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采集于新疆的"中国美味蘑菇"是一种个体巨大的野生蘑菇,迄今未有人工栽培报道。本文已成功对其进行驯化栽培并完成了它的生物学特性研究,可为今后商业化栽培提供科学依据。结果表明,中国美味蘑菇菌丝生长的最佳碳源是葡萄糖,最佳氮源是大豆蛋白胨;菌丝生长最适温度是25℃,最适p H值为6。该种蘑菇可利用稻草、麦杆、芦苇等基质进行栽培;它还有一重要的特点就是出菇可不需覆土,而覆土为一般栽培的蘑菇属种类生产中的必须环节。初步驯化表明,该种蘑菇以芦苇为基质比以稻草为基质的生物学效率高15.01%。  相似文献   

中国美味蘑菇Agaricus sinodeliciosus‘申美1号’品种是野生种人工驯化、选育而来。经过多年的示范栽培表明:‘申美1号’具有中温生长(菌丝生长23℃,出菇16-18℃),产量较高(生物学效率50%),菌龄较短(53d),菇型圆整,菇质紧实,香味浓郁,遗传稳定性高等优良特性,适宜于中国美味蘑菇菌袋栽培模式,能够满足设施化栽培用种需求。  相似文献   

对采自祁连山地区的一株野生食用菌进行分离,通过形态学及其ITS序列的分子系统发育分析鉴定为絮缘蘑菇Agaricus subfloccosus。以分离纯化获得的菌株作为实验材料,对该种的生物学特性和驯化栽培进行研究。检测了不同碳源、氮源、温度、pH、无机盐、维生素在固体培养条件下对絮缘蘑菇菌丝生长的影响,对以上6个因素进行单因素试验,从中挑选出3个较优因素的最优水平进行正交试验。结果表明:实验范围内,絮缘蘑菇菌丝生长最佳碳源为蔗糖,最佳氮源为硝酸钾,最佳无机盐为硫酸镁,最佳维生素为VB12,最佳温度为16℃,最佳pH为6。影响较大的3个因素为碳源、无机盐和pH,絮缘蘑菇最适的营养因子最佳组合配方为:蔗糖25g/L,硝酸钾2g/L,硫酸镁2g/L,pH为5.0。驯化栽培过程中,栽培配方为:木屑79%、高粱籽5%、玉米面5%、石膏1%、麸皮10%。温度16℃使絮缘蘑菇菌丝在90d左右满袋,覆土可培育出子实体。  相似文献   

“苇菇”是主产于新疆的野生食用菌,主要分布于我国西北内陆湖泊周边的芦苇或多枝柽柳林内,埋生或半埋生在土壤中。本研究共采集和收集相关标本91份,开展了形态学和分子系统学研究,结果表明这些宏观形态特征相似的“苇菇”标本并非一个物种,而是分属于蘑菇属Bivelares组的大肥蘑菇Agaricus bitorquis、中华美味蘑菇A. sinodeliciosus和亚托柄蘑菇A. subperonatus;及Nigrobrunnescentes组的帕达纳蘑菇A. padanus。本文对“苇菇”形态进行了描述,并提供了它们的分种检索表。其中大肥蘑菇、亚托柄蘑菇和帕达纳蘑菇在我国和欧洲等地均有分布,而中华美味蘑菇仅在我国有报道。据此,依据1950-2000年生物气候数据结合中华美味蘑菇的分布实地调查结果,利用最大熵模型(maximum entropy model,MaxEnt)开展了对中华美味蘑菇分布区的分析和预测,结果表明中华美味蘑菇适生区在我国主要为新疆天山山脉南北两侧、西藏西南部、青海海西州、甘肃西北部以及内蒙古西部地区;预测国外适生区域在中亚的哈萨克斯坦和蒙古国。物种分布模型涉及的环境变量对模型的贡献率显示,最湿月降水量、最暖季度降水量、最冷季度平均温度和最暖月最高温是影响中华美味蘑菇分布的主要环境因子。研究结果表明中华美味蘑菇适生区域狭窄,为狭域种,建议应加强相关资源的保护,并积极拓展其可持续利用途径以降低对野生中华美味蘑菇子实体的过度消耗。  相似文献   

