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了解不同森林群落类型的物种和谱系水平的α和β多样性, 有助于指导森林经营和生物多样性保护。本研究比较了浙江省内不同地点主要森林类型(包括常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林、落叶阔叶林和针阔叶混交林)的物种α多样性和谱系α多样性, 以及物种β多样性和谱系β多样性。研究表明, 该地区主要森林类型的物种和谱系α多样性均存在较大差异, 但控制了空间和地形因子的作用后, 差异几乎全部消失; 森林类型内部及相互间的物种和谱系β多样性均存在显著差异, 同种森林类型内部的物种和谱系β多样性分别小于不同森林类型之间的物种和谱系β多样性, 且在控制了空间和地形因子的作用后, 以上差异仍然显著。本研究表明影响亚热带主要森林群落类型物种和谱系水平的α和β多样性的因素存在差异: α多样性可能主要受到空间和地形因子等的影响, 而β多样性则可能受到森林类型的重要影响。  相似文献   

陈兵  孟雪晨  张东  储玲  严云志 《生态学报》2019,39(15):5730-5745
确定鱼类群落的空间格局是保护和管理河流鱼类多样性的基础。尽管河流鱼类分类群(基于物种组成)的纵向梯度格局已得到大量报道,但其功能群(基于功能特征)的空间格局研究较少。以皖南山区新安江为研究流域,沿其"正源-下游"梯度共设置27个调查样点,分别于2017年5月和10月完成2次调查取样,着重研究了鱼类分类群和功能群结构的纵向梯度格局及其形成机制。共采集鱼类44种,可分为5个运动功能群和4个营养功能群,构成14个"营养-运动"复合功能群。双因素交互相似性分析结果显示,鱼类分类群和功能群均随河流级别显著变化,但两者均无显著的季节变化;根据相似性百分比分析,由1级至3级河流,数量优势物种和功能群的空间变化主要呈嵌套格局,而由3级至5级河流其变化主要呈周转格局。方差分解结果显示,局域栖息地、陆地景观和支流空间位置3类解释变量对分类群和功能群空间变化的解释率分别为33.6%和38.5%,其中,分类群受局域栖息地和支流空间位置变量的显著影响,而功能群受局域栖息地和陆地景观变量的显著影响。研究表明,沿着新安江的"上游-下游"纵向梯度,鱼类分类群和功能群的空间格局基本一致,但两者的形成机制不同:分类群的纵向梯度变化受环境过滤和扩散过程的联合影响,而功能群则主要受环境过滤影响。  相似文献   

戈壁荒漠广泛分布于全球干旱和极旱区域, 是我国陆地生态系统的重要组成部分。由于自然环境恶劣和交通条件限制, 目前有关戈壁植物群落物种、功能和系统发育等多维度β多样性形成机制的系统研究还很缺乏, 严重制约着对戈壁植物多样性维持机制的认知。本文以青藏高原北部61个典型戈壁生境植物群落为研究对象, 通过构建系统发育树和测量8个关键功能性状, 获取戈壁生境的物种、功能和系统发育β多样性, 比较3个维度β多样性格局与零模型的差异, 同时量化环境距离和地理距离对其的相对影响, 以探讨戈壁植物多样性的形成机制。结果显示: (1)戈壁植物的物种、功能和系统发育β多样性均表现出显著的距离衰减效应; (2)戈壁植物的物种、功能和系统发育β多样性均表现为非随机的格局; (3)由于功能性状趋同进化, 植物功能和系统发育β多样性变化趋势并不一致; (4)环境差异对植物3个维度β多样性均有着比空间距离更为重要的影响, 且土壤含水量、地表砾石盖度等局域生境因素的影响比气候更为强烈。以上结果表明, 戈壁植物的β多样性可能主要由局域生境过滤作用控制, 且不同维度的β多样性分布格局并不一致。  相似文献   

