can—but does not always—drive explosive diversifications.  相似文献   

Lake Tebenquiche is one of the largest saline water bodies in the Salar de Atacama at 2,500 m above sea level in northeastern Chile. Bacteria inhabiting there have to deal with extreme changes in salinity, temperature and UV dose (i.e., high environmental dissimilarity in the physical landscape). We analyzed the bacterioplankton structure of this lake by 16S rRNA gene analyses along a spatio-temporal survey. The bacterial assemblage within the lake was quite heterogeneous both in space and time. Salinity changed both in space and time ranging between 1 and 30% (w/v), and total abundances of planktonic prokaryotes in the different sampling points within the lake ranged between two and nine times 10(6) cells mL(-1). Community composition changed accordingly to the particular salinity of each point as depicted by genetic fingerprinting analyses (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis), showing a high level of variation in species composition from place to place (beta-diversity). Three selected sites were analyzed in more detail by clone libraries. We observed a predominance of Bacteroidetes (about one third of the clones) and Gammaproteobacteria (another third) with respect to all the other bacterial groups. The diversity of Bacteroidetes sequences was large and showed a remarkable degree of novelty. Bacteroidetes formed at least four clusters with no cultured relatives in databases and rather distantly related to any known 16S rRNA sequence. Within this phylum, a rich and diverse presence of Salinibacter relatives was found in the saltiest part of the lake. Lake Tebenquiche included several novel microorganisms of environmental importance and appeared as a large unexplored reservoir of unknown bacteria.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of the early branching lineages of the monocotyledons is performed using data from two plastid genes (rbcL and matK), five mitochondrial genes (atp1, ccmB, cob, mttB and nad5) and morphology. The complete matrix includes 93 terminals representing Acorus, the 14 families currently recognized within Alismatales, and numerous lineages of monocotyledons and other angiosperms. Total evidence analysis results in an almost completely resolved strict consensus tree, but all data partitions, genomic as well as morphological, are incongruent. The effects of RNA editing and potentially processed paralogous sequences are explored and discussed. Despite a decrease in incongruence length differences after exclusion of edited sites, the major data partitions remain significantly incongruent. The 14 families of Alismatales are all found to be monophyletic, but Acorus is found to be included in Alismatales rather than being the sister group to all other monocotyledons. The placement is strongly supported by the mitochondrial data, atp1 in particular, but it cannot be explained as an artifact caused by patterns of editing or by sampling of processed paralogues.  相似文献   

Summary Recently, DNA fingerprints have been reported in a wide array of organisms. We used the M13 repeat probe on several genera and species in the angiosperm family Rosaceae. Four apple cultivars could be differentiated when any one of five restriction enzymes was used to analyze minisatellite DNA. Similarly, four individual trees of Prunus serotina (black cherry) exhibited different fingerprints with each of four enyzmes. A total of 14 Rubus (blackberries and raspberries) plants representing four species were investigated with two enzymes. Extensive inter-and intraspecific variation was found. However, some closely growing plants had identical fingerprints, probably due to their being derived through vegetative propagation.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships within the tribe Colletieae (Rhamnaceae) were examined combining data from a previous morphological analysis with data from the trnL intron and trnL-F spacer. Previous studies have failed to confirm monophyly of the genus Discaria, the only genus of the tribe with an amphiantarctic distribution. The data set was analyzed using direct optimization as implemented in the computer program POY. Direct optimization searches for multiple optimal sequence alignments and is therefore well suited for analyzing DNA sequences including ambiguous alignable regions as found in the present study. Eight different costs were used for treating the indel information. Indels were treated as single events, equal to a fifth character state, or strings of gaps were treated as single events using different costs for opening a gap and extending the gap. The optimal cost set was selected by use of both character-based and topological congruence measures. Both congruence measures agreed upon a single optimal cost set. The resulting tree generally agrees with the current taxonomic treatment of the tribe Colletieae that recognizes six genera out of which three are monotypic. However, monophyly of Discaria was not supported and the results strongly suggest segregating D. nana and D. trinervis, and re-establishing the genus Ochetophila.We are grateful to the curator of the Herbario Gaspar Xuárez, Universidad de Buenos Aires (BAA), and to the curators of the Botanic Garden of the University of Copenhagen, Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Jardín Botánico Lucien Hauman (Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires), Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, and Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne, for permission to use material from their collections. María Elena Arce, María Martha Bianchi, Eugenia Chaia, and Neville Walsh kindly provided freshly collected material. We also thank Pablo A. Goloboff, Niels Klazenga, Pauline Y. Ladiges, Martín Ramírez, Ole Seberg, Llywela Williams, and two anonymous reviewers for critically reading earlier drafts of this paper. This work was supported in part by grants TG 028 (Universidad de Buenos Aires) and PIP 4027/96 (CONICET) to D. Medan. The University of Copenhagen supported Lone Aagesen (Ph.D. grant). Jürgen Kellermann received a Ph.D.-scholarship from the University of Melbourne.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation and selective logging can influence the life cycle of tropical tree species at several levels, e.g. , by lowering pollination, by limiting seed dispersal, and by increasing seed predation. Understanding human-induced modifications in ecosystem processes such as seed predation is essential for conservation management of threatened species. We studied the impact of forest fragmentation and selective logging on seed predation of the endangered tree Prunus africana in the tropical rain forest of Kakamega, Kenya. We quantified the activity of seed predators in the main forest, forest fragments, and in sites of different logging intensity in the dry and rainy seasons of 2003 and 2006. Further, we performed predation experiments with single and groups of P. africana seeds in the same sites. We recorded a tendency toward higher activity of seed predators in the main forest compared to fragmented sites. Single seeds, in contrast to groups of seeds, had marginally significantly higher predation rates in intensively logged compared to moderately logged sites. Overall, predation rates showed little relationship to seed predator activity and were highly variable among years and seasons. Additional studies on seedling establishment and survival are needed to predict whether the endangered tree is able to maintain sustainable populations in Kakamega Forest. Only by studying all processes in the life cycle is it possible to develop sound management strategies for the species.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of eight different species from the genera Comarum, Fragaria, Potentilla and Sibbaldia, usually considered as one type, the “Potentilla type”, were examined and morphological features making distinction possible are described  相似文献   