贺林 《遗传》2015,37(6):613-614
2015年年初,美国总统奥巴马在国情咨文中提出了一个预算2.15亿美元的“精准医学计划”,希望以此“引领一个医学时代”。新闻一经发布,“精准医学”立刻成为了媒体和百姓嘴边的热词,受此影响国内亦有不少人士纷纷为美国总统的这一计划点“赞”。有人用“医学革命”来形容它,有人用“开创性”来抬高它,还有一个传闻,受奥巴马“精准医学计划”的影响,中国将在15年内投入600亿元人民币启动并发展中国版的“精准医学计划”。对此,有人提出了质疑,美国版精准医学计划是否符合中国国情?是否存在“水土不服”的可能?直接套用美国总统的智慧能否解决具有中国特色的实际问题?争论由此引发一个让人思考的问题,究竟什么才是现代医学的核心?在盲目堆钱的行动前,我们确实有必要从科学和临床应用的角度来探讨和思考一下现代医学的发展方向。 为了能“精准”地看到问题的实质,我将从当下时髦并且相关的词汇谈起,通过梳理,期待找出解决人类健康问题的真正钥匙。  相似文献   

覆土是影响双孢蘑菇产量、质量和出菇整齐度的重要因子,利用现代分子生态学的方法快速、准确地对不同覆土基质微生物结构特征进行检测,以进一步了解微生物群落与双孢蘑菇相互作用关系。测定了不同覆土的理化特性,应用PCR技术对不同覆土材料提取总DNA,扩增细菌16S rDNA和真菌28S rDNA,运用变性梯度凝胶电泳技术对PCR产物进行分析,研究双孢蘑菇不同覆土基质微生物结构特征。结果表明:不同处理的覆土材料微生物群落的基因具有多样性,其中细菌群落基因多样性存在差异,使用纯泥炭与粉碎稻草处理差异最大,相似性仅为62%;通过真菌28S rDNA变性梯度凝胶电泳结果显示,粉碎稻草处理多样性指数最高,达3.576,但随着泥炭比例的提高,覆土处理中真菌群落的多样性相对减少;栽培试验发现,双孢蘑菇子实体形成量、总产量可能与覆土中的真菌群落多样性呈负相关。  相似文献   

张波  叶雷  周洁  谭伟  李小林 《菌物学报》2022,41(1):160-162
毛木耳新品种‘昊阳黄背2号’是以采自什邡市龙泉山的野生毛木耳子实体经系统选育而成,适宜四川省成都市、德阳市等种植毛木耳的区域栽培。菌丝生长最适温度为24-30 ℃,子实体最适生长温度为25-28 ℃。耳片呈耳形或不规则形,子实体丛生;耳片边缘光滑,颜色深红褐色。平均每袋干耳产量为203 g。  相似文献   

香菇‘申香1644’是以传统优质栽培品种‘申香215’为亲本,采用多孢自交育种技术选育的新品种。其菌盖纵切面呈凸形,菌盖直径(6.15±0.38) cm,菌盖厚度(2.27±0.42) cm,菇型圆整,菇质紧实,产量高,生物学转化率95%以上。与亲本相比,‘申香1644’在分子标记和栽培性状上均具有明显差异性,其菌盖为浅黄褐色,颜色较亲本浅;菌龄100-105 d,较亲本缩短5-10 d。‘申香1644’菌丝生长适宜温度为22-26 ℃,原基发育适宜温度为16-22 ℃,可在全国范围内进行代料栽培。  相似文献   

张波  叶雷  周洁  谭伟  李小林 《菌物学报》2021,40(6):1583-1585
猴头菌新品种‘川猴菇1号’是从黑龙江海林市采集到的野生猴头菌(HT2000)经系统选育而成,适宜四川省凉山州地区及类似生态区域栽培。菌丝生长最适温度为20-25℃,出菇最适温度15-20℃,生育期45-50d,单个子实体130-170g,呈白色至黄白色,中实有弹性,生物转化率85%。  相似文献   

2015年5月在“五四青年节”来临之际,共青团中央、全国青联联合授予了25 名同志“第19届中国青年五四奖章”的荣誉称号。在这25名获奖者中,我刊编委来自云南大学的于黎研究员作为唯一的女性科学家代表令人瞩目。作为中国优秀青年最高荣誉的获得者,于黎博士无疑成为科研界青年学子学习的又一个榜样。她是如何走上科研的道路,又是如何追逐自己的科研梦想的?带着这些问题,我们一起走进她的世界。  相似文献   