β多样性反映生物群落沿某一环境梯度的物种周转速率, 该研究尝试采用β多样性揭示植物群落随小型啮齿草食动物干扰梯度变化的生态过程。该研究利用野外随机样地的采集数据, 分析了高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)不同干扰强度下Whittaker指数的变化特征, 并利用群落二元丰富度的方差分解法, 确定了单个物种(SCBD)和单个干扰位点(LCBD)对β多样性的贡献。主要结果: 随高原鼠兔干扰强度增加, 植物群落内物种周转速率呈先增加后降低的趋势; 占据位点数居中的物种对区域内的β多样性贡献较大, 其中冰草(Agropyron cristatum)、臭蒿(Artemisia hedinii)、小花草玉梅(Anemone rivularis var. flore-minore)等单个物种对整个区域内β多样性的贡献最为突出; 整个区域内干扰位点T0 (高原鼠兔干扰强度为0)对区域β多样性贡献值最大, LCBD值和该位点的群落丰富度呈显著负相关关系, 但与高原鼠兔干扰强度无显著关联。说明重点保护LCBD值高的干扰位点所在的高寒草甸, 以及SCBD值较高的冰草、臭蒿、小花草玉梅, 对保护高原鼠兔存在时高寒草甸植物群落多样性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本研究采用酸法、碱法、酶法和微波法对灵芝β-葡聚糖进行降解,通过降解率、产物分子量变化、产物聚合度分布等指标比较了不同方法的降解效果。结果表明,微波法降解率高达94%,处理后产物的分子量明显降低,寡糖产物聚合度分布广。酶法降解率约为40%,寡糖产物中含有DP2-5的成分。酸法及碱法降解率低于20%,寡糖产物少。研究表明,与其他3种方法相比,微波法降解率高、产物丰富、操作条件易于控制,是一种简单、高效的降解灵芝β-葡聚糖、制备灵芝β-葡寡糖的方法。  相似文献   

植物水的稳定同位素分馏过程是水在土壤-植物-大气连续体中循环的重要环节。以往研究由于叶片水18O同位素比值(δ18O l,b)和氘(D)同位素比值(δDl,b)(合称δl,b)实测数量少只能作为模型验证数据, 导致δl,b富集机制研究多集中于模型研究, 缺乏基于野外试验条件的δl,b富集的控制机制研究。叶片水δDl,bδ18O l,b的富集程度(ΔDl,bΔ18O l,b, 合称Δl,b)通常表示为δl,b与茎秆水D同位素比值(δDx)和18O同位素比值(δ18Ox) (合称δx)之差, 即Δl,b = δl,b - δx。该研究以黑河中游沙漠绿洲春玉米(Zea mays)生态系统为研究对象, 重点采集和分析了季节和日尺度δl,bδx数据, 配套开展了大气水汽δ18O和δD (合称δv)等辅助变量的原位连续观测, 探讨了季节和日尺度上的δl,b富集特征及其影响因素。结果表明: 叶片水δl,bΔl,b的季节变化趋势不明显, 而受蒸腾作用影响表现出白天富集夜间贫化的单峰日变化特征。对于D来说, 无论季节尺度上还是日尺度上, 大气水汽δv和相对湿度是δDl,bΔDl,b的主要环境控制因素; 而对于18O来说, 无论季节尺度上还是日尺度上, 相对湿度是δ18O l,bΔ18O l,b的主要环境控制因素。由于D和18O在热力学平衡分馏上有约8倍差异, 直接分析叶片水ΔDl,bΔ18Ol,b与影响因素的差异性, 有助于理解叶片水δD和δ18O富集过程以及对模型发展有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