The distribution of inorganic and organic lead species in atmospheric and surface waters from the ?ibenik area (central part of the Eastern Adriatic coast) was investigated. The concentration range of lead compounds in rainwater was 12,000 to 57,000 ng Pb L?1 for total lead, and 10 to 96 ng Pb L?1 for ionic alkyllead compounds (mostly in the form of trialkyl derivatives). In seawater, trialkyllead compounds were detected in concentration from <0.5 to 12.5 ng Pb?1 L, which represented 0.5 to 6.8% of the total lead. These results were compared with data obtained elsewhere, and the influence of lead compounds emitted from leaded gasoline (from automobiles and gasoline stations) on the adjacent water body is elucidated.  相似文献   

The composition of the Dolichopodid fauna was studied at various sites within nymphaeid stands during one growth season in an oxbow lake with the aid of adhesive traps; additional observations were made by means of hand-net collecting at various localities within nymphaeid stands. The first method gave the best results.

With this method the species composition, diversity, spatial and temporal distribution of the Dolichopodid fauna within nymphaeid stands could be described.

Nine species appeared to be common, viz. )in order of decreasing numbers( Hydrophorus praecox )Lehm.(, Dolichopus latilimbatus Mcq.1(, Campsicnemus picticornis )Zett.(, Rhaphium antennatum )Carl.(, Dolichopus nubilus Mg., Hydrophorus litoreus Fall., Campsicnemus pectinulatus Lw., Campsicnemus lumbatus Lw. and Rhaphium elegantulum )Mg.(. With respect to the spatial distribution within the nymphaeid zone both Hydrophorus species were found in large numbers on sites bordering on the open water, while the largest numbers of all other species mentioned above were caught on sites near the helophyte zone. A distinct succession of Dolichopodid species with respect to their numbers could be observed during the growth season on the floating leaves in the sequence Hydrophorus, Campsicnemus, Rhaphium and Dolichopus spp.

The reasons for these distribution patterns are discussed on the basis of what is known of the ecology and behaviour of the various species.  相似文献   

By means of a device that might be considered a modern version of "Ulbricht's sphere" the absorption spectrum and the photoelectric emission of calf thymus DNA was measured in the region of 3 to 25 eV (400 to 50 nm). A tentative explanation of the general shape of the absorption spectrum and of its 6 maxima is given. The results permit a much better insight into some biologic effects of vacuum-uv to be gained than hitherto possible.  相似文献   

We use the small-bodied toucan genus Pteroglossus to test hypotheses about diversification in the lowland Neotropics. We sequenced three mitochondrial genes and one nuclear intron from all Pteroglossus species and used these data to reconstruct phylogenetic trees based on maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses. These phylogenetic trees were used to make inferences regarding both the pattern and timing of diversification for the group. We used the uplift of the Talamanca highlands of Costa Rica and western Panama as a geologic calibration for estimating divergence times on the Pteroglossus tree and compared these results with a standard molecular clock calibration. Then, we used likelihood methods to model the rate of diversification. Based on our analyses, the onset of the Pteroglossus radiation predates the Pleistocene, which has been predicted to have played a pivotal role in diversification in the Amazon rainforest biota. We found a constant rate of diversification in Pteroglossus evolutionary history, and thus no support that events during the Pleistocene caused an increase in diversification. We compare our data to other avian phylogenies to better understand major biogeographic events in the Neotropics. These comparisons support recurring forest connections between the Amazonian and Atlantic forests, and the splitting of cis/trans Andean species after the final uplift of the Andes. At the subspecies level, there is evidence for reciprocal monophyly and groups are often separated by major rivers, demonstrating the important role of rivers in causing or maintaining divergence. Because some of the results presented here conflict with current taxonomy of Pteroglossus, new taxonomic arrangements are suggested.  相似文献   