不同培养料和发酵次数栽培巴氏菇比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李丹  冯德昌  李玉 《菌物研究》2010,8(2):115-118
分别以玉米秸秆和稻草为培养料栽培巴氏菇,对菌丝生长性状进行对比;同时,在我国传统发酵栽培方法的基础上,将三次发酵法与二次发酵法进行了对比。试验结果表明:利用玉米秸秆栽培的巴氏菇在发菌速度及子实体质量和产量上均优于稻草;培养料经过3次发酵更适宜巴氏菇生长。经过3次发酵的玉米秸秆培养料栽培的巴氏菇产量和生物学效率分别为7.7 kg/m2和27.5%,子实体粗蛋白含量44.89%,可溶性糖含量44.01%,18种氨基酸总量31.70%,明显高于2次发酵的玉米秸秆培养料及2次、3次发酵的稻草培养料。  相似文献   

双孢蘑菇是世界消费量最大的食用菌之一,不同于欧美国家的麦草栽培配方,我国双孢蘑菇栽培材料主要是以水稻秸秆为主.为了降低农业秸秆废弃物的焚烧和我国双孢蘑菇产业的持续发展,需因地制宜地开发和利用各地特色农业废弃物资源作为双孢蘑菇栽培的基质.为鉴别不同材料栽培的双孢蘑菇子实体的营养和产量差异,本研究以8种不同基质配方栽培的双...  相似文献   

Casing materials and practices used in the cultivation of Agaricus bisporus were evaluated in the cultivation of Agaricus subrufescens, using the best techniques for optimization of production, including the possibility of re-casing of the compost for the production of a second crop of mushroom. Casing based on peat moss, loam soil or coir was compared to casing material mixed with or without spawn-run compost. Based on the results, we conclude that the casing layer used in the cultivation of A. subrufescens should not necessarily be the same as that used in the cultivation of A. bisporus. For the tested strain cultivated with loam soil as casing layer, the ruffling technique is highly superior to CACing and should be pursued in further research. The re-casing of compost in new cycles showed good results suggesting that the currently used compost could be improved.  相似文献   

Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) was cultivated on rice straw basal substrate, wheat straw basal substrate, cotton seed hull basal substrate, and wheat straw or rice straw supplemented with different proportions (15%, 30%, and 45% in rice straw substrate, 20%, 30%, and 40% in wheat straw substrate) of cotton seed hull to find a cost effective substrate. The effect of autoclaved sterilized and non-sterilized substrate on growth and yield of oyster mushroom was also examined. Results indicated that for both sterilized substrate and non-sterilized substrate, oyster mushroom on rice straw and wheat basal substrate have faster mycelial growth rate, comparatively poor surface mycelial density, shorter total colonization period and days from bag opening to primordia formation, lower yield and biological efficiency, lower mushroom weight, longer stipe length and smaller cap diameter than that on cotton seed hull basal substrate. The addition of cotton seed hull to rice straw and wheat straw substrate slowed spawn running, primordial development and fruit body formation. However, increasing the amount of cotton seed hull can increase the uniformity and white of mycelium, yield and biological efficiency, and increase mushroom weight, enlarge cap diameter and shorten stipe length. Compared to the sterilized substrate, the non-sterilized substrate had comparatively higher mycelial growth rate, shorter total colonization period and days from bag opening to primordia formation. However, the non-sterilized substrate did not gave significantly higher mushroom yield and biological efficiency than the sterilized substrate, but some undesirable characteristics, i.e. smaller mushroom cap diameter and relatively long stipe length.  相似文献   

The edible mushroom Oudemansiella tanzanica nom. prov., which is new to science, has been studied as a potential crop to reduce agricultural solid wastes and increase domestic mushroom production. The substrates sawdust, sisal waste and paddy straw supplemented with chicken manure resulted in the highest biological efficiencies of any mushroom cultivated in Tanzania so far. In addition, the mushroom has one of the shortest cultivation cycles at 24 d. Despite the fact that the mushroom extracts substantial amounts of nutrients, the spent substrate can be used as fodder, as a soil conditioner and fertilizer and in bioremediation.  相似文献   