汪婷  周立志 《生物多样性》2022,30(7):21445-378
小微湿地是城市生态系统的重要组成部分, 也是生物多样性的重要庇护场所。鸟类作为城市小微湿地生态系统的指示类群, 其多样性时空格局受多种环境因子影响。本研究于2020年8月至2021年7月采用样点法对合肥市45个小微湿地鸟类的种类、数量分布和生境因子进行了调查, 并获取湿地面积、湿地形状、建筑面积比例、植被面积比例、环境噪声、人为干扰和城市化指数等生境变量。通过α多样性和β多样性分析, 研究城市小微湿地鸟类多样性的时空特征及其决定因素。采用信息论模型选择和模型平均法以及基于距离矩阵的多重回归模型进行计算, 确定影响鸟类群落α多样性和β多样性及其组分的主要环境因子。结果显示, 研究区域共有鸟类13目39科102种, 其中水鸟31种, 国家二级重点保护鸟类2种, 安徽省重点保护鸟类17种, IUCN濒危物种红色名录中的易危(VU)物种1种。湿地面积和城市化指数对小微湿地陆地鸟类和水鸟的α多样性、β多样性及其组分均具有显著影响, 其中陆地鸟类物种丰富度在中度和低度城市化之间的小微湿地中达到最高值, 面积超过4 ha的小微湿地能维持较多的水鸟物种。植被面积比例对陆地鸟类多样性具有重要的影响, 而建筑面积比例对水鸟多样性具有显著影响。此外, 总体β多样性及其组分计算结果显示物种周转组分占明显优势, 表明城市小微湿地群作为城市复合生态系统的重要组成部分, 加强整体保护更为必要。研究结果对于加强城市鸟类保护和提高城市生态环境质量具有指导意义。  相似文献   

溪流鱼类多样性沿着河流纵向梯度的空间分布规律已得到大量报道, 但这些研究大多聚焦基于物种组成的分类α多样性, 而有关分类β多样性和功能多样性的纵向梯度分布规律及其对人类干扰的响应研究较少。本文以青弋江上游3条人为干扰程度不同的河源溪流为研究区域, 比较研究了人为干扰对溪流鱼类功能α和β多样性及其纵向梯度分布格局的影响。结果显示, 人类干扰改变了河源溪流鱼类功能多样性的纵向梯度格局——由线性变化变为二项式分布。此外, 我们发现, 人为干扰导致土著种被本地入侵种取代, 且较强的土地利用和水污染排放可能增大环境的不连续性, 而群落周转和嵌套变化往往取决于环境的变化。尽管功能β多样性由嵌套成分主导, 但周转成分占比相对于人为干扰较小的溪流而言明显增加。人为干扰显著改变了受干扰溪流鱼类的物种组成和功能多样性, 且功能多样性的纵向梯度格局在不同的多样性指标上存在差异。本研究强调, 在评估人为干扰下多样性的变化时, 需要从多方面考虑, 包括空间尺度和多样性指标等。  相似文献   

刘静茹  孟莎莎  周卫辉 《遗传》2015,37(8):801-810
Neurexins是神经特异性突触蛋白,Neurexin1β结构的异常与孤独症密切相关。为分析孤独症相关基因NRXN1β最小启动子和调节基因转录的功能元件,本文构建了含NRXN1β基因上游调控区不同区域的荧光素酶报告基因质粒,转染HEK293细胞后,利用检测双荧光素酶报告基因的转录活性以确定NRXN1β基因最小启动子区,进而筛选出相应的显著增强或抑制报告基因活性的功能区;同时,为鉴定顺式作用元件,利用基因定点突变技术对基因功能区内和临近DNA序列进行连续的碱基突变;最后,采用转录因子预测工具对启动子功能区内的转录调控元件进行分析。结果首次发现NRXN1β最小启动子区位于-88~+156 bp,-88~-73 bp和+156~+149 bp可增强启动子活性,+229~+419 bp可抑制启动子活性,且-84~-63 bp为能够显著性增强启动子活性的顺式作用元件,该区域可能存在DBP(Albumin D-site-binding protein,DBP)和ABF1(Autonomously replicating sequence-binding factor 1,ABF1)两个转录因子结合位点。  相似文献   