Activity data from two experimental lizard groups were analysed in order to search for 24 h‐entrained and ultradian periodicities. The data of a first group were obtained through motion sensitive platforms situated under the animals’ cage and continuously for up to 12 consecutive days; those from a second group were collected by manual recording of the behaviour patterns of individual animals for 2 h each day over a 10‐day period. Lizards from both groups were situated in cages inside isolated chambers in which a light‐dark cycle (12:12), a temperature of 28°C ±1° and a relative humidity of 50–60% were maintained. Periodogram analysis showed the existence of a significant period peak (p < 0.01) at 24 h. Autocorrelation functions and spectral analysis of different data‐segment lengths showed that ultradian periodicities were present in the daily motor activity, appearing as noisy though frequency‐band limited. Differences in the frequency band‐limited fluctuations were found between morning and afternoon activities: during the morning ultradian activity appears distributed in two bands (4.5–36 c/day and 63–94 c/day), the power being mainly concentrated in the second one, while during the afternoon it was in the 4.5–36 c/day band. Results from the second lizard group showed only one band (24–60 c/day) overlapped with the first one from the latter group. Although activity recording methods and some experimental conditions are discussed as possible sources of these differences, the possibility of endogenous ultradian variation within the individuals is also suggested.  相似文献   

The history of the study on the woodsiodes is briefly surveyed in the paper. The family Woodsiaceae is recognized by the present author. The relationships among the species and the probable evolution of the family are discussed based on author's cytological and comparative morphological studies, and are indicated by Wagner's method, with numerical values as the indices. Woodsiaceae may have originated from the common ancestor of modern Dicranopteris and Sticherus of Gleicheniaceae, and evolved from it into two main branches, i.e., Woodsia and Protowoodsia. The origin of species through polyploid series are discussed, and W. andersonii, W. subcordata, W. alpina and Cheilanthopsis indosiosa considered as fertile allopolyploids; the probable way of speciation is also suggested for these species.  相似文献   

Seed development, dormancy and germination of the American invasive tree species, Prunus serotina, are described for plants growing in a large forest in Belgium. Seeds of P. serotina were collected following anthesis in the first week of July and thereafter at fortnightly intervals. Seed dormancy, temperature requirements for germination and the soil seed bank were investigated. At maturation (about 105 days after anthesis), seed moisture content had decreased to around 13.7%, and 44% of the seeds had attained the capacity to germinate. Mature seeds of P. serotina exhibited physiological dormancy, germinating only after a long cold, moist stratification period. Highest germination percentage occurred in seeds treated with gibberellic acid (GA3), at 10°C. We found no evidence that P. serotina forms a persistent seed bank but noticed a persistent seedling bank in the field.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine: the 24 h variation of 6‐phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase activities, key enzymes for the maintenance of intracellular NADPH concentration, in rat liver in control and streptozotocin‐induced diabetic animals. Adult male rats were fed ad libitum and synchronized on a 12:12 h light‐dark cycle (lights on 08:00 h). One group of animals was treated with streptozotocin (STZ, 55 mg/kg, intraperitoneal) to induce experimental diabetes. Eight weeks after STZ injection, the animals were sacrificed at six different times of day—1, 5, 9, 13, 17 and 21 Hours After Lights On (HALO)—and livers were obtained. Enzyme activities were determined spectrophotometrically in triplicate in liver homogenates and expressed as units per mg protein. 6‐phosphogluconate dehydrogenase activity was measured by substituting 6‐phosphogluconate as substrate. Glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase activity was determined by monitoring NADPH production. Treatment, circadian time, and interaction between treatment and circadian time factors were tested by either one or two way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Two‐way ANOVA revealed that 6‐phosphogluconate dehydrogenase activity significantly depended on both the treatment and time of sacrifice. 6‐phosphogluconate dehydrogenase activity was higher in control than diabetic animals; whereas, glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase activity did not vary over the 24 h in animals made diabetic by STZ treatment. Circadian variation in the activity of 6‐phosphogluconate dehydrogenase was also detected in both the control and STZ treatment groups (one‐way ANOVA). Time‐dependent variation in glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase activity during the 24 h was detected in control but not in diabetic rats. No significant interaction was detected between STZ‐treatment and time of sacrifice for both hepatic enzyme activities. These results suggest that the activities of NADPH‐generating enzymes exhibit 24 h variation, which is not influenced by diabetes.  相似文献   

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