Agaricus brasiliensis cultures quickly lose viability when stored at cool temperatures, even for a short period of time. We evaluated several low-cost preservation methods using varied substrates, preservation solutions, and storage temperatures. Agaricus brasiliensis was intolerant to freezing temperatures, making liquid nitrogen use and deep-freezing methods impossible for its preservation. The best preservation conditions for the A. brasiliensis CS1 strain tested in this study were obtained by using rice as substrate and water as preservation solution, with storage at room temperature or when using soil, mushroom cultivation compost, or rice and stored at 10 °C without preservation solution. Those cultures that were reactivated showed the same productivity attributes as the control. In addition, no effect on productivity or biological efficiency was observed through successive subculturing of the strain (CS1). Parboiled rice was successfully used for other A. brasiliensis strains (CS2, CS5, CS7, CS9, and CS10), and also for Pleurotus ostreatus, P. sajor-caju, and Lentinula edodes.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using olive mill waste (OMW) as an ingredient in the substrate used for cultivation of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Sing. was studied in a large-scale cultivation trial, concerning 2500 m2 of mushroom growing area, at a specialized mushroom farm. Standard commercial cultivation technique involving compost preparation, spawning, casing and harvesting was used. The performance indicators such as mushroom yield, biological efficiency, market quality as well as horticultural value of the spent compost showed that the compost prepared with OMW was superior to the control compost in all the categories. The OMW-amended substrate supported higher populations of beneficial microorganisms especially, actinomycetes which enabled the breakdown of the compost ingredients. It is suggested that OMW is a suitable ingredient for the preparation of mushroom substrate. We have demonstrated that conversion of OMW (a liability) into value-added mushroom substrate (an asset) is an effective waste management tool in oleaculture.  相似文献   

秦文韬  赵娟  高琳  王守现  刘宇  乔广行 《菌物学报》2022,41(9):1458-1470
卵孢小奥德蘑Oudemansiella raphanipes是一类依赖覆土栽培的食用菌。本文采用Illumina MiSeq高通量测序技术结合生态学及统计学分析方法研究卵孢小奥德蘑覆土真菌群落特征和影响因素。结果表明,与原始覆土内真菌群落相比,种植卵孢小奥德蘑后的覆土内真菌群落多样性显著下降;在组成方面,虽然优势菌门仍为子囊菌门Ascomycota,但其中的CladosporiumAcremoniumGibberellaEmericellopsis等属的相对丰度有所降低,而隶属于被孢霉门Mortierellomycota的StilbellaNeocosmosporaPseudogymnoascusPreussia等属的相对丰度呈增加趋势。卵孢小奥德蘑覆土真菌以腐生营养型为主,与原始覆土相比,种植卵孢小奥德蘑后的粪生营养型真菌和木腐菌呈增加的趋势;进一步研究发现pH、速效钾、速效磷和总氮等覆土土壤理化性质显著影响真菌群落的多样性和结构,pH和速效钾含量与真菌群落的丰富度和多样性呈显著负相关关系。研究结果为深入解析卵孢小奥德蘑覆土微生态机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

Oyster mushroom cultivation with rice and wheat straw   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Cultivation of the oyster mushroom, Pleurotus sajor-caju, on rice and wheat straw without nutrient supplementation was investigated. The effects of straw size reduction method and particle size, spawn inoculation level, and type of substrate (rice straw versus wheat straw) on mushroom yield, biological efficiency, bioconversion efficiency, and substrate degradation were determined. Two size reduction methods, grinding and chopping, were compared. The ground straw yielded higher mushroom growth rate and yield than the chopped straw. The growth cycles of mushrooms with the ground substrate were five days shorter than with the chopped straw for a similar particle size. However, it was found that when the straw was ground into particles that were too small, the mushroom yield decreased. With the three spawn levels tested (12%, 16% and 18%), the 12% level resulted in significantly lower mushroom yield than the other two levels. Comparing rice straw with wheat straw, rice straw yielded about 10% more mushrooms than wheat straw under the same cultivation conditions. The dry matter loss of the substrate after mushroom growth varied from 30.1% to 44.3%. The straw fiber remaining after fungal utilization was not as degradable as the original straw fiber, indicating that the fungal fermentation did not improve the feed value of the straw.  相似文献   

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