物种丰富度格局的形成不仅依赖于群落的构建过程, 同样也依赖于群落中的物种组成(如稀有种和常见种)。本文以黄土高原子午岭林区的辽东栎(Quercus wutaishanica)林为研究对象, 根据频度大小对物种进行排序, 形成稀有-常见种和常见-稀有种两条物种序列, 通过逐一添加(去除)物种, 分析引起的总体物种丰富度及其成分(α多样性和β多样性)的变化, 确定稀有种和常见种对物种丰富度格局的相对贡献。结果表明: (1)常见-稀有种序列与群落总体物种丰富度的相关性呈先剧增后平稳的对数增长曲线, 而稀有-常见种序列与群落总体的相关性与前者刚好相反, 呈先平稳后剧增的指数增长曲线; (2) α多样性在常见-稀有种序列中呈明显的对数变化曲线, 而在稀有-常见种序列中呈指数增长曲线; (3)与α多样性变化相反, β多样性在常见-稀有种序列中随物种的进入先迅速降低后逐渐平稳, 而在稀有-常见种序列中先平稳后急剧降低。可以看出, 常见种不仅主导群落的总体物种丰富度格局, 同时也是α多样性和β多样性格局的重要贡献者。因此, 常见种是群落物种丰富度格局的指示者, 也应该是优先保护的物种。  相似文献   

β‐Diversity, which describes the extent of change in species composition in a given region, has become a core issue in ecology in recent years. However, it is hard to understand the underlying mechanisms of β‐diversity by using indices that yield identical values under species replacement and nestedness pattern. Partitioning β‐diversity into turnover (caused by species replacement among plots) and nestedness components (caused by species loss or gain among plots) may provide improved understanding of the variation in species composition. Here, we collected presence–absence data of 456 one‐tenth ha circular plots in the temperate forests of Northeastern China spanning a latitudinal range of 12° (41–53°N). We decomposed β‐diversity to assess the relative contribution of the turnover and nestedness components across latitudinal gradients. We used regression analysis to assess the relationship between spatial distance and β‐diversity. We applied variation partitioning to evaluate the importance of the measured environmental and spatial variables in explaining β‐diversity. We used the Tukey honest significant difference test to test the differences of β‐diversity along latitudinal gradients. Pearson correlations (r) and significance (p‐value) were computed using the Mantel tests to verify the relationship between distance and β‐diversity. The ANOVA test was used to verify whether the variation of β‐diversity explained by the environment and distance was significant. Our results showed that (1) β‐diversity and the turnover component were higher at low latitudes (zones A and B) than at high latitudes (zones C and D), while there was no relationship between the nestedness component and latitude. (2) The turnover component was dominant. (3) The spatial distance explained more variation of β‐diversity than the measured environmental factors. Therefore, we conclude that β‐diversity is mainly a product of species turnover in our temperate forests, suggesting that different localities harbor different species. We find that decomposing β‐diversity into the turnover and nestedness components is a useful approach to explore the variation of community composition and their causes.  相似文献   

Rationale: The αvβ6- and αvβ8-integrins, two cell-adhesion receptors upregulated in many tumors and involved in the activation of the latency associated peptide (LAP)/TGFβ complex, represent potential targets for tumor imaging and therapy. We investigated the tumor-homing properties of a chromogranin A-derived peptide containing an RGDL motif followed by a chemically stapled alpha-helix (called “5a”), which selectively recognizes the LAP/TGFβ complex-binding site of αvβ6 and αvβ8.Methods: Peptide 5a was labeled with IRDye 800CW (a near-infrared fluorescent dye) or with 18F-NOTA (a label for positron emission tomography (PET)); the integrin-binding properties of free peptide and conjugates were then investigated using purified αvβ6/αvβ8 integrins and various αvβ6/αvβ8 single - or double-positive cancer cells; tumor-homing, biodistribution and imaging properties of the conjugates were investigated in subcutaneous and orthotopic αvβ6-positive carcinomas of the pancreas, and in mice bearing subcutaneous αvβ8-positive prostate tumors.Results: In vitro studies showed that 5a can bind both integrins with high affinity and inhibits cell-mediated TGFβ activation. The 5a-IRDye and 5a-NOTA conjugates could bind purified αvβ6/αvβ8 integrins with no loss of affinity compared to free peptide, and selectively recognized various αvβ6/αvβ8 single- or double-positive cancer cells, including cells from pancreatic carcinoma, melanoma, oral mucosa, bladder and prostate cancer. In vivo static and dynamic optical near-infrared and PET/CT imaging and biodistribution studies, performed in mice with subcutaneous and orthotopic αvβ6-positive carcinomas of the pancreas, showed high target-specific uptake of fluorescence- and radio-labeled peptide by tumors and low non-specific uptake in other organs and tissues, except for excretory organs. Significant target-specific uptake of fluorescence-labeled peptide was also observed in mice bearing αvβ8-positive prostate tumors.Conclusions: The results indicate that 5a can home to αvβ6- and/or αvβ8-positive tumors, suggesting that this peptide can be exploited as a ligand for delivering imaging or anticancer agents to αvβ6/αvβ8 single- or double-positive tumors, or as a tumor-homing inhibitor of these TGFβ activators.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial distribution of plant diversity and its drivers are major challenges in biogeography and conservation biology. Integrating multiple facets of biodiversity (e.g., taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional biodiversity) may advance our understanding on how community assembly processes drive the distribution of biodiversity. In this study, plant communities in 60 sampling plots in desert ecosystems were investigated. The effects of local environment and spatial factors on the species, functional, and phylogenetic α‐ and β‐diversity (including turnover and nestedness components) of desert plant communities were investigated. The results showed that functional and phylogenetic α‐diversity were negatively correlated with species richness, and were significantly positively correlated with each other. Environmental filtering mainly influenced species richness and Rao quadratic entropy; phylogenetic α‐diversity was mainly influenced by dispersal limitation. Species and phylogenetic β‐diversity were mainly consisted of turnover component. The functional β‐diversity and its turnover component were mainly influenced by environmental factors, while dispersal limitation dominantly effected species and phylogenetic β‐diversity and their turnover component of species and phylogenetic β‐diversity. Soil organic carbon and soil pH significantly influenced different dimensions of α‐diversity, and soil moisture, salinity, organic carbon, and total nitrogen significantly influenced different dimensions of α‐ and β‐diversity and their components. Overall, it appeared that the relative influence of environmental and spatial factors on taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity differed at the α and β scales. Quantifying α‐ and β‐diversity at different biodiversity dimensions can help researchers to more accurately assess patterns of diversity and community assembly.  相似文献   

Serpins inhibit cognate serine proteases involved in a number of important processes including blood coagulation and inflammation. Consequently, loss of serpin function or stability results in a number of disease states. Many of the naturally occurring mutations leading to disease are located within strand 1 of the C beta-sheet of the serpin. To ascertain the structural and functional importance of each residue in this strand, which constitutes the so-called distal hinge of the reactive center loop of the serpin, an alanine scanning study was carried out on recombinant alpha(1)-antitrypsin Pittsburgh mutant (P1 = Arg). Mutation of the P10' position had no effect on its inhibitory properties towards thrombin. Mutations to residues P7' and P9' caused these serpins to have an increased tendency to act as substrates rather than inhibitors, while mutations at P6' and P8' positions caused the serpin to behave almost entirely as a substrate. Mutations at the P6' and P8' residues of the C beta-sheet, which are buried in the hydrophobic core in the native structure, caused the serpin to become highly unstable and polymerize much more readily. Thus, P6' and P8' mutants of alpha(1)-antitrypsin had melting temperatures 14 degrees lower than wild-type alpha(1)-antitrypsin. These results indicate the importance of maintaining the anchoring of the distal hinge to both the inhibitory mechanism and stability of serpins, the inhibitory mechanism being particularly sensitive to any perturbations in this region. The results of this study allow more informed analysis of the effects of mutations found at these positions in disease-associated serpin variants.  相似文献   